At 11:21 PM 9/25/2003, Miark said something remarkably like (but somehow subtly different from):
On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 21:04:53 -0400, "Kevin B. O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you again for the help.

Yer welcome.

> I looked at, and they have rpms. I tried the latest RPM
> available, which is for Red Hat 9, and it is 2.2.8, but it would not
> install. Is that what I should be using?

As a rule, no--use Mandrake-specific RPMs. As Vincent demonstrated
in the last day or so, it's often best to use Mandrake RPMs, even
if it's not the latest.

Go to and configure urpmi
sources. Then whenever you want to install something, do a

urpmi packagename

It'll take care of downloading, installing, and dependencies.

Thank you. I now have Samba server running on my system. Now all I need to do is figure out how to configure it.<g>

Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL
"Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed." -- I.F. Stone

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