Transition: new PAM config file handling in unstable

2003-08-20 Thread Steve Langasek
An NMU of the core PAM packages has just been uploaded to unstable with
the maintainer's permission, and is currently available at  The upload addresses the longstanding issue
of central management of PAM authentication/password services in Debian.
This message is an appeal for further testing, and an attempt to
document what needs to be done in other PAM-using packages to take
advantage of these exciting new features.

From the changelog:

  * Add three new config files (/etc/pam.d/common-{auth,account,session})
to libpam-runtime.  Other packages which depend on libpam-runtime
can now @include these files from their own PAM configs.
  * Convert /etc/pam.d/other from a conffile to a non-conffile config
file.  Closes: #186011.

What this means:

- It will now be possible to choose md5 vs. crypt passwords at install
  time without violating policy.  (Currently, a number of conffiles are
  being modified by maintainer scripts in order to enable md5
  passwords.)  Actually making this process policy-compliant will
  require changes to a number of other packages prior to release.
- As packages switch to this new config file scheme, administrators will
  have a central set of files (four) they can edit to set a system-wide
  policy for authentication to services, including services from
  not-yet-installed packages; while packagers can continue shipping
  their per-package default settings as conffiles.
- At a later date, it will be possible to support tools for
  debconf-based management of the authentication subsystem so that
  administrators can seamlessly integrate workstations into (e.g.)
  Kerberos, LDAP, or Windows NT authentication realms.  No work has been
  done yet to develop these tools, and they are unlikely to be ready in
  time for sarge; but this is a realistic goal for sarge+1, or for
  customized installers based on sarge.

I believe that, with your help, we can convert most PAM-enabled packages
in Debian in time for Sarge's release, following the guidelines below.

- Per-package /etc/pam.d/ configuration files should not include
  explicit 'password' blocks.  Instead, services should use the builtin
  libpam fallback to /etc/pam.d/other for their password changing
- Configuration files should be modified to no longer reference
  pam_unix directly.  For auth, account, and session blocks, such
  references should be replaced with these lines:
@include common-auth
@include common-account
@include common-session
  These @include lines are handled as literal includes by libpam, so
  packages that currently use other modules besides pam_unix (or offer
  commented-out examples) need only leave those surrounding module lines
- A versioned dependency on libpam-runtime (= 0.76-13.1) must be added
  to each PAM-using package.  In addition, packages that don't already
  depend on the libpam-modules package must do so.  (Transitive circular
  dependencies prevent libpam-modules from being pulled in
  automatically for you.)
- Essential packages which currently pre-depend on libpam0g (read:
  login) will also need a versioned Pre-Depends on libpam-runtime
  before adopting this scheme, so that they are usable in an
  unconfigured state.  Please consider this an introduction to the
  debian-devel discussion as mandated by Policy section 3.5.

This concludes the roadmap for sane PAM handling in sarge.  Should be
straightforward, right?  It's only 100 packages or so...

One final comment:  I know how excited everyone will be about this
revolutionary breakthrough, but owing to the newness of this change, I
would ask that you *not* avail yourselves of the 0-day policy to start
NMUing packages as part of this transition.  A partial transition for
sarge is much better than locking users out of their systems, so there's
no need to be impatient with maintainers before we've even put the
code through its paces in unstable.

Happy Hacking,
Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Release update

2004-07-25 Thread Steve Langasek
Hello world.

There's a steadily increasing buzz about the status of the sarge
release, now that the new installer is on the home stretch.  The release
team has been hard at work on finalizing a viable release schedule, but
it will take a little more time yet before that's ready to be announced.

In the meantime, we do need to announce the first stage of the sarge

31 July Hard-freeze of base+standard

With the release of debian-installer's second test candidate at the
beginning of August, we need to provide a fixed target for the d-i team.
Freezing base at this point will help us ensure the debian-installer
release can be used for shaking out its *own* bugs, instead of getting
caught up in new bugs from the base system.  Starting 31 July, no more
non-RC changes are allowed into testing for base packages or for
packages of priority standard and higher.  RC fixes are allowed in
through the testing-proposed-updates queue, and will be hand-approved by
the release team.  Base libraries in unstable must also NOT change their
shlibs, because these changes will not be propagated to testing before
the release!

