Re: [Friclist] registracija domene

2009-04-25 Thread Mitar

 se podpišem pod to. Mal majo počasen vmesnik, pa nobenga APIja, ampak za
 tsito domeno na leto so zakon.

Enako. Jaz tudi imam vse svoje domene pri GoDaddy. Ne uporabljam pa
njihovih DNS streznikov, ker imam pac svoje.


Re: [Friclist] Swing ples, rabijo se fantje

2009-04-23 Thread Mitar

 Joj, pozabil napisati cena za fante (last minute popust) je 20 EURO (to 
 mislil skoraj zastonj za 4 dni delanic).

Ooo. Ze klicem. :-)


Re: [Friclist] Swing ples, rabijo se fantje

2009-04-23 Thread Mitar

 To je edina priložnost, da se hitro od profesionalcev naučiš skoraj ZASTONJ
 pleati swing in spoznaš luštne punce!

120 EUR je skoraj zastonj (OK, verjetno dobim kaj popusta, ampak ...)?
Torej jaz bi se z veseljem pridruzil, lahko sem na vseh delavnicah in
povecujem stevilo fantov, tako da se lahko punce kaj ucijo, ampak zal si
tega ne morem placati. Torej ce res primanjkuje fantov, potem se lahko
javim, da pomagam, ampak placati za to, da pomagam, pa ne morem.
(Placati za to, da bi pa samoiniciativno sel tja pa tudi zal ne morem in
zato tudi ne grem.)


[Friclist] [Fwd: [SSFRI] Zbiranje kandidatov za volitve za elektorje]

2009-04-23 Thread Mitar



 Original Message 
Subject: [SSFRI] Zbiranje kandidatov za volitve za elektorje
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 18:58:37 +0200
From: Weiss
Reply-To: SSFRI


Pozabil sem vas vse po seji povabiti do skrinjice za oddajo
kandidatur... No, nahaja se v avli na drugem stebru levo.

Jutri oddajte kandidature in se potrudite prepricati se kaksne sosolce
ali sosolke! Po danasnjem sklepu se namrec potrebujemo 9 elektorjev in
ze kar nekaj iz SS nas je ze oddalo. Torej kar nekaj ne-svetnikov. Za
vas clane SS ni nujno, da prilozite potrdilo o vpisu, ostali pa ga
obvezno morajo.

Tako da zacnite povabljati in prepricevati ljudi ze danes in najboljse
da kar jutri vsi oddate kandidaturo! Poleg osebnega prepricevanja se
priporocam, da posljete kaksen poziv na vase mailing liste. Zadnji mozni
rok za kandidaturo za elektorje pa je ponedeljek, 4.5.2009, do 12:00.

Tukaj pa se nek tekst, ki ga lahko uporabljate pri obrazlozitvi (pri
uporabi za reklamo raje malo preoblikujte, ker npr prvi odstavek je bolj
nezanimiva pojasnitev, pa manjka se kaksen udarni slogan v stilu:
domisljijo in pokazite svojo kreativnost):


Senat Univerze v Ljubljani je sprejel sklep o začetku postopka za
izvolitev rektorja Univerze v Ljubljani za obdobje 2009 do 2013.
Študenti imamo pri tem tudi glasovalno pravico in sicer poteka postopek
tokrat tako, da se na posameznih članicah (fakultetah) voli elektorje iz
vrst študentov, ki se bodo nato udeležili volitev rektorja in zastopali
mnenje nas študentov. Na naši fakulteti je tako potrebno izvoliti vse
skupaj 15 elektorjev (1/5 od vseh volilnih upravičencev članice, ki jih
je pri nam 71+1, vir: UKE UL (Število zaposlenih visokošolskih
učiteljev, visokošolskih sodelavcev in znanstvenih delavcev za polni
delovni čas 31.3.2009)). Na ravni celotne univerze pa imamo študenti 477
elektorjev (glasov).

Študentski svet FRI je zaradi premalega števila oddanih kandidatur tako
objavil naknadni razpis, saj potrebujemo *še 9 elektorjev* iz vrsti
študentov. Skrinjica za oddajo kandidatur za elektorje se nahaja v avli
na običajni lokaciji (drugi steber levo). Zadnji rok za oddajo
kandidatur je 4.5.2009 do 12:00.

Volitve elektorjev (potrditev, da smete zastopati študente FRI) bodo
potekale v sredo, 6.5.2009, med 9. in 16. uro. Volitve rektorja pa bodo
potekale v sredo, 17.6.2009. Glavna naloga elektorja je tako se
udeleziti teh volitev in na njih zastopati mnenje študentov FRI.
V času med 4.5.2009 in 13.5.2009 bodo organizirane javne predstavitve
kandidatov za rektorja nekje na univerzi, verjetno pa tudi pri nam na
faksu. V kolikor boste zainteresirani lahko organiziramo tudi okroglo
mizo za elektorje na to temo... A najprej potrebujemo kandidate, tako da
oddajte kandidaturo in pridite zastopat študente!


Re: [TYPO3-english] typo3 sites and enterprise applications

2009-04-23 Thread Mitar Miric
Dmitry Dulepov wrote:

  I would never use .NET or Java for server side programming.
I'm eager to know why? Please explain. TIA
TYPO3-english mailing list

[Friclist] Prvo ljubljansko prvenstvo v peki palacink

2009-04-21 Thread Mitar


Prvo ljubljansko prvenstvo v peki palacink!

Festival pomladi, Grad Kodeljevo in Radio Nula prirejajo peko v cetrtek,
23. aprila od 16. ure dalje v atriju SEM - Nova Metelkova.



[Friclist] prenehal z delovanjem

2009-04-11 Thread Mitar
Zdravo! je prenehal z delovanjem in tako nekateri, ki ste bili
prijavljeni na to mailing listo z njihovim e-mail naslovom vec ne
dobivate stvari, poslanih nanjo.

Ker tako tudi tega e-maila ne bodo dobili, bi prosil vse, ki jih
poznajo, ce jim lahko to na nek nacin posredujejo oziroma sporocijo in
jim predlagajo, da se nanjo prijavijo s kaksnim drugim e-mail naslovom.
Prijava je mozna tu:

Na listo so bili prijavljeni sledeci uporabniki z naslovom:

bzankar, matjaz.milanic, cerarmiha, vezalke, tomi.e, vesna.bitenc,, burekmaker, steyr, smolej, alekol, david_h, impdiablo


Re: [Friclist] Seznam podaljšanja absolventa

2009-03-27 Thread Mitar
 jupi:)) dolg seznam...

A so kaj naredili kaksno izjemo? So bili bolj popustljivi?


Re: [Friclist] Vloga za podaljšanje absolvetsk ega statusa

2009-03-20 Thread Mitar

 tako je. Kdor je pozabu, lahko še danes kao pripročeno pošlje. Rabte
 obrazec, izpolnite, dodate pojasnilo če je treba in se pošlje.

Hm, oddati v nabiralnik na faksu je torej sedaj prepozno?


Re: [Friclist] Vloga za podaljšanje absolvetsk ega statusa

2009-03-20 Thread Mitar

 verjeten lohka, gled ena to da 20.marca še ni konc :)

Hja, samo do ne pomeni nujno vkljucujoc 20. marca. :-)


Re: [Friclist] Vloga za podaljšanje absolvetsk ega statusa

2009-03-20 Thread Mitar

Saj po mojem glede tega ne komplicirajo. V ponedeljek bodo pac pobrali
kaj se bo naslo in to je to.


Re: [Friclist] Re: MIS

2009-03-17 Thread Mitar

 spletna stran ZVRSa pravi da: 24.03.2009 [ob 16:00 v P1]

Hm, ali ni bilo nekaj receno, da bo 4. 3. ali nekje takrat? Torej da je
le uradno ta rok 24. 3., izvajal pa se bo kasneje? Ne vem, kje sem to


Re: [Friclist] Re: MIS

2009-03-17 Thread Mitar

 Sicer je pa dokaj ziher, da ZVRS bo 24.3. ob 16h v PR01.

Ne, zamesal sem z OTIjem. Tam so razpisali rok prej (31. 3.), realno pa
se bo izvajal kasneje (6. 4.).


Re: [Friclist] Umetna inteligenca 2

2009-03-16 Thread Mitar

 ne vem al sem spregledal, al se pol niste nic zmenili glede roka za UI2.
 Ce se dobro spomnim, je bilo dovolj prijavljenih.
 Ce ni rok dolocen, bi ga lahko imeli 27. ali 30,31 marec. Naceloma pa
 kadarkoli po 23-em.

Nekaj smo se potem odjavljali, ko se je pokazalo, da so se drugi roki za
druge predmete na voljo.


Re: [Friclist] Re: MIS

2009-03-16 Thread Mitar

 Rok za MIS je razpisan - 24.03.2009

Kdaj in kje pa se bo res pisalo? Kje lahko to pogledam? Vem, da se je
nekaj o tem pisalo tu, ampak bi rad si tocno vnesel v koledarcek. :-)


Re: [Friclist] ukinitev enega roka

2009-03-07 Thread Mitar

 Bi bil ukinjen izpitni rok lahko argument za podaljsanje absolventa?
 Saj nam faks ni nudil enakih pogojev kot presnja leta...

