Release-critical Bugreport for August 1, 2003

2003-08-01 Thread BugScan reporter
Bug stamp-out list for Aug  1 06:00 (CST)

Total number of release-critical bugs: 828
Number that will disappear after removing packages marked [REMOVE]: 19
Number that have a patch: 128
Number that have a fix prepared and waiting to upload: 25
Number that are being ignored: 7

Explanation for bug tags:

   P  pending
   +  patch
   H  help
   M  moreinfo
   R  unreproducible
   S  security
   U  upstream

Some bugs have an additional set of tags indicating they only apply
to a particular release: O for oldstable (potato), S for stable (woody),
T for testing (sarge) or U for unstable (sid).


Package: acpid (debian/main)
Maintainer: Cajus Pollmeier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  203588 [] acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

Package: adbbs (debian/main)
Maintainer: Kai Henningsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  190117 [ +  ] adbbs: Default Configuration Uses pine  pico

Package: aime (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ed Boraas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  172566 [] aime: fills up /var diskspace until it is overflowing

Package: alsa-base (debian/main)
Maintainer: Debian-Alsa Psychos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  200686 [] alsa-base must conflict with older versions of alsa-utils

Package: alsa-driver (debian/main)
Maintainer: Debian-Alsa Psychos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  199940 [] alsa-driver: debhelper builddepends version too low

Package: alsaplayer (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ivo Timmermans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  200956 [  H R   ] alsaplayer doesn't build on s390

Package: amavisd-new-milter (debian/main)
Maintainer: Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  203545 [] amavisd-new-milter: /usr/sbin/amavis-milter always fails

Package: animals (debian/main)
Maintainer: Jim Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  195404 [] animals: FTBFS with g++-3.3: strstream.h is gone

Package: anjuta (debian/main)
Maintainer: Rob Bradford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  203448 [] anjuta_1.1.97-1(alpha/unstable): missing build-depends

Package: apache-ssl (non-US/main)
Maintainer: Debian Apache Maintainers
  194334 [P   ] apache-ssl: postint blows away configuration files

Package: apache2-mpm-prefork (debian/main)
Maintainer: Thom May [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  203093 [] Should be able to still uninstall if can't stop apache

Package: aptitude (debian/main)
Maintainer: Daniel Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  201259 [] aptitude on PPC/testing can not be installed via apt

Package: arla (non-US/main)
Maintainer: Mikael Andersson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  198294 [] arla: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Invalid preprocessor pasting

Package: armagetron (debian/main)
Maintainer: Andreas Bombe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  201638 [] armagetron_0.2.2-1(alpha/unstable): not 64-bit clean

Package: arson (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mike Markley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  195214 [  U ] arson: conflicts with a file from k3b

Package: atari800 (debian/contrib)
Maintainer: Dale Scheetz (Dwarf #1) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  193397 [] atari800_1.3.0-2(mipsel/unstable): out of date 
  203707 [ +   SU ] atari800 allows local root compromise.

Package: atlas (debian/main)
Maintainer: Camm Maguire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  192990 [] atlas_3.2.1ln-7(unstable/arm): FTBFS

Package: atmelwlandriver (debian/main)
Maintainer: Paul Hedderly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  201053 [] atmelwlandriver_2.1.1-3.1(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: bad 

Package: autoconf (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Pfaff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  156259 [] [S] db4.0: does not build from source

Package: autoinstall-i386 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Jeff Licquia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  169249 [] autoinstall-i386: fails to build on unstable
  174559 [] autoinstall-i386: build depends on unavailable package 

Package: ax25-xtools (debian/main)
Maintainer: Bruce Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  200997 [] ax25-xtools: needs rebuilding against Xft2 fltk1.1 (= 

Package: ayttm (debian/main)
Maintainer: Michael D. Ivey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  187916 [] ayttm: segfault during startup
  189710 [] ayttm: Yahoo module hangs on logging in
  193071 [] ayttm: FTBFS with current flex

Package: barrendero (debian/main)
Maintainer: Eduardo Diaz Comellas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  187836 [] barrendero: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends
  203281 [] barrendero: Building from source makes empty package

Package: bayonne (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mark Purcell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  202119 [] bayonne: Possible missing dependency

Package: bcm5700-source (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ard van Breemen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  193144 [] bcm5700-source: THe module doesn't build

Package: biew (debian/main)
Maintainer: Stefan Alfredsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  198791 [] biew: Left-clicking results in an endless loop

Package: bind-doc (debian/main)
Maintainer: LaMont Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  199797 [] bind-doc: 

Re: templates partags de debconf

2003-08-01 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Denis Barbier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Hmmm, cette histoire me rappelle quelque chose. Ah oui, c'est
 Je n'ai pas relancé ensuite.

Bon, j'ai enfin lu ce truc.

En résumé, sin un volontaire se propose pour maintenir un paquet
debconf-shared ou équivalent, Joey fait dépender debconf de ce paquet
et zou...Ensuite, ce serait au mainteneur de ce paquet de gérer les
templates proprement et inclure dans son paquet les shared
d'autres paquets.

Je sens que je vais relancer le bazar en septembre, moi..

Re: bug dans gcc ?

2003-08-01 Thread Guillaume Morin
Dans un message du 01 aoû à 18:15, Alexandre Pineau écrivait :
 Faut-il quand même faire un rapport de bug ou dois-je jeter mon PC par
 la fenêtre? 

En général ce genre de problèmes est du à de la mémoire défectueuse. Il
est très probable que tu aies à jeter une ou plusieurs barettes.

Le meilleur moyen d'en être sûr est d'utiliser memtest86 qui te testera
ta mémoire à fond... Il existe même un patch pour le noyau qui permet de
continuer à utiliser une barette défectueuse en isolant les parties qui
ne marchent pas, mais je n'ai jamais testé.


Guillaume Morin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Et si je suis bien que si j'ai bu, tant pis (Cornu)

Re: bug dans gcc ?

2003-08-01 Thread Jean Marc LACROIX
Alexandre Pineau wrote:
gcc (3.3.1 20030728 (Debian prerelease))  plante régulièrement pendant  la 
d'un paquet.
Ce plantage n'est pas reproductible de façon claire : La compilation peut aller 
bout, ou planter sur un fichier c aléatoire.
Juste après le plantage, une recompilation du fichier en question passe... Par 
contre, si
je relance un make, ça plante systématiquement au même endroit.
C'est la première fois que je rencontre ce genre de problème sur ma machine (un
k6 2 500).
exemples d'erreur :
gcc -c -Wall  -O3-I. -DPATH_FILES_DAT=\//usr/share/games/ire/data/\ 
-DPATH_FILES_CONF=\//etc/ire/\ -g -DALLEGRO -DBGUI `allegro-config --cflags` 
-DUSE_ALOGG -DUSE_ALSOUND `alogg-config --cflags` -DNO_ASM pe/pe_vm.cpp -o pe/pe_vm.o
pe/pe_vm.cpp: Dans function « void PV_SetMember() »:
pe/pe_vm.cpp:4130: internal compiler error: Instruction illégale
Veuillez soumettre un rapport complet d'anomalies,
avec le source pré-traité si nécessaire.
J'ai aussi eu un segmentation fault... par contre, si je relance un make 
derrière, ça fonctionne...
sur la page web de gcc il est précisé :
# An error that occurs only some of the times a certain file is compiled, such 
that retrying a sufficient number of times results in a successful compilation; 
this is a symptom of a hardware problem, not of a compiler bug (sorry)
Faut-il quand même faire un rapport de bug ou dois-je jeter mon PC par la fenêtre? 

Merci d'vance pour vos conseils.

Je suggere en effet de ne pas faire de bug report, en effet, c'est helas 
souvent un pb de hard du type par exemple de ram ou de cache sur barette 
externe ( sur machine ancienne ) parfois defectueuse ou avec de mauvais 

 -- Jean-Marc LACROIX --
  -- mailto : [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: bug dans gcc ?

2003-08-01 Thread Alexandre Pineau
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 13:09:53 -0400
Guillaume Morin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 En général ce genre de problèmes est du à de la mémoire défectueuse. Il
 est très probable que tu aies à jeter une ou plusieurs barettes.
 Le meilleur moyen d'en être sûr est d'utiliser memtest86 qui te testera
 ta mémoire à fond... Il existe même un patch pour le noyau qui permet de
 continuer à utiliser une barette défectueuse en isolant les parties qui
 ne marchent pas, mais je n'ai jamais testé.

memtest86 ne m'a pas remonté d'anomalies. Je suis cependant d'accord, il s'agit
probablement d'un problème de mémoire. Merci pour ton aide.

J'en profite pour poser rapidement une autre question : 

J'ai un autre programme qui plante à l'exécution cette fois ci (Il fonctionne 
l'auteur amont) :
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/games/ire/ire_test$ ./ire-ed
Shutting down Allegro due to signal #11
Erreur de segmentation  (Et oui, encore...)

Un coup de gdb me donne :
gdb: Symbol `emacs_ctlx_keymap' has different size in shared object, consider 

Je suis sec, là. Je n'arrive pas à retrouver la commande qui permet de 
les différents symboles attachés à un programme.


Ps : Je suis inscrit à la liste deban-devel-french.

Re: bug dans gcc ?

2003-08-01 Thread Guillaume Morin
Dans un message du 01 aoû à 21:19, Alexandre Pineau écrivait :
 memtest86 ne m'a pas remonté d'anomalies. Je suis cependant d'accord,
 il s'agit probablement d'un problème de mémoire. Merci pour ton aide.

