also sprach Wietse Venema <> [2017-09-17 21:51 +0200]:
> I wonder, if this is used for 'internal' email traffic, why bother
> with certificates that require frequent renewal? If the organization
> is that large, I would expect that all external email is handled
> by relay hosts on the perimeter, instead of allowing direct mail
> from random 'internal' hosts.

That's precisely what we're trying to do, except the perimeter is
non-physical as the hosts are spread across the 'Net, and there's no
consistent VPN, unfortunately.

So yes, all external mail is handled by a defined set of relay hosts
on the perimeter, but we need a sensible way to authorize access to
those relay hosts. I'd prefer certificates over SASL passwords, and
I think that the ease of using letsencrypt far outweighs the
additional security we'd get in return for the effort required to
manage our own PKI.

@martinkrafft | |
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