On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 3:38 AM, mabshoff <mabsh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 23, 3:31 am, ahmet alper parker <aapar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> If you need visual studio 2008, I have one, which is purchased by my
>> university.
> The Sage project has several MSVC 2008 Professional licenses donated
> by Microsoft Research for the port, so we are good. The point William
> was trying to make that if you do not have access some way to MSVC
> 2008 the free Express version should work.

Actually, I think people will probably need Visual Studio 2008
Professional, since that's what we're testing with.  The express
version should work for building cython extensions though in most
cases, to support %cython in the notebook, which we will hopefully
have up at running very soon.

The Microsoft website I linked to has a 90-day free trial of Visual
Studio 2008 *Professional*, and I see the window for me working on
this as < 90 day right now, so that should be plenty of time. :-)  But
you're right --for me personally I should just use one of the licenses
Microsoft gave us.

>  It is unclear it that will
> work in the end (I think MPIR's VC project uses identical files in
> different directories when using the optimized assembly code and that
> was a problem for the Express edition at least half a year ago, but
> Brian Gladman might have fixed the MPIR project) and there is no
> elegant way to build 64 bit binaries with the Express edition either,
> but since that is not here today or tomorrow theses are issues we will
> deal with later.
>> I think it would not be illegal to compile and distribute sage
>> for you with it. But remember, i am not a lawyer...AAP
> There is no restriction what you can do with compiled code produced by
> MSVC. MS had to be stupid to make any such restriction :)
> Cheers,
> Michael
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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