As far as I know, you can not connect to an ODBC source remotly.  If I 
could do this (make a NT server running ODBC look like a SQL server), it 
would make the app I'm working on much easier to develop.  I have found 
a program called ODBCSocketServer, that will send and recieve ODBC 
requests via an XML stream.  This works ok, but is limited and difucult 
to work with.  At the current time it it incapable of sending over a 
secure port also.  If you happen to find a way to make the ODBC server 
take remote requests, please let me know (I will from then on refer to 
you as god).  Hope this helps.


Gerardo Morales wrote:

> I have a little problem.
> I must design a little system in a linux server, this should be in php.
> The system must read a  MS Access DB in a remote server (Win NT). After 
> a single process the system must update a MySQL DB in the same server 
> (Linux) and the Access DB.
> The current code works fine in the Linux server, so i can update the 
> MySQL DB, but it doesn't connect with the NT server.
> When i tried to connect to it i have the following error.
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: odbc_connect() in 
> /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/vox/ on line 14
> I never developed  with ODBC DB, only with MySQL.
> I was searching about what could be the problem, but i don't found it.
> The code in liginAccess is the following:
> $dbaccess = array();
> $dbaccess["accessserver"]     = "NT.server.ip.address";         // 
> Access server hostname
> $dbaccess["accessport"]         = "";             // Access server port
> $dbaccess["accessusername"]     = "user";         // username
> $dbaccess["accesspassword"]     = "password";         // password
> $dbaccess["defaultdb"]         = "database";         // database
> In the code above i tried to inser the remote server address, port etc, 
> and the error codee is the same
> I hope you cant help me.
> I don't who else can i ask for it.
> Thanks in advanced

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