> Hello, LAME developers.
> This is the first time for me to post the message to this community. So
> please let me allow introduce myself. My name is Osamu Shigematsu, and now
> porting LAME to Macintosh. My work had done and now optimizing the code for
> Macintosh.

Hi Osamu,

Be sure to check out the MacLame project:  

> BTW, I wonder if why the buffer for mp3 encorder is buffer[2][1152].
> So we have to copy from insamp to buffer and the order is deffernt from
> both, I can not use memcpy to copy the memory block. (of course, this is
> terrible waste of the time, just pass buffer pointer to the read_samples
> subroutine)
> Does anyone know the reason? TIA.

Most of the time there is no good reason for doing it they
way it is done - we just inhertted it from the ISO code :-)
But in this case, you really need buffer[2][1152], so that
the data for one channel is in a contagious chunk.  The FFTs and
MDCTs only work on one channel at a time.


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