fujii.y...@df.mitsubishielectric.co.jp писал 2023-09-27 01:35:
Hi Mr.Momjian, Mr.Pyhalov.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023 22:15 Alexander Pyhalov <a.pyha...@postgrespro.ru>:
Do you mean that extra->partial_target->sortgrouprefs is not replaced,
and so we preserve tlesortgroupref numbers?
Yes, that is correct.

I'm suspicious about rewriting extra->partial_target->exprs with
partial_target->exprs - I'm still not sure why we
  don't we loose information, added by add_column_to_pathtarget() to


In postgres_fdw.sql

"Partial aggregates are unsafe to push down having clause when there are partial aggregates" - this comment likely should be fixed.

Some comments should be added to setGroupClausePartial() and to make_partial_grouping_target() - especially why setGroupClausePartial()
is called prior to add_new_columns_to_pathtarget().

I'm not sure that I like this mechanics of adding sort group clauses - it seems we do in core additional work, which is of use only for
one extension, but at least it seems to be working.

Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
Postgres Professional

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