Re: [Babel-users] Should I use wifi mesh routing in crisis situations?

2017-06-25 Thread Mitar

I would also be surprised if 802.11s works better than ad-hoc. I think
it is just a question of configuration in both cases. It is really
primarily limitation of one-channel communication.

Maybe through years ad-hoc implementations got bugs, but few years ago
ad-hoc mesh worked OK with wlan slovenia firmware. (With OK I mean 1
Mbit/s speeds. One YouTube video and this is it.) Maybe we just got
used to N and AC speeds and this is now not enough. I would guess that
all MIMO and package pipelining done with N and AC protocols do not
work well in ad-hoc mode.

One thing with one-channel mesh networks one has to consider is how
much noise each node is making to other nodes. You probably want to
sometimes even make TX power smaller to make less noise to other

But ad-hoc mode was never really meant for performance but for
independence to me. That the mesh network operates even without
uplinks and tunnels. And then speed one gets with backbone links.

So maybe think about setup where you use multiple radios per device.
Using ad-hoc, 802.11s, or 802.11s with one hop (nice trick, btw), I do
not think it matters so much. But test it. Test it also with different
TX powers. I think you should understand that 802.11s will not scale.
So really use it just for small parts of the network, you then combine
with L3 routing protocol together.


On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 3:19 PM, Valent Turkovic
<> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 6:20 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek <> wrote:
>>>>   1. ad-hoc mode doesn't work as well as infrastructure mode;
>>> Has anyone tries using 802.11s configured interface?
>> Interesting idea.  I'd be surprised if it worked much better than plain
>> ad-hoc mode, but I'd love to be proved wrong.
> I had really bad experience with adhoc mode, so I'm willing to try
> 802.11s and my feeling is that nothing can be as bad as adhoc.
> Friend just shared this great discussion from 2014:
> This gives quite a nice background explanation, so thank you Juliusz
> from the past :)
> What I'm trying to find from this mailing list? Just not to repeat
> tests that others have done, and of others have some best practices to
> share them.
> But if nobody has compared babel on adhoc and 802.11s routers then my
> team and I'll do this test and report back.
>>>> If you're using diversity routing (Babel-Z), be
>>>> aware that current versions of babeld are unable to automatically
>>>> determine the channel number of interfaces in AP mode -- you'll need to
>>>> set them manually.
>>> We are using wlan-slovenia firmware, and AFAIK this is regular babel.
>>> I'll read up on babel-z.
>> It's included in the babeld binary.  Just add "diversity true" to the
>> config file.
>> The protocol is described here:
> Thanks, I'll look into this.
> ___
> Babel-users mailing list


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] latency in WLAN-SI

2015-12-16 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 4:13 PM, Dave Taht <> wrote:
> In pouring through the astonishing *wealth* of data available via
> nodewatcher, I finally scrolled down to the chart next to the very
> bottom to find rtt measurements.

Oh, there is even more, but we do not display all charts and not for
all data we know how to draw it.

You can see all types of data recorded for a node by doing something like:

> so are you really seeing real-world peaks in the 7 second range or is
> that an artifact of something else?

I do not know. Maybe it is an artifact of flapping route?


Also, ping is from a central location, so this is accumulative over
multiple hops.



Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] latency in WLAN-SI

2015-12-16 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 2:16 AM, Dave Taht <> wrote:
>> Or we have a very short buffer. ;-)
> You certainly know how to tweak me!

In fact, we do not yet have anything like that configured, I was just
teasing. ;-)

But maybe upstream ISPs have.

> Do you have something like smokeping configured? I would love to see
> data on not just the vpn issues but on the latencies across the mesh.

Valent is running Smokeping from Croatia towards our server just for
this reason (after we discovered the issues). He might be able to give
you access to the VPS he runs there if you want to do more active

We do measure latencies from the central server (which is running
nodewatcher monitoring system) to all nodes for different packet sizes
every 5 minutes.

> In lui of deploying smokeping everywhere I've been thinking of adding
> a lightweight latency test to flent, where we just test lightweight
> udp and icmp continuously with, say, a 1sec or even 60 sec period, to
> dozens or hundreds of hosts, for hours at a time, all the time
> Smokeping's basic plot is good, but flent can do a better job of
> aggregating data across more variables. Another approach would be
> embed timestamps in the needed overhead traffic (be that babel or
> other) and get everything synced up via ntp...

Currently we use fping. Feel free to propose other stuff we should be measuring.

> As best as I recall your vpn was pure udp, no crypto, no retries I
> see in your (nice!) web interface that you track if a node is
> reachable, but not an observed rtt.

We also measure RTT.

> Could you clarify the behavior of your vpn? vpn's over tcp will never
> lose packets. vpns that do crypto tend to bottleneck on the crypto
> step and drop packets in the read side of the socket. nearly anything
> using the tun/tap interfaces tends to be slow, the recent Foo over UDP
> stuff corrects some of that:

We use L2TPv3 UDP pseudowire Linux kernel tunnels (so Ethernet/L2 over
UDP). Our VPN is just a broker for those. So no crypto, UDP, and
in-kernel tunneling for no context switches. The latter was require to
get anything more than 5 Mbit/s of VPN throughput on Foneras. When you
have a lot of fiber you tend to like using it all, if you can. :-)



Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Babel instability in WLAN-SI

2015-12-14 Thread Mitar

On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 11:39 AM, Juliusz Chroboczek
<> wrote:
> I'd like more evidence that this is needed.  Estimating packet loss is
> very slow (since we're computing a metric from what is just a discrete,
> one-bit signal), so it slows down convergence.  Hopefully we can get away
> without it.