Si memtest86 ne t'a rien montré et que tu l'as laissé tourner assez
longtemps pour qu'il fasse tous les tests, je doute que ce soit la
mémoire. Par contre, je ne vois pas que ça peut être.

 Shutting down Allegro due to signal #11
 Erreur de segmentation(Et oui, encore...)
 Un coup de gdb me donne :
 gdb: Symbol `emacs_ctlx_keymap' has different size in shared object,
 consider re-linking
 Je suis sec, là. Je n'arrive pas à retrouver la commande qui permet de
 visualiser les différents symboles attachés à un programme.

A priori, ça voudrait dire que tu as une lib dont l'ABI est différente
de celle avec laquelle a le programme a été compilé. Ce n'est pas
forcément ça qui déclenche le segfault (même si ça peut en être la
raison). Tu peux recompiler le programme, ça devrait régler l'histoire
de symboles...

 Ps : Je suis inscrit à la liste deban-devel-french.

Le group-reply est le comportement par défaut sur les listes de
diffusions. Si tu ne veux pas recevoir de copie, il y a un header à
positionner dans ton message.

Guillaume Morin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Remember when we'd celebrate.  We'd drink and get high until late
   And now we're all alone (Placebo).

Re: bug dans gcc ?

2003-08-01 Thread Pierre Machard

Le vendredi 01 août 2003 à 21:19 +0200, Alexandre Pineau a écrit :
 J'ai un autre programme qui plante à l'exécution cette fois ci (Il fonctionne 
 l'auteur amont) :
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/games/ire/ire_test$ ./ire-ed
 Shutting down Allegro due to signal #11
 Erreur de segmentation(Et oui, encore...)
 Un coup de gdb me donne :
 gdb: Symbol `emacs_ctlx_keymap' has different size in shared object, consider 
 Je suis sec, là. Je n'arrive pas à retrouver la commande qui permet de 
 les différents symboles attachés à un programme.

Compile avec gcc -g

AMHA, le plus simple à faire c'est d'utiliser valgrind (ce dit, gdb
c'est bien)

Pierre Machard
+33(0)668 178 365
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Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
* Steve Kemp 


|   I'm loath to ask the user if it should be setgid in the installer
|  because that's just needless distraction, but perhaps some global
|  'setgidnes' setting could be stored in /etc/games?


what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane default?

Tollef Fog Heen,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are  : :' :
  `. `' 

Re: debconf 2005 in Vienna, Austria

2003-08-01 Thread Sven Luther
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 02:15:43PM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
 Quoting Jonathan Walther ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  4 hours to get somewhere is just an enjoyable Sunday drive.
 Not on german Autobhanen... :-). And especially if this happens during
 the week.

But it will be on sunday late afternoon to evening, were there is low
traffic and almost no trucks (they are allowed starting from 22h or so
only). We reached Hannover from Karlsruhe in less than 4 hours this
year, and that is, somewhat around 500km or so.


Sven Luther

Re: debconf 2005 in Vienna, Austria

2003-08-01 Thread Sven Luther
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 03:24:22PM +0200, Martin List-Petersen wrote:
 Citat Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 10:22:34AM +0200, Oliver Kurth wrote:
   On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 09:48:01AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 02:29:06AM +0200, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 02:12:08AM +0200, Amaya wrote:
  Martin List-Petersen dijo:
   Something like that sounds sane. It gives even the possibility
   organising a shuttle-bus or something likewise from LinuxTag to
  That sound so appealing that I would even consider also attendig
  LinuxTag :-)
 Keep in mind, this is 730km and will take up to 8-12h

Nothing compared to the 1800 km from Karlsruhe to Oslo, And if there is
a bus, you could sleep or just rest, not needing to drive or something
   There is also a direct night train, takes 9:30 hours. Just look at
  But trains would be much more expensive, i think, than a common (full)
 That was somewhat the point, when i mentioned sharing a bus. It depends on how
 many we are of course. 
 It could also be possible eventually make a deal with DB (Deutsche Bahn) about
 some group rabat, if we just know, how many are going. So it's mostly to
 coordinate this people first and then get an offer.

Maybe they even want to sponsor us by then :)))


Sven Luther

Re: debconf 2005 in Vienna, Austria

2003-08-01 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Riku Voipio ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Trains (atleast the newer ones in finland) have electric sockets,

rail fan ON

This is still quite rare. For instance, in french trains (TGV and
Teoz, formerly known as Corailie Intercity trains), electric
wires are only available in the most recent coaches and only in 1st
class usually.

From memory, they are a little bit more common in Germany but not too
much and certainly not in all IC trains, especially 2nd class.

rail fan OFF

So, IMHO, you'd better have long life batteries.. :-)

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Steve Kemp
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:08AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

 what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane default?

  Absolutely nothing at all, but it's a slippery slope, and I thought
 we were tending towards less interactivity in installations?


Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Micha Politowski
On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:30:11 +0300, Richard Braakman wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 01:17:01PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:
 If you're just scanning for binaries with s bits set, then you'll
 probably miss all the ones that use whatever that tool was
 (suidmanager?) that was used by some packages before we had

As well as the ones using dpkg-statoverride in their postinsts now.

Micha Politowski -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Warning: this is a memetically modified message

Description: PGP signature

[no subject]

2003-08-01 Thread wsd



Re: debconf 2005 in Vienna, Austria

2003-08-01 Thread martin f krafft
also sprach Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003.08.01.0846 +0200]:
 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 03:24:22PM +0200, Martin List-Petersen wrote:
  Citat Sven Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 10:22:34AM +0200, Oliver Kurth wrote:
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 09:48:01AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 02:29:06AM +0200, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
  On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 02:12:08AM +0200, Amaya wrote:
   Martin List-Petersen dijo:

please, everyone, learn to quote!

Please do not CC me when replying to lists; I read them!
 .''`. martin f. krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: :'  :proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
Invalid/expired PGP subkeys? Use as keyserver!

Description: PGP signature

Re: debconf 2005 in Vienna, Austria

2003-08-01 Thread Martin List-Petersen
Citat Christian Perrier [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Quoting Riku Voipio ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Trains (atleast the newer ones in finland) have electric sockets,
 rail fan ON
 This is still quite rare. For instance, in french trains (TGV and
 Teoz, formerly known as Corailie Intercity trains), electric
 wires are only available in the most recent coaches and only in 1st
 class usually.
 From memory, they are a little bit more common in Germany but not too
 much and certainly not in all IC trains, especially 2nd class.

In Denmark you've got electric sockets at every 2nd seat on all IC3, IC4.

We'll make that requirement, when ordering the tour :o) 

 rail fan OFF
 So, IMHO, you'd better have long life batteries.. :-)

Ehe ... 2 pcs 48WHr batteries should ensure power for some of the trip.

Martin List-Petersen
martin at list-petersen dot dk
You are dishonest, but never to the point of hurting a friend.

Re: CUPS should be the default print service in Debian/Sarge

2003-08-01 Thread Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 11:35:13AM -0700, Keegan Quinn wrote:
 FWIW, I've had very good experiences with the CUPS in unstable, so
 I'd not object to this.  OTOH, installing it without it being 'default'
 is already quite trivial.  What would this change entail, exactly?

So i had/have either in unstable and in stable.
Should exim not to be the default MTA, it would be trivial to install too.
This is not the point: the point is that CUPS is perfectly working for most of
us and shows really a lot of good features, a user-friendly interface, quite
large number of direvers support.
It is a good solution for any user level with most common printers/needs, thus 
should be the default (IMHO).

Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis  | Elegant or ugly code as well
aliases: Luca ^De [A-Z][A-Za-z\-]*[iy]'\?s$ | as fine or rude sentences have
Luca, a wannabe ``Good guy''.   | something in common: they
local LANG=[EMAIL PROTECTED] | don't depend on the 

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
* Steve Kemp 

| On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:08AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
|  what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane default?
|   Absolutely nothing at all, but it's a slippery slope, and I thought
|  we were tending towards less interactivity in installations?

which is why I said «low priority»:

'critical' only prompts you if the system might break.
   Pick it if you are a newbie, or in a hurry.
'high' is for rather important questions
'medium' is for normal questions
'low' is for control freaks who want to see everything

If you select low, you will have to drink off the fire hose.  Having
low-priority questionsis good, since it makes it easy to make
customized installs with preloaded answers.

Tollef Fog Heen,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are  : :' :
  `. `' 

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:08:17AM +0200, Micha? Politowski wrote:
 On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:30:11 +0300, Richard Braakman wrote:
  On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 01:17:01PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:
  If you're just scanning for binaries with s bits set, then you'll
  probably miss all the ones that use whatever that tool was
  (suidmanager?) that was used by some packages before we had
 As well as the ones using dpkg-statoverride in their postinsts now.

From my investigations, I thought that the intended use of dpkg-statoverride
was by the local administrator, modifying the default suid/sgid and
ownership of the file as set in the package tarball.

- Matt

Data loss: suggestions for handling

2003-08-01 Thread Matthew Palmer
The latest upstream version of a package I've begun to maintain, IRM, has a
problem in that a portion of the data in the system (relating to software
and licence assignment) can't be upgraded along with the rest of the
database - the schema is totally different.

