Could it not be that the DHCP server of your DSL provider is assigning you a name (and an IP address) when you connect? I know that when I communicated the IP address of my machine to the network administrator for DNS and DHCP I also had to tell them the host name I wanted for my machine.

I don't know of books or HOWTO (have you tried, but you can try
$ man dhclient.conf
$ man dhclient

Also, you can read the current DHCP info typing
# cat dhclient-eth0.leases

Can I ask why do you want to force a particular hostname during the DSL connection?


Can anyone point me to a comprehensive article, book, etc. for Linux and DHCP. It seems that my computer, when conected to my DSL changes the host name on my computer. When I disconnect it returns to normal. Any ideas on how I can change it so that it doesn't do it ? TIA, Maureen

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