Vidis, to pa je beseda. Tista pravila za podaljsanje so bila pisana
takrat, ko sta bila dva roka, torej ne morejo enaka veljati tudi sedaj,
ko je bil eden. :-)

Je pa res, da je v praksi kar nekaj profesorjev sedaj razpisalo izredne
roke. A izmed teh ti noben ne koristi?


Re: [Friclist] Umetna inteligenca 2

2009-03-02 Thread Mitar

 Eden manj za UI2... jaz grem delat raje MIS.

Eden manj tudi tukaj. Ne bo zneslo sicer.

 2) 63030163
 4) 63010005
 5) 63010058
 6) 63990354


[Friclist] [Fwd: Red Bull Paper Wings - Razsiri svoja papirnata krila]

2009-02-24 Thread Mitar

Ha, zanimivo.



Se se spomnis tistih brezskrbnih dni svojega otrostva, ko si s
prijatelji plezal po drevesih, se igral ristanc in skrivalnice? Kaj ne
bi bilo lepo, ko bi se za nekaj trenutkov lahko ponovno vrnil v tisti
cas in se preizkusil v vescini, ki ti je sla takrat najbolje od rok? V
izdelovanju in metanju papirnatih letal, seveda!

Red Bull Paper Wings je studentsko tekmovanje v spretnosti metanja
letal, narejenih zgolj iz navadnega A4 lista. Tekmovanje poteka v 85
drzavah po vsem svetu in nanj se lahko brezplacno prijavi vsak prek
uradne spletne strani List papirja prejmes na
sami lokaciji, tako ne potrebujes nicesar razen dobre ideje in moci v
rokah. Svoje sposobnosti lahko preizkusiš v treh kategorijah: Najdaljsa
razdalja, Najdaljsi cas letenja in/ali Akrobatsko letenje. Trenutni
svetovni rekord Najdaljse razdalje je 63,19 metrov, Najdaljsega casa
letenja pa 27,6 sekund.

V Sloveniji bodo najprej potekale 3 kvalifikacije, ki jim bo sledilo
finale. Prvouvrsceni v vsaki kategoriji bo osvojil vstopnico na svetovno
finale Red Bull Paper Wings 2009, ki bo1. in 2. maja v Hangarju-7 v
Salzburgu, kjer se nahaja tudi zbirka zelo redkih zgodovinskih letal.
Tam pa te ne bodo cakali le aktualni drzavni prvaki, temveč tudi
branilci naslovov iz leta 2006, ko se je odvijalo prvo tekmovanje te vrste.

* *

* *

*Slovenske kvalifikacije*

Portoroz, 3.3.2009, ob 12:00 - Telovadnica pomorskega in tehnicnega
izobrazevalnega centra

Ljubljana, 10.3.2009, ob 12:00 - Ekonomska fakulteta

Maribor, 17.3.2009, ob 12:00 - Avla Fakultete za elektrotehniko,
racunalništvo in informatiko

*Slovensko finale*

Maribor, 17.3.2009, ob 13:30 - Avla Fakultete za elektrotehniko,
racunalnistvo in informatiko

Pridi in dokazi, da znas se vedno narediti najboljse papirnato letalo!
Stevilo tekmovalcev je omejeno.

Vec informacij lahko najdes na spletni strani, ce
kliknes na slovensko zastavo.

Re: [Friclist] Peticija... Nic te ne stane.

2009-02-21 Thread Mitar

 Ne bo ti vzelo veliko časa, lahko pa tvoj podpis veliko spremeni.
 Evropski  parlament se je odločil, da podpre uvedbo cepiva proti raku
 na materničnem vratu, v kolikor se bo po celi Evropi zbralo miljon 
 podpisov. Trenutno jih  je zbranih okoli 250 tisoč, kar je že
 četrtina. Če se zbere potrebnih miljon podpisov, se bo uvedlo
 cepljenje za deklice v starosti okoli 9-12 let v  programih
 nacionalnega cepljenja (kar seveda pomeni, da bo zastonj).

Zanimivo je to, da to o uvedbi cepiva na strani, kamor je link in kjer
se zbirajo podpisi, ne pise:

Zavajanje, verjetno dobronamerno, ampak vseeno zavajanje.


Re: [Friclist] Podaljsanje absolventa

2009-02-17 Thread Mitar

 A je potrebno da mu še kdo pošlje osebno mail z povpraševanjem..da vidi da
 je zanimanje za konec marca ? :D

Cakaj, ali jaz cesa ne razumem, ampak ... a ni tako, da bi moral rok
biti nekaj casa pred 20. marcem, da bi lahko se on imel ustne in vpisal
ocene? Vsaj za podaljsanje absolventa bi moralo biti tako ...


Re: [Friclist] Umetna inteligenca 2

2009-02-17 Thread Mitar

 Kak pa je s tem? Je treba met narjeno seminarsko iz prejšnjega leta?
 Jaz imam recimo narejeno seminarsko za UI1.

Moras imeti narejeno seminarsko pri UI2.


Re: another reason to keep ExcludeNodes

2009-02-17 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Scott Bennett wrote:
 I just read Roger's message from July 2006 on playing down the use of
 ExcludeNodes and maybe eventually eliminating it.  I encountered a reason
 to use it not long ago that doesn't seem to have been mentioned.  I noticed
 that certain image files that are frequently updated and that I look at many
 times a day were getting truncated at random points in the files.  After a
 little bit of investigation it turned out that one particular relay was
 always in a circuit that truncated those files, so I added it to my
 ExcludeNodes list.  And voila' complete images from then on.

Would not it be better if you would report this node so that its
problem can be fixed?


Re: [Friclist] Podaljsanje absolventa

2009-02-16 Thread Mitar

1. 63030178
2. 63030057
3. 63030160
4. 63010149
5. 63030173

1. 63030188
2. 63030173

1. 63030173


[Friclist] Podaljsanje absolventa

2009-02-15 Thread Mitar

Kaj sedaj, programska oprema, komu se manjka kaksen pogoj za podaljsanje
absolventa in bi mu prav prisel kaksen izredni rok? Za katerega bi se
odlocili? Komu bi pisali?


[Friclist] Love

2009-02-14 Thread Mitar


Re: Tor speed

2009-02-13 Thread Mitar

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 10:52 AM, slush wrote:
 You are absolutely right. It is what reason why I calculated maximum
 technical latencies, in previous email (simply max ~ 7 seconds).

Have you tried other browsers? For example some text only browser?
Maybe they have different strategy for loading and displaying things
which is better for user experience over links with larger latency.
(Like displaying just HTML without images and CSS and JS at the
beginning and then slowly everything else.)

This would be an interesting thing to measure - how different browsers
cope with latencies and how the user experience this strategies.


Re: Tor speed

2009-02-13 Thread Mitar

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:55 AM, slush wrote:
 My guess is that some nodes simply dont give me a slot for my
 data, because somebody else is transfering something big, what kill the
 bandwidth for a moment. And because there are three nodes in the line, it is
 the big probability I hit this problem on more nodes - and I will finally
 very slow responsibility.

I have another idea (which is not necessary excluding yours and is
maybe just another factor/reason). Maybe Tor network is not just
bandwidth bounded but also CPU bounded. For example, on my Tor node I
had to increase the queue for onions size as CPU was not fast enough
to cope immediately with bursts of onions (it is a 5 MB/s node). On
average it is more than fast enough but there are bursts which it was
not able to handle.

And such bursts are probably connected with web page browsing - an
user sends a lot of requests at the same time when it opens a web

And what happens (my hypothesis) is that those go to the queue and
wait for the CPU to handle them. And once they are handled they are
(because of the high bandwidth) handled very fast, send back and user
gets everything in the same moment (they were close to each other in
the queue).

I do not know what is the average waiting time for onions in the queue
on my node. Maybe all this is nothing and with increasing the queue
size I just increased the average waiting time from 1 ms to 5 ms. But
maybe I increased it to 5 s. Who knows? Is there any way to measure


Re: Tor speed

2009-02-13 Thread Mitar

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Scott Bennett wrote:
 By reinventing TCP within tor, the proponent(s) believe they can achieve
 better overall performance, even though they lose the basic operating-system
 level of support for reliable delivery in the process and I think they lose 
 one layer
 of encryption, as well.

I would go with this question further: why reinventing TCP over UDP
again in general? General solutions and implementations for that
already exist. For example, Tor could just simply add another layer
with OpenVPN (or just OpenVPN based) system.

One hackish, to show my idea, solution could be to build first a world
wide VPN network based on OpenVPN with internal IPs, each Tor node
would get one. Modify Tor nodes to open a new TCP circuit (even if it
already exists) with a target node for every data stream. And this is
it. Data streams would not be multiplexed in one TCP session (hm, does
this decrease security?) so if one TCP stream has packet loss this
will not influence other, and rebuilding a TCP connection from UDP
packets would be done by OpenVPN.

I am not suggesting to implement this. I am just saying that a lot of
(open source) work of making TCP over UDP has already been made.

 They may be correct about that, but I am still wondering why UDP has been
 chosen over SCTP, which looks to me as though it would provide just about
 anything alternative that might be useful in improving throughput, reliable
 delivery, and signalling, but that is a question that no one has responded to
 so far.

Maybe because SCTP is not yet widely supported?

Good reading about TCP over TCP:


Re: Tor speed

2009-02-13 Thread Mitar

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 3:13 PM, slush wrote:
 It is probably just luck, that these nodes are free now. Do you agree that
 this is not typical case, right?