I've thought about it for a while, and I can't come up with any good way to
make the change.  The best I've come up with so far is to put a question in
the postinst which warns the user and allows them to continue if they're
sure, or they can CTRL-C out and backup.  If it's running in non-interactive 
mode, the install aborts.  I really want to make sure the user doesn't lose
all their data.

A couple of questions:

* Am I being too paranoid?  Considering that this change will (hopefully) go
into Sarge, an upgrade could do very upleasant things to people's databases
automatically.  Although I think that admins who blindly update across
stable releases are nuts, I'd prefer not to annoy a bunch of nuts admins if
I can avoid it.  g

* Can anyone think of another way of handling this?  I can think of a couple
of other ways:

- create an irm1.4 package, but that is, shall we say, ugly
in the extreme, and there's no possible reason to have two different
versions of IRM installed simultaneously, which is (IMO) the main
reason for package versions in the name.

- dump the old software tables and store the dump somewhere, giving
pointers to the dump in all sorts of useful places.  But if I put it
somewhere temporary (/tmp), it might disappear before the admin
realises, and somewhere permanent will chew disk space.

I appreciate any comments or suggestions anyone has as to how I could

- Matt

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Herbert Xu
Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all
 setuid/gid bit grants to go through this or another list for peer
 review, much as pre-depends are supposed to.

How about creating a new group for each game?
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 is out! ( )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:
PGP Key:

Re: Bug#203498: ITP: decss -- utility for stripping CSS tags from an HTML page.

2003-08-01 Thread Jon Dowland
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 11:21:57AM +0200, Sam Hocevar wrote:
For instance it fails to remove this construct:
 link type=text/css
   href=/foo.css /

Or rel=alternate stylesheet, and the various combinations that 
arise from support of non-graphical readers, etc.

If this does get packaged it'll certainly have a lot of bugs 
filed against it, so the maintainer needs to be aware that it may 
be more of a responsibility than just a political statement.

Jon Dowland

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Micha Politowski
On Fri,  1 Aug 2003 19:19:10 +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
 From my investigations, I thought that the intended use of dpkg-statoverride
 was by the local administrator, modifying the default suid/sgid and
 ownership of the file as set in the package tarball.

This is also my understanding. Still, some packages do use it for better or
worse reasons.
One example I've just found in uml-utilities.postinst:

  if ! getent group uml-net /dev/null; then
  addgroup --quiet --system uml-net

  if ! dpkg-statoverride --list /usr/lib/uml/uml_net /dev/null; then
  dpkg-statoverride --update --add root uml-net 04750 \

Micha Politowski -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Warning: this is a memetically modified message

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Keith Dunwoody
Herbert Xu wrote:
Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all
setuid/gid bit grants to go through this or another list for peer
review, much as pre-depends are supposed to.

How about creating a new group for each game?
Umm... With hundreds, possibly thousands (in the future anyway) of games, is 
this really what you want to do?

-- Keith

Re: debconf 2005 in Vienna, Austria

2003-08-01 Thread Riku Voipio
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:32:57AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
 This is still quite rare. For instance, in french trains (TGV and
 Teoz, formerly known as Corailie Intercity trains), electric
 wires are only available in the most recent coaches and only in 1st
 class usually.
 From memory, they are a little bit more common in Germany but not too
 much and certainly not in all IC trains, especially 2nd class.

IC2 trains in finland have electric sockets in 2nd class seats, As well
as GSM repeaters. Older trains have electric sockets in the corridor,
presumably not for public usage, but no sign forbidding to use them :)

Night trains usually have a socket for shavers, which can be rather
handy for charging purposes as well.

A quick grep on says that ICE-T trains (presumably the most
expensive ones..) have power sockets for every seat. Anyone with
experience on german/austrian railroad?
 So, IMHO, you'd better have long life batteries.. :-)

Yes. a debcamp of users would probably blow some fuse :)

But still, using a laptop in a train is more comfortable than on a bus,
or God forbid, on a car.

kirkkonummentie 33 |+358 40 8476974  --+--
02140 Espoo|   |
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.  |

Re: CUPS should be the default print service in Debian/Sarge

2003-08-01 Thread Lars Wirzenius
On pe, 2003-08-01 at 12:32, Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis wrote:
 It is a good solution for any user level with most common printers/needs, 
 thus it
 should be the default (IMHO).

Do we actually need a default print service at all? Mail is much more
fundamental, for example, but lots of computers these days don't have a
printer attached at all.

Debian developers for gentleness.

Re: Data loss: suggestions for handling

2003-08-01 Thread Roland Mas
Matthew Palmer (2003-08-01 19:51:46 +1000) :

 The latest upstream version of a package I've begun to maintain,
 IRM, has a problem in that a portion of the data in the system
 (relating to software and licence assignment) can't be upgraded
 along with the rest of the database - the schema is totally

Do you have an upgrade script?  Like a set of SQL commands that will
convert from one schema to the other?  More importantly, do you have a
set of criteria to check that the upgrade went smoothly and is now
complete?  If so, then I've done that successfully.

 I've thought about it for a while, and I can't come up with any good
 way to make the change.  The best I've come up with so far is to put
 a question in the postinst which warns the user and allows them to
 continue if they're sure, or they can CTRL-C out and backup.  If
 it's running in non-interactive mode, the install aborts.  I really
 want to make sure the user doesn't lose all their data.

  I faced the same problems with sourceforge and gforge.

 A couple of questions:

 * Am I being too paranoid?

  Probably not.  Maybe some of your users won't mind too much if they
lose data, but most of them probably will.  Then there's the personal
pride in building a crash-proof system even if nobody notices.

 * Can anyone think of another way of handling this?  I can think of
 a couple of other ways:

   - create an irm1.4 package, but that is, shall we say, ugly

  Ugly indeed.

   - dump the old software tables and store the dump somewhere,
   giving pointers to the dump in all sorts of useful places.

  Could be an option.

 I appreciate any comments or suggestions anyone has as to how I
 could proceed.

  The way I did it for the sourceforge and gforge packages is this: I
have a special table (called debian_metadata), in which I can store
key-value pairs.  One of the keys (okay, the only one normally) is
db-version, and the corresponding value is a version number with the
same semantics as the one provided by dpkg for the ordering).  When I
need to upgrade something, I go the following steps:

,[ One upgrade chunk ]
| Begin transaction
| Do stuff
| Check that stuff went fine (and raise an exception/abort if not)
| Update the value for db-version
| Commit transaction

This is of course only executed if current db-version is less than
targeted version.  So I have a series of upgrade chunks, arranged like

,[ Upgrade script ]
| $target version = 1.0
| if (current-version  $target-version) {
|Do the upgrade chunk for target=$target-version
| }
| $target version = 1.1
| if (current-version  $target-version) {
|Do the upgrade chunk for target=$target-version
| }
| $target version = 1.4
| if (current-version  $target-version) {
|Do the upgrade chunk for target=$target-version
| }

  The postinst script always runs this upgrade script.  So all the
steps that were previously completed are not replayed, and you'll
start at the first one that hasn't been successfully run yet.  If one
step fails, the transaction is aborted and the user is presented with
an error message giving out info such as the current db-version, the
SQL statement that went wrong, and so on.  And he's requested to
report the bug with this info :-)

  All this requires a transactional database, obviously, but they're a
dime a dozen these days.

  For more details, apt-get source gforge and have a look at the
deb-specific/ script.

Roland Mas

You can't second-guess ineffability, I always say.
  -- Aziraphale, in Good Omens (Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman)

Re: CUPS should be the default print service in Debian/Sarge

2003-08-01 Thread Mark Brown
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:49:59PM +0300, Lars Wirzenius wrote:

 Do we actually need a default print service at all? Mail is much more
 fundamental, for example, but lots of computers these days don't have a
 printer attached at all.

We needn't install a print service by default but if someone says that
want one we ought to have a default to offer them.

You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever.

Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread Cajus Pollmeier
On Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003 07:24, Pierre THIERRY wrote:
 Package: acpid
 Version: N/A; reported 2003-07-31
 Severity: serious
 Justification: Policy 9.1.1

 The shell script /etc/acpi/ should be installed in something
 else, like /usr/share/acpid/ or /usr/sbin/.

 -- System Information
 Debian Release: 3.0
 Architecture: i386
 Kernel: Linux imperatrice.arcanes 2.4.18-686 #1 Sun Apr 14 11:32:47 EST

I've no problem with that, but:

These scripts used by acpid should be treated as some kind of user
configuration, like i.e. cron keeps skripts installed by someone in 
acpid keeps skripts that take actions when some events happened.

I've no idea about the exact handling of this issue. Should I move these
scripts to /usr/share/acpid or /usr/sbin?

Thanks for any hints,

Re: debconf 2005 in Vienna, Austria

2003-08-01 Thread Josip Rodin
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:06:48PM +0300, Riku Voipio wrote:
 A quick grep on says that ICE-T trains (presumably the most
 expensive ones..) have power sockets for every seat. Anyone with
 experience on german/austrian railroad?
  So, IMHO, you'd better have long life batteries.. :-)
 Yes. a debcamp of users would probably blow some fuse :)

Man, this discussion is begging for a musical intermezzo... :)

   Let me see how hot you can get
   Then I'll turn up the amps, blow out the lights
  You're in darkness, then the mic ignites
  Glowin like it did before, but even more

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: debconf 2005 in Vienna, Austria

2003-08-01 Thread Keith Dunwoody
Riku Voipio wrote:
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:32:57AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
This is still quite rare. For instance, in french trains (TGV and
Teoz, formerly known as Corailie Intercity trains), electric
wires are only available in the most recent coaches and only in 1st
class usually.

