I was thinking it's possible to do something like this in a php file:

         if((include '../www/_header.jsp') == 'OK') {
                 echo 'OK';

Where the www folder has a path-mapping entry in the resin.xml.

It includes the file, but the file isn't processed by the JSP engine, so 
I literally see strings like "${param.var}" in the output of the call to 
test.php.  How do I include a .jsp in from a .php but get the JSP engine 
to process it before it returns?  I know I could do something like:

include( 'http://..../www/_header.jsp')

but then cookies are lost as the client is the php engine, not the browser.

Is it possible to reuse the JSP code from within the PHP environment?  
Is there a link someone could shoot me that explains this?



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