Please do read:

So where in your tests are at least:

- randomization
- replication
- blocking

You cannot check only once and then conclude anything from that. Tor
network is really a place where you should do a statistical research
as is almost as far from deterministic as it can be.

So, for example:

- measure multiple times
- try different circuits, different nodes
- all this choose randomly
- and repeat, repeat, at different hours, different days for some
larger period of time


Re: Tor speed

2009-02-13 Thread Mitar

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 8:00 PM, slush wrote:
 During last year of my playing with Tor network I did plenty of test in
 different days, random circuits, fixed-order circuits and so on, of course.
 But Im just surprised by speed in ONE random test with wget, because I know,
 that is far away of typical behaviour. It is all. And the conspiracy was
 bad joke, of course ;-).

Was this done systematically?


Re: Tor speed

2009-02-13 Thread Mitar

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 4:07 PM, F. Fox wrote:
 If I understand this correctly, node-to-node transmission would still be
 adding another layer of TCP sequencing to any underlying TCP connection
 sent into the network on the client end; however, that new TCP sequence
 wouldn't be in the clear as it previously was, but would be
 encapsulated courtesy OpenVPN's UDP engine.

You definitely use better terminology than me. :-)

This is why I wrote that Tor should make a new circuit for every top
TCP-based protocol. So Tor would map TCP connection to one circuit so
other TCP connections would be independent from underlying
transmission errors.

Sorry, I do not know how I would describe this idea better. As is was
only one simple thought: use already implemented things.


[Friclist] Draga fakulteta

2009-02-10 Thread Mitar

(Bi lahko kdo objavil se na fri-info, ce ze ni.)


Re: [Friclist] Draga fakulteta

2009-02-10 Thread Mitar

 Tole je kr neki, sorry.



Re: [Friclist] Draga fakulteta

2009-02-10 Thread Mitar

 Prvič je odnos čist hipijevski,

In kaj je s tem tocno narobe? To si sedaj napisal, kot da je nekaj s tem
narobe. Nekateri smo pac taksni po dusi.

 Če hoče on izkušnje pri delu, naj gre na visokošolsko, ne pa uni...
 sploh pa naj gre raje na srednjo tehnično (Vegova) in se zaposli takoj
 po srednji šoli, pa bo dobil izkušnje. Očitno ne razume, da fakulteta ni
 namenjena temu, da bo on pridobival izkušnje za delo.

To ni res. Ni potrebno, da se ti dve stvari izkljucujeta. Z malo bolj
realno-uporabnimi problemi/seminarskimi pri predmetih bi lahko dobili
kar nekaj izkusenj ze skozi njih. In kaksnimi primerjavami oziroma
posredovanji znanj iz realnih sistemov. Recimo z uporabo aktualnih
tehnologij za primere, ki se jih ucimo. In podobno. Je kar nekaj
prostora, kjer bi se lahko taksna znanja predajala.

 Aja pa nikjer ne vidim, koliko jih je glasovalo za mnenje, za katerega
 sem tudi jaz glasoval :)

Vidis tu:

Je pa res, da je to malo cudno, da ne pokaze. Zato pa mu lahko pises, ce
ti kaj ni vsec.


Re: [Friclist] Draga fakulteta

2009-02-10 Thread Mitar

 A je že kdo slišal za MIT?

Mesna industrija?


Re: [Friclist] Draga fakulteta

2009-02-10 Thread Mitar

 Hippies, hippies... they want to save the world but all they do is smoke
 pot and play frisbee!

Frizbi pa je res super igra. Lahko se zmenimo, da gremo kdaj kaj v
Tivoli, ko bo bolj soncno.


Re: [Friclist] Draga fakulteta

2009-02-10 Thread Mitar

Jaz ne razumem, saj ta spletna stran se gradi s strani uporabnikov. Ce
mislis, da mnenje ni OK, lahko kliknes, da se naj odstrani. Ce se z njim
strinjas, kliknes, da se z njim strinjas. Ce se ne, kliknes, da se ne.

Torej ... stran je taksna, ker so tisti, ki so vnasali, in ker so tisti,
ki niso vnasali, taksni. :-)


Re: Time Warner bad / VPS recommendations

2009-02-10 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 3:36 AM, Scott Bennett wrote:
 Please go read the tor man page again.  Specifically, you should reread
 the material on the ExitPolicy statement in the torrc file.  The proper way
 to prevent exits on port 80 is to use an ExitPolicy that rejects port 80 for
 whatever destination IP addresses the operator wishes to reject from port 80
 exits.  It really is not very complicated in concept or difficult to do.

In practice there is a problem: ExitPolicy is limited in size. So for
example default allow all with a long list of denied IPs (for example
Bittorrent trackers) is not possible. I have tried and failed. Sadly.


Re: [Friclist] Barve in oci

2009-02-05 Thread Mitar

 To si pa ne predstavljam čist, kok bi to programu lahko ratal. Maš mogoče
 ime programa, da si mal pogledam kje (mogoče youtube). Drugač si bom pa js
 tud kmal hackintosha naredu, pa bom mogoče sprobu tale programček.


Re: Time Warner bad / VPS recommendations

2009-02-05 Thread Mitar

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Matthew McCabe wrote:
 Also, you could setup an independent auditing system in which Tor experts
 could examine the Tor boxes or VPSs to be sure that they are not

But then ... who will watch the watchers?


Re: Time Warner bad / VPS recommendations

2009-02-05 Thread Mitar

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 9:52 PM, slush wrote:
 Although Im big Tor fan, I think it is better idea to run Tor in unused
 bandwith (like me) on plenty of computers rather than pay together few big
 centralized servers (like you offer). Firstly, using unused bandwidth is for
 free. And it is also more secure.

I agree and this is also the way I am using my bandwidth.

But on the other hand I am seeing many e-mails like I would like to
contribute to Tor but my ISP/university/mom does not allow me/has
blocked me/does not want to hassle. So maybe those could cooperate in
a way of putting together such nodes.


Re: Time Warner bad / VPS recommendations

2009-02-05 Thread Mitar

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Ted Smith wrote:
 TorProject has a paypal donations account that people (like those people
 who cannot run a node, but wish to contribute) can send donations to.
 Those donations, in turn, are requested by node operators who run
 high-bandwidth, permissive-exit-policy (I'd think no more restrictive
 than the default) nodes at cost to themselves. Additionally, TorProject
 could host a list of node operators that either don't qualify for the
 above request process or need more than it can offer to allow users to
 donate directly to node operators.

I do not see a reason why we would introduce middle-men. This could
also have a potential of changing a focus from building an open and
free network not operated by any entity to a focus on collecting
donations. Donations should just be a mean not a goal and adding an
organizational/administrative burden tends to induct the later.

 Another possibility (albeit much more extreme) is to allow a donation
 link metadata item for Tor nodes. This removes any dependency on the
 Tor Project handling funds.

This could be a good idea. Adding a possibility of putting a
donation buttons on a main Tor project page so that visitors could
decide to which node they would like to donate (and to scatter those
donations between nodes). (Maybe add some statistics and such.)

But I would like to see those donations only like some kind of an
award/bonus for running a node. I do not really see it as a reason for
running a node. Nor that they would suffice for covering the costs.
Nodes should not be dependent on donations.

 Even if the funds are somewhat diminutive, I think this would provide a
 bit of incentive to start running a node and to keep running a node in
 the face of censorship.

I doubt so. I do not see how this would influence your ISP which are
the most often the reason why people (have to) shut them down. And
also in most cases running a Tor node does not increase bandwidth
expenses as people are running them on their free (unused)

I was not so much thinking about donations from random people. Those
are/would be nice. But I see there a possibility of people which would
like to run a node to get together and cooperate. So those people
directly, without middle-men, without dependency on random
donations. Like: I can donate 5 EUR/month for a Tor node. But this is
not enough. So who else would like to join? And if there would be 20
people who would agree on such commitment then we/they would be able
to rise a node together. But they would work together directly and
they would be those who would donate.

So maybe we could make a wiki page or something where people would
ensign for such a cooperation. And when there would be enough people
they could work out the details (where, which ISP, which hardware...)
and put a new node online.


Re: Time Warner bad / VPS recommendations

2009-02-05 Thread Mitar

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Ted Smith wrote:
 Why put one node online when you could put hundreds online, by creating
 enough incentive to balance the potential risk of ISP complaints?

I do not see those two ideas excluding each other. :-)

So yes, such field in metadata + support for it in Vidalia would be
really great. I see your point and I agree that maybe the possibility
of such donations (and later on when somebody put a node online also
their reality) would be enough push for some to start doing it. I am
little bit skeptical about that though.

But would people (users) donate? Because donations would not be
anonymous (or can they be?) they would in this way somehow say that
they are using Tor (which is maybe something they would like to hide).

I just wanted to stress that there is also another
approach/possibility which uses regular and arranged donations from a
more or less fixed group of people (for each node) to form a new node.


[Friclist] Barve in oci

2009-02-04 Thread Mitar

A ve kdo kaj je boljse za oci? Imeti vmesnik (okna, editorje ...) s
crnim besedilom na beli/svetli podlagi in belo/svetlo besedilo na crni

Ker vecina operacijskih sistemov in vmesnikom ima po privzetem prvo,
ampak meni se zdi, da je za oci boljse, ce cimmanj sveti monitor. Po
drugi strani pa je tako, da sedaj, ko sem si zamenjal na belo besedilo
na crnem ozadju vse, se mi zdi, da se oci veliko bolj mucijo z branjem
in gledanjem, kot da bi bilo to slabse in bi moral oci bolj naprezati,
kar ne izgleda ravno dober znak.

