> on 99.11.8 5:01 PM, "Ben \"Jacobs\"" at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 1. In C/C++ Language settings panel, try disabling "ANSI Strict".  I
> > think that will allow you to compile the //-style comments.
> I also solve this way, though, this is not good solution. The best way is to
> fix source codes are not used // style comments by auther. Otherwise, every
> thime when updated the code, I have to edit // to /* */.

I've got so many patches which change all the c++ comments to c style,
I finally gave in and got rid of all the //'s :-)

> > 2. To solve the problem of local data >32k in file "lame.c", I moved the
> > large arrays outside the local function.  In other words, I made them
> > global within the file.

What kind of compiler would have a 32k limit for data on the stack???
The Amiga seemed to have this problem, but you could set some option
to increase the limit.  

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