On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Toyswins wrote:
> I think I discovered the problem.  Hinted at it the other message.  My / partition
> ran out of space.  It got weird with signing in and some other stuff, so might have
> something to do with it.  A 347 Mb one isn't big enough.  I've changed it to 1.2
> Gb, and if that doesn't work, nothing will.  I've got a 400 and 212 Mb drives as
> hdb and hdc that hold /usr, /home, swap and so forth.

I do not have a direct solution for your problems, but isn't a 1.2Gb
partition for / a little too big compared to the other partition? 
The directories under root are pretty static in terms of size.  I would
have thought that you would want more space in /usr or /home. (Perhaps
someone more knowledgable could chip in here).

 -- Ronald

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