Tako da ... kaj menite ostali? Imate kaksne izkusnje s tem? Glede na to,
da bo to nas kruh, bi se verjetno morali nauciti, kako si pripraviti
delovno okolje tako, da je cimbolj zdravo. O argonomiji in tem se sploh
nicesar nismo ucili ...


Re: [Friclist] Barve in oci

2009-02-04 Thread Mitar

 Sam knjige so bele, ker bi bil tisk takšnih s črnim ozadjem way
 dražji al ne? Hm

Da. Torej tam je to iz prakticnih (in mogoce estetskih/navade) razlogov


Re: [Friclist] Barve in oci

2009-02-04 Thread Mitar

Moje razmisljanje je nekako taksno:

- ali je boljse, da pada v oci manj energije, kar pomeni, da celice v
ocesu sprejemajo manj energije, in da ta energija, ki pa pade, doloca crke
- ali je boljse, da pada veliko energije, kar pomeni, da se je celicam
lazje aktivirati, in da neaktivirane celice dolocajo crke

Torej ce gledam fotoaparat, ta bolje deluje, ce pade vanj veliko
svetlobe. Po drugi strani pa gledanje v zarnico ne vpliva najboljse.

 Men se zdi, da je pr tem *najbolj pomembn kontrast* (med okolico in tem, kar
 gledaš). Če maš malo televizijo v čist temni sobi, pol bo to po moje slabo
 za oči, ker se oči prilagodijo temi, ti pa pol gledaš v neki full svetlega.
 Za razliko je pa v kinu ekran ogromen, tko da je velik del vidnega prostora,
 kamor gledajo oči, svetel.

Se strinjam. To se tudi meni zdi najbolj pomembno.

 Tko da js zvečer, kadar sm na računalniku, si *čim bolj osvetlim ozadje in
 zmanjšam svetlost monitorja*, da ni prevelkega kontrasta med okolico in

Da, tudi jaz. To sem delal do sedaj in sedaj sem zacel razmisljati, kako
bi lahko izboljsal to.

 Sm neki časa probavu z različnimi idejami, kok bi mel ozadje vedno temno in
 črke svetle (ponoči, seveda), pa ni najbolj ratval:

Jaz pa sem nasel za Maca en super program, ki ohranja hue barve, le
kontrast okoli obrne. In to v popolnosti vsemu. (Se filmom. To je to, ce
ti celoten GUI temelji na OpenGLu, potem lahko vrzes eno transformacijo
cez in to je to.) Tako da ni cisto inverz, ni pa tudi res, da se barve
cisto ohranijo. Ampak za delo (moje je predvsem tekstovno,
programiranje, pisanje in podobno), je to super. Tudi za spletne strani
sem nasel super dodatek:

Sem pa ga moral malo predelati, da deluje pametno v kombinaciji s tistim
drugim programom (ker sicer je ta obrnil barve na crno, potem pa mi jih
je tisti prvi program vrnil na belo, tako da sem moral malo obrniti
delovanje tega programa).

Rezultat je kar lepo delovanje, samo potem, ko sem si vse naredil v belo
besedilo, vec nisem preprican, ce je to najboljse. :-)


Re: Time Warner bad / VPS recommendations

2009-02-04 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 8:50 PM, slush wrote:
 Yes, Im using, plan Linode 720. Tor runs without any problem
 (but my bandwidth is only about 150kB/s; there are another network services

Interesting. That is $40/month with 400 GB limit. I have a collocation
for around 110 EUR per month for 100 Mbit/s best-effort with no limit
on data transfer and yet without any problems with ISP (they said that
it is not their issue what I am running on my server).

So ... maybe ... there is an idea. I could offer to setup Tor nodes
with this ISP with simple CPU/RAM/diskless/self updatable/no logs
systems for 100 Mbit/s default policy exit nodes. If anybody would
like to monthly contribute/donate money for collocation and this
initial hardware. Or few people together.

I just do not know what would ISP say if they would have multiple such
nodes there. Maybe they would become less liberal.


Re: Time Warner bad / VPS recommendations

2009-02-04 Thread Mitar

 You raise important questions:  how many tor relays currently listed
 in the directory are running on hardware owned by the same entity?  And
 how many of those are on hardware physically located at the same site?

And if they are using virtual servers within the same ISP...

 Is it possible to get a three-hop circuit using relays that are ostensibly
 being operated by different individuals, but which are all running on the
 same physical machine because the operators all subscribe to the same
 company's hosting service?

Whois and geoip could help you at least in some way with approximating
how many such circuits (which do not use nodes listed as a family of
nodes) could exist. It would be a rough estimate though. Maybe we
could make a script which would go over whois data and e-mail
operators so that they could cooperate end enter those nodes as a
family. Or maybe this could be an automated process? (To check when
building a circuit if nodes are of the same ISP.)


Re: read() returns ETIMEDOUT

2009-02-04 Thread Mitar

 sysctl net.inet.tcp | grep keep

net.inet.tcp.keepidle: 720
net.inet.tcp.keepintvl: 75000
net.inet.tcp.keepinit: 75000
net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive: 1

I am using FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE on amd64 architecture and bge network interface.

Server has around 5 MB/s (megabytes) almost constant rx/tx rate. I use
pf firewall and there are a lot of connections opened, for example,
some pf states stats:

State Table  Total Rate
 current entries17042
 searches  675209641714750.6/s
 inserts 66200602  144.6/s
 removals66183560  144.6/s

I have been sending a TCP/IP data with netcat listening on the server
side and netcat sending from the client. It was not so fast connection
(around 50 kB/s (kilobytes) connection on average) but it was a stable
steady sending. Server has much more bandwidth available. The
connection has lasted only around 12 minutes and only 30 MB of data
has been transferred until the time the server closed the connection.

The problem is that this is repeatable (I have repeated this test many
times) and under such load it happens always. If I disable/cancel all
other load on the server the connection is not broken by the server.

 (3) TCP retransmit timer reaches its full exponntial backoff without being
ACK'd.  (tcp_timer_rexmt)

I believe it is because of this. I could not insert kernel printf as I
am unable to reboot the server at the moment but I have been checking
drop counters with netstat and at the moment the connection broke
connections dropped by rexmit timeout counter increased. It is true
that the counters are increasing almost all the time under the load
but I believe that I have timed this correctly.

 It would also be useful, if possible, to look at the tcpdump for the last
 portion of the connection, perhaps ideally from the second-to-last ACK from
 the remote host to the connection reset from the local end.  It might be
 worth running tcpdump on both sides to see if they see the same thing -- for
 example, does one side think it's sending ACKs and the other not receive it?

I have put complete logs on the net:

Client is NATed behind a router on a different ISP.

 In the previous thread, it looked a bit like the outcome was that there was
 a memory exhaustion issue under load, and that bumping nmbclusters helped at
 least defer that problem.  So it would be useful to see the output of
 netstat -m before and after (for as small an epsilon as you can make it) the
 connection is timed out.  I realize capturing the above sorts of data can be
 an issue on high-load boxes but if we can, it would be quite helpful.
 Regardless of that, knowing if you're seeing allocation errors in the
 netstat -m output would be helpful.

I doubt that it is a memory issue as I have been monitoring those
allocations and they do not come near max values. current netstat -m
output is:

10657/8228/18885 mbufs in use (current/cache/total)
8248/7388/15636/25600 mbuf clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
8248/5994 mbuf+clusters out of packet secondary zone in use (current/cache)
1839/774/2613/12800 4k (page size) jumbo clusters in use
0/0/0/6400 9k jumbo clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
0/0/0/3200 16k jumbo clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
26857K/19929K/46786K bytes allocated to network (current/cache/total)
0/0/0 requests for mbufs denied (mbufs/clusters/mbuf+clusters)
0/0/0 requests for jumbo clusters denied (4k/9k/16k)
0/0/0 sfbufs in use (current/peak/max)
0 requests for sfbufs denied
0 requests for sfbufs delayed
27072 requests for I/O initiated by sendfile
0 calls to protocol drain routines

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[Friclist] [Fwd: [lj-wlan] Raziskovanje GSM tehnologije]

2009-02-02 Thread Mitar

Definitivno zveni zanimivo.


 Original Message 
Subject: [lj-wlan] Raziskovanje GSM tehnologije
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2009 12:43:07 +0100
From: Matej Kovacic
Reply-To: Ljubljansko WLAN omrezje
To: Ljubljansko WLAN omrezje


sicer je tale mailing lista namenjena lj-wlan projektu, vendar pa si jo
bom drznil zlorabiti za informacijo in vabilo k sodelovanju pri nekoliko
podobnem projektu. Za off-topic se že vnaprej opravičujem.

GSM telefonija je zanimivo a iz vidika informacijske varnosti žal še
precej neraziskano področje informacijske tehnologije.

Znano je, da GSM pri prenosu podatkov uporablja šifriranje, in znano je,
da se da GSM pogovore kljub temu prestrezati. Znani so tudi nekateri
teoretični kriptoanalitični napadi na A5 algoritem za šifriranje GSM
pogovorov. A javno objavljenih podatkov o tem je malo.