Please note that for these purposes (and for the purposes of the ongoing
base dependency freeze), base packages are those packages which are
installed by debootstrap by the sarge target.  If you're not sure
whether this includes you, please check for a list of binary

Also keep in mind that any RC bugs currently holding new versions of
base packages out of testing will need to be fixed in advance of 31
July, if you want to get your other changes into sarge.

Since long freezes become a problem, you can rest assured that once base
is frozen we will be moving to release as quickly as we can.  This means
that, even though there was no official BSP this weekend, it's still
open season on all RC bugs.  If you have some extra time, please
consider spending it on  Of
particular importance now are the bugs listed at  There are still around 230 RC bugs
affecting sarge, which means around 230 package removals if these don't
get fixed.

Look for a full timeline to become available around the first of August.
The current thought is to release sarge by mid-September, but we're
trying not to promise anything we can't deliver.  We'll let you know
soon when we think this baby is due.

Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian Release Assistant, on behalf of the release team

Description: Digital signature

Release update: lib transitions, toolchain fixes, buildd backlog

2004-08-28 Thread Steve Langasek
 of to unstable.  Please remember to build and test these
   packages against sarge, not sid!
 - The KDE partial upgrade problems are not known to affect qt-x11-free
   and arts (the top two blockers in unstable, now that GNOME is fixed).
   The Qt updates in particular are important for sarge, so you should
   not worry about t-p-u uploads for packages only blocked by Qt or
 - Kernels 2.4.27 and have been released, with a strong
   committment from the debian-kernel team to make these the default for
   sarge.  Packages are already available in unstable for many
   architectures, which are in need of testing to help ensure that
   updating is the right decision.  There's not much sense in releasing
   a second debian-installer release candidate until this decision has
   been finalized.

As always, please address any concerns about the release to

Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian Release Team


Description: Digital signature

Release update: Qt, arts, arm, yes; freeze date, no

2004-09-22 Thread Steve Langasek
plan to upload (diff -u preferred) and, with approval, upload to
testing-proposed-updates.  Changes should be limited to translation
updates and fixes for important or RC bugs.
  - If your package depends on KDE and you have changes you need to make
to fix important or RC bugs for sarge, you will need to upload to
testing-proposed-updates as well, with the same requirements as for
frozen packages.
  - All other package updates should be uploaded to unstable only.
Please use urgency=high for uploads that fix RC bugs for sarge
unless you believe there is a significant chance of breakage in the
new package.

Finally, let's recap the original timeline, with the fixed dates traded
out for variables, to see where we're going once testing-security is

  N+0 days
  ~140 RC bugs
  testing-proposed-updates, testing-security working for all
  Official security support for sarge begins

The testing-proposed-updates queue is already in use for uploads of RC
bugfixes, but up to now testing-security is not in use.  Now that it's
ready, the security team can begin providing security support for sarge.
The sooner this can actually happen, the better.

With security support in place, adventurous users can begin testing the
upgrade path from woody to sarge.  Their feedback will be used for
further bugfixing of packages, and to start preparing release notes.

  N+5 days
  120 RC bugs
  Last call for low-urgency uploads

Although the original last call has come and gone, the doors are not
closed for further low-priority fixes to make there way into sarge until
after testing-security is up and running.

This allows us a period of time after the start of upgrade testing for
low-priority fixes to get uploaded if they're targetted for sarge.  Of
course, bugs that warrant uploads at a higher urgency can be fixed after
this date; including t-p-u uploads for RC bugs.

  N+16 days
  90 RC bugs
  d-i RC2
  Freeze time!

A release candidate of d-i will require about three weeks to prepare, so
preparations will need to begin before testing-security is fully
operational to meet this timeline.  Because this process has not started
yet, and because of the Oldenburg conference that will keep many of our
installer team busy, this gives us a date for N of at least two weeks
out from today.

