Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 09:13:14 -0700
paul rivers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For a database of InnoDB tables, people tend to replicate the
database, and then backup the slave (unless the db is trivially
That recalled me the *unsupported* feeling I have that it is easier
to setup a HA replication solution on MySQL.

Well, if you have a crappy system that cannot sustain concurrent load or
even be backed up concurrently with regular operation, one solution is
to write a kick-ass replication system.

The other solution is to enhance the ability of the system to deal with
concurrent operation.

We keep hearing how great all those Web 2.0 sites are; Slashdot, Flickr,
etc; and they all run on farms and farms of MySQL servers, "because
MySQL replication is so good".  I wonder if replication is an actual
_need_ or it's there just because the other aspects of the system are so

"Kick-ass" imho really means "really simple to setup" and included as part of the standard db.

There are all kinds of corner cases that can bite you with MySQL replication. Offhand, I wager most of these (at least in InnoDB) result from the replication "commit" status of a transaction is in the binlogs, which is not the same as the InnoDB database commit status in the .ibd files. Writing out binlog entries happens at a higher level than the storage engine, and so it's not hard to imagine what can go wrong there. There are a few my.cnf settings that let you really roll the dice with data integrity based on this dichotomy, if you so choose.

In those high volume shops, imho replication is a requirement, but in part to overcome technical limitations of MySQL. Or to phrase it from a MySQL point of view, to do it the MySQL way. If you have 50-ish minutes, this video by the YouTube people talks about their evolution with MySQL (among many other things) :

The summary from the video is:

- Start with a MySQL instance using InnoDB
- Go to 1-M replication, and use the replicants as read-only version.
- Eventually the cost of replication outweighs the gains, so go to database sharding - Keep 1-M replication within a shard group to allow easy backups of a slave, some read-only use of the slaves, and a new master in case of master failure (i.e. high availability)

Almost everyone finds MyISAM unworkable in large scale environments because of the repairs necessary post-crash.

Big complaints about MySQL high-volume shops often, imho, come back to :

- You can only have so many active threads in the InnoDB storage engine module at a time. See e.g.:

- Auto_increment columns as pkeys in InnoDB tables are practically required, yet severely limited scalability due to how a transaction would lock the structure to get the next auto-increment (significantly improved in 5.1)

- Shutting down a MySQL engine can take forever, due partly dirty page writes, partly due to insert buffer merging. See:

There are other complaints you'd expect people to have, but don't seem to get talked about much, because people are so used to (from my point of view) working around them. For example, statistics on an InnoDB table are calculated when the table is first accessed, but not stored anywhere, so there are extra costs on database startup. The backup issue with InnoDB has already been covered. Tablespace management in InnoDB seems exceptionally primitive, and is helped somewhat by the tablespace-per-table option. There are many more, again imho.


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