I did that, and am aware of the difference in capital vice lower case.  First
thing I thought of, and it worked initially.  I figure it's something I did
and don't have a clue now what it could have been.

The -19 makes sense so I'll go with that.  Expert that you are...heh heh.

Merry Christmas and go to bed early tonight.....you stayed up late last night
right?  I sure did.  New Puppy and all.

B. B.

John Aldrich wrote:

> On Sat, 25 Dec 1999, Toyswins wrote:
> > I just started my "experimental" Linux box and discovered that it
> > doesn't like my password.  I can go in as my alternate user, and after
> > successfully logging in, type in "su" then the root password and it
> > works just fine.  I then changed the root password via passwd logged out
> > and tried again.  Still no luck.
> >
> > There was a thread earlier I think about some versions having problems
> > in this area.  I'm using Red Hat Linux 6.0, Mandrake 2.2.9-19 mdk,
> > compiled 5/19/99 19:53 GMT.
> >
> > Please tell me this is a problem with my version and to go get something
> > newer.  When you do tell me this, (I hope!), where's the best place,
> > (Red Hat Mandrake site?),  and which version is stable?  By the way, I
> > understand the 2.2.9 but not the -19.  What's that for?  There's nothing
> > in the HOWTOs I've been able to find on the numbering scheme that far
> > down.
> >
> > Thanks and Merry Christmas to all.  Now to put up my home electronic
> > weather station Santa got me......and where was that serial cable?
> >
> Hmm...have you made sure you're entering it the same way you created
> it? Keep in mind that upper case and lower case are different in
> Linux. Windows treats them the same, but Linux sees them differently.
> As for the -19, the way that was explained to me is that it indicates
> the "release candidate version." You will have several versions of
> kernel 2.2.9, with versious "bug fixes" and other "tweaks" but not
> enough to call it a different kernel version. :-)
>         John

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