If all goes well, for both RC bug fixes and the d-i RC2 release, we'll
be ready to freeze the rest of the archive at this point.  Changes to
base+standard are limited to RC fixes only; fixes for RC bugs and
translation updates are allowed for the rest of the archive via

  N+30 days
  0 RC bugs

Any remaining release-critical bugs will be fixed through uploads to
testing-proposed-updates or by removals from sarge.

With a final cut of the installer in the bag, we will also be fixing any
remaining CD generation problems, as well as final tweaks to the
installation manual and release notes.  Before this point, we will also
need to have kernel upgrade paths sorted out for all architectures.

Around this time, we will be able to set a date for the full release.

Keep up the good work, folks.  We're definitely on the road to release,
even if at times it is two steps forward and one step back.  The release
team's page at will continue to
document new release issues as we become aware of them, and we'll
continue striving to get update emails out to you on a semi-regular

Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian Release Team


Description: Digital signature

Bits (Nybbles?) from the Vancouver release team meeting

2005-03-13 Thread Steve Langasek
candidate architectures from 11 to approximately 4 (i386, powerpc, ia64
and amd64 -- which will be added after sarge's release when mirror space
is freed up by moving the other architectures to
This will drastically reduce the architecture coordination required in
testing, giving us a more limber release process and (it is hoped) a
much shorter release cycle on the order of 12-18 months.

Architectures that are no longer being considered for stable releases
are not going to be left out in the cold.  The SCC infrastructure is
intended as a long-term option for these other architectures, and the
ftpmasters also intend to provide porter teams with the option of
releasing periodic (or not-so-periodic) per-architecture snapshots of

Also, since the original purpose of the SCC proposal was to reduce the size
of the archive that mirrors had to carry, the list of release candidate
architectures will be further split, with only the most popular ones
distributed via itself.  The criterion for being distributed
from (and its mirrors) is roughly:

- there must be a sufficient user base to justify inclusion on all
  mirrors, defined as 10% of downloads over a sampled set of mirrors

To be eligible for inclusion in the archive at all, even in the
(unstable-only) SCC archive, ftpmasters have specified the following
architecture requirements:

- the architecture must be freely usable (i.e., without NDAs)

- the architecture must be able to run a buildd 24/7 sustained
  (without crashing)

- the architecture must have an actual, running, working buildd

- the port must include basic unix functionality, e.g resolving
  DNS names and firewalling

- binary packages must be built from the unmodified Debian source
  (required, among other reasons, for license compliance)

- binaries for the proposed architecture must have been built and signed
  by official Debian developers

- the architecture must have successfully compiled 50% of the archive's
  source (excluding architecture-specific packages)

- 5 developers who will use or work on the port must send in
  signed requests for its addition

- the port must demonstrate that they have at least 50 users

These objective requirements would be applied both to the other eight
architectures being released with sarge that are not currently regarded
as candidates for release with etch, and also to any porter requests
asking for new architectures to be added to the archive.

This plan has been signed off on by:

  Steve Langasek (Release Manager)
  Colin Watson (Release Manager)
  Andreas Barth (Release Assistant)
  Joey Hess (Release Assistant)
  Frank Lichtenheld (Release Assistant)

  James Troup (ftpmaster)
  Ryan Murray (ftpmaster)
  Anthony Towns (ftpmaster)

The following people in Debian leadership roles have also expressed their

  Andreas Schuldei (DPL candidate)
  Angus Lees (DPL candidate)
  Branden Robinson (DPL candidate)
  Jonathan Walther (DPL candidate)

Again, if you've got any questions, comments or concerns, please raise them
on -devel so we can take them into account before putting this plan into

Further plans for etch

After the release of sarge, the release team will stop tracking the
day-to-day status of RC bugs in testing for a while.  NMUs for broken
packages will be minimal; instead, our RC bug handling will mostly be
limited to the usual aggressive removal of broken packages from testing.
This will also be a key time for the QA team to focus on deeper quality
issues and methods for a change, instead of on individual
release-critical bugs.

Meanwhile, much of the release team's energy will be focused on
coordinating the many major changes that are sure to hit the archive
shortly after sarge's release.  We already know of a number of major
package changes coming up: gcc 4.0, python 2.4, xorg-x11 6.8.2, apt 0.6.
If you are planning any other transitions that will affect a lot of
packages, please let us know in advance.  We will need to complete the
larger transitions as fast as possible, to get testing back into a
nearly releasable state quickly again after the release.

