>OTOH, I could be completely wrong here!  Wouldn't be the first time.  <vbg>


Why no comments:  people are busy, people are unassertive, people are afraid 
to criticize, people only have time to look, writing comments involves more 

Any time I've been in a "group" where it is essentially all "volunteer" it 
has had this problem. The only ones around to praise are the other volunteers. 
They are busy volunteering, ie. and don't have time to praise other volunteers 
and/or they are awaiting praise of their own efforts. Substitute photographers 
for volunteers in this context.

Maybe your critique board is a good idea, someone do the first eight, someone 
do the next eight, and so forth. So everyone gets a comment.

I have to admit, in complete honesty, every time I've made comments, I've 
been very, very hesitant. I wonder why are others not saying anything? Or why are 
only one or two making comments? Am I missing something? Do I just bravely 
jump in? Do I say anything negative? Do I comment on only those I like whole 
heartedly? Will I hurt someone's feelings? Do I have anything worth while to say 
-- to offer someone wanting feedback? Won't anything I say be trite or obvious?

It is a bit scary. So I think fear is a lot of it too.

Marnie aka Doe 

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