Hm, isn't computation on WiFi links exactly the same?

> Does your RTT increase at the same time as packet loss?  If so, we could
> probably do without packet loss.

Not really. At least on the fiber links (which are most of our VPN
links) it does not.

> (Recall that the goal is not to have an accurate model of the real
> world -- the goal is to have traffic flow according to optimal paths.  If
> the traffic is going where you want it to go, there's no need to add more
> complexity to babeld.)

Currently it seems that the routes over VPN are dropped while we would
prefer them to stay up, even if there is a slight packet loss.

>> Why have you disabled packet-loss metric on VPN links?
> Because it's an experimental feature, that hasn't had enough real-world
> deployment.  It works beautifully in our tests, it works beautifully in
> Nexedi's network, and if it works as well in your network, I'll enable it
> by default.

Hm, are we talking here about packet-loss or delay-based routing
(RTT)? I understand that RTT metric is experimental, but I was talking
about packet-loss, why is that not enabled. Or am I missing something?

> First, it slows down reaction to link failures.  If you're on an Ethernet,
> and you lose two packets in a row, you can be pretty sure the link is
> down

Or we have a very short buffer. ;-)

But yes, maybe our recent instability in VPN links is more to the
problems with routing we have, then really link instability.

But we do have VPN links which go between countries. We have observed
really crazy stuff on for example links between Croatia and Slovenia.
Sometimes extra 100 ms appears on the link, because they have some
issues at Internet exchanges, for example (so delay is added at the
Internet exchange).

I do not think that VPN links should be seen as Ethernet. For Ethernet
I agree that if you loose two packets you have probably issues. But
for VPN you have stuff in between, from bad ISPs, to MTU issues which
make some packets get lost (especially while PMTU is in progress).

> Second, the link quality estimator uses ETX, which is optimised for
> multicast Hellos over WiFi links (it's quadratic in loss rate).
> A different formula should be used for lossy wired links and for unicast
> wireless tunnels.  (But then, perhaps ETX works well enough on tunnels --
> I have no idea.)

We have been using ETX with OLSRv1 on tunnels without visible issues.

What do you use for ETX? ETX = 1 / (d_f x d_r) is for unicast (as
described in the A High-Throughput Path Metric for Multi-Hop Wireless
Routing paper). To my knowledge for multicast you should use ETX = 1 /
d_f (as described in the
High-Throughput Multicast Routing Metrics in Wireless Mesh Networks paper).

So we know ETX equations for both unicast and multicast. Maybe Babel
should support both?



Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Babel instability in WLAN-SI

2015-12-14 Thread Mitar

So luckily we do know which links are wireless and which are VPN, so
we could configure that in the Babel configuration.

About VPN, I think ideally, we would want a metric for VPN links which:
- take RTT into the account
- take packet loss into the account
- take available bandwidth vs. used bandwidth into the account
- makes it clear that the link does not interfere with other links (so
no wireless interference)

Also, at some installations maintainers prefer to use WiFi links if
available, instead of VPN (because VPN can go over links where you pay
by usage). Not sure how we could mark those links? Maybe we should
have multiple links available? Wired, VPN, VPN-per-use, wireless?

(Also, some VPN links go over wireless - like 4G wireless. So packet
loss and RTT and stuff still very applies.)

The last point is something I am unclear what happens if we mark VPN
link as wireless and we use BabelZ?

Why have you disabled packet-loss metric on VPN links? Just to lower
the overhead of sending packets over? We would prefer to have it on,
we do not care so much about that low overhead (fiber to homes in

> Obviously, this is not recommended, since doing link quality estimation on 
> wired links is sub-optimal.

What do you mean here? That quality is not computed optimally, or that
it is sub-optimal from the perspective of link use (because it
consumes the bandwidth to measure the link quality)? I do not see why
computation of link quality would not work on the wired links as well
as on WiFi?


On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 10:53 AM, Juliusz Chroboczek
<> wrote:
>> BTW, how should VPN links be handled in this case? They are currently
>> marked as wired, but they can also experience packet loss. Does this
>> mean that bad VPN links can also cause huge amounts of control traffic?
> It depends.  How likely are they to lose two Hellos in a row?
> Babeld marks a wired link as down whenever it loses two out of three
> successive Hellos.  If this only happens occasionally (loss probability is
> below 2% or so), then it's fine.  If this happens often, then you should
> enable link quality estimation on them.
> In case of doubt, I suggest enabling link quality -- the really bad case
> is not having link quality estimation on lossy links, the opposite case
> (lq on lossless links) is inefficient but not too bad.  If you want
> a quick fix, just change your firmware to run link quality everywhere (-w).
> If very lossy tunnels are a common occurrence in your network, I'll
> implement a metric specifically for them.  But let's get your network
> running stably first.  (Nexedi are using babeld over a lot of tunnels, but
> their tunnels are lossless, which is why we implemented RTT-based routing
> for them.)
> -- Juliusz


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Bucket full, dropping packet

2015-12-13 Thread Mitar

But it will be more complicated with upgrades, and more complicated
assuring that things are really the same (same patched version of
Babel, same kernel version, TCP/IP stack, sysctl settings, etc.).


On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 1:00 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek
<> wrote:
>>> Ok, I'll see on Monday if I can get an extra VM before Christmas.
>> Which VM system are you using? We might be able to generate you a
>> ready-made image.
> Please don't -- I'll let our system administrators clone their usual
> VMWare image, it's better for everyone if I use what they're familiar
> with.
> -- Juliusz


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] wanted to map the babel network

2015-12-11 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 1:34 AM, Jernej Kos <> wrote:
>>> Yeah, link-local addresses of the current node are not reported by Babel
>> Do you want me to add that?
> The reason why this would be nice is that it would limit the link-local
> addresses to only those which are actually used by babeld. Because
> currently I just have to report them all (I could cross-reference that
> with interfaces in babeld configuration, but I think this would be too
> much added complexity, so I just report all of them).

