On Sunday 28 September 2003 01:35, Derek wrote:
> On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 1:13 am, Lance Cummings wrote:
> > y> Bad idea, If your computer connected to the Internet. Even
> > though, the number y> of viruses/trojans for LINUX is miniscule
> > it not 0. Given all user root y> rights will increase chance for
> > getting your box compromise.
> >
> > Along that line . . . what are some of the Internet "gotchas"
> > regarding Linux? 

> There are very few gotchas. But here are a few things to consider
> 1/ Do not run as root- If you do then just visiting a web site
> with a browser which has an exploit could cause arbitary code to
> execute as root. Not very likely, but technically possible.

Good to know, thanks.  I will be tempted to run as root someday I'm 
sure, as I run as "administrator" (but renamed for security) in 
WIndows.  But that would be quite some time from now, and maybe I 
will forgo the idea entirely if it's not too big a pain not to be 
root.  ^^_^^

> 2/ Do not use weak root or user passwords. There are utilities
> which will guess a weak password quite quickly. Also make sure you
> are running at a security level high enough to report unsuccessful
> logins  (I think 'standard' security is OK)

Same advice applies to Windows, thanks.  I am running 'standard', so 
glad to hear it will prolly suffice.  I use strong passwords, and I 
expire them.

> 3/ Make sure you enter an email address in the Mandrake control
> Centre Security window. That way you will be alerted to security
> attacks.

Totally unaware.  Thanks.

> 4/ Install the chkrootkit RPM which will examine your system daily
> to see if you have been compromised. It does not need any set up.
> Its reports will come in your daily Mandrake security report.

On the CD?  (guess I'll go have a look)

> 5/ Read about how msec (Mandrake Secure) works at
> http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/

Okay.  Right after I finish 'War and Peace'.  ^_-

> 6/ Do your Mandrake Security updates regularly, either by the GUI,
> or from an automated cron job
> The command
> urpmi.update updates && urpmi --update --auto-select
> will do the updates for you.
> (That assumes you have defined a urpmi update source called
> updates)

Oh-oh.  Unknown thing.  Danger, Will Robinson!  (I have defined no 
such thing, and would be unlikely to do so until I figure out how to 
do it.)  <lol>

> Note:Now you are running Mdk 9.2RC2 you **must** delete your
> current 9.1 urpmi sources and add 9.2 sources.

Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh.  A **must** that I have no idea how to 
accomplish.  I am in deep kimchi now, I suspect.

Thanks Derek,


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