Yes, I was aware of that attack. These all have different titles. Come to think of it none have attachments. Thunderbird and AVQ seem to be stripping them off. Just checked my anti-virus log it shows no viruses found. Seems like the combination of AVQ, Spybot, and Thunderbird is working really well to keep my system clean.

Attackment, I like it, the word that is not the thing it refers to.

J. C. O'Connell wrote:
I think I coined a new computer phrase via a typo.
when you get a virus email w/ attachment it's not
an attachment, it's an attacKment...

     J.C. O'Connell   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Franklin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 1:44 AM
Subject: Re: OT Lots of Nasty Spam

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 01:30:58 -0400, graywolf wrote:

Has anyone else been inundated by e-mail purportedly from Microsoft? I
have had 12 today, all different. Mozilla Thunderbird is doing a nice
job of filtering them. I am liking this software better and better.

There's a new worm running that supposedly disguises itself as a
security notice from Microsoft.  They might be coming from that attack.


-- graywolf

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