>> # truss ./upsd
> Can you try this again with "-DDD"? It's hard to match the system
> calls to source code, and I'm not very familiar with Solaris or truss
> anymore.
> I forget, is IPv6 enabled in the NUT ./configure script?

It is, otherwise it wouldn't show 'setuptcp: try to bind to port
3493' in the debug output (this line is only in the new IPv4/IPv6 code).
But are you sure IPv4 is available on this system? In other words, you're
not trying to set this up on an IPv6 only system?

What is missing in the output from the '/usr/local/ups/sbin/upsd -DDDD' is
the reason why setuptcp failed to open a socket. The only reason that is
currently not specifically displayed while looping through the list of
available addrinfo structures, is if the requested sockettype or protocol
is not in the list. This shouldn't happen, you appear to have no access to
socket operations on that port.

What kind of system is this?

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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