From memory, they are a little bit more common in Germany but not too
much and certainly not in all IC trains, especially 2nd class.

IC2 trains in finland have electric sockets in 2nd class seats, As well
as GSM repeaters. Older trains have electric sockets in the corridor,
presumably not for public usage, but no sign forbidding to use them :)
Night trains usually have a socket for shavers, which can be rather
handy for charging purposes as well.
A quick grep on says that ICE-T trains (presumably the most
expensive ones..) have power sockets for every seat. Anyone with
experience on german/austrian railroad?
I've only taken a few trains in Germany, but the night train I was on had a 
socket by each table (to share between 4 people).  Other than that, I've only 
been on the slow regional trains (which you wouldn't be taking anyway, but 
don't have sockets).  So I think batteries would be a good idea...

-- Keith

Bug#203768: RFP: sixpack -- Bibliography and Reference Manager

2003-08-01 Thread Daniel Martins
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: sixpack
  Version : 0.99
  Upstream Author :  Apparently Michael Lachmann
* URL or Web page :
* License : GPL
  Description : Bibliography and Reference Manager

SIXPACK is a free BibTeX and Reference Manager designed to

* edit, convert and manage reference files
* search and sort bibliographies
* import and export many different bibliography types. Sixpack uses the 

* have both a command line and a gui interface.
* work completely from the keyboard.
* be able to import references from the web, now even through 
direct-download using the bib-remote program.
* be able to open an article through an external viewer.

Re: Data loss: suggestions for handling

2003-08-01 Thread Stephen Frost
* Matthew Palmer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   - dump the old software tables and store the dump somewhere, giving
   pointers to the dump in all sorts of useful places.  But if I put it
   somewhere temporary (/tmp), it might disappear before the admin
   realises, and somewhere permanent will chew disk space.

/var/backups.  Tell the admin, if they want to clean it up they can.


Description: PGP signature


2003-08-01 Thread Klipodi Anstro

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Desde ya muchas graciasInternet GRATIS es Yahoo! Conexión.
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Más ciudades: clic aquí.

Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:09:36PM +0200, Cajus Pollmeier wrote:
 On Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003 07:24, Pierre THIERRY wrote:
  Package: acpid
  Version: N/A; reported 2003-07-31
  Severity: serious
  Justification: Policy 9.1.1
  The shell script /etc/acpi/ should be installed in something
  else, like /usr/share/acpid/ or /usr/sbin/.
 I've no problem with that, but:
 These scripts used by acpid should be treated as some kind of user
 configuration, like i.e. cron keeps skripts installed by someone in
 /etc/cron.daily, acpid keeps skripts that take actions when some
 events happened.
 I've no idea about the exact handling of this issue. Should I move
 these scripts to /usr/share/acpid or /usr/sbin?

I think at least the RCness of this bug is rather dubious, frankly. If
the script is configuration (i.e. is human-editable and is expected to
be edited by a reasonable number of people to configure acpid in some
different way without having to hack acpid's source) then it should stay
in /etc. The FHS doesn't forbid that, and if people really are editing
it then it should definitely not be in /usr.



Re: Bug#203498: ITP: decss -- utility for stripping CSS tags from

2003-08-01 Thread Evan Prodromou
 CB == Christoph Berg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CB If you are both a DD and upstream, why didn't you package it
CB yourself?

Good question. Installing Pigdog DeCSS in somebody's Debian system
doesn't really meet my goals for the software. The original point was
to have mirrors around the world, and to distract from the witch hunt
for DVD DeCSS. A /usr/bin/decss install doesn't really do that much.

I was happy to see someone ITP the software, but I probably wouldn't
do it myself.


Evan Prodromou

Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread David Z Maze
Cajus Pollmeier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003 07:24, Pierre THIERRY wrote:
 Severity: serious
 Justification: Policy 9.1.1

(Debian should obey the FHS; I don't claim to be an FHS expert, but
all it seems to say about /etc is no binaries, which this doesn't

 The shell script /etc/acpi/ should be installed in something
 else, like /usr/share/acpid/ or /usr/sbin/.

 I've no problem with that, but:

 These scripts used by acpid should be treated as some kind of user
 configuration, like i.e. cron keeps skripts installed by someone in
 /etc/cron.daily, acpid keeps skripts that take actions when some
 events happened.

Is this script that gets run when the console user presses the power
button, and is it obvious that the user could potentially want to
configure it?  If so, then it makes sense that it should be a
configuration file, and so by policy 10.7.2 it should live in /etc.
(And as you point out, it's not like there aren't other admin-editable
scripts in /etc already, say, all of /etc/init.d.)  My reading is that
what you're doing now is fine and the bug is wrong.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread Pierre THIERRY
 I think at least the RCness of this bug is rather dubious, frankly. If
 the script is configuration

I don't think the script is meant to be edited... So it should be in

le Moine Fou
OpenPGP 0xD9D50D8A

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread Cajus Pollmeier
On Freitag, 1. August 2003 15:31, David Z Maze wrote:
 Cajus Pollmeier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003 07:24, Pierre THIERRY wrote:
  Severity: serious
  Justification: Policy 9.1.1

 (Debian should obey the FHS; I don't claim to be an FHS expert, but
 all it seems to say about /etc is no binaries, which this doesn't

  The shell script /etc/acpi/ should be installed in something
  else, like /usr/share/acpid/ or /usr/sbin/.
  I've no problem with that, but:
  These scripts used by acpid should be treated as some kind of user
  configuration, like i.e. cron keeps skripts installed by someone in
  /etc/cron.daily, acpid keeps skripts that take actions when some
  events happened.

 Is this script that gets run when the console user presses the power
 button, and is it obvious that the user could potentially want to
 configure it?  If so, then it makes sense that it should be a
 configuration file, and so by policy 10.7.2 it should live in /etc.
 (And as you point out, it's not like there aren't other admin-editable
 scripts in /etc already, say, all of /etc/init.d.)  My reading is that
 what you're doing now is fine and the bug is wrong.

So in case of a power down script, this may be somewhat fixed in its
task. This would be true. But this script must not be the only one. Maybe
the user wants to place a script for i.e. closing the LID or do special
reactions on suspend events etc.

In my understanding /etc/acpid is the correct place for that. So, I changed
the serevity of the bug. I'm just off to vacations tomorrow - will look into 
when I'm back.


Re: CUPS should be the default print service in Debian/Sarge

2003-08-01 Thread Joey Hess
Keegan Quinn wrote:
 FWIW, I've had very good experiences with the CUPS in unstable, so
 I'd not object to this.  OTOH, installing it without it being 'default'
 is already quite trivial.  What would this change entail, exactly?

Probably making the print server task install it instead of lpr, which
would have a side effect of making sure it's on CD#1 if it's not
already. Probably also demoting the lpr package to optional and moving
cups from there to standard. Possibly making lsb depend on part of cups
instead of lpr.

see shy jo, following this discussion with interest and his tasksel hat on

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:55:28PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:

 I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all setuid/gid
 bit grants to go through this or another list for peer review, much as
 pre-depends are supposed to.

I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed
before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the review (though I
hope that others will help).  Does this need a proposal to go into policy
with the same force as the existing pre-depends verbiage?

 - mdz

Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread Matthew Garrett
Pierre THIERRY wrote:

I don't think the script is meant to be edited... So it should be in

You think wrong. The user should be able to choose whether the power
button triggers shutdown or suspend to disk, for instance.

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 06:37:53PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:55:28PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
  I'd like to see us move all of our setgid games (except, perhaps,
  nethack) away from using global score files by default. 
   I think that should be a good option, but I can see several 
  games that might suffer by it.
   I'm loath to ask the user if it should be setgid in the installer
  because that's just needless distraction, but perhaps some global
  'setgidnes' setting could be stored in /etc/games?

Personally, I would lean more towards having a setgid helper which writes to
the game's score file.  It is possible to audit such helpers completely in a
short amount of time, and I feel that it would be far better to open
ourselves up to letting users forge their own high scores than to the
current exposures which are possible through group games.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:08AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

 what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane default?

As long as the sane default is the safe default, which is not to be setgid.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:45:16PM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:

 Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all
  setuid/gid bit grants to go through this or another list for peer
  review, much as pre-depends are supposed to.
 How about creating a new group for each game?

This is only somewhat better, from a security perspective, than sharing a
group, depending on how many games are installed on the system.

 - mdz

Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread Pierre THIERRY
 You think wrong. The user should be able to choose whether the power
 button triggers shutdown or suspend to disk, for instance.

But one shouldn't have to edit a shell script to do it. It should just
be necessary to edit a configuration file. Like modifying the action
value to something like /usr/sbin/poweroff or /usr/sbin/suspend-to-disk

le Moine Fou
OpenPGP 0xD9D50D8A

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Steve Kemp
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:18:53AM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

  I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all setuid/gid
  bit grants to go through this or another list for peer review, much as
  pre-depends are supposed to.
 I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed
 before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the review (though I
 hope that others will help).  Does this need a proposal to go into policy
 with the same force as the existing pre-depends verbiage?