It's also not too early to begin staging complex transitions for etch in
experimental, particularly those transitions that will take a while to

Post-sarge, we also know that with the new social contract, all
documentation needs to adhere to the DFSG.  The biggest impact of this
change is that documentation that is licensed only under the current
version of the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) needs to be made
available under a license that meets the requirements of the DFSG, or
else be moved to non-free.  Some maintainers have already opted to move
their GFDL documentation to non-free for sarge, but the vast remainder
will need to be dealt with soon after sarge's release to keep us on
track for etch.

Otherwise, it's business as usual for the sarge release.  Please bear in
mind previous

Release update: editorial changes to the testing propagation scripts

2005-05-03 Thread Steve Langasek
, testing-security working for all architectures
  Official security support for sarge begins
  Freeze time!

Joey Schulze of the security team has given the thumbs-up for official
security support for sarge as of the time of the freeze.  Which is now.

With security support in place, adventurous users can begin testing the
upgrade path from woody to sarge.  Their feedback will be used for
further bugfixing of packages, and to start preparing release notes.
Currently, this is tempered by known bug #278495, which affects perl
when upgrading on a sizable percentage of systems.  We hope this bug
will be addressed soon, so that we can start getting good upgrade
reports in ASAP.

  5-8 May 2005
  ~70-60 RC bugs
  Bug Squashing Party

Frank Lichtenheld has, with prescient and uncanny timing, announced a
BSP for this coming weekend[1].  Now that we have a relatively fixed
number of release-critical bugs in sarge, we hope to quickly eliminate
the remaining RC bugs.  We need your help to do that, though, so
volunteers for squashing bugs and processing upgrade reports is
appreciated.  If you are interested in helping to process upgrade
reports, please subscribe to and
contact debian-release.

  18 May 2005
  ~15 RC bugs
  d-i final if needed

As before, being able to hold to this schedule depends heavily on a
steadily dropping RC bug count, so if that isn't happening, the timeline
will have to be tweaked accordingly.  Security bugs will, however, not
figure into this count for the most part because they can and will be
fixed post-release.

Experience shows that d-i releases take a bit longer to roll out than
this timeline is really allowing for, so the plan is to release sarge
with d-i RC3.  However, there has been some discussion of less intrusive
per-arch uploads of the installer, to take care of some specific kernel
bugs; if this happens, it would be around this date.

  27 May 2005
  0 RC bugs

Any remaining release-critical bugs will be fixed through uploads to
testing-proposed-updates or by removals from sarge.

With a final cut of the installer in the bag and the effective RC count
down to zero, it's time to finalize the installation manual and release
notes and to create official CD images.

  30 May 2005

And if everything goes well, we'll be ready to release at the end of the

We'll continue to post updates as the freeze goes on.  For now, please
concentrate on fixing the last few issues, and hey, let's see if we can
stick to this schedule!

Steve Langasek and Colin Watson
Debian Release Managers


Description: Digital signature

Call for upgrade testing

2005-05-16 Thread Steve Langasek
Hi folks,

Well, with security support in place for sarge we hoped to be sending
this message out a week or so ago, but it took longer than expected to
sort out one particularly hairy bug that was known to affect upgrades.
Now that it's fixed in testing and we can accept upgrade reports without
trying to filter out the noise from that bug, the release team is happy
to issue this official call for upgrade testers for sarge.

As in releases past, we strongly recommend that you read the release
notes before upgrading, and in particular Chapter 4, Upgrades from
previous releases, since some aspects of the recommended upgrade path
have changed.  The preliminary release notes for sarge can be found at

Andreas Barth has prepared an upgrade report template to help when
reporting problems with your upgrades.  If you do run into problems when
testing the upgrade path from woody to sarge, please download the
template at, fill it
out, and email it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  We also welcome reports of
successful upgrades, short notes to let us know things are working for
you, or tasteful fruit baskets.

