Slightly OT, but I'm hoping for a few opinions about handling JPG/MOV files with PHP/MySQL.

I've read that, given the choice, you should never store images in a database because it makes the database dog slow. But I've got some parameters and issues that might make a difference:

1. The only way I can store the files in a directory on the server is to make that directory "wide open" as in chmod 777. I don't have quite enough control of the server to make that a better situation.

2. The images will only be stored temporarily - I'm looking at a maximum of 100Mb worth of JPG and MOV files (up to 80 1Mb JPG, up to 10 2Mb MOV files) being stored at any one time.

So, am I going to run into performance issues with that amount of blob data in the database? The probability of a hack on my images directory is extremely low, but it *does* exist of course.




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