  I would support such a change too, and would volunteer to assist if
  there was need for it.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Pierre THIERRY dijo [Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 03:58:23PM +0200]:
  I think at least the RCness of this bug is rather dubious, frankly. If
  the script is configuration
 I don't think the script is meant to be edited... So it should be in

There are many scripts in /etc that are not meant to be edited unless a
special need arises - The first packages that comes to my mind are
pcmcia-cs and linux-wlan-ng. They have many different scripts in
/etc/pcmcia, and almost always they work perfectly - I had to fiddle
with them once.

In my system I have 113 executable files under /etc, they belong to the
most varied programs... And they are (or at least, they seem to be)
perfectly valid configurable files. (most of them - see my next message)


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

Description: PGP signature

Re: Data loss: suggestions for handling

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 07:51:46PM +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:

 The latest upstream version of a package I've begun to maintain, IRM, has a
 problem in that a portion of the data in the system (relating to software
 and licence assignment) can't be upgraded along with the rest of the
 database - the schema is totally different.

Even if the schema is different, if it represents the same data, it should
be possible to convert it.  Maybe someone here (or upstream) can help with
this.  What instructions does upstream provide for the upgrade?  Do they say
that you must destroy this data and recreate it?

 - mdz

Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread Gunnar Wolf
David Z Maze dijo [Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 09:31:40AM -0400]:
 Cajus Pollmeier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003 07:24, Pierre THIERRY wrote:
  Severity: serious
  Justification: Policy 9.1.1
 (Debian should obey the FHS; I don't claim to be an FHS expert, but
 all it seems to say about /etc is no binaries, which this doesn't

Ummm... I *did* find something strange, maybe you can give some more
insight on this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/$ find /etc -type f -perm -755|xargs file|grep ELF
etc/X11/rstart/rstartd.real:ELF 32-bit LSB executable, 
Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, dynamically linked (uses 
shared libs), stripped
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/$ dpkg -S rstartd.real
xutils: /etc/X11/rstart/rstartd.real

This is clearly a binary, it is clearly not user-modifiable. Should it
be in /etc? Should it just be a symlink to /usr/lib/xutils or something
like it?


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread Josip Rodin
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:32:47AM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
 Ummm... I *did* find something strange, maybe you can give some more
 insight on this:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/$ find /etc -type f -perm -755|xargs file|grep ELF
 etc/X11/rstart/rstartd.real:ELF 32-bit LSB 
 executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, dynamically 
 linked (uses shared libs), stripped
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/$ dpkg -S rstartd.real
 xutils: /etc/X11/rstart/rstartd.real
 This is clearly a binary, it is clearly not user-modifiable. Should it
 be in /etc? Should it just be a symlink to /usr/lib/xutils or something
 like it?

Yes, it's a known bug, it'll be fixed.

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Stephen Frost
* Matt Zimmerman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:55:28PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
  I also think it would be a good idea for policy to require all setuid/gid
  bit grants to go through this or another list for peer review, much as
  pre-depends are supposed to.
 I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed
 before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the review (though I
 hope that others will help).  Does this need a proposal to go into policy
 with the same force as the existing pre-depends verbiage?

It probably should.  I'd be willing to say we might want a seperate list
for this too.  I'm willing to help with the review but I tend to skim


Description: PGP signature

Re: Data loss: suggestions for handling

2003-08-01 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:59:43PM +0200, Roland Mas wrote:
 Matthew Palmer (2003-08-01 19:51:46 +1000) :
  The latest upstream version of a package I've begun to maintain,
  IRM, has a problem in that a portion of the data in the system
  (relating to software and licence assignment) can't be upgraded
  along with the rest of the database - the schema is totally
 Do you have an upgrade script?  Like a set of SQL commands that will
 convert from one schema to the other?  More importantly, do you have a

I do, but it doesn't work with the software portion.  The rest of the system
upgrades smoothly, but the information stored by the software tracker part
is different enough that it can't be converted.

I've extracted out all the SQL commands that do the upgrade from the
upstream-supplied PHP script and have gotten those going OK.  It's dealing
with the seemingly unavoidable data loss in the software tracking part that
I just can't deal with well.  Upstream seems to think it too hard as well,
because, while the rest of the system upgrades OK, they've got big warning,
you will lose your software data messages all over the later versions.

  A couple of questions:
  * Am I being too paranoid?
   Probably not.  Maybe some of your users won't mind too much if they
 lose data, but most of them probably will.  Then there's the personal
 pride in building a crash-proof system even if nobody notices.

A craftsman after my own heart.  Pride in one's work.  g

- Matt

Re: Data loss: suggestions for handling

2003-08-01 Thread Matthew Palmer
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:04:09AM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
 * Matthew Palmer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  - dump the old software tables and store the dump somewhere, giving
  pointers to the dump in all sorts of useful places.  But if I put it
  somewhere temporary (/tmp), it might disappear before the admin
  realises, and somewhere permanent will chew disk space.
 /var/backups.  Tell the admin, if they want to clean it up they can.

Hey, look at that.  Never knew that existed.  Thankyou very much.  I think
my problem has been solved.

Again, my thanks.

- Matt

Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Hi, Matthew Garrett wrote:

 The user should be able to choose whether the power
 button triggers shutdown or suspend to disk, for instance.

While I do agree that this kind of script is best placed in /etc, this
kind of choice can be configured by a normal /etc/acpid.conf that's read
by the script.

Matthias Urlichs   |   {M:U} IT Design @   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. |
A pretty woman is a welcome guest.
-- Byron

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:26:57AM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:

 * Matt Zimmerman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed
  before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the review (though I
  hope that others will help).  Does this need a proposal to go into policy
  with the same force as the existing pre-depends verbiage?
 It probably should.  I'd be willing to say we might want a seperate list
 for this too.  I'm willing to help with the review but I tend to skim

I think debian-security would be fine, maybe with a special Subject tag.

 - mdz

[PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan [was: Re: Future releases of Debian]

2003-08-01 Thread Arnaud Vandyck
Adrian Bunk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Reading the  whole Future  releases of Debian  thread, I  thought that
the main idea was that Debian need a more 'readable' status for the next
stable release.

I propose  to create  a meta-package called  'release-status-sarge' that
depends on packages (with version number) that we want to see in sarge. 

Each maintainer has  to fill a bug report to include  his package in the
next release  and explain why the  release has to wait  for this package
(or/ and this  version of the package). We can  have different bug level
for the importance to include the package or not.

The  release-status-sarge maintainer  can then  add the  package  in the
Depends field with the version number and close the bug, or he (she) can
tag the  bug 'wontfix' and  explain why the  package will not be  in the
next release. He (or she) can also ask for moreinfo. 

Why a meta-package and not a virtual-package? 

If we have  a meta-package, we can use 'grep-excuse' to  see who we are
waiting for?, in addition with the BTS, it's a lot of informations. 

We can also submit  other bugs against the release-status-sarge package,
like Too many  RC Bugs or any other information on  why the release is
nt ready yet. 

I think Adrian is  right when he want more release. I  think the idea of
having a Debian release a year is not so bad, but I do not like the idea
of a dead-line for Debian releases. I think that Next release of Debian
will happen when  it is ready should be a general  way of thinking even
in other areas! This does not mean we do not need a strict release plan,
but I prefer to base the release plan on targets, not on dates. 

Clear release goals not a release date. 

Also,  Debian has  developed  lot of  interresting  concepts, ideas  and
tools, my idea  is just to use some of  them, no additional development,
to clarify stable release plan and goals to Debian users and even Debian

Any comments are appreciate, thank you for your time,

Note: I could also call  the proposal Debian Release Unified Goals but
  finally I don't think it's a good idea ;)

-- Arnaud Vandyck

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Joel Baker
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:34:11AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
 * Steve Kemp 
 | On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:08AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
 |  what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane default?
 |   Absolutely nothing at all, but it's a slippery slope, and I thought
 |  we were tending towards less interactivity in installations?
 which is why I said «low priority»:
 'critical' only prompts you if the system might break.
Pick it if you are a newbie, or in a hurry.
 'high' is for rather important questions
 'medium' is for normal questions
 'low' is for control freaks who want to see everything
 If you select low, you will have to drink off the fire hose.  Having
 low-priority questionsis good, since it makes it easy to make
 customized installs with preloaded answers.

The only question I would have about it is that every potentially-sgid game
package would need to share the question (so that it only got asked once,
but was available whenever needed) - organizing that could be a bit tricky,
I would think.

Certainly I think it would be one of the more reasonable uses of shared
debconf stuff - one question, low priority, a sane default of not being
sgid, and assuming packages used something proper (er, dpkg-statoverride?)
to register the sgid bit, it doesn't matter if you blow away the answer
cache - you can look at the existing state and find out what you need to
know (or, presumably, override it).

Description: PGP signature

Re: debconf 2005 in Vienna, Austria

2003-08-01 Thread Joel Baker
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:06:48PM +0300, Riku Voipio wrote:
 Yes. a debcamp of users would probably blow some fuse :)

Speaking as someone who's held an FRA (US Federal Railroad Administration)
crew and fireman cert - it's unlikely, unless you do something that would
overload a normal house circuit.

Diesel locomotives are a giant diesel generator hooked up to electric
traction motors, running through the switchbox at something like 600v
(I haven't read the specs in a while, this might be off - but it's high
enough to warrant being really careful around). Don't even ask about the
amperage. Sapping off a little power to run a few household outlets is, by
comparison, peanuts. Or, really, peanut crumbs.