Prav tako je malo javno objavljenih podatkov o raznih zlorabah
(exploitih) mobilnih telefonov in GSM omrežja, pa tudi o različnih
skritih funkcionalnostih GSM telefonije.

Ker me stvar zanima, sem se pred kakšnim letom prijavil na poštni seznam
GSM Software projekta, katerega cilj je bil razviti odprtokodno
programsko opremo za poganjanje bazne postaje ter odprtokodno
prisluškovalno napravo za GSM za ceno manj kot 1000 EUR.

Projekt (predvsem kriptoanaliza A5) je zašel v težave in vse skupaj je
propadlo... do pred kakšnim mesecem, ko so projekt ponovno oživili pri
Computer Chaos Clubu.

Če vas zanima, se lahko organiziramo in pridružimo projektu. Namen
slovenske skupine bi bil predvsem sodelovanje v uradnem projektu,
iskanje in izmenjava informacij in morebiti testiranje programske in
strojne opreme.

Kogar zanima sodelovanje, ga vabim na uvodno predstavitev projekta, ki
bo predvidoma (če ne bom zbolel) ta PETEK popoldan v LJUBLJANI. Kogar
zanima naj mi pošlje e-mail in mu bom v naslednjih dneh sporočil točno
lokacijo in uro.

Na neformalni predstavitvi bom predstavil naslednje teme:

- splošno o projektu starem in novem projektu, zakaj je projekt
odprtokoden in zakaj je prišlo do težav pri prejšnjem projektu;

- osnovna analiza SIM kartic z odprtokodno programsko opremo in
odprtokodnim čitalcem za nekaj EUR;

- kriptoanaliza GSM algoritma A5 in opis potrebne strojne opreme;

- dekodiranje GSM protokola z opremo za nekaj EUR;

- poganjanje odprtokodnega GSM omrežja - OpenBTS projekt in postavitev
testnega GSM omrežja v Black Rock Cityu;

- nekateri oddaljeni exploiti za GSM (nevidni ping GSM telefona,
dostopanje do SIM kartice preko omrežja, poganjanje programov na
telefonu preko omrežja,...).

Kot rečeno gre predvsem za to, da se za začetek srečamo vsi, ki nas
zanima raziskovanje te tehnologije ter da si začnemo izmenjevati
informacije, znanje in izkušnje.

lp, Matej
lj-wlan mailing list

Re: read() returns ETIMEDOUT

2009-01-31 Thread Mitar

I have found also:

I am using FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE.

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read() returns ETIMEDOUT

2009-01-31 Thread Mitar

Is there any progress on this error reported:

I have the same or very similar issue. On my server large HTTP uploads
are failing because there are only one direction data transmissions
(when reading/receiving a request) and kernel drops connections after
some time with ETIMEDOUT returning from read() even if transmissions
are doing just fine with steady speed, tested at different speeds.

Is there any workaround currently known?

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Re: [Friclist] MIT OPEN SOURCE

2009-01-30 Thread Mitar

 MIT je naredu open source course ware ... ce koga zanimajo predavanja z mit

To je sedaj nekaj novega? Mislim, so kaj spremenili? Ker dostop do
svojih posnetkov so ze dolgo imeli?


Re: [Friclist] [Fwd: Re: Izpit pri IPPO]

2009-01-28 Thread Mitar

 A kdo ve, kdaj bodo rezultati?

Rekel je, da bo upa, da bo popravil do cetrtka.

 Kaj pa ogled?

V petek verjetno.


Re: [Friclist] [Fwd: Re: Izpit pri IPPO]

2009-01-26 Thread Mitar

 Ja, jaz sem isto razmišljal... Torej narediš fourierja čez IA, nato
 deliš s fourierjem od filtra (filter si verjetno moral imeti podan,
 sicer ne gre?), potem pa še inverznega foruierja čez to kar ti ostane in
 dobiš originalno sliko. Nisem pa vedel, kakšne so tu težave... torej
 napišem, da se izgubijo visoke frekvence?

Ne, ne v splosnem. Pac odvisno, kaj dela ta prvi filter. Ampak ponavadi
je tako, da nekatere frekvence zmanjsa. (Pri glajenju pac visoke
frekvence.) In potem ko neke frekvence zmanjsa, je vprasanje, kako jih
lahko dobis nazaj. Tudi ce imas potem filter, ki dela obratno - da
visoke frekvence poveca (kar bi naj bilo deljenje z njim). V idealnih
pogojih bo poveceval nicle - kar pomeni, da je delovanje nedefinirano. V
slabsih (realnih) pogojih, pa bo poveceval nek sum, netocnosti prvega
filtra (ker prvi filter ni popoln in ne zadusi vseh visokih frekvenc).
Torej bos dobil kot rezultat pri visokih frekvencah le povecane napake
prvega filtra, kar pa so ponavadi potem kaksni artifakti in podobno. In
to se ojacani!

Sploh razmisljam, ce obstaja res deljenje z matriko. Verjetno obstaja le
mnozenje z inverzom. Torej je morebitna tezava ze v tem, da inverza
sploh ni. Oziroma ima kaksne neskoncnosti. :-)

Recimo ce imas filter, ki ima same nicle. Kako bos potem dobil nazaj
karkoli? Je nedefinirano, ker inverz bi vseboval neskoncnosti.

Torej ce obstaja dobro definiran inverz, potem bi verjetno slo. Pa se
takrat se lahko pojavijo racunske oziroma kvantizacijske tezave. Ker bos
lahko poveceval mala stevila v velik razpon. Se posebej, ce si prej
zaokrozil. Torej imel si razpon 0-255, naredil si filter, ki je recimo
delil z 20, dobil si neko malo vrednost, si jo zaokrozil, ko mnozis
nazaj z 20, dobis drugo vrednost.

Meni ni jasna 1. naloga iz:

Kaj imajo tangente in kroznice s Houghov transformom? Ali je to
preprosto vhodna slika algoritma in ti moras na njej izvesti Houghov

Jaz grem pocasi na faks. Bom nekje v knjiznici ali kje, ce bo komu, da
se malo prej kaj dobimo.


Re: [Friclist] [Fwd: Re: Izpit pri IPPO]

2009-01-26 Thread Mitar

 S Houghovim transformom lahko iščeš krožnice, v parametričnem 
 prostoru, tako kot črte. V tej nalogi imaš pač podani tangenti na 
 neko krožnico, ki jo iščeš. Poiščeš jo pa potem z izvajanjem Hougha 
 na podanih točkah.

Samo tista resitev na E-studiju meni ni jasna. OK, vstavljas tocke v
parametricno enacbo enega parametra (ta prosti parameter, spremenljivka,
je a). Ker je ta enacba kvadraticna, potem dobis dve resitvi. In torej
to pomeni, da v parametricnem prostoru ne rises nobenih krivulj, ampak
le dve tocki. In to naredis za vse tri vhodne tocke in potem pogledas
kje v parametricnem prostoru si narisal najveckrat isto parametricno
tocko. Torej kje so tu kaksne krivulje v parametricnem prostoru?


Re: [Friclist] [Fwd: Re: Izpit pri IPPO]

2009-01-26 Thread Mitar

 Samo tista resitev na E-studiju meni ni jasna. OK, vstavljas tocke v
 parametricno enacbo enega parametra (ta prosti parameter, spremenljivka,
 je a). Ker je ta enacba kvadraticna, potem dobis dve resitvi. In torej
 to pomeni, da v parametricnem prostoru ne rises nobenih krivulj, ampak
 le dve tocki. In to naredis za vse tri vhodne tocke in potem pogledas
 kje v parametricnem prostoru si narisal najveckrat isto parametricno
 tocko. Torej kje so tu kaksne krivulje v parametricnem prostoru?

Oziroma jaz moram narisati potem premico v tem parametricnem prostoru,
kjer vrednosti te parametricne tocke uporabim kot parametre premice? A
je premica?


[Friclist] Studij v Avstraliji

2009-01-26 Thread Mitar


Re: [Friclist] [Fwd: Re: Izpit pri IPPO]

2009-01-23 Thread Mitar

 A ni ravno obratno? Kolikor se meni zdi, Leonardis predava po tisti drugi

Aaa. Kaj sedaj?


[Friclist] [Fwd: Re: Izpit pri IPPO]

2009-01-22 Thread Mitar

Sedaj mi mora samo se nekdo povedati, katera poglavja smo delali pri
IPPO. :-)


 Original Message 
From: Matjaž Jogan
Subject: Re: Izpit pri IPPO
To: Mitar


 Rad bi preveril informacijo, da bi naj v izpitu iz Izbranih poglavij
 programske opreme za studente po starem programu bila le snov
 Racunalniskega zaznavanja? Izpiti pa bodo podobni kot do sedaj?

