On 02/15/2011 03:27 PM, Arjen de Korte wrote:
Citeren Zach La Celle <lace...@roboticresearch.com>:

You can see where the problem happens in parseconf.c, on line 125 with the code:
/* resize the lists */
ctx->arglist = realloc(ctx->arglist,
                                   sizeof(char *) * ctx->numargs);

With the given arguments, this boils down to

    ctx->arglist = realloc(NULL, sizeof(char *));

This is all normal. Upon the first invocation of add_arg_word, ctx->arglist will be a NULL pointer (since there is nothing in the list yet). This should then allocate a one element array of a pointer to char (to store the

"If ptr is a null pointer, realloc() shall be equivalent to malloc() for the specified size."

After that, all hell breaks loose, but that's out of our control.

There is a slight problem in lines 131-132

    ctx->argsize = realloc(ctx->argsize, sizeof(int *) * ctx->numargs);

which should really read

    ctx->argsize = realloc(ctx->argsize, sizeof(size_t) * ctx->numargs);

but I doubt that sizeof(size_t) will be smaller that sizeof(int *), so this just wastes a few bytes of memory.

This also might help:
(gdb) p *ctx
$4 = {f = 0x0, state = 5, ch = 9, arglist = 0x0, argsize = 0x0, numargs = 1, maxargs = 1, wordbuf = 0x61f2e0 "Z", wordptr = 0x61f2fd "", wordbufsize = 16, linenum = 0, error = 0, errmsg = '\000' <repeats 255 times>, errhandler = 0, magic = 7497264, arg_limit = 32, wordlen_limit = 512}

None of these values is suspect.

If I go "up" in GDB to the pconf_char function, here is the character which is killing it:
(gdb) p ch
$6 = 9 '\t'

This is expected. Any whitespace character ends the collection of characters for the current argument and will start a new one. Nothing out of the ordinary. If it was, 100% of the NUT installations would suffer the same problems as you're seeing 100% of the time they start the upsd server. This is not the case and even in your case, the problem seems to occur intermittently, which is more an indication you're either running out of memory or the system is suffering from bad memory. Did you run a memory check lately?

Best regards, Arjen
I will run memtest86 tonight when I can garner some time to bring the server down. It has 4GB of memory and is currently utilizing only 500MB, so I doubt it runs out. Nothing else is crashing. It only runs email and apache.

Thank you for your help,


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