> On 17 May 2024, at 09:32, Heikki Linnakangas <hlinn...@iki.fi> wrote:

> On the mailing list, notes like that are both noisy and easily lost in the 
> threads. But as a little free-form text box on the commitfest, it would be 
> handy.

On a similar note, I have in the past suggested adding a free-form textfield to
the patch submission form for the author to give a short summary of what the
patch does/adds/requires etc.  While the thread contains all of this, it's
likely quite overwhelming for many in general and new contributors in
particular.  A short note, on purpose limited to ~500 chars or so to not allow
mailinglist post copy/paste, could be helpful there I think (I've certainly
wanted one, many times over, especially when doing CFM).

> One risk is that if we start to rely too much on that, or on the other fields 
> in the commitfest app for that matter, we de-value the mailing list archives. 
> I'm not too worried about it, the idea is that the summary box just 
> summarizes what's already been said on the mailing list, or is transient 
> information like "I'll get to this tomorrow" that's not interesting to 
> archive.

One way to ensure we capture detail could be if the system would send an
automated email to the thread summarizing the entry when it's marked as

Daniel Gustafsson

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