Hi Matthias,

It was a bit unclear to me how your v2 proposal is different from the 
initial proposal on this sage-devel thread. Maybe it's helpful to clarify 
that build/bin/write-dockerfile.sh was removed from the proposal and 
src/doc/en/developer/portability_platform_table.rst was added. Otherwise, 
it's in essentially unchanged.


On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 11:56:53 PM UTC+3 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

> Dear Sage developers:
> I include an updated proposal below, with changes brought by the merged 
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37841, a clarification, and updated 
> examples).
> I ask everyone to focus the discussion on the specifics of the proposal.
> I plan to call a vote on this in a week or so.
> Matthias
> === Proposal (v2)
> I propose a governance change for a small part of the main Sage repository:
> 1. The directories *.ci, .devcontainer, .github/workflows*. These are 
> special directories that control the GitHub workflows that run for example 
> on pull requests and when release tags are pushed, as well as the Dev 
> Containers feature on GitHub.
> 2. The file *tox.ini*. It contains the infrastructure for portability 
> testing of the Sage distribution (
> https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/developer/portability_testing.html).
> 3. The file *src/doc/en/developer/portability_platform_table.rst *(which 
> I update using "tox -e update_docker_platforms").
> Some of these files are shipped as part of the Sage distribution, but none 
> of them have any role in the build process or runtime of Sage, and thus 
> none of them are tested by the Release Manager.
> *Status quo: *All changes to these files go through the normal review 
> process for Sage PRs; when set to "positive review", Volker merges them 
> into the next development release. In the terminology of 
> https://martinfowler.com/articles/ship-show-ask.html (ht Gonzalo 
> Tornaria), this is the "Ask" model.
> *Acknowledgment:* I'm grateful to all who have contributed to the review 
> of my PRs that made changes to these files in the past: thanks for your 
> time and energy. In particular, some of the open PRs listed as examples in 
> the original post have been merged; thanks, Kwankyu, for reviewing of all 
> of them!
> *Proposed change: *All changes to these files are made through PRs. When 
> the PR is ready, a developer in the Maintainer role directly merges the PR 
> into the "develop" branch. In other words, switch to the "Show" model for 
> these changes.
> *Why the change:*
> *1.* Changes to these files do not have any effect on the build and 
> runtime of Sage;
> - thus changes to these files do not risk breaking the mathematical 
> correctness, or the performance of anything in Sage;
> - hence there may not be the same need for formal review compared to 
> changes to the Sage library.
> *2.* Our project has a collective interest in smoothly operating 
> development infrastructure / quality assurance tools;
> - but tragedy of the commons;
> - more specifically, developing/improving such development tools only pays 
> off individually for developers with a sufficiently high volume of activity 
> (cf. 
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/graphs/contributors?from=2020-01-01&to=2024-04-09&type=c
> );
> - there may also be a technical barrier that prevents developers from even 
> reviewing a PR that makes changes to these files;
> - hence, waiting for reviewers to approve a PR and waiting for the Release 
> Manager to merge it adds too much delay and friction.
> *Examples* (all PRs authored by me, waiting for review):
> - "dist.yml: Download optional/experimental tarballs for GitHub Release 
> assets" (https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37762)
> - "CI: Handle the 'p: CI Fix' label" (
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37950)
> *Non-examples* (all PRs authored by me, waiting for review):
> - "tox.ini: Add environments ruff, ruff-minimal; GH Actions: run 
> ruff-minimal" (https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37453) -- this also 
> makes changes in src/tox.ini and src/doc, so would continue to be reviewed 
> normally
> - "sage -tox -e pyright: Update, speed up, isolate" (
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/36515) -- makes changes to 
> pyrightconfig.json and src/tox.ini, so would continue to be reviewed 
> normally

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