Was this addressed?



Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Bucket full, dropping packet

2015-12-11 Thread Mitar

Hm, I thought that Babel was tested on large networks and that it was
tested on simulated large networks? Or are we now the largest network
using it and this is why we are getting in all this trouble? So this
is just another academic project which looks good on the paper but in
practice it is not really production grade?

We had to turn of Babel in the network and go back to OLSRv1. So much
for smooth transition.


On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Jernej Kos <> wrote:
> Hello!
> On 11. 12. 2015 18:47, Matthieu Boutier wrote:
>> Did you know where does this version comes from?  Is there a packet's
>> version, or whatever?
> I will add some code that dumps the whole packet.
>> It's really strange that an "Update" message could fail.  After a
>> quick look at the code, I think it should fail at line 513.  Could
>> you see if changing
> I will try.
> Jernej
> ___
> Babel-users mailing list


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] ANNOUNCE: babeld-1.6.3

2015-10-24 Thread Mitar
Hi! is not updated?

Is default route in a special routing table patch in?


On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Juliusz Chroboczek
<> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Babeld-1.6.3 is available from
> For more information about babeld and the Babel routing protocol, please see
> Only minor changes this time -- specifying router ids is now done from the
> config file, as requested by the Homenet folks, and minor changes to the
> low-level kernel interfaces to behave better within containers.  The other
> changes recently requested (32-bit kernel priorities, using a distinct
> routing table for the default route) should hit the repository soon.
> Enjoy,
> -- Juliusz
> 1 October 2015: babeld-1.6.3
>   * Changed the handling of kernel configuration and added the
> skip-kernel-setup option.  Thanks to Toke Høiland-Jørgensen.
>   * Added the option "router-id" and removed the flag "-R".  This is an
> incompatible change.
> ___
> Babel-users mailing list


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Specifying the routing table of exported routes

2015-09-02 Thread Mitar

Any progress on this? I know that not yet many days have passed, but
it is pretty urgent for us, because the network grew to the stage
where OLSR routing is unstable so we would need to switch to Babel as
soon as possible.


On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 9:03 AM, Jernej Kos <> wrote:
> Hello!
> On 27. 08. 2015 15:16, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
>> I think it's much cleaner to add filtering at the export stage.  Something
>> like
>>   export ip :: le 0 table 42
> Yes, this would be great.
> Jernej
> ___
> Babel-users mailing list


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Specifying the routing table of exported routes

2015-08-27 Thread Mitar

I think that putting routes of both routing protocols in the same
table gets really messy and hard to debug. And prevents any policy
routing rules we might want to apply.


On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 3:49 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 Then we can have the following order of routing tables on routers:



 I'll be glad to implement the hack that you require, but let's please
 think whether we can manage to avoid it.  What's wrong with putting both
 OLSR and Babel routes into a single table, and using a higher kernel
 priority for OLSR routes?  If you do that, the most-specific rule will
 cause host routes to be preferred to default routes, and the kernel
 priority will be used to prefer routes from one routing protocol to the
 ones from the other when they have equal specificity.

 Babeld's kernel priority can be tuned using the kernel-priority config
 file directive.  I have no idea whether something similar can be done with
 olsrd.  Henning?

 -- Juliusz


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Specifying the routing table of exported routes

2015-08-26 Thread Mitar

Just to give a bit of background, we need this to be able to run
multiple routing protocols at the same time. This allows us to
gradually transition to a new routing protocol (Babel). Then we can
have the following order of routing tables on routers:



On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Jernej Kos wrote:

 Is it possible to specify the routing table of exported routes in
 babeld? So for example that the default route would be put into a
 separate routing table from the other exported routes?


 Babel-users mailing list


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Roaming at layer 3

2015-08-09 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 2:16 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 So how you keep the mesh nature of your network while still providing
 this multi-channel roaming-enabled pockets of the network?

 The way I understand it, you have two (possibly virtual) interfaces on
 your nodes:

  - the mesh interface, on which the routing protocol is running;
  - the client interface, on which a DHCPv4 server is running.

 You only bridge the client interfaces -- the mesh interfaces are still
 a pure mesh, with no bridging nonsense.

Yea, but what about channels. :-( For mesh interface you want to run
on the same channel, and for client interface you want to run on
different channels.



Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Fwd: Why we switched to Babel

2015-08-09 Thread Mitar

 In the future we may implement roaming support which will let people keep
 their IP as they move around the city, but it will still switch after e.g.
 10 minutes, so tracking people becomes much harder.

What are ideas to implement roaming on L3?



Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Roaming at layer 3

2015-08-09 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 1:43 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 If I understood correctly, they're not trying to support wide-scale
 roaming -- the roaming domains will be small and well-defined.


But there is also another issue I have which is related to this topic
but not completely. And that is that at such big venue locations
with multiple nodes, where you want roaming, you also want nodes to be
on different channels, because otherwise they are interfering with
each other too much.

So how you keep the mesh nature of your network while still providing
this multi-channel roaming-enabled pockets of the network?



Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Roaming at layer 3

2015-08-09 Thread Mitar

Of course it can be solved with multiple radios, but that costs more.
Also, even having two radios (2 and 5 GHz) for example is in fact not
enough this days because you want AP to be on two bands as well, again
on separate 5 GHz channels to not interfere with each other. Many
clients can now use 5 GHz and to offload the 2.4 GHz spectrum we
should be using that fact.

