> On 17 May 2024, at 13:13, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But if we are to guess what those reasons might be, Tom has already
> admitted he does that for CI, and I do the same, so probably other
> people also do it. I also suspect that some people are essentially
> using the CF app as a personal todo list. By sticking patches in there
> that they intend to commit next cycle, they both (1) feel virtuous,
> because they give at least the appearance of following the community
> process and inviting review before they commit and (2) avoid losing
> track of the stuff they plan to commit.
> There may be other reasons, too.

I think there is one more which is important: 3) Giving visibility into "this
is what I intend to commit".  Few can follow -hackers to the level where they
can have an overview of ongoing and/or finished work which will go in.  The CF
app does however provide that overview.  This is essentially the TODO list
aspect, but sharing one's TODO isn't all bad, especially for maintainers.

Daniel Gustafsson

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