On May 6, 10:41 am, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So is there any final consensus on this?  Is the following Sage
> program automatically GPL?
> {{{
> 2+2
> }}}
> Or only in the following form?
> {{{
> Integer(2)+Integer(2)
> }}}
> Please no flames!  I only wanted to know if there was a consensus, I
> got sort of confused by 50 messages on this in my RSS reader at once.
> If there isn't a consensus (and it seems there is not) then please
> don't reply, and I will go along with Rob B. and publish whatever Sage
> worksheets I want to under whatever license I deem appropriate, if
> any.

Totally awesome thread guys.

What about this one?

def is_prime(n):
  return not any([1 * n / d == n // d for d in range(2, n)])

Works in sage, but not in python. Is it GPL?


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