On Oct 8, 2007, at 8:09 AM, Bernard Bernstein wrote:

> Later we found that at startup time, resin was doing a
> search through all WEB-INF subdirectories for any taglib files. I
> don't know if this was a misconfiguration on our part or just normal
> behavior.

The scan is part of the JSP spec, unfortunately.

Resin does have a tld-dir and tld-file-set as attributes for the  
<jsp> tag to restrict that search.

So <jsp tld-dir="WEB-INF/tld"/> will restrict the .tld scan to WEB- 

-- Scott

> Our simple solution was to put the directory of uploaded
> files elsewhere and keep the number of files inside WEB-INF to a
> reasonable number.
> This may not apply to all versions of resin (we made that change in
> the resin 2.x days) but it's just another potential slow startup
> scenario for future reference.
> Bernie
> On Oct 8, 2007, at 6:39 AM, Mattias Jiderhamn wrote:
>> I believe I have found the offender in this issue: ZoneAlarm.
>> I had already tried to turn it off, but since I have seen some  
>> strange
>> behaviour with ZoneAlarm before I now tried uninstalling it
>> altogether.
>> That seem to have solved the issue.
>> I'm sorry for wasting your time, especially now that I remember I
>> probably upgraded ZoneAlarm (free version to 7.0.408) around the time
>> the problems started. *blush*
>> Thanks for all the tips and suggestions - the supportive community is
>> part of what makes Resin great.
>> Hopefully the archive copy of this thread can be of help to
>> somebody else.
>>  /Mattias
>> I wrote:
>>> By the way, the CPU usage is peaking all the way through. Around
>>> 49% on
>>> my dual core system.
>>> (And there is even more memory on the computer with the problem
>>> than the
>>> other one)
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mattias
>>>> Jiderhamn
>>>> Sent: Friday 05 October 2007 11:20
>>>> To: Resin
>>>> Subject: [Resin-interest] Slooow file reads (really weird!)
>>>> Hi list.
>>>> I have my J2EE webapp on an external hard drive, which I carry
>>>> between
>>>> my office and my home computer.
>>>> On each computer - running Windows XP and Java 1.5 - I have a Resin
>>>> (3.0.22) installation and a shortcut to start Resin with the
>>>> server root
>>>> on the external drive.
>>>> This has worked flawlessly for over a year.
>>>> Now suddenly (ok, after returning from vacation), the  
>>>> application is
>>>> immensely slow - on one of the computers!
>>>> Starting Resin and the application now takes anywhere from 3 to 5
>>>> minutes on my home computer, compared to the usual 30 or so  
>>>> seconds.
>>>> Loading a simple page can take 40 seconds. It seems that most of  
>>>> the
>>>> time is spent inside the disk access of the dependency checking.
>>>> (Turning dependency checking off was much faster, but still
>>>> slower than
>>>> normal).
>>>> I tried to copy the project to the internal drive to see if there
>>>> was
>>>> some interface hardware issue - no difference.
>>>> I profiled the application with JProfiler, and it thinks there is a
>>>> hotspot in com.caucho.vsf.JniStream.read(). Why...?
>>>> I am running out of ideas on what could be wrong and how to track
>>>> it down.
>>>> Any tips would be much welcome!
>>>>   /Mattias
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