I just started my "experimental" Linux box and discovered that it
doesn't like my password.  I can go in as my alternate user, and after
successfully logging in, type in "su" then the root password and it
works just fine.  I then changed the root password via passwd logged out
and tried again.  Still no luck.

There was a thread earlier I think about some versions having problems
in this area.  I'm using Red Hat Linux 6.0, Mandrake 2.2.9-19 mdk,
compiled 5/19/99 19:53 GMT.

Please tell me this is a problem with my version and to go get something
newer.  When you do tell me this, (I hope!), where's the best place,
(Red Hat Mandrake site?),  and which version is stable?  By the way, I
understand the 2.2.9 but not the -19.  What's that for?  There's nothing
in the HOWTOs I've been able to find on the numbering scheme that far

Thanks and Merry Christmas to all.  Now to put up my home electronic
weather station Santa got me......and where was that serial cable?

B. B.

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