Dima mentioned "tox" [1] as an example of a "standard" package that would 
benefit from being switched to a "pip" package.  The "tox" package is pure 
python, so could also made a "wheel" package, which are already allowed for 
standard package, for example [2].  I'm having difficultly understanding 
the practical differences between a "wheel" package and a "pip" packages in 
this setting.  With "wheel", the wheel is downloaded from PyPI and put in 
upstream/ by various GH actions and put in the sage tarball and copied over 
to the sage mirrors, whereas with "pip" it is only downloaded by pip itself 
when an end-user builds Sage.  But in terms of developer effort, the only 
difference I see between "wheel" and "pip" is that the former has a few 
extra checksums, compare [2] and [3].  What distinctions am I missing?  Is 
it that a "wheel" must be pinned to a specific release on PyPI whereas 
"pip" can specify a range?



[1] https://github.com/sagemath/sage/tree/develop/build/pkgs/tox
[2] https://github.com/sagemath/sage/tree/develop/build/pkgs/webcolors
[3] https://github.com/sagemath/sage/tree/develop/build/pkgs/snappy

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