I am trying to explain that we have a problem that we have competing needs:

- for end-users we have a need that they should roam in houses/spaces
and not have interference between APs, so the best would be to have
each AP on a separate channels to other devices, using wired
connections, ideally if there they are on the same switch, they should
just connect directly, otherwise over the VPN tunnel via servers
- for mesh operation you would need nodes to be on the same channel so
that they can communicate to each other, so those who do not have
Internet uplink, can still connect to the rest of the network

Now, the issue is that these two things are conflicting. But I think
we should try to find a solution.

So one option I see is that we have all nodes using different
channels, to maximize the use of the spectrum, on both 2.4 and 5 GHz.
They create both AP and ad-hoc networks, but they do not care that
ad-hoc links are not established because they have an uplink. In the
case that a node does not have an uplink, then it scans the
surroundings and if it finds our mesh ad-hoc network, it chooses the
same channel and connects with ad-hoc network to that one AP. Now, the
question is to what if there are multiple nodes around, which channel
this uplink-less node should pick and when it should switch it to
another channel. (The same problem in fact have the APs with uplinks
as well, but they could at least communicate with each other and
decide which channel one should pick.) One more problem is what
happens if multiple nodes lose uplinks. Then it could happen that half
of them pick one channel and another the other channel and then you
have a split.

The other option I see is to have a centralized node planing system.
When a user registers a new node they tell if the node will have an
uplink or not. If it will have, then the system allocates to the node
a channel which interferes the least.  If it will not have, then user
can pick which closest neighboor the node should connect to and
central system selects the channel so that the link is possible. This
second approach has a benefit that also backbone connections could be
done through the same system.


On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 8:25 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 Your understanding is correct. And, as you said, I also think that the
 issue can only be solved by having multiple radios on a node.

 I see now.  And agreed about multiple radios.

 -- Juliusz

 Babel-users mailing list


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Fwd: Why we switched to Babel

2015-08-08 Thread Mitar

On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
  1. BATMAN adds 32 octets of overhead to every frame;
  2. BATMAN requires the same MTU on all segments.

Are you sure about 2.? To my understanding, Batman simply fragments
packets in that case? So it still works, but a bit slower. But that
slow down is mostly visible only on higher-latency links. If you have
tunnels, you might not see much issues because of the fragmentation.
And for mesh (ad-hoc) connections you can still increase MTU on WiFi
interfaces. Only on AP WiFi interface you would keep 1500 MTU. No?



Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Babeld merged with GPL headers against copyright holders' wishes

2012-04-12 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Outback Dingo wrote:
 and its not only about commercial gain, its more about
 security of a software
 stack and the reasonable additions that can be protected when added
 under MIT/BSD and not
 under GPL in certain arenas where it benefits society, in the
 monitoring of various infrastructures
 in a secure fashion within reason.

Am I smelling security through obscurity here? Securing the code
should never be the way for securing the system. If you are doing
this, then you just add a false *sense* of security.


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Babeld merged with GPL headers against copyright holders' wishes

2012-04-12 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 without asking us for permission.

 I find that rude.

This is the whole point of free software and culture movement: that
you can do things with the work without having to ask the author for
permission. That author states the rules and you can then do whatever
you want without asking for permission if you play by that rules. This
is *the main idea*. If you find this rude, then, sorry, you do not get
the philosophy. Then you still live in the world of copyright where
everything should be allowed by the copyright holder.

And as far as I understood, they have contacted you. So they are doing
even more then required. Required in the legal sense and also moral
sense: because it cold be also morally implied that you accept GPLing
your code because you licensed it initially in the way you did.

For me this is a bit funny, very similar happened at our university,
when professor gave his code under GPL, he didn't want to be bothered
with this earthly things like licensing, just wanted code there. And
then once somebody used this commercially he discovered that he does
not like somebody benefiting from the code without he getting anything
from that. He really found that rude. Not paying him? How they dare!


Babel-users mailing list

[Babel-users] Question about Babel

2012-04-12 Thread Mitar

We are considering to finally move to Babel with our network in
Slovenia, but have two questions:

Does Babel support client roaming? At Battlemesh v5 Batman team
presented really cool implementation of that which really supports
seamless client roaming. Is there anything like that in Babel? The
issue is that for really good seamless roaming some inter-layer
information has to be leaked (the best way is to hook onto the WiFi
driver and immediately when client associates you adapt the routes for
him to point to this new node). Is this something Babel supports or is
there a possibility it will support? Or do you see this as something
some other part of the stack should take care?

Does Babel support dynamic (run-time) configuration of interfaces it
operates on, without the need of restarting the daemon? We are planing
to use many many L2TP tunnels to connect nodes together, which will be
created dynamically, so we will have to setup Babel to work on top of
that as tunnels are created and removed. Can Babel handle this?


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Question about Babel

2012-04-12 Thread Mitar

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Outback Dingo wrote:
 Yupp im well aware of this, was just trying to clarify what the
 original poster was referring to

Yes. You explained it well. So if I have APs connected together with
Babel, can Babel help in some way when one AP (A) client migrates to
another AP (B)? I would like that client keeps the same IP and all
connections stay open. What it would be the way to setup this in a
mesh using Babel to mesh APs together.

 its more of an AP / DHCP routing issue for mobile clients then
 anything babel related

OK, but Babel can help. For example, when client moves from A to B,
with adding a temporary route from A to B for that client's IP
address. So that all traffic going for client to A can be rerouted to

Does Babel even support moving /32 announcements from node to node
dynamically? So when client gets IP, this IP is also announced on node
A with /32 announce and once it moves to B, B starts announcing it.