Now, just try not to be nervous at the fact that there's a pipe running
under your feet pressurized to 90 PSI (at least on standard US trains), and
you'll be fine. :)

There's a reason they call popping the coupling seals on that line (the
fail-safe (full stop) airbrake line) completely (rather than bleeding the
air off) 'dynamiting'...

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 05:33:23PM +0100, Steve Kemp wrote:

   There's probably a lot to be said for building a chroot installation
  and installing each package in turn; but I don't have the time for that
  at the moment.

I have some basic tools for doing this kind of thing using UML's
copy-on-write block devices, so it is relatively efficient.  This is one of
the things that I plan to do with it once it is ready for large-scale

 - mdz

Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan [was: Re: Future releases of Debian]

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 07:03:46PM +0200, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:

 I propose  to create  a meta-package called  'release-status-sarge' that
 depends on packages (with version number) that we want to see in sarge. 

I don't think that the most important release goals can be expressed in
terms of version numbers.  For example, RC bug fixes.  I don't find goals
such as we want version X of package Y because it's the newest to be very
useful in producing a quality release, nor do I believe that these are the
kind of goals which are responsible for Debian's long release cycle.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Joey Hess
Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 11:26:57AM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
  * Matt Zimmerman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   I absolutely support this idea.  All set[ug]id setups should be reviewed
   before they go in the archive, and I volunteer to do the review (though I
   hope that others will help).  Does this need a proposal to go into policy
   with the same force as the existing pre-depends verbiage?
  It probably should.  I'd be willing to say we might want a seperate list
  for this too.  I'm willing to help with the review but I tend to skim
 I think debian-security would be fine, maybe with a special Subject tag.

Here's a draft policy proposal. If this looks ok I'll submit it to the
policy group.

Proposal: [DRAFT] require peer review for setuid and setgid program introduction

Setuid and setgid programs are one of the main causes of security
holes and DSA's in Debian. Often these holes can be spotted easily
with a simple review. Sometimes setuid/gid programs can be modified in
fairly simple ways to not need these dangerous permissions at all. A few
well-trained eyes looking over a package before it goes into the
distribution and becomes a security risk can make all the difference.

So, I propose that any new setuid or setgid programs should be reviewed
by a team of interested people before being put into the distribution.
In discussions on debian-devel, we agreed this was a good idea, and that
debian-security is the appropriate list for these reviews. The reviewers
will be whoever is interested, which currently includes at least one
member of the security team, and one of our most prolific security

Note the paralell with the existing requirement that essential packages
be discussed on debian-devel.

--- policy.sgml.orig2003-08-01 13:40:51.0 -0400
+++ policy.sgml 2003-08-01 13:45:24.0 -0400
@@ -7104,6 +7104,14 @@
  execute them.
+  Since setuid and setgid programs are often a security rick,
+  you should not add any new setuid or setgid programs to
+  the distribution before this has been discussed on the
+  emdebian-security/em mailing list and a consensus about
+  doing that has been reached.
  It is possible to arrange that the system administrator can
  reconfigure the package to correspond to their local

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Joey Hess
Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 Personally, I would lean more towards having a setgid helper which writes to
 the game's score file.  It is possible to audit such helpers completely in a
 short amount of time, and I feel that it would be far better to open
 ourselves up to letting users forge their own high scores than to the
 current exposures which are possible through group games.

I think you can set it up so users cannot forge high scores by just
running such a helper. Make the helper sgid scorewriter, and make the
games setgid scoresetter (these names could be better). Then the helper
would refuse to write any scores unless its real GID is scoresetter.

see shy jo

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:56:50PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:

 I think you can set it up so users cannot forge high scores by just
 running such a helper. Make the helper sgid scorewriter, and make the
 games setgid scoresetter (these names could be better). Then the helper
 would refuse to write any scores unless its real GID is scoresetter.

I considered something like this, but I dismissed it as overcomplicated for
the problem (of forging local high scores).  I'd rather decrease the overall
number of privileged programs than reorganize into a larger number of
privilege groups.  With fewer and fewer users per system these days, there
isn't usually any glory in this kind of high score anyway, and only
client/server games which are mediated by a neutral server can usefully
provide this kind of scorekeeping.

 - mdz

Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan

2003-08-01 Thread Arnaud Vandyck
Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 07:03:46PM +0200, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
  I  propose to  create a  meta-package  called 'release-status-sarge'
  that depends on  packages (with version number) that  we want to see
  in sarge.
 I don't think  that the most important release  goals can be expressed
 in terms of version numbers.  For example, RC bug fixes.  I don't find
 goals such as we want version X of package Y because it's the newest
 to be  very useful in  producing a quality  release, nor do  I believe
 that these  are the kind of  goals which are  responsible for Debian's
 long release cycle.

If there are RC bugs to packages that 'release-status-sarge' depends on,
it won't go to testing... 

We can  think of  a new release  when 'release-status-sarge' will  be in

-- Arnaud Vandyck, STE fi, ULg
   Formateur Cellule Programmation.

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:46:48PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:

 Here's a draft policy proposal. If this looks ok I'll submit it to the
 policy group.

Thanks for doing this.  It looks fine, with the exception of a small typo:

 +  Since setuid and setgid programs are often a security rick,
   ^ risk

If we could come up with a standard way of setting these permissions, to
avoid the kind of messing around in the postinst that we do now, it would be
trivial to add lintian/linda warnings for this, to encourage maintainers to
discuss the situation before uploading.  doogie, asuffield and I discussed
this on IRC recently.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Josip Rodin
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:26PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 it would be trivial to add lintian/linda warnings for this,

There's already a warning for set[ug]id in Lintian.

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 07:50:15PM +0200, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:

 Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't think  that the most important release  goals can be expressed
  in terms of version numbers.  For example, RC bug fixes.  I don't find
  goals such as we want version X of package Y because it's the newest
  to be  very useful in  producing a quality  release, nor do  I believe
  that these  are the kind of  goals which are  responsible for Debian's
  long release cycle.
 If there are RC bugs to packages that 'release-status-sarge' depends on,
 it won't go to testing... 

Of course it would, unless it had a versioned dependency that could not be
met.  And how would you know in which version the bug would be fixed?

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:40PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:26PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
  it would be trivial to add lintian/linda warnings for this,
 There's already a warning for set[ug]id in Lintian.

Ah, ok.  But the point was that it will miss many cases.  For example, I've
never seen this warning in uml-utilities because it uses a
dynamically-allocated gid and so must use chmod in postinst rather than
setting permissions in the .deb.  If this could be done at build time rather
than at install time, the check would be perfect.

 - mdz

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Stephen Frost
* Joey Hess ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 --- policy.sgml.orig  2003-08-01 13:40:51.0 -0400
 +++ policy.sgml   2003-08-01 13:45:24.0 -0400
 @@ -7104,6 +7104,14 @@
 execute them.
 +  Since setuid and setgid programs are often a security rick,

'risk' might be a bit better. :)

 +  you should not add any new setuid or setgid programs to
 +  the distribution before this has been discussed on the

until it has been discussed .. ?

 +  emdebian-security/em mailing list and a consensus about
 +  doing that has been reached.

and a consensus reached which approves of the application and it's
needs. ?


Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Adam Heath
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:40PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:

  On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:26PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
   it would be trivial to add lintian/linda warnings for this,
  There's already a warning for set[ug]id in Lintian.

 Ah, ok.  But the point was that it will miss many cases.  For example, I've
 never seen this warning in uml-utilities because it uses a
 dynamically-allocated gid and so must use chmod in postinst rather than
 setting permissions in the .deb.  If this could be done at build time rather
 than at install time, the check would be perfect.

Andrew Suffield and I have plans to get rid of dynamic user creation in
postinst, and chmod +s as well.

preinst will create the user(by calling adduser), then the setuid-ness in the
deb can be applied.  This invovles modifying dpkg-deb to read a list of
permission overrides.

See -policy.

Re: CUPS should be the default print service in Debian/Sarge

2003-08-01 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 09:44:17AM -0400, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:

  The last time I tried to use CUPS, I found it to be so user friendly
  that I couldn't get it to do anything useful.  Very pretty, less
  functional; and the documentation was entirely inadequate.
  On the other hand, while lprng was anything but user-friendly, it was
  simple and well-documented.  Much more important to have something
  that works before you go making it user-friendly!

 Care to give more details?  Which printer?  How was it connected?  How
 did you try to setup CUPS?

 Even if I don't think the CUPS documentation is superb, for the setups
 I have had to deal with (anything but trivial) it was adequate, and the
 only thing I really that to read about what the IPP name service



2003-08-01 Thread gary fiennes

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Re: Bug#203588: acpid: Shell script has nothing to do in /etc

2003-08-01 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Aug 01, David Z Maze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is this script that gets run when the console user presses the power
 button, and is it obvious that the user could potentially want to
 configure it?  If so, then it makes sense that it should be a
 configuration file, and so by policy 10.7.2 it should live in /etc.
The user may want to configure it, but OTOH the script name is
referenced in /etc/acpid/events/powerbtn, and it would probably be
cleaner to make it point to a local script.

ciao, |
Marco | [1063 afeJFGjAxPvAk]

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 11:22:17 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 08:20:08AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
 what's wrong with a low-priority debconf question with a sane

 As long as the sane default is the safe default, which is not to be

Only if the game still works -- some games keep not just score
 files, but saved games in the common area, and would not work as
 expected if they could not write to that area.

