On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 at 15:37, Marc Culler <marc.cul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think that CyPari ;and CyPari2 provide a relevant example.
> Some background ... CyPari is a PyPi package with binary wheels which 
> predates and was the starting point for Sage's cypari2 (hence the 2 in the 
> name).   The basis for CyPari was Sage's pari module.  That module was 
> modified to make it independent from the rest of Sage so that Sage's Pari 
> support could be provided as a component of SnapPy. Binary wheels for CyPari 
> are available for Windows, macOS and manylinux.  The current versions of 
> those wheels are statically linked against Pari 2.15.4
> The binary wheel for CyPari weighs in at 7MB.  Sage's CyPari2 is available as 
> a binay wheel for macOS and manylinux and the size is of the same order of 
> magnitude.  When they are unpacked and installed the sizes of these python 
> packages are respectively 19MB and 7.5MB (cypari2 is linked against the 
> dynamic libraries libgmp and libpari, which together are about 12MB and which 
> are external to the python package).  A full Sage installation is about 5 
> gigabytes.  With some significant omissions and compression of the 
> documentation, the macOS app squeezes that down to 3.4GB.
> So the size of this one significant self-contained component of sage is about 
> 200 times smaller than the full sage installation and it could be made 
> installable on Windows with some additional work which has already been done 
> for a very closely related package.

Thanks Marc. This seems like a good example of a useful part of Sage
that can be extracted to something much smaller than Sage.

Presumably though a hypothetical person who wants CyPari2 but not all
of Sage can already just use CyPari so that person is already well
served. Is the plan that CyPari2 would effectively replace CyPari?
Then the benefit is not needing to maintain CyPari separately from
sagelib's CyPari2 dependency?

I am wondering how representative the CyPari case is compared to other
parts of Sage. There seems to be some disagreement about what parts of
Sage would go where but not much discussion about what it means in
terms of disk footprint, portability etc i.e. the factors that make
the modularisation useful (maybe I misunderstand what the intended
benefits are).

I know that a full Sage install takes 5GB but I have no real
understanding of what it is that takes up all that space or how that
can break down into usable pieces with a smaller footprint.

At least disk footprint is something that can be quantified though:
what is the disk usage of different virtual environments that contain
some useful collection of parts of Sage?


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