> Click Here! "), so in that case I display the form.  If it does not have
> empty value, the user has clicked the submit button, so I can go ahead
> processing the form data.  Like this:
> if ( empty($submit) )
> {
>     ### Display the form
> }
> else
> {
>     ### Do some checks to make the the data is OK
>     ### Do the Insert, or whatever else is to be done
> }

I do something similar.  However, my layout is like this:


  if( isset( $submit )) {

    if( $noErrors ) {
      header( "location: blah" );

    } // end if( $noErrors )

  } // end if( isset( $submit ))



This accomplishes a few things:

* The code is easier to follow
* If there is an error in the form, the errors display and the
form re-displays.  There is only one section of code that deals
with the form, not two as there would be in an IF/ELSE situation.

But then, this is just me. :)


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