My suggestion would be to run the PHP Web Server on a different server to
where you are retrieving your files. The file server can then define its own
polices of what you can read/write to etc. Your web server can then map a
drive to the file server, and anybody writing PHP scripts won't be able to
modify read-only scripts.

Hope that's clear!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Joyce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 07 April 2004 11:30
Subject: [PHP] PHP security in a hosting environment


one of my clients whom we host a website for has expressed interest in
writing their own php/mySQL applications for their site.

i've been looking in to the security implications of offering this service.
My concerns are that the client *could* use a php script to access parts of
the file system, registry (this is a Win32 environment), or other such

I found a good article at - it
details some of the settings in the php config that can be used to prevent
malicious scripting.

Does anyone here have experience of securing a php server, and might have
any advice on what else to watch out for?

Any help appreciated.



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