On 8/12/20 3:55 AM, Todd Benivegna wrote:

You are absolutely right.  I think this is all the Synology just being very dumb.  I guess those are my only two options at this point.

I have no idea on how to set up the NUT server though on one of my NUCs or my Pi.  Do you know any good guides out there?

there are literally tons of guides. for instance:

https://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/5ssb5h/ups_server_on_raspberry_pi/ and scroll down to configuring, past the apt install step (which you already did )

basically all you need is to edit a few files below /etc/nut/ . takes 5 min top

  I’m guessing it’s easy enough to edit upsmon.conf on the Synology in order to get that to become a slave; I think would be all that’s required for the Synology NAS.

Yeah I saw that.  Makes no sense.  I can Wireshark it, however even if I find the cause, I’d still have to go to Synology for resolution, which I doubt will ever get fixed.  Even if they do, I doubt it’d be any time soon.  Maybe that’s me being pessimistic, I don’t know, but I just don’t if I have the time or energy for all that!

no need to wireshark any more, we already know that it sends bogus FSD

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