Tako je, vse naloge bodo iz računalniškega vida in bodo obsegale
poglavja, predelana pri predmetu IPPO.
Literatura ostaja ista, torej:

 Computer Vision: A Modern Approach
 od D. A. Forsyth in J. Ponce ali Introductory Techniques for 3-D
 Computer Vision od Emanuele Trucco, Alessandro Verri

Matjaž Jogan
Visual Cognitive Systems Lab
University of Ljubljana

Re: [Friclist] [Fwd: Re: Izpit pri IPPO]

2009-01-22 Thread Mitar

 Vidiš Mitar, da se nismo nič zlagali glede izpitov pri IPPO. :)

Vidim. :-)

 Poglavja pa so sledeča:
 2. Digital Snapshots
 3. Dealing with Noise
 4. Image Features
 5. More Image Features (avtor pa ima pa domišljijo glede imen poglavij)
 6. Camera Calibration( Pri tem poglavju pridejo v poštev le osnove
 9.Shape from Single-image Cues
 10. Recognition
 Približno 200 strani torej

In katera knjiga od teh dveh je priporocena s strani studentov za ucenje?


Re: [Friclist] IPPO izpitni rok

2009-01-18 Thread Mitar

 Jap, danes sem šel na predavanja in ga vprašal malo glede izpita...
 robotike ni več! Mi bomo pisali isti izpit kot teli ta novi (RZ), tako
 da bo kriza. Ampak na srečo bo vsaj ta stara snov (oz. vsaj podobno, na
 isti način...). Rekel je da motion ne pride v poštev, pa potem neke
 teksture, pa tam pri kalibraciji samo osnovne formule, pa mislim da še 1
 ali 2 stvari, ki ne prideta v poštev, ampak sem pozabil.

In iz cesa se clovek sploh uci to?


Re: [Friclist] IPPO izpitni rok

2009-01-13 Thread Mitar

 Mene zanima ce seminarske se veljajo.
 Na strani so ze vaje za novo generacijo zato me zanima ce in kako dolgo 
 veljajo vaje.

Jaz mislim, da kar veljajo. Nic niso pravili, da vec ne bi.

Aja, pa na e-Studentu je razpisan rok za IPPO. 26. 1. Hkrati kot ze prej
omenjeno Racunalnisko zaznavanje.


Re: [Friclist] IPPO izpitni rok

2009-01-13 Thread Mitar

 Robotike ni več na izpitu.

Kako ne? Mislim ... to je preverjena informacija?


[Friclist] RAM

2009-01-13 Thread Mitar

Ima kdo, proda kdo, pozna kdo koga, ki bi prodal:

dve ploscici po 512 MB SODIMM 266 MHz PC2100 DDR RAMa


rdr pass rule

2009-01-12 Thread Mitar

I have a system where my daemon is running on a public IP on a high
port (so that it does not need root privileges, and it is binded to a
public IP as it runs in a jail) and I would like to translate it to a
lower port. I would like that just this lower port is publicly
accessible. This can be done with:

rdr pass on $int_untrust proto tcp from any to $addr_svc port $svc_ext
- $addr_svc port $svc_int

This makes only $svc_ext port accessible as $svc_int port is closed
(not opened) for traffic.

But I would like to assign this traffic to a queue and thus I cannot
use pass option. I wanted to create a rdr rule without pass option and
a separate pass rule later on. But the problem is that, as far as I
understand, pass rules are applied after rdr, so I can set them only
on an internal port (to which I am translating public port). But then
the question is how can I open this internal port so that it is not
opened to a public, only to a traffic coming through a rdr rule?

Is there a general way how one can transcribe rdr pass option to a
pass rule which would behave in the same way as rdr pass?

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Re: [Friclist] Absolventski staz

2009-01-07 Thread Mitar

 Kolikor sem jst slišala moraš opraviti ravno pravo število izpitov
 (glede na kreditne točke) in si tudi pustiti ravno prav izpitov. Če
 ti jih ne ostane dovolj, mislim da ti ne podaljšajo. Tako sem slišala
 od prejšnjih generacij.

To so spremenili. Svoj cas je bilo res tako, da si moral imeti se vec
kot nekaj izpitov do konca, da so ti podaljsali. Sedaj moras le opraviti
dovolj izpitov (ali pa prijaviti diplomo), preden zaprosis.


Re: [Friclist] Absolventski staz

2009-01-07 Thread Mitar

 Nono mal je treba le pazit. Ce si kdo namerava pustit 1 sam izpit, al
 pa 2... naj pozabi na podaljsanje. Ker ce pustis premalo stevilo
 izpitov, izpade kot da si namerno pustil, da bos lahko vlekel stastus
 studenta in tega ne zelijo.

Ehm, kje pa to pise? Mislim, saj si recimo pustis 1 ali 2 izpita +
*diplomo*. Diplomo je tudi potrebno enkrat narediti. In traja nekaj
casa. Ce ti podaljsajo takrat, ko naredis vse izpite in prijavis
diplomo, ne razumem, zakaj ti ne bi podaljsali z enim ali dvema
izpitoma, saj je jasno, da bos moral prijaviti tudi diplomo.


[Friclist] Absolventski staz

2008-12-30 Thread Mitar

Do kdaj nam traja? Do katerega datuma moramo oddati prosnjo za podaljsanje?


Open with O_APPEND fails

2008-12-27 Thread Mitar

I discovered that open syscall with only O_APPEND fails with
permission denied if an user does not have rights to write to a file
(what is normal) even if it is root (what is a surprise). For example,
if I have a file owned by www:www and with 644 permissions root cannot
do open(testfile, O_APPEND) call. If I change ownership of I change
permission to for example 666, call succeedes.

This works on Linux (Debian). So this is a feature? Or a bug?

(I discovered that because htpasswd failed to add new
username/password pair (ran as root) to a file owner by www.)

Checked on FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE.

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Re: Open with O_APPEND fails

2008-12-27 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:17 AM, Mel wrote:
15  fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND);

Try only with O_APPEND, without O_WRONLY.

I have just found a bug report about that:

But the question remains: why this fails? It works on Linux, as it is
seen from bug report it works also on FreeBSD 6.x, why it does not
work anymore on FreeBSD 7.x? Is it correct that it does not work? I
have not found anywhere written that O_WRONLY should be specified with

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Re: Open with O_APPEND fails

2008-12-27 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 4:58 AM, Gary Kline wrote:
 Just a thought, but have you figured out what the value of
 that OR is? then check the 6.x and 7.x src.

You mean O_RDONLY? Is not that 0? So that O_RDONLY | O_APPEND is the
same as O_APPEND? (That is why I am writing about O_APPEND flag and
not O_RDONLY | O_APPEND as that bug report.

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Re: Open with O_APPEND fails

2008-12-27 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 5:10 AM, Mel wrote:
 open(2) will succeed but write(2) will fail with EBADF as documented (and I
 verified this behavior). Still no EACCES as you and the bugreporter are

Where is documented that write would fail if file is opened only with
O_APPEND? Just O_APPEND should also open file for writing as appending
is also writing. It cannot be used without write semantics so file
has to be open also for writing.

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Re: Failed to hand off onionskin

2008-12-20 Thread Mitar

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Scott Bennett wrote:
 Increasing the queue limit to a high enough value means that none will be
 lost, even if it takes a bit longer for your CPUs to get caught up.

This is what I was thinking with smoothing out. But delay is longer
then (for some).

 Note that you do not have to shut down your relay in order to make this 
 Just edit torrc, resave it, and send tor a SIGHUP.

I know that. I was playing with this when I was trying to dynamically
deny exit for Bittorrent connections. The problem was only that Tor
does not support such complex (and big) exit configurations.

 It isn't routing of onionskins.  It is decrypting of onionskins.

It has to decrypt onionskin to get destination of the next hop (and of
course payload to send there). So if it takes long to decrypt it, then
it also takes long to route it forward.

(Or is route static and only payload is decrypted in layers? I do not
know so much of Tor internals.)

 [pet-peeve rant on]
 How about if people stop misusing the term bandwidth for data
 transmission rates and capacities, which have nothing at all to do with
 the {wavelength,wavenumber,frequency,period} bandwidths?  Slang popularity
 is not justification for misuse of technical terminology.
 [pet-peeve rant off]

It has to do with a physical layer of a transmission. More bandwidth
used as a carrier signal more data it can carry.

But mostly: I am just using terminology from Tor man pages.

 As for having one core running at 85% - 100% CPU-bound, a good rule
 of thumb is that a processor on a production system that averages higher
 than 70% CPU-bound is due for an upgrade.

With other cores idling? I would rather try to improve parallelism in
used programs.

But of course. Someone can always donate the newest multi-core CPU to
me and I will gladly install it into a system. :-)


Re: Failed to hand off onionskin

2008-12-20 Thread Mitar

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Scott Bennett wrote:
 I am running FreeBSD ~6.3 (i386), but I see the thread counts stated
 earlier when running it as a relay.  In client-only mode, I think there's
 only one or two threads.

I am not running client mode, only relay (if I understand my
configuration correctly)? I also do not have control port enabled.


Re: Performance optimizations for high-bandwidth Tor exit

2008-12-20 Thread Mitar

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 4:13 AM, wrote:
 I now want to play around with hidden services, and noticed that
 Apache takes a very long time to reply, even to local requests.

Do you use this same Apache as a proxy to directory server?


Re: Failed to hand off onionskin

2008-12-19 Thread Mitar

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 12:45 AM, Scott Bennett wrote:
 That is odd.  In my experience, tor has 4 + NumCPUs threads, except
 right after a SIGHUP or during initialization.  I normally only see two
 threads do any work, and most of it is done by one of those two.  Although
 I run it on a P4 Prescott, it is HT-enabled, so I set NumCPUs 2.  Most
 likely, the onionskin-decoding threads are used so infrequently that I only
 see one in use at a time anyway.

