Jason, are not a dope

As mentioned to you by Rasmus:
just move those !== off the script replacing them with !=

That is what causes your error.

Maxim Maletsky

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Dulberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: giovedì 4 ottobre 2001 7.43
To: Rasmus Lerdorf
Subject: RE: [PHP] php in css not working with IF's

Thanks for sticking with me here and for your examples!!

So basically, I need to use AND instead of OR.

if (($site_style!=="10") && ($site_style!=="9") && ($site_style!=="8"))
{ }

elseif ($site_style=="10") {

hrm... it didn't work.

Sorry for being such a dope about this.... :(


> Ok, you are clearly not following along here...  ;)
> You have (let $site_style = A for brevity):
> if( A!=10 OR A!=9 OR A!=8 )
> When A=10 this becomes:
> if( 10!=10 OR 10!=9 OR 10!=8 )
>      false    true     true
> if( false OR true OR true ) is the same as if (true)
> Seriously, try drawing the Venn diagram for your expression.
> Or try substituting common english.
> if Jason is not 21 or Jason is not 20 or Jason is no 19 let him into 
> the cool club.
> Say Jason is 21, is he allowed in?  Sure he is, because one of the 
> conditions for getting into the cool club is that Jason is not 20.  It

> doesn't matter that one of the other conditions says to not let Jason 
> in. If the people writing the rules wanted to force all the conditions

> to apply they would have written:
> if Jason is not 21 AND Jason is not 20 AND Jason is not 19, let him 
> into the cool club.
> -Rasmus

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