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September 27, 2003 11:20 pm, Lance Cummings wrote:

> Good to know, thanks.  I will be tempted to run as root someday I'm
> sure, as I run as "administrator" (but renamed for security) in
> WIndows.  But that would be quite some time from now, and maybe I
> will forgo the idea entirely if it's not too big a pain not to be
> root.  ^^_^^

For your personal security resist that temptation. _Please!_ If a "gremlin" 
manages to crawl in through a malicious script or other methods the worst 
that might happen is a loss of anything not backed up. Yeah, I read your 
other post. Sounds as though you back up almost as much as I do. Suspenders 
and belt. Or as Anne would say; "Belt'n'braces." If you cruise to a den of 
iniquity containing a nest of "viper scripts" as root you won't like the 

At all.

> > 2/ Do not use weak root or user passwords. There are utilities
> > which will guess a weak password quite quickly. Also make sure you
> > are running at a security level high enough to report unsuccessful
> > logins  (I think 'standard' security is OK)
> Same advice applies to Windows, thanks.  I am running 'standard', so
> glad to hear it will prolly suffice.  I use strong passwords, and I
> expire them.

That works.

> > 3/ Make sure you enter an email address in the Mandrake control
> > Centre Security window. That way you will be alerted to security
> > attacks.
> Totally unaware.  Thanks.
> > 4/ Install the chkrootkit RPM which will examine your system daily
> > to see if you have been compromised. It does not need any set up.
> > Its reports will come in your daily Mandrake security report.
> On the CD?  (guess I'll go have a look)

It should be. We'll get to source repositories in a minute.

> > 5/ Read about how msec (Mandrake Secure) works at
> > http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/
> Okay.  Right after I finish 'War and Peace'.  ^_-

Smart ass. Good one. ^_-

> > 6/ Do your Mandrake Security updates regularly, either by the GUI,
> > or from an automated cron job
> > The command
> > urpmi.update updates && urpmi --update --auto-select
> > will do the updates for you.
> > (That assumes you have defined a urpmi update source called
> > updates)
> Oh-oh.  Unknown thing.  Danger, Will Robinson!  (I have defined no
> such thing, and would be unlikely to do so until I figure out how to
> do it.)  <lol>

Make your life easier Lance and click the link below. Change the release in 
the pull down to cooker and ask for cooker, contribs, and PLF. Then modify 
the command for PLF to reflect the fact that the hdlists aren't in the RPM 
directory any more. I'd suggest easynet for the plf source. After the sources 
set up use the command you see above. Or the one below the link;


This is the form they'll take. I'm giving the command to add plf easynet:

urpmi.addmedia PLF ftp://ftp.easynet.fr/plf/cooker/i586 with ../hdlist.cz

alternate update command;

urpmi.update -a -f && urpmi --wget --no-verify-rpm --auto-select -v

you may also need to run this one occasionally if everything on your menu 
seems to become a directory rather than an icon.

rpm --rebuilddb && updatedb && update-menus -n && ldconfig

> > Note:Now you are running Mdk 9.2RC2 you **must** delete your
> > current 9.1 urpmi sources and add 9.2 sources.
> Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh.  A **must** that I have no idea how to
> accomplish.  I am in deep kimchi now, I suspect.

urpmi.removemedia -a

You'll find instructions on the site at the link I posted above under "Step3" 
where your source configuration commands will be after they're generated.

> Thanks Derek,
> Lance

Have fun!

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Cooker on kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
23:46:24 up 7 days, 13:06, 1 user, load average: 0.07, 0.15, 0.16
Today is a good day to bribe a high-ranking public official.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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