I am using FreeBSD. And if I set NumCPUs to 1, then I have 2 threads
reported by top, if I set NumCPUs to 3, then I have 3 threads reported
by top.

 Are you seeing any significant paging activity on that system?  If not,
 then I doubt that is the problem.

No. And I was not thinking that paging/swaping is a problem. But it is
5 MB/s of data to be processed what could be a problem if it is has to
be copied a lot around in the memory (RAM).

 Even small amounts of paging activity are not likely a problem.  Is that
 machine dedicated to tor?  Or is it also running other jobs with large
 (relative to the real memory of the machine) memory requirements?

It is not dedicated to Tor but at the moment I am testing it only with
Tor. So currently it does not have much other load, not CPU nor
memory. But later on (when I will tweak it correctly) it will have
also some other things running.


Failed to hand off onionskin

2008-12-16 Thread Mitar

From time to time I am getting this warning:

Failed to hand off onionskin. Closing.
Your computer is too slow to handle this many circuit creation
requests! Please consider using the MaxAdvertisedBandwidth config
option or choosing a more restricted exit policy.

I have been monitoring the system and while it is true that sometimes
it tops one processor, it occupies most of the time just 50 % of one
processor. I have also configured Tor daemon to use two threads so
even if it tops one it could still switch to another. But it rarely
passes 100 % (that is, it rarely really uses two processors). The
system as a whole has also not topped its CPU power. And while load
does not seem to be so high I get at the same time this errors. Is
there some other system bound which would be causing this and not CPU?
Are there some other performance tweaks I could try?

I am using Tor (r16744) on FreeBSD amd64. Should I maybe
upgrade to devel version?


Re: Failed to hand off onionskin

2008-12-16 Thread Mitar

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 12:44 AM, Roger Dingledine wrote:
 Well, step one is to set
 NumCPUs 2
 but I think you already did that.

Yes. That was something I tried first. But it did not change those
warnings much (I have not really measured or counted them but I
believe that there is the same amount of them in a day with one or two
processors enabled).

The only time I really see increase in CPU % (in top output on
FreeBSD) is when I send HUP signal - then it gets much over 100 % for
a few seconds.

 Assuming you're referring to the relay Arlequin, this is a very fast
 relay, so you will be running up against various constraints that not
 many people hit.

Yes. But the system really does not seem busy.

 How much ram is Tor using? If it's a lot, you might consider the -alpha
 versions, as on some platforms they use much less ram.

top reports 369M of total memory footprint. It has 3 threads. There
are around 14000 TCP connections established (I can count this as the
system has a dedicated IP address for Tor traffic).

Could it be a memory use bound? So that memory access cannot keep with
the use? And this is why the CPU is not maxed?


Re: Bittorrent packets

2008-12-15 Thread Mitar

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Marco Bonetti wrote:
 On Mon, December 15, 2008 14:35, Mitar wrote:
 But why port 80? Because that is what the original user has been using
 and he/she sends this port number to the tracker?
 On why the user chooses that specific port... meh... just let your
 imagination go wild: there will be plenty of reasons, from the poor man
 traffic disguise to human stupidity. I've seen computer science engineers
 configuring a firewall on their own laptops and opening port 80 in input
 while saying because I should be able to surf the web :D

True. So probably I am getting even more packets to other ports. I am
just not seeing them as they are dropped.


Re: Bittorrent packets

2008-12-15 Thread Mitar

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 8:58 AM, Marco Bonetti wrote:
 The torified client will send out the exit node ip, so the exit will
 receive unsuccessful connection attempts, I think this is the only
 annoying part of the process and this is why the azureus wiki is
 suggesting to overriding the sent ip address with your own real one.

OK, so the problem is that the tracker has recorded IP of an exit node
as a Bittorrent peer and it is giving that to other Bittorrent peer
which then want to connect to it and download from it? But why port
80? Because that is what the original user has been using and he/she
sends this port number to the tracker?

So there is nothing wrong if I block with a firewall all this
connections to my server from those IPs who are trying to connect to
me? I do not need to add them to ExitRules even if I am blocking them
as they are not really using Tor network nor they are connected trough
Tor network?

I was wondering that this could be also used as a measure against
using Tor network for Bittorrent data (not communication with a
tracker). I could add all those IPs to ExitRules of a node, rejecting
them as a possible destination. In this way Bittorrent data will not
be allowed out of the node. Those clients who will want to communicate
with a node are also those with which a Tor network user which wants
to use it for Bittorrent data will want to communicate.

I tried this and it works. Adding dynamically those IPs to ExitRules
and HUPing the Tor daemon. But the problem is that after some time and
number of IPs Tor daemon reached its limit of server descriptor size
(and ExitRules). So currently such approach is not possible as Tor
server descriptor was not designed for so many ExitRules, it seems.
Any workaround?

Without adding those IP to ExitRules it is not really nice that I
would be blocking them just with a firewall but this could be maybe
also seen as a feature: making Tor network unstable for Bittorrent
users (for data transmissions).


SSH and Telnet ports

2008-12-14 Thread Mitar

I am wondering why should I allow SSH and Telnet ports to be open on a
relay? Is there really a usage case where a Tor user would need them
(because connecting with SSH to a server does somehow go against
anonymity)? Because otherwise it could be used for dictionary attacks
against SSH hosts.


Re: SSH and Telnet ports

2008-12-14 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 7:26 PM, Roger Dingledine wrote:
 That said, feel free to take out ports 21 and 22 from your exit policy
 if they make you uncomfortable.

Is there maybe a middle way? For example to limit number of
connections exiting to the same host? So I could limit to one
connection to 22 port per minute for every host, for example. Of
course this would be problematic for a busy SSH server with many users
connecting through Tor network, but I think this is probably not very

A feature request?


Re: SSH and Telnet ports

2008-12-14 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 8:48 PM, Dominik Schaefer wrote:
 Concerning the aspect of using Tor to target others: I would be very
 surprised if anyone actually tries to use Tor for this, ordinary botnets of
 owned machines are completely sufficient.

Invalid SSH login attempts are often reported and some of systems in
botnets are taken down because of this. By hiding behind Tor network
they can make those reports useless thus systems in botnet will be
longer available to them.


Bittorrent packets

2008-12-14 Thread Mitar

I noticed that on a machine where I am running a Tor node I am getting
a lot of invalid HTTP requests to my 80 port. In Apache logs I saw
that they are Bittorrent packets and not HTTP requests. So I was
wondering if anybody else has been noticing this? Why exactly is this


Re: Disable logging of invalid requests

2008-12-14 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Morgan Gangwere wrote:
 Well, more accurately, this is kinda backwards. According to the
 documentation, the syntax for SetEnvIf is

 SetEnvIf (statement) (statement) (varname)

In my documentation:

it is written:

SetEnvIf attribute regex [!]env-variable[=value] [[!]env-variable[=value]] ...

 You're acctually //setting// a variable here to a particular //value//. if
 this is possible please let me know, as i could use this, as I'm having 0
 luck getting CustomLog to work.

But CustomLog just checks whether environment variable exists or not.
So the value does not matter in this case.

And about my problem. I have opted at the end for:

CustomLog /dev/null common

And now I do not have invalid requests logged. I do not like that but
I do not like having them logged even more. I really do not understand
why this short-circuiting is necessary. We have an error log for such
important things. CustomLog should be completely customizable. Even
this short-circuiting.

It is funny in some way that I do not want those requests to be logged
for security reasons (because they could leak some data to logs) but
reason Apache logs them is just because of security. Only some other
security. Can I make this a feature request? Obviously (t)here are
users which do not mind not logging such requests. I agree that the
default behavior should be logging them. But I also believe this
should be customizable. Not all usage cases have the same definition
of security.

I could pipe to another program which would remove them before writing
to a log file, though.


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Re: Disable logging of invalid requests

2008-12-14 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 9:41 PM, Joshua Slive wrote:
 For example, you want to log based on Request_URI. But to figure out
 what the Request_URI is, apache needs to parse the Request Line. One
 of the reasons for short-circuiting is an over-long request line,
 which would be dangerous to parse.

True. But in my case it is like this:

- if the request is valid and it is for some specific set of URLs, log it
- otherwise do not log it (also if it is invalid)

So I would like to see a switch/option which would say do not log
invalid requests. If the request is valid, then I will check
Request_URI and based on that I will log it. I understand that I
cannot check Request_URI for invalid requests. But why I cannot
disable logging of invalid requests? I would like to be able to
disable that in CustomLog and maybe just get a warning in error log,
something like IP this and this sent an invalid request. And what is
logged to an error log is already adjusted with LogLevel. I would put
this warning into info or notice level.


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[Bug-wget] Problems with wget using -r and -O options

2008-12-11 Thread Mitar

(Please CC me in replies as I am not subscribed to a mailing list.)

I am using wget 1.11.4 and in its man page it is written that using -r
with -O is supported but that I will get a warning. I tried using it
but it does not really work, I do get a warning though. I am using -O
to output it to stdout and it seems that this is the problem. wget
tries to reread the output to get links to follow, but rereading of
stdout is not possible and so it fails with only the first page
downloaded (and sent to stdout).

