You’ve gone off the deep end Alex. 

On Jul 25, 2023, at 5:59 AM, 'Wade, Alexandra' via MuseumPests <> wrote:

Hi all, 

I hope you're all well. 

I'm working in an archive, undertaking a large pest monitoring programme. Recently, there has been an increased interest in moving away from the standard of glue traps and changing to a more ethical method. I'd love to try an ethical catch and release method for pest monitoring. However we are interested in monitoring pests as small as booklice up to spiders. The size range make creating a trap that won't exclude a pest or allow another one to escape the trap quite difficult. 

In the first instance does anyone have any resources/ideas or thoughts on ways I could create a catch and release trapping system? It would need to be something that sits on the floor, and relatively flat to the floor as well to allow the smaller pests to crawl in. 

I have no idea if this is possible or just a pipe dream but any thoughts or ideas would be welcome. 

Kind regards, 


Alexandra Wade (she/her)

Assistant Conservator / Green Group Representative

London Metropolitan Archives 

Town Clerk’s Department 

City of London 

Tel: 020 7332 3239


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