On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 21:04:53 -0400, "Kevin B. O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you again for the help.

Yer welcome.
> I looked at samba.org, and they have rpms. I tried the latest RPM 
> available, which is for Red Hat 9, and it is 2.2.8, but it would not 
> install. Is that what I should be using?

As a rule, no--use Mandrake-specific RPMs. As Vincent demonstrated
in the last day or so, it's often best to use Mandrake RPMs, even
if it's not the latest.

Go to http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/index.php and configure urpmi
sources. Then whenever you want to install something, do a 

  urpmi packagename

It'll take care of downloading, installing, and dependencies. 


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