What I am trying to do is create an error message within in a string that
whenever each function fails it echos this particular string out with it's
pertinent information.

$error_string = "Warning: unable to complete query in ".__FUNCTION__."name
in ".__FILE__;

function some_funct($var) {
  global $error_string;
  //doing something
  //error detected
  echo $error_string;

Does this sounds feasible or is there another way to generate a dynamic
error message without giving the user to much information about the error if
it occurs?


"Cc Zona" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joshua E Minnie) wrote:
> > Does anybody know of any constants or predefined functions that will
> > retrieve the calling functions name?  For example:
> >
> > <?
> > function new_func($somedata) {
> >   echo "I am function ".get_func_name();
> > }
> > ?>
> What would be the point of this?  How could you call the function to get
> the info without already having the info in the first place?  If calling
> with a variable ("$foo();"), then you have the variable.  If the call is
> hardcoded ("new_func();") then of course you know the name there too.
> Perhaps if you explained what you're trying to accomplish...
> --
> CC

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