I have tried this both on Mac OS X (where it blocks after the first
page waiting for stdin) and FreeBSD (where it downloads only the first


Disable logging of invalid requests

2008-12-11 Thread Mitar

Is there a way to disable logging of invalid requests to an HTTP
server (which result in a 501 response code)? I would like to log only
specific URLs and I am using SetEnvIf with CustomLog to do that, like:

SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/$ log_request=yes
SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/index.html$ log_request=yes

CustomLog /var/log/httpd-access.log common env=log_request
CustomLog /dev/null common env=!log_request

But the problem is that those invalid requests are still logged to
httpd-access.log file.


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Re: [fri-inf-2006] Re: [Friclist] FRI:UNI:Umetnainteligenca/Izredni rok december/januar 2008/09

2008-12-09 Thread Mitar

 Kar se tiče UISP, bom tudi to predstavil Bratkotu, da vas je 6 napisanih in
 lahko greste na isti datum kot informatiki, če se bo strinjal.

Super, hvala.


Re: [fri-inf-2006] Re: [Friclist] FRI:UNI:Umetnainteligenca/Izredni rok december/januar 2008/09

2008-12-09 Thread Mitar

 Za PO (UISP) se probaj raje zmeniti za začetek marca, če je možno
 (absolventski staž nam poteče 30. marca), namreč petim od šestih je
 vseeno kdaj, en pa ne more decembra (oz. lahko sam se boji da je premal
 cajta za naučit se do 22.12., ane Blaž? ;)

Hm, to je tudi dober predlog. Zacetek marca bi bil res super. :-)


Re: [fri-inf-2006] Re: [Friclist] FRI:UNI:Umetnainteligenca/Izredni rok december/januar 2008/09

2008-12-09 Thread Mitar

 Najboljš bi blo, da bi Bratko pristal na 2 izredna roka, pa bi blo za vse ok

Da ne bo pomote, tisto glede marca je bilo sedaj pisano za UISP. Torej
Bratku se lahko pove, da se je tudi 6 kandidatov javilo za rok za UISP
za marec.


Re: [fri-inf-2006] Re: [Friclist] FRI:UNI:Umetna inteligenca /Izredni rok december/januar 2008/09

2008-12-03 Thread Mitar

 Izredni rok je lahko tako za smer informatika UI kot za smer programska
 oprema (UI1) po starem programu.

Cakaj. Meni tu ni najbolj jasno. PO po starem programu smo imeli predmet
UISP, ki je bil celoletni predmet. Sedaj, po novem, so to razbili v UI1
in UI2. Torej bi naj delali dva izpita. (Te spremembe ne bom tu komentiral.)

To, kar bi sedaj naj bil ta izredni rok, bi naj bil izredni rok za UI za
informatike in UI1 za programsko opremo. Torej ne bo izredni rok za
celoleten UISP ali recimo rok, kjer bi lahko delali tako UI1 kot UI2 (da
opravimo ta predmet enkrat za vselej).

Ker na E-studiju se nas je kar nekaj prijavilo za UISP v celoti. No,
ceprav tudi UI1 ni od muh, ce je izredni rok. Samo potem to nima smisla,
ce je januarja, saj takrat bo itak redni rok za UI1. Ali pac?


Re: [fri-inf-2006] Re: [Friclist] FRI:UNI:Umetna inteligenca /Izredni rok december/januar 2008/09

2008-11-12 Thread Mitar

 @Mitar: Js sm razmišljal, da bi se z Bratkom zmenili, da bi odprl prijavnice
 za UI (vse smeri) kar na rednem roku za UI1, ki je v zim. semestru. Snov je
 tako ali tako zelo podobna, tako da bi se izpiti razlikovali verjetno v eni,
 največ dveh nalogah. Verjetno bi bilo to tudi za Bratka lažje ...

Za nas, UISP, je snov za en semester sirsa. Ampak verjetno bi jim vseeno
bilo to veliko lazje organizirati kot kaj res locenega. Ce bodo zeleli.


Re: [Friclist] FRI:UNI:Umetna inteligenca /Izredni rok december/januar 2008/09

2008-11-10 Thread Mitar

 Ker se je predmet Umetna inteligenca za smer informatika prestavil iz prvega
 v drugi semester, kar je zafrknilo kar nekaj študentov, ki so računali na
 januarski redni rok, bi bilo dobro organizirati izredni rok. Da pa bo to
 mogoče, se mora nabrati vsaj 10 resnih kandidatov, drugače prof. Bratko
 verjetno ne bo voljan razpisati izrednega roka.
 Kdor še nima UI in bi rad opravljal izpit pred zimskim izpitnim obdobjem,
 naj se prosim napiše na seznam, ki se nahaja na:
 da se lahko grem pogajati s prof. Bratkom za izredni rok.

Mogoce bi se bilo dobro povezati tudi s programsko opremo po starem
programu, ki imamo celoletni predmet UISP, ki moramo sicer cakati do
junija, da bi lahko sli na sicer dva izpita (ker je po novem UI1 in UI2,
ki se stejejo kot UISP).


[Friclist] [Fwd: DGM - prosta opravila na področju računal ništva in informatike]

2008-10-22 Thread Mitar

Ce se mogoce kdo zadrzuje v Mariboru oziroma ce pozna koga od tam ...


 Original Message 
From: druga gimnazija [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: DGM - prosta opravila na področju računalništva in informatike


Ker se je na II. gimnaziji Maribor zelo povečal obseg del in nalog na
področju računalništva in informatike, potrebujemo sodelavca za:

   - pomoč dijakom in profesorjem pri upravljanju informacijske tehnologije,
   - pomoč pri vzdrževanju strojne in programske opreme,
   - dežurstvo v novi računalniški učilnici (razlogi: delo izven pouka,
   projektno delo ...),
   - pomoč pri delovanju računalniškega krožka (vzdrževanje opreme, razvoj
   - uvajanje novosti, multimedija ...).

Delo se opravlja v dopoldanskem času, zato si lahko termine razdelita
tudi dve osebi (ali morda celo tri). Prednost pri izbiri imajo
kandidati, ki imajo več znanja in izkušenj na področjih, za katera
iščemo pomoč.

Mirko Pešec, prof. računalništva in informatike

Re: [Friclist] Obvestilo o preteku veljavnosti digitalnega potrdila

2008-09-30 Thread Mitar

 Moj velja do 2.12.08. Tako da ko bos prestudiral postopek pridobivanja /
 obnavljanja, se priporocam za info :)

To lahko uredis tudi kar preko spletne strani:

Zal potrebujes Internet Explorer za to. Sem jim pisal, zakaj ne
podpirajo Firefoxa pred casom:

*Vaše vprašanje*: Ko želim ponovno pridobiti digitalno potrdilo, se mi
izpiše: Vaš brskalnik ne ustreza tehničnim zahtevam za digitalno
podpisovanje. Katerim tehničnim zahtevam moj brskalnik Firefox 3.0 ne

*Odgovor organa:*


zahtevana programska in strojna oprema za uporabo portala je objavljena
na strani, kjer je
dejansko navedeno, da je brskalnik Internet Explorer (verzija 6.0 in
višje) pogoj za uporabo polne funkcionalnosti portala, predvsem za
elektronsko podpisovanje spletnih vlog.

Portal je v uporabi že od junija 2006 in v pripravi imamo že oblikovne
in tehnološke izboljšave, med katerimi bo tudi zamenjava kompomente za
elektronsko podpisovanje, kar bo omogočilo tudi polno podporo brskalniku
Mozilla Firefox. Obseg uporabe tega brskalnika se je namreč v preteklih
letih zelo povečal - danes 68% naših uporabnikov dostopa z Internet
Explorerjem, 30% z brskalnikom Mozilla Firefox, 1% z Opero, 0.7% s

Zahvaljujemo se vam za vaše pripombe in predloge, saj prav prek stika z
našimi uporabniki lahko zagotavljamo nadaljnji razvoj, ki bo skladen z
dejanskimi potrebami. Pri tem moramo seveda upoštevati tudi
razpoložljivi obseg finančnih sredstev, ki jih lahko namenimo za te
aktivnosti - vendar nam prav odzivi, kakršen je vaš, pomagajo, da
ustrezno postavljamo prioritete nadaljnjega razvoja.

V upanju, da boste še naprej uporabnik in sooblikovalec sodobnih
storitev e-uprave, vas lepo pozdravljamo.

Ekipa e-uprave

Verjetno bi itak se vec ljudi dostopalo do njihovih spletnih strani s
Firefoxom, ce bi ga podpirali.

Kakorkoli, za nas (ne IE uporabnike) je do takrat mozno poslati PDF ali
DOC datoteko z zahtevo preko e-maila, ki ga podpises (S/MIME) s starim


Re: [Friclist] Zavarovanje statusa

2008-09-24 Thread Mitar

 Za vzporedni vpis je potrebno soglasje FRIja. Rok pa je bil 15 
 september. Takrat je zasedala komisija za studijske zadeve, ki 
 podeljuje ta soglasja.

Hm, kje pa kaj pise o tem roku?


[Friclist] Izpit iz TZ

2008-09-08 Thread Mitar

Danes bi naj bil izpit iz TZ, ampak jaz nikjer ne najdem kje in kdaj. A
kdo ve?


Re: [Friclist] [Fwd: Celoten JSTOR za Univerzo v Ljubljani]

2008-08-28 Thread Mitar

 kaj pa za oddaljen dostop?

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