Synology, in their NAS products, include NUT for UPS based power management. But although Synology use upsd to talk to the UPS unit, they have their own power management software called "Safe Mode". This reduces upsmon and upssched to pure passthrough with the status changes handled by Synology scripts synoupscommon + synoups.

 What NUT does

NUT, in upsmon, provides a basic UPS management which I will call "Emergency Shutdown" based on status [LB], and in upssched NUT provides a more complex time-based UPS management which I call "Managed Shutdown", and which is more suitable for installations with frequent wall power failures. Managed Shutdown becomes Emergency Shutdown when the battery is exhausted. The software design is simple with rapid handling by upsmon of the received status changes following the declarations in the configuration file.. Timers run independently and generate further status changes for upssched, again following the declarations in the configuration file.

 What Synology does

Synology do neither of NUT's Emergency or Managed shutdowns. Even the basic Emergency Shutdown mechanism of NUT's upsmon is absent. See SHUTDOWNCMD "" in their upsmon.conf. They have invented their own shutdown plan which they call "Safe Mode". It's an emotive term which is good in sales literature but something of a red flag in a disaster recovery audit.

The software design differs from NUT. While handling a status change, Synology will loop waiting for confirmation via upsc of the UPS status. This can lead to complex situations.

The following descriptions will refer to Synology's SZF flags. These are files, often in /tmp, which are either defined or not defined. Their contents are comments on what is happening. Synology's function UPSStatusGet returns the upsc report for ups.status.

Synology's Safe Mode accepts 5 status changes: online, onbatt, lowbatt, fsd and shutdownups. I summarise each one:

 Status change: online

Function UPSRestart loops waiting up to 3 minutes for flag SZF_SAFEMODE_DONE aka /tmp/safeModeDone to be defined before calling telinit 6 for a system re-boot. Note that the timer is in a local loop. If power fails during this time, it looks as if the status change is ignored. Good timer management would requires the timer to be run externally producing a new call of Synology's software.

 Status change: onbatt

Sets flag SZF_ONBATT aka /tmp/ups.onbatt

 Status changes: lowbatt, fsd

Calls function UPSSafeMode which checks the UPS status and exits if [OL]. This code will fail if the UPS status is [OL CHRG], and although the UPS is online, the NAS will shutdown. Here is the relevant snippet:

        if [ "$St" = "OL" ]; then
                SYSLOG "WARNING: UPS is On-Line"
        echo "$1" > $SZF_SAFEMODE

        /usr/syno/bin/synologset1 sys warn 0x11300011
        SYSLOG "[UPS] Server is going to Safe Mode. It will stop all services and 
umount all volumes."

 Status change: shutdownups

Calls function UPSShutdown. which checks the UPS status and reboots if [OL]. This code will fail if the UPS status is [OL CHRG], and although the UPS is online, the NAS will shutdown. Here is the relevant snippet:

        while [ $OL -ne 2 -a $LB -ne 2 ]; do
                sleep 10

The following test will fail if St="OL CHRG".

                if [ "$St" = "OL" ]; then
                        OL=`expr $OL + 1`
                        LB=`expr $LB + 1`
                echo "OL=$OL LB=$LB" >> $SZF_SAFEMODE
        if [ $OL -eq 2 ]; then
                synologset1 sys warn 0x11300012
                echo "UPS back to On-Line and reboot." >> $SZF_SAFEMODE
                $SYNOBOOTBIN --unset-safe-shutdown
                telinit 6

If St="OL CHRG", the following code is executed and the NAS shuts down even though the UPS is online.

        elif [ $LB -eq 2 ]; then
                touch /var/.NormalShutdown
                if [ $UPSSafeShutdown -eq 0 ]; then
                        echo "Waiting UPS exhausted." >> $SZF_SAFEMODE
                        SYSLOG "Waiting UPS exhausted."
                        echo "UPS safe shutdown." >> $SZF_SAFEMODE
                        SYSLOG "UPS safe shutdown."


Synology's Safe Mode is a complete replacement for NUT's upsmon and upssched and looks to be buggy with at least some UPS units. The Safe Mode seems to be an attempt to do a Managed Shutdown, but keeps the NAS running which will deplete the UPS. The overall design is weak. The logic is code-based rather than configuration file based, and is unduly complex.

If you have problems with having the NAS as master, make it a slave, and run the NUT configuration of your choice in your PC/workstation.


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