Sorry if my terminology is not correct. I am not a network guy. But I
hope you will still understand what I asking. Or educate me what is
proper terminology. Thanks.


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Question about Babel

2012-04-12 Thread Mitar

Juliusz thank you for your explanations. Now I think I understand a bit more.

OK, so such daemon which would allow roaming in combination with Babel
in the sense I am hoping for does not yet exist. Do you maybe know if
there is already some project hoping to implement that?


On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 So if I have APs connected together with
 Babel, can Babel help in some way when one AP (A) client migrates to
 another AP (B)? I would like that client keeps the same IP and all
 connections stay open. What it would be the way to setup this in a
 mesh using Babel to mesh APs together.


 Does Babel even support moving /32 announcements from node to node

 Of course, Mitar.

 Babel uses a very general mechanism known as redistribution.
 Redistribution is a very old idea, dating at least as far as the first
 Cisco multiprotocol routers; you'll find it described in detail in any
 networking book written in the last 20 years.  Redistribution can be
 used to implement OLSR's HNA mechanism, BATMAN's client roaming, and
 a lot of other routing policies.

 The idea behind redistribution is that you don't statically setup routes
 that are being announced into the routing domain; instead, you specify
 which kernel routes (FIB routes) are going to be reannounced into the
 routing domain.  A route that is so being reannounced is said to be

 As you perhaps know, there are two implementations of Babel: the
 standalone babeld daemon, and the version integrated into Quagga.  The
 twa do redistribution differently, and the following only applies to the
 standalone daemon.

 Redistribution is controlled by redistribute statements in
 babeld.conf.  For example, an IPv4 Internet gateway has a default route
 that points to the Internet; you can ask babeld to redistribute it into
 the Babel routing domain by saying something like

  redistribute ip le 0

 which asks to redistribute any route that is within (i.e. an
 IPv4 route) that has a prefix length less or equal to 0 (i.e. a default

 Similarly, if your node is maintaining a bunch of /32 routes, you can
 ask babeld to announce them into the Babel routing domain by saying

  redistribute ip ge 32

 There's a lot more you can say in babeld's filtering language, I'll let
 you check the babeld manual page[1] for more information.

 Unlike the techniques used in BATMAN, redistribution is modular: babeld
 is a routing daemon, it's not babeld's job to be monitoring whether
 there is a route to the Internet or whether a given client is
 associated to the current router.  Hence, you need a different daemon
 that monitors the external routes and installs or uninstalls routes in
 the kernel.  Here are a few examples:

  - a proper Internet gateway speaks BGP to your ISP.  Hence, the BGP
   daemon is responsible for installing/uninstalling the default route
   that's being redistributed by babeld.

  - a lot of people cannot speak BGP to their ISP.  In such
   circumstances, you may either simply redistribute the route installed
   by DHCP, or use babel-pinger[2] to monitor an Internet connection and
   install/uninstall a default route that babeld can redistribute.

  - you could write a daemon that monitors the set of associated
   clients and installs/uninstalls /32 routes to them.  This daemon
   could be monitoring DHCP leases (if the DHCP lease time is short
   enough), or it could be monitoring ARP/ND messages, or it could be
   monitoring all IP packets.  It's up to you.

 You'll find a few real-life examples of redistribution on

 (Note that this mail is very slightly obsolete, since recent babeld
 accepts to redistribute proto 3 routes, but only if the protocol number
 is specified explicitly in the redistribute statement.)

 Mitar, please realise that Babel might not be what you are looking for.
 BATMAN is a commercial project, and the BATMAN people try to solve their
 customers' problems in a timely manner.  Babel is a research project,
 and as such it tries to do things right, which often takes more time
 than implementing a quick hack to solve a customer's issue.  Hence,
 unless you're interested in spending the time needed to design the right
 thing to do, you might be more happy with BATMAN, which I'm sure is
 a fine routing protocol.

 -- Juliusz



Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Question about Babel

2012-04-12 Thread Mitar

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 11:58 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek 
 (The people who asked me to write babel-pinger never actually used it,
 so I'm a little reluctant to spend time writing code unless somebody
 promises to at least test it.)

Understandable. So, please, don't write it immediately. We are still
evaluating possibilities. :-)


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] [Battlemesh] Battlemesh-like experiment in Washington, DC

2011-08-10 Thread Mitar

 The Byzantium control panel is an application which allows the user to
 (de)configure network interfaces, add or remove them from a mesh, and
 enable or disable services and web applications running on a node.  It
 runs on a node (listening only on the loopback interface) and is
 accessed with any web browser.  Technically, it is a web application,
 but seeing as how Byzantium will package a couple of web applications
 for public use on a mesh anyway (Etherpad-lite,,,
 and a few others) it made more sense to call it a control panel.

Interesting. Just as an information, in our network (wlan slovenia) we
have taken directly the opposite approach and made a centralized system
for deploying nodes (centralized in the sense it is one of the services
of the network, but the network itself still runs operates if this
service is removed from operation, this server/system/service only
streamlines node deployment (and prevents IP collisions so that it
maintains ). The point we have seen is that web interface on the node
takes simply too much time to maintain once you have many nodes which
you want to configure the same (and update configuration and so on). It
takes time to click all those things. And that it is still too technical
for common people to use.

So we have taken completely other approach: nodes without any web
interface, where you have a service in the network which issues
pregenerated firmware images with all configuration already in there. So
you just select what hardware you have, where the node will be and
everything else is done by the system (for power users you can also
select additional OpenWrt packets and mangle with configuration, but it
is not necessary). You flash the image, power it up and this is it.

