> > Since I am not a programmer and nobody in my team is a mathematician (so my 
> > developers don't know Sage), I kindly ask on this list for any hints how we 
> > could proceed?

> Sage mainly uses other open source C libraries to carry out these 
> factorizations, so you would need to be able to port these to wasm as well.

To be clear, porting parts of Sage or the underlying C libraries to
WASM/pyodide is a formidable task even for a mathematical programmer.
That is why I suggested SymPy instead since it already works in

SymPy does not provide factorisation over as many different rings as
Sage does but is easy to install and use in WASM via pyodide:


You can just micropip.install('sympy') and add a short snippet of
Python code to use SymPy from JS:


The next release of SymPy (1.13) can make use of python-flint for
factorisation of some polynomials using the underlying Flint C
library. Also python-flint has been ported to pyodide so it should be
possible to use SymPy backed by Flint in WASM:


In future if Sage becomes more usable from WASM/pyodide then I assume
that you would be able to use it in the same way via pyodide. As I
understand it though it is not possible right now to install enough
pieces of Sage in pyodide to be able to factorise a polynomial. I
imagine that making that work using Sage would require some
significant porting work that is likely out of scope for a team of
non-mathematicians who do not know Sage or its dependencies.


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