On Dec 11, 10:14 am, daveloeffler <dave.loeff...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi David,

> I'm having trouble building the reference manual. Looks like this is
> because there is an "r" missing in sage.calculus.calculus.py, so the
> docstring for the minpoly function is encoded wrongly, and latex2html
> sees "\var{epsilon}" and raises an invalid character error on "\v".

Is that the only issue so far?

> Seems a bit pointless creating a trac ticket for a one-byte fix :-)

Nope, go ahead and open one since sooner or later there will be a
ticket to make the documentation for 3.2.2 build again. Once the words
library is in there might be more to do, but we will see.

> David


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