Now, the next step is to make this service distributed (like every node
can be it) and we have best of both worlds. ;-)

But currently we are making it modular, so that different networks can
adapt it to their needs:

 IPv4.  We considered IPv6, and in fact we get it for free with the Linux
 kernel, but not all applications are aware of or play nicely with it.

Yes, but if everybody just waits for applications to be ready ... ;-)

I think it is crucial especially for decentralized networks to start
using it.

Maybe instead of random IP allocation you could try some distributed IP
allocation system where you would take some temporary IP and request
what is free (using distributed hash storage or something). But yes,
there were already so many other ideas for this problem discussed and
yes, there is a problem of mixing layers.

 This is an interesting problem to us, and one of the things we have in
 mind once Byzantium is stable is correcting problems with

I would invite you to take part here:

It is an initiative by many networks to find some common ground. As I
see it is a bit more centralized that your approach (we are mostly using
centralized node databases), but probably we could also find some common
ground with you. For example, currently we are defining a common
database schema to be able to describe our nodes in a common way so that
we can then have common applications working over that.

You could probably use the same schema internally in your control panel
in a distributed way so that maybe some centralized system in your
network could still fetch this data and use it (for example to draw a
map or something).


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] [Battlemesh] Battlemesh-like experiment in Washington, DC

2011-08-09 Thread Mitar

 and our control panel application

What do you use for your control panel application?

 can pseudo-randomly choose RFC-1918 IP addresses for mesh interfaces
 if the user selects it.

You do know birthday paradox? ;-)


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] [Battlemesh] Battlemesh-like experiment in Washington, DC

2011-08-09 Thread Mitar

 We're writing a custom control panel in Python, using CherryPy for the
 web server and Mako for the templating system.

What exactly is this control panel? What do you understand under this
term? It is something running on the node? Or on the server?

Is there some webpage with more about that?

 However, it is my hope that by providing a large enough address space
 (17,891,328) we can minimize the number of IP address collisions in a
 given mesh.  If need be, we can always try a different approach.

You are talking about IPv6 or IPv4 here?In IPv4 some MAC address + IPv6
prefix could be enough.

In IPv4 is problem, that if you will take big address space you will
have problems peering with other mesh networks. If this will be one day
interesting to you. (At least in Europe we are slowly trying to connect
all networks together.)


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] RFC 6126: The Babel Routing Protocol

2011-04-06 Thread Mitar

Port 6697. Looks like IRC. ;-)


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Questions

2011-04-03 Thread Mitar

But is this really Bellman-Ford algorithm? Because Bellman-Ford is a
single-source algorithm and Babel in fact computes (distributed)
all-source algorithm? Or you see Babel as an Bellman-Ford run multiple
times, for each source ones? Because it is not really that as it
reuses data it has about paths to other nodes.


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Questions

2011-04-03 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 8:29 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 Because it is not really that as it reuses data it has about paths to
 other nodes.

 No, it doesn't.

How not? If you have such topology:

A -- B -- C

When B runs its run then it learns the shortest path towards C. And
when A runs its run and the shortest path between B and C is already
found/calculated and it is not recalculated again (what would be if
you would say that runs are independent). No?


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Questions

2011-03-30 Thread Mitar

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 If you get me in touch with people who are actually interested in
 putting Babel on such a network, I'll be glad to work on the issue.  I'm
 willing to generalise from a single example, but I'm not going to try to
 generalise from 0 examples ;-)

I am just brainstorming now so that if/when we will talk with them
that I will know pros/cons. Because mostly for HAM links IP will be
overlayed over some their protocol anyway. So maybe from Babel's
perspective it will be seen as one normal bi-directional link.

Thanks for all the answers.


Babel-users mailing list

[Babel-users] Questions

2011-03-29 Thread Mitar

I admit I have still not read the whole Babel's draft but I am
skipping from sections to sections as I find them interesting.

Does Babel require bidirectional reachability? In draft I read that
Babel tries to determine bidirectional reachability, but I was not
sure if this means only such links are taken into consideration for
routing? In Cost Computation section it is written that if the
txcost is infinite, then the cost is infinite so probably this means
such links are seen as non-existent (worst cost).

This is of course reasonable, as all packets require ACKs on
link-level so at least something should be coming back. But does
bidirectional reachability than imply also symmetric routing? Or can
Babel decide on an asymmetric route? As I understand it can. But then
why this artificial (?) requirement of bidirectional reachability?
Shouldn't this be just left out and if packets get to the other side
(probably with ACKs on link-level) then this is it, this is all we
want to know for routing?

There is probably a spelling error here: How a the txcost and rxcost
are combined

I must say that I have problems understanding the symbols in
explanation of the Bellman-Ford algorithm, but probably this is
because I am expecting something else. If I understand now the
description correctly (and my test implementation of it in Haskell
works correctly), then all nodes are computing shortest paths how they
are reachable from other nodes. Not what can they reach? How/when do
then nodes exchange this information?

(I am not reimplementing Babel, just trying to port shortest path
algorithm into my framework so that I can maybe play with other
approaches than shortest path later on.)

So what I am doing is that each node (name one B) sends packets to all
its neighboring nodes about all its known shortest paths to know
nodes. After each node (name one A) receives such packet it checks if
the path over this node (B) is better than currently known path
(taking into the account the cost of the edge from B to A). So what I
am getting at the end is that each node (like A) has information about
how is best for other nodes to send it packets. But this is not really
useful. I would need information in other direction.