St. Patrick was a gentleman who through strategy and stealth drove all
the snakes from Ireland. Here's a toasting to his health -- but not
too many toastings lest you lose yourself and then forget the good
St. Patrick and see all those snakes again.
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 13:46:48 -0400, Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Here's a draft policy proposal. If this looks ok I'll submit it to
 the policy group.

 Proposal: [DRAFT] require peer review for setuid and setgid program

 Setuid and setgid programs are one of the main causes of security
 holes and DSA's in Debian. Often these holes can be spotted easily
 with a simple review. Sometimes setuid/gid programs can be modified
 in fairly simple ways to not need these dangerous permissions at
 all. A few well-trained eyes looking over a package before it goes
 into the distribution and becomes a security risk can make all the

 So, I propose that any new setuid or setgid programs should be
 reviewed by a team of interested people before being put into the
 distribution.  In discussions on debian-devel, we agreed this was a
 good idea, and that debian-security is the appropriate list for
 these reviews. The reviewers will be whoever is interested, which
 currently includes at least one member of the security team, and one
 of our most prolific security auditors.

 Note the paralell with the existing requirement that essential
 packages be discussed on debian-devel.

This seems like a good practice kind of recommendation, not an
 requirement, and as such, may be better suited to be included
 in developers reference rather than policy, don't you think?

The Bird of Time has but a little way to fly ... and the bird is on
the wing. Omar Khayyam
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:50PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   Only if the game still works -- some games keep not just score
  files, but saved games in the common area, and would not work as
  expected if they could not write to that area.

nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I think it
should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the user's home
directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to prevent cheating, but
again, these days the player has root anyway.

 - mdz

Sheet Music

2003-08-01 Thread Austin S
Could you please send me the sheet music for Dueling Banjos
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Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Jim Penny
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 16:01:03 -0400
Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:50PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
  Only if the game still works -- some games keep not just score
   files, but saved games in the common area, and would not work as
   expected if they could not write to that area.
 nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I
 think it should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the
 user's home directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to
 prevent cheating, but again, these days the player has root anyway.

Hmm, that is not the only reason, and maybe not the real reason.  What
about bones piles?  Doesn't nethack do this partially so that levels
from dead games could be reused in future games?  On a multi-user
system, you get a better set of bones piles, because you have no idea of
what killed the adventurer, and probably no idea of whether anything is
worth picking up and risking the possibility of a curse.

Jim Penny
who has in past lives spent far too many hours playing nethack

Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan

2003-08-01 Thread Arnaud Vandyck
Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 07:50:15PM +0200, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
  If there are RC bugs to packages that 'release-status-sarge' depends
  on, it won't go to testing...
 Of course  it would, unless it  had a versioned  dependency that could
 not be met.  And how would you  know in which version the bug would be

'release-status-sarge' is just a package  to monitor the work to be done
to have a stable release. 

It does not matter to know in  which version the bug will be fixed. What
I want for sarge  is emacs21 ( = 21.2 ) so if  every RC bugs are closed
with 21.3 or 21.4, the dependency =21.2 is ok. 

I think  I do not  understand what you  mean or I  do not see  where the
problem is. 

What  I think  is  interresting with  my  proposal is  that the  release
happens when  packages we  want for the  next stable release  are ready,

The existance of  this package in testing does not  mean the next stable
release must  come out as soon as  possible, but it's a  monitor, it can
give important  informations on what have  to be done to  reach the next
stable release. 

I think  about this proposal just  after the first mail  of Adrian Bunk,
but I think I did not think enough :(

Don't you  agree with a way  of monitoring the  steps to be done  to the
next stable release? 

Maybe you  exactly know where  Debian goes and  what we are  waiting for
(yes I saw the mails about gnome2, kde3, gcc3.3, etc...)? I do not.

Best regards,

-- Arnaud Vandyck, STE fi, ULg
   Formateur Cellule Programmation.

Description: PGP signature

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:46:48PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
 Setuid and setgid programs are one of the main causes of security
 holes and DSA's in Debian.


DSA-360:  no  (daemon)
DSA-359:  yes (uid root: hardware access)
DSA-358:  no  (kernel)
DSA-357:  no  (daemon)
DSA-356:  yes (gid games)
DSA-355:  no  (web css)
DSA-354:  yes (gid games)
DSA-353:  no  (daemon, temp file)
DSA-352:  no  (user, temp file)
DSA-351:  no  (web css)
DSA-350:  yes (gid games)
DSA-349:  no  (daemon)
DSA-348:  yes (system root tool exploit)

Looking at this statistic, it is clearly visible that most of the exploits
are game related, in fact only one system tool and one hardware accessing
'game' would allow suid root exploits, all others are sgid games.

 A few
 well-trained eyes looking over a package before it goes into the
 distribution and becomes a security risk can make all the difference.

Yes, but I think the eyes should concentrate on non sgid-games first.
Because this might be a realy BIG junk of UGLYNESS one will find there :)

And some of the suid root stuff, like hardware acces might even require
debian to switch to some more sensible kernel setups.

 +  Since setuid and setgid programs are often a security rick,
 +  you should not add any new setuid or setgid programs to
 +  the distribution before this has been discussed on the
 +  emdebian-security/em mailing list and a consensus about
 +  doing that has been reached.

Do we want to make an sgui games exception here?

 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:56:50PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
 I think you can set it up so users cannot forge high scores by just
 running such a helper. Make the helper sgid scorewriter, and make the
 games setgid scoresetter

Umm... you invent a scorewriter for removing the sgui games bit? And then
you add a sgid scoresetter? I dont think this makes mch sence.

Although it is true, that sgid games exploit are a problem, because they can
be used to invade other game playing users, personally I think it is much
more important to look at the other suids first.

BUT: i realy do think each game MUST offer the non sgid option. We could
have a global question herer:

Do you want to limit gaming experiencing on your system but therefore
increase system security? If you answer yes here, no game will be installed
sgid games, and therefore you do not have shared highscores. yes no

 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:13:30PM -0400, Jim Penny wrote:

 On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 16:01:03 -0400 Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I
  think it should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the user's
  home directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to prevent
  cheating, but again, these days the player has root anyway.
 Hmm, that is not the only reason, and maybe not the real reason.  What
 about bones piles?  Doesn't nethack do this partially so that levels
 from dead games could be reused in future games?  On a multi-user system,
 you get a better set of bones piles, because you have no idea of what
 killed the adventurer, and probably no idea of whether anything is worth
 picking up and risking the possibility of a curse.

Of course it is the real reason.  Otherwise you get exactly the same feature
with a world-writable directory.

(and anyway, there exists 'hearse' now, though I haven't tried it)

 - mdz

Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:06:39PM +0200, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:

 Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 07:50:15PM +0200, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
   If there are RC bugs to packages that 'release-status-sarge' depends
   on, it won't go to testing...
  Of course  it would, unless it  had a versioned  dependency that could
  not be met.  And how would you  know in which version the bug would be
 'release-status-sarge' is just a package  to monitor the work to be done
 to have a stable release. 
 It does not matter to know in  which version the bug will be fixed. What
 I want for sarge  is emacs21 ( = 21.2 ) so if  every RC bugs are closed
 with 21.3 or 21.4, the dependency =21.2 is ok. 

And what if the version in testing has an RC bug?  release-status-sarge
says everything is OK.

 What  I think  is  interresting with  my  proposal is  that the  release
 happens when  packages we  want for the  next stable release  are ready,

I am saying that the reality of the situation is more complex than is
accounted for in this approach.

 Don't you  agree with a way  of monitoring the  steps to be done  to the
 next stable release? 
 Maybe you  exactly know where  Debian goes and  what we are  waiting for
 (yes I saw the mails about gnome2, kde3, gcc3.3, etc...)? I do not.

I do not think that version number milestones are important for a release.
I think that having a well-integrated, high-quality distribution is
important for a release, and this is not so easily monitored.

 - mdz

Why doesn't yehia enter testing?

2003-08-01 Thread Andreas Rottmann

I wonder why yehia isn't entering testing. According to [0] it makes
qmailmrtg7 uninstallable, but qmailmrtg7 is totally unrelated to
yehia, AFAICS.

Regards, Andy

Fingerprint  | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

Python is executable pseudocode, Perl is executable line-noise.

Re: Why doesn't yehia enter testing?

2003-08-01 Thread Steve Langasek
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:40:12PM +0200, Andreas Rottmann wrote:

 I wonder why yehia isn't entering testing. According to [0] it makes
 qmailmrtg7 uninstallable, but qmailmrtg7 is totally unrelated to
 yehia, AFAICS.

 Regards, Andy


Hmm, I think that particular script might be in need of updating
following some hacking that I understand has been done recently to the
testing scripts.  What I see at doesn't really
indicate to me that yehia is causing qmailmrtg7 to be uninstallable;
rather, it looks like qmailmrtg7 is being hinted in, it is uninstallable
for reasons of its own, and the (alphabetically) last package in the
group of packages being tried during this particular run is yehia.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan

2003-08-01 Thread Arnaud Vandyck
Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:06:39PM +0200, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
  It  does  not matter  to  know  in which  version  the  bug will  be
  fixed. What I want  for sarge is emacs21 ( = 21.2  ) so if every RC
  bugs are closed with 21.3 or 21.4, the dependency =21.2 is ok.
 And what if the version in testing has an RC bug? 
 release-status-sarge says everything is OK.

