I can't seem to figure out the following.

I use the http upload functions a lot, works great!!..
For some months now I have been using a small PHP program
which I use to upload PDF files of scanned documents and
insert them into a Mysql table..

Normally these files are small (<250 kb), but I now have a
PDF of 1 MB... When uploading files I run the
function: chunk_split(base64_encode($binaryfile));
to encode it, this to transform the binary file to text.. (Works great!!!)

When the query was called to insert the data, nothing happens,
also no error from mysql...  Only think I can think of is that the mysql
query string is to long.. ??  (The data when encoded is about 1.3 MB of

This is the source code..

if (!($userfile_size == 0))
   {$fd = fopen ($userfile, "r");
    $contents = fread ($fd, filesize ($userfile));
    fclose ($fd);
    unlink ($userfile);
    echo "Eerste RAW: ".strlen($contents);
    $encodes_data = chunk_split(base64_encode($contents));
    $userfile_name = str_replace(" ", "", "$userfile_name");
    echo strlen($encodes_data)." - Displays text size <BR>";  //Works right!
    mysql ($databasename_boekhoud, "insert mubo_boekhoud_images (data,
originalname, groep, type)
values '$encodes_data', '$userfile_name', '$groep', '$userfile_type')"); //
    mysql_error(); //No error given..?

Any suggestions are very much appreciated...

With kind regards,
David Bouw

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