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] mv from darcs to git

2011-03-01 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 8:52 AM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 Independently of the OpenWRT issues (which I'm confident Gabriel will
 solve), do people want the babeld, babelz and ahcpd repositories to move
 to Git?  Git sucks, but it sucks less than it used to, and I'm okay with

To stir things even more: why not Mercurial? ;-)


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Last change to edit the Babel draft

2011-02-27 Thread Mitar

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 6:04 PM, err404 wrote:
 for people live near from /tmp/lab (paris) may be we can come in /tmp/lab
 next 03 mars to speak and prepare WBMv4.
 with your ideas and may be more?

 I don' know if is good idea to come in /tmp/lab
 but why not ?

If I understand correctly you are inviting me to /tmp/lab? Uh, I am
from Slovenia, so this would require some traveling I do not believe
by budget allows me. Sadly. I would be glad to visit you.


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Babel Multicast routing

2011-02-27 Thread Mitar

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 1:01 AM, Gioacchino Mazzurco wrote:
 there is some plan to implement multicast routing on babel
 in short terms?



Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] How to cite Babel?

2011-02-24 Thread Mitar

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Juliusz Chroboczek 
  Juliusz Chroboczek.  /The Babel routing protocol/.  To appear as
  RFC 6126.  2011.

Hm, will try to convert that into bibtex.


Babel-users mailing list

[Babel-users] How to cite Babel?

2011-02-22 Thread Mitar

How can I cite Babel in my thesis? Is there an article or at least
(published) whitepaper I could cite?


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Wireless Battle Mesh v4 - Call for papers

2011-01-23 Thread Mitar

 The original announce by Juliusz says the event is from Wed 16th till
 Sun 20th.  Your mail implies that it would start Mon 14th.

 Could anybody shed some light on this, please?

Space is reserved from 14th on, but event itself will be from 16th on.
But you are welcome to come before and help with preparing things,
meet and talk and so on.

Please read the web page:

The space is reserved for the whole week (14-20th) so people will
start gathering during the previous weekend. So if time is not a
problem, we recommend you to travel some days ahead.


Babel-users mailing list

[Babel-users] Babel vs. PWRP

2010-10-13 Thread Mitar

Do you know how does Babel compare to Predictive Wireless Routing
Protocol (PWRP)?


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] AHCP thoughts

2010-07-21 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 12:35 AM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 (I'm actually wondering if Delay-Tolerant Networking, as opposed to Mesh
 Networking, is what you want to be working on.)

I do not think so. DTN use store and forward so that data eventually
reaches destination. I think more about organic structure where it is
normal that some information is available at the moment and some not.
Similar to how people interact. When you meet somebody you can get
information form her and give some information to her. And with moving
around (the city for example) you access different people and
different information and give different information. You rarely store
some information for somebody else and when you see her give her this
information. It happens (like say cheers to this and this person when
you see her) but it is not main characteristics and I see it is as a
higher level (service level for example, some kind of relay messaging)
in the network.

Yes, I like social interactions and networks more. Especially trust
networks. And this is why I see mesh networks as useful in such
context. (By the way, If somebody knows a PhD study concentrated
around trust networks I would be more then interested to hear about

But you gave me an interesting idea. Based on small world hypothesis
it would be interesting to use such temporary mesh networks for relay
messaging from a friend to a friend over friends (using a trust
network). Could be an interesting social routing approach. Useful
for some 1 April RFC. ;-)


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] [WLANware] [Olsr-dev] Announcing MeshApp, A Mobile Application for Wireless Mesh Networking

2010-06-12 Thread Mitar

(Please reply to our talk mailing list and not news as the later is
just for announcements. I have forwarded your previous replies there
but please check any further followups to go there.)

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 1:29 PM, L. Aaron Kaplan wrote:
 On Jun 12, 2010, at 6:24 AM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 I believe the dot(1) format is usually sufficient as an abstract layer to 
 the networks (for visualization purposes).

Not really as we do not have graphviz available on all platforms.

 and of course you can visualize it via Java on the phone itself

You can? You know of a decent visualization library in Java for a dot
format? Then this could really be a good intermediate format. But I
thought we would just use some lib and feed it with whatever (do not
know which one for Java, though). This is really not protocol specific
- once you have a topology graph at hand it does not really matter if
you use dot or not.

 Oh, and happy learning Slovenian ;-)

 Well, french would be just as hard to learn ;-)

But there is probably a little more benefit from learning French than
Slovenian which is (badly) spoken by only 2 million people. It is like
learning a Parisian dialect. ;-)


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] AHCP and IPv4 support

2010-06-09 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Henning Rogge wrote:
 Because there are not enough of them to generate them from MAC. With only 2^16
 IPs it's a lot easier to get a collision.

Why? You need only two? All nodes which already have a real IP could
use the same link-local IP to listen for requests (it is not important
which node respond) and all connecting nodes would have another
link-local IP. OK, because multiple new nodes could try to connect to
the mesh at the same time it would be useful to spread that IP over
some broader range, like 2^16. But chance that a good hash function
based on MAC which would produce this temporary IP address would have
a collision in this short time-span (while two nodes are trying to get
their IP) is slim, isn't it? Once it gets a real IP it would just
start using the same link-local IP address as others.


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] AHCP and IPv4 support

2010-06-08 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 Since AHCP's task is assigning IP addresses, AHCP needs to be able to
 communicate before it has assigned IP addresses (duh).  In IPv6 this is
 easy -- just use link-local addresses.

Why not use link-local addresses in IPv4? The we-all-know-and-love
169.254.* addresses?


