Hi Reed,

On 11 May 2023 at 11:15, Reed A. Cartwright wrote:
| I'm curious why you chose to call cmake from make instead of from configure.
| I've always seen cmake as part of the configure step of package building.

Great question! Couple of small answers: i) This started as a 'proof of
concept' that aimed to be small so getting by without requiring `configure`
seemed worth a try, ii) I had seen another src/Makevars invoking compilation
of a static library in a similar (albeit non-cmake) way and iii) as we now
know about section 1.2.6 (or soon 1.2.9) 'Using cmake' has it that way too.

Otherwise I quite like having `configure` and I frequently use it -- made
from 'genuine' configire.in via `autoconf`, or as scripts in shell or other

Cheers, Dirk

PS My repaired package is now on CRAN. I managed to bungle the static library
build (by not telling `cmake` to use position independent code), bungled
macOS but not telling myself where `cmake` could live, and in fixing that
bungled Windows by forgetting to add `src/Makevars.win` fallback. Yay me.

dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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