Justin French wrote:
I know it sounds simple, but try to analyse what other big sites are doing
in this situation:
That's exactly what I did, but I don't understand *how* they do it hence my question.

I surfed some of the big sites and saw that they do not break when a user hits the back button in the middle of a "transaction" or when the user is viewing a "secure" part of a web site.

> If there's a big issue with people clicking back, I'd suggest that
> there *may* be a problem with the logic of your site. Afterall,
> clicking "back" is what the web is about!! If the big sites can cope
> with it, I'm sure you can.

Exactly. It can be done, but how. What are the techniques that I can use? On amazon for example they didn't rely on javascript and it didn't seem like they had turned caching off or force and refreshes.

From what I could tell, you could use the back button without any problems. *But* if you went back to a page and *then* clicked on something (a link, a button) then some kind of logic kicked and figured out that you where doing the same thing twice, or where doing something in an area you were not logged in to and acted accordingly.

So I agree with you that it definitely boils down to a "logic of your site" thing.

But what does that mean? How do I implement "logic" in my site? What are the ways to do this in PHP? What techniques do most PHP powered sites employ, what "patterns"?

Sorry if these are "newbie" questions ... I'm programmer, and understand the PHP "language" but when it comes to site design/logic with PHP I don't really know where to start.

Any help or pointers again very much appreciated!


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