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] AHCP and IPv4 support

2010-06-07 Thread Mitar

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 11:23 PM, Gabriel Kerneis wrote:
 You only need working link-local IPv6 communication, AFAIK.  Which
 should work with Android = 2.0 if I understand correctly the above link
 (IPv6 over wifi works, IPv6 over mobile doesn't).  So everything should
 be fine.

But we would also like to support  2.0 versions. So is there no way
it would work on just IPv4 or was this just something nobody cared for
so there is no implementation for it?


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Ahcpd update in OpenWrt (quick HOWTO)

2010-06-01 Thread Mitar

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Gabriel Kerneis wrote:
 So that it can get an IP and be reachable via ssh for administration

Then all your nodes have the same SSH password/key? Or how do you know
which one is on which IP? And how do you know when first connecting
that the node you are connecting is really yours and not MiM node
trying to get your password?


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Ahcpd update in OpenWrt (quick HOWTO)

2010-05-31 Thread Mitar

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Gabriel Kerneis wrote:
 Choose one of your stations to act as an ahcpd server.

What happens if there is a network split?


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] Ahcpd update in OpenWrt (quick HOWTO)

2010-05-31 Thread Mitar

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Gabriel Kerneis wrote:
 More seriously, you can have as many servers as you like, but be aware
 1° the client will pick ONE server (the closest) and get every
   information from it. Consequence: you cannot use one server to
   distribute ip addresses and another one to distribute the dns and
   ntp servers.
 2° the client will try to stick with one server as much as possible. If
   this server is unavailable when the lease expires, it will look for
   another one.
 3° as a consequence, if you want to have several servers, you should:
   - duplicate the ipv6, dns and ntp fields on every server,
   - split your ipv4 address range in n (where n = your number of
     servers) and make each one distribute leases for (1/n)th of the
     range.  This is due to the lack of synchronisation between the ahcp
     servers (necessary to survive a network split).

OK. But what is then difference with running a dnsmasq on every node
with DHCP where every node has its own IPv4 pool for clients? dnsmasq
does not yet support IPv6 but is this then the only difference?


Babel-users mailing list

Re: [Babel-users] ETX metric for bandwidth limited links

2010-05-19 Thread Mitar

On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:06 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
 Does it support asymmetric links?


Maybe I have not asked the question correctly: does it selects (by
default) in both directions the best path (even if they are different)
or does it selects only one path which is the best for both

Is there some reason why would be prefer in our networks paths which
are the same for both directions?


Babel-users mailing list

[Babel-users] Babel Android Maemo GUI

2010-05-13 Thread Mitar

This year we got an Google Summer of Code entry for OLSR Android  Maemo GUI:

There was also an entry for Babel GUI (from Anthony Quillerou) but
sadly there was not enough slots also for this.

As I am a mentor for this project I would like also to at least try to
make this GUI in a way that it would be possible to attach other
routing protocol later on, for example Babel. But as I do not have any
experience with Babel I would like to know if anybody would be willing
to help with this? Maybe just checking and comment what we are doing
or even better in parallel work on Babel version (so our student would
do the GUI and OLSR part and this great volunteer would do just the
Babel part). Anybody?

My dream is to have one application which you install and when you
connect to the mesh it detects the routing protocol and auto-configure
itself and starts using it.


Babel-users mailing list

[Babel-users] ETX metric for bandwidth limited links

2010-05-10 Thread Mitar

We are using OLSR in our wlan ljubljana open wireless network
( so please forgive me that I am not really
accustomed with Babel but I am researching a little how different
protocols calculate ETX and how they make a routing decision based on

Somehow I see that protocols tend to differ how they measure packet
loss of links and how to determine network topology itself, how (and
how fast) they react to changes, but analysis of this data, models
they are using to predict future link behavior (what routing protocol
in fact is - a predictor which try to predict best route), are quite
simple and very often just a search for shortest path in a graph.

From my experience I find this quite unsatisfactory as in a network
with different kind of links (WiFi, ethernet, tunnels) packet loss
itself is far from only factor influencing path performance. And even
packet loss is used in a strange way. If packets loss is 1 minus a
probability of packet being successfully transferred over a link then
probability of a packet being successfully transferred over a path is
a product of this probabilities. But in both OLSR and Babel ETX are
summed together. Which does not have really a theoretical reason/model
behind it (except of a similarity to (historical) routing protocols
which are minimizing hops)? Or it does?

I find it that it mostly works because we are using WiFi links where
there is a hidden cost added to using a given link: that neighboring
nodes have to stay quiet. It is in some way a half-duplex link. And
this is why every hop costs (except for latency it also introduces).

But it is a broken model to start with. I think that a better model
should include:

- packet loss (and packet loss along a given path)
- half-duplex/full-duplex nature of a link (or a hidden cost on using
the link on neighboring nodes)
- bandwidth limits on a link
- links where packet loss is a function of bandwidth use

Also using all this data should not be simple calculation of a ETX and
then searching for a shortest/less costly path but some combination of
direct values. For example, routing protocol should be able to make
asymmetric routes. Even more, it should probably be able to distribute
packets over multiple links (which often exists in mesh networks)
using information from bandwidth available on links.

So I would like to know if there are any plans/ideas (or maybe there
is already this) for such ETX metrics in Babel? As I understand Babel
specially treats ethernet links but this is not something which would
be just a special case of determining link quality/nature? How does it
determine if a link is an ethernet link? Babel does not do load
balancing routes? Does it support asymmetric links?

As I understand currently it is possible to define your own ETX
metrics but I do not see a clear way of adding bandwidth information
to ETX without also changing the way (not just shortest path) routes
are calculated.


Babel-users mailing list