You are  rigth. I thought we  can fill a RC  bug to early  for a stable
release but you are right, if one  of the version we want is in testing
and we are OK for a release, yes, the monitor will be wrong!

  What I  think is interresting with  my proposal is  that the release
  happens when packages we want for the next stable release are ready,
 I am saying that the reality  of the situation is more complex than is
 accounted for in this approach.

Isn't it a beginning?

  Don't you agree with a way of monitoring the steps to be done to the
  next stable release?
  Maybe you exactly know where Debian goes and what we are waiting for
  (yes I saw the mails about gnome2, kde3, gcc3.3, etc...)? I do not.
 I  do not think  that version  number milestones  are important  for a
 release.   I   think  that  having   a  well-integrated,  high-quality
 distribution is  important for  a release, and  this is not  so easily

I agree. Anybody to try another proposal? ;)

-- Arnaud Vandyck, STE fi, ULg
   Formateur Cellule Programmation.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Why doesn't yehia enter testing?

2003-08-01 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:40:12PM +0200, Andreas Rottmann wrote:
 I wonder why yehia isn't entering testing. According to [0] it makes
 qmailmrtg7 uninstallable, but qmailmrtg7 is totally unrelated to
 yehia, AFAICS.

I've no idea where qmailmrtg7 is coming from, but actually yehia is
caught up in the libsigc++ dependency chain. Since libsigc++'s library
package name has changed since the version in testing, everything
depending on the old version in testing needs to be rebuilt before the
new group can go into testing.

There are several packages at the moment holding this up:

  * aptitude used to depend on libsigc++0. The new version doesn't, but
it needs the new apt, which is almost ready but is waiting for new
versions of gcc-3.3 and glibc.

  * lostirc has RC bugs #194366 and #194867.

  * thoughttracker has various build problems; see #198905.

  * gtkextramm has RC bug #197591.

  * vdk2 has RC bug #201318.

  * fwbuilder fails to build on arm.

Fix this lot and I think it should be OK ...



Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 22:31:16 +0200, Bernd Eckenfels [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 BUT: i realy do think each game MUST offer the non sgid option. We
 could have a global question herer:

Hmm. Are you willing then to help modify each game to allow
 this to happen? Some changes are quite extensive. 

Date: 23 Feb 90 19:01:21 GMT From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal
Schwartz) format STDOUT = @ @ @ @, $Just, $another,
$Perl, $hacker
. for(Just,another,Perl,hacker){eval\$$_=\$_;;};write;
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 16:01:03 -0400, Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 02:15:50PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 Only if the game still works -- some games keep not just score
 files, but saved games in the common area, and would not work as
 expected if they could not write to that area.

 nethack is the only game which comes to mind which does this, and I
 think it should probably be changed to keep the saved game in the
 user's home directory.  This was clearly done in order to try to
 prevent cheating, but again, these days the player has root anyway.

Well, if you are talking about packages in main, yes. But
 there are other games that follow policy that are also affected.

We cannot command nature except by obeying her. Sir Francis Bacon
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan

2003-08-01 Thread Chris Cheney
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:38:37PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 10:06:39PM +0200, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
  Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 07:50:15PM +0200, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
If there are RC bugs to packages that 'release-status-sarge' depends
on, it won't go to testing...
   Of course  it would, unless it  had a versioned  dependency that could
   not be met.  And how would you  know in which version the bug would be
  'release-status-sarge' is just a package  to monitor the work to be done
  to have a stable release. 
  It does not matter to know in  which version the bug will be fixed. What
  I want for sarge  is emacs21 ( = 21.2 ) so if  every RC bugs are closed
  with 21.3 or 21.4, the dependency =21.2 is ok. 
 And what if the version in testing has an RC bug?  release-status-sarge
 says everything is OK.

Do we even know which packages in sarge have RC bugs? The last time I
looked when you close a bug with an upload to sid it closes it entirely
still.  So we don't really have a good idea of how many RC bugs exist in
sarge, only how many are in sid.


Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan [was: Re: Future releases of Debian]

2003-08-01 Thread Bruce Sass
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:

 Adrian Bunk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Reading the  whole Future  releases of Debian  thread, I  thought that
 the main idea was that Debian need a more 'readable' status for the next
 stable release.

While it would be nice to see at a glance how far along the next
release is, the proposal doesn't address the real problem of the
release cycle being too long... fix that and a more readable status of
the next release would be moot.

This has been an issue for as long as I can remember (I've been a
Debian user since 1.3), creating a permanent testing archive was an
attempt to solve it... but it hasn't worked because new software hits
testing too fast for testing to stabilize enough to freeze (how long
until the KDE packages in testing are a mix of 2.2, 3.1.2, and
3.1.3... two weeks?).

I can only see two viable options: freeze at regular intervals and
live with whatever happens to be in testing at the time, or extend the
flow of packages paradigm all the way to stable.

The first is like taking a 1/2 a step backwards (imo), the second
requires another archive because testing can not work as both the
output of unstable and the input for stable (it could if multiple
versions of all packages could exist in the same archive at the same

- Bruce

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 03:58:13PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
   Hmm. Are you willing then to help modify each game to allow
  this to happen? Some changes are quite extensive. 

Hmm.. I am sure the maintainers of the affected packages will ask for help.

 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan

2003-08-01 Thread Bruce Sass
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Chris Cheney wrote:
 Do we even know which packages in sarge have RC bugs? The last time I
 looked when you close a bug with an upload to sid it closes it entirely
 still.  So we don't really have a good idea of how many RC bugs exist in
 sarge, only how many are in sid.

The BTS needs to adopt a package pool like mentality, where bugs
are assigned to a particular version of a package instead of just the

- Bruce

Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan

2003-08-01 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:45:42PM -0500, Chris Cheney wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:38:37PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
  And what if the version in testing has an RC bug?  release-status-sarge
  says everything is OK.
 Do we even know which packages in sarge have RC bugs? The last time I
 looked when you close a bug with an upload to sid it closes it entirely
 still.  So we don't really have a good idea of how many RC bugs exist in
 sarge, only how many are in sid.

For now, is the
best idea we've got.


Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:45:42PM -0500, Chris Cheney wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:38:37PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
  And what if the version in testing has an RC bug?  release-status-sarge
  says everything is OK.
 Do we even know which packages in sarge have RC bugs? The last time I
 looked when you close a bug with an upload to sid it closes it entirely
 still.  So we don't really have a good idea of how many RC bugs exist in
 sarge, only how many are in sid.

Yep.  The testing scripts try to guess, but really we have no concrete
numbers.  It is up to individual maintainers to know whether their package
in sarge is releasable.  One problem is that they have no reason to speak up
if it is not, until the threat of release approaches.  Then there is a big
rush where everyone says but my package isn't ready. :-/

 - mdz

Bug#203818: ITP: geeklog -- the ultimate weblog system

2003-08-01 Thread Bruno David Rodrigues
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-08-01
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: geeklog
  Version : 1.3.8
  Upstream Author : Tony Bibbs and geeklog community
* URL :
* License : GPLv2
  Description : the ultimate weblog system

Geeklog is a 'blog', otherwise known as a Weblog. It allows you to
create your own virtual community area, complete with user
administration, story posting, messaging, comments, polls, calendar,
weblinks, and more! It can run on many different operating systems, and
uses PHP4 and MySQL.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux davi 2.4.20-mh9 #1 Tue Jun 17 17:37:34 UTC 2003 i686

Re: [PROPOSAL] Debian Release Plan

2003-08-01 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:45:09PM -0600, Bruce Sass wrote:
 The BTS needs to adopt a package pool like mentality, where bugs
 are assigned to a particular version of a package instead of just the

Hey, man, we're working on it.


Bug#203820: Incorrect expanding [] glob

2003-08-01 Thread Artur R. Czechowski
Package: bash
Version: 2.05b-8.1
Severity: normal


When LC_COLLATE is set to pl_PL [] glob does not work correctly:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/bash-test$ echo $LC_COLLATE
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/bash-test$ touch a b C c D e F G h
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/bash-test$ echo [A-Z]
b c C D e F G h
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/bash-test$ export LC_COLLATE=C
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/bash-test$ echo [A-Z]

I am not sure that this is really bash error, that's why I Cc-ed it to

I didn't generate other language locales so I cannot test this error for it.
Maybe people on debian-devel could give a feedback about it.

I have locales version 2.3.1-17.

This bug is also in woody. Packages' versions:
ii  bash   2.05a-11   The GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii  locales2.2.5-11.5 GNU C Library: National Language (locale) da


-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux zlom 2.4.21 #1 Tue Jul 15 02:03:36 CEST 2003 i686
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=pl_PL

Versions of packages bash depends on:
ii  base-files3.0.9  Debian base system miscellaneous f
ii  libc6 2.3.1-17   GNU C Library: Shared libraries an
ii  libncurses5   5.3.20030719-1 Shared libraries for terminal hand

-- no debconf information

Re: setuid/setgid binaries contained in the Debian repository.

2003-08-01 Thread Darren Salt
I demand that Stephen Frost may or may not have written...

 and a consensus reached which approves of the application and it's
 needs. ?

Almost: s/'// :-)

| Darren Salt   | linux (or ds) at | nr. Ashington,
| woody, sarge, | youmustbejoking  | Northumberland
| RISC OS   | demon co uk  | Toon Army
|   I don't ask for much, just untold riches...

i Invalid device, 0:1

  1   2   >