We mentioned in the freeze announcement[1] that we needed volunteers to
help with processing upgrade reports -- taking them apart, identifying
the bugs that appear, and assigning them to the packages responsible so
that they can get fixed for sarge.  Our call for volunteers got us a
total of, uh... one person offering to help, so we could probably use
more. :)  If you are an experienced user who is good at figuring out who
to blame when things break, and you have some time you'd be willing to
spend helping make sarge the best Debian release ever, please contact
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  We'll be happy to put you to work.

Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian Release Team


Description: Digital signature

Release update: freeze progress, closing date for non-RC fixes

2005-05-17 Thread Steve Langasek
 depends on an arch: all package and your
upload makes it unusable as a build-dep until it's up-to-date on all

Uploading a new upstream version of a library that's a build-dependency
of xfree86, while a release-critical update of xfree86 is in
preparation, without talking to the xfree86 maintainers first.  Don't do
this.  The *best*-case scenario is that I get to spend an hour or two
sorting out whether this upload has broken the library ABI.  The
worst-case scenario is much, much worse.  When I say you should talk to
the maintainers of packages that depend on yours, I really, really mean

* Trigger a rebuild, because the i386 package wasn't built properly.
  (Closes: Bug#309365)
Yeah, don't do this one either.  Whether we're in a freeze at the time
or not, it is a waste of buildd cycles to do a *sourceful* upload to
correct for a problem with the way *binaries* were built in your build
environment.  If you're not making changes to the source, you probably
shouldn't be uploading a new source package.

Indeed, all of the above are pretty good advice at all times, but during
a freeze these are the kinds of things that can really hurt the release


Oh yes, the timeline.  Here's (sorta) what it looks like, from today

  18 May 2005
  ~40 RC bugs
  d-i final needed?  No.

So the RC bug count is higher than we want it to be, but definitely
moving in the right direction.  Can we get it where we want it by the
end of the month?  Possibly, if more people pitch in over the next week
or so...

There has been no further action on preparing architecture-specific
updates for d-i, so there will be no d-i final.  This means that no
outstanding kernel changes will be integrated into sarge until r1.
Fixes for security bugs should be available from
well before then, of course.

  20-22 May 2005
  ~30 RC bugs
  Bug Squashing Party

The count of 30 RC bugs should be the count *before* the BSP; at the
conclusion of the BSP, we want this number to look more like 10.  Please
join us in getting rid of those last few troublesome RC bugs on the way
to the release.

  25 May 2005
  ~10 RC bugs
  0 RC bugs not tagged sarge

Since it takes a few days for autobuilders to catch up after a source
package has been uploaded, we want to have fixes uploaded to unstable or
testing-proposed-updates for all RC bugs by the 25th.  The RC bug count
should at this point therefore not include any bugs that aren't tagged

  27 May 2005
  0 RC bugs
  Final version of release notes available

The rest of the RC bug fixes get into testing, or the packages get
removed, or the schedule slips a week.  Take your pick -- I certainly
prefer the first option.

At the same time, we want to have the release notes finished up, as well
as the installation manual if any changes are still pending.  This
leaves very little time for the documentation team to incorporate
feedback from upgrade testing, and even less time for localization teams
to complete translations.  Since there are currently only three
translations of the release notes that are reasonably up-to-date, we
should plan to allow translations to be updated after the release
itself.  They obviously won't get onto the CD images (which we'll start
building at this time), but there were no release notes on the CDs for
woody at all, so it's not a total loss to do things this way.

  30 May 2005

And if everything goes well, we'll be ready to release at the end of the

If everything *doesn't* go well, then we're hopefully looking at the
first weekend in June instead.

Right now, this schedule is looking more ambitious than when we cooked
it up, but it's not completely out of the question -- we just need to
pick up the pace a bit.

Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Description: Digital signature

Procedure reminders on updating a lib package for a C++ ABI change

2005-07-16 Thread Steve Langasek
As a result of some questions on IRC and some ill-timed uploads that I've
seen, I think it would be a good idea to highlight a couple of important
points from Matthias's transition plan for the benefit of library
maintainers and would-be NMUers:

The library package renames, libfoo1 - libfoo1c2, libfoo1c102 - libfoo1c2,
or libfoo1c102 - libfoo1, are done because there is an ABI change *without
an upstream soname change*.  Since there is no soname change, the files
installed by the renamed package will also not change -- which means, just
like for any other packages with overlapping files, you *must* conflict with
the previous library package name.  You must *not* add a Provides: libfoo1
or Provides: libfoo1c102 to the new package; this transition is happening
because of an ABI transition, which means the new package will NOT provide
the same interface as the old one, and setting Provides will lead apt to
give your users broken package combinations.

If one of your packages needs to be transitioned, DO NOT upload it before
the C++ libraries it depends on have successfully made the transition.
Barring exceptional buildd delays, you should wait until your
build-dependencies have been rebuilt for g++ 4.0 on *all* architectures
before uploading your package.  Otherwise, you'll cause unnecessary churn on
the buildds, and it will take *longer* for your package to get built
everywhere.  Being impatient now will mean a longer wait later.  A useful
interface for tracking the status of a package across architectures can be
found at

If any of what I've said above surprises you, then you should go back and
read the complete email about the transition plan[1] before uploading
anything.  If you have questions, /ask/.  Five minutes asking/answering a
question now can easily save us weeks of fighting to get a package back into
releasable shape.

Also, for those who aren't aware, the new xorg packages now in unstable are
also implicated in the C++ transition, because libGLU is implemented in C++.
Particularly if you have packages that are involved in other transitions
that are happening right now, it may not necessarily be a good idea to
rebuild against xorg just yet unless you're already part of the C++
transition.  If you do, your package will also get tangled in the same C++
transition.  This has unfortunately already happened with GNOME, because of
a maintainer who was in a hurry to update his build dependencies for xorg;
all of GNOME 2.10 is now held out of testing until xorg is also ready to go
in, even though xorg has so far only been built successfully on 4/11
architectures.  In effect, this means all of the large etch transitions are
now hooked together, but if you have other packages that aren't yet part of
the tangle, ask before you upload and maybe you'll save yourself some

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer


Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: port qualification declarations for etch

2005-10-05 Thread Steve Langasek
Hello world!

As you readers of d-d-a know well by now, one of the goals of the
release team for etch is to put into effect standards governing which
ports will be included in the release.  The two month period for
requalifying existing ports, set out in [0], has already begun, and it
would be great to begin getting input from porters to help us fill in
the table at [1].  It also wouldn't hurt porters to get feedback about
which criteria their ports are currently failing to meet, so that they
can either figure out how to meet them by November 20 or work with the
release team to refine the criteria.

To that end, I would like to invite you to join Anthony Towns and myself
on IRC this Sunday, October 9 from -0200 UTC in the #debian-tech
channel on  The goal of this two-hour session is to come
up with a qualification declaration for as many architectures as
possible, and to further refine the architecture criteria as necessary.
A wiki page for the event can be found at [2].

This is also something of an inaugural event for the #debian-tech
channel.  If you don't already know about #debian-tech because you don't
follow Planet Debian religiously (you know, with scented candles and
angst, like any True Blogger), you can learn more about this new Debian
channel-with-a-twist at [3].  The channel ops welcome your participation
in this experiment, both for this event and in general.  We ask that you
read the channel charter[4] before joining the channel, so you are aware
of a few basic ground rules; however, we do want to emphasize that the
goal of the channel is to provide a friendly, easy-going, and productive
environment and hope you will find that to be the case in spite of (and
in part, because of!) our uncharacteristic moderated approach.

So whether you're blocking out two hours on your weekend calendar, or
just stopping in, we look forward to seeing you on #debian-tech this

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.


Description: Digital signature

Bits from the release team: the plans for etch

2005-10-14 Thread Steve Langasek
* to announce.  As Colin Watson has already
announced[5], he has decided to step down as my co-Release Manager for
etch.  Colin, thanks for all you've done; it was great working with you
for sarge, and just because your title will say Release Assistant
instead of Release Manager now doesn't mean we plan to let you off the
hook completely for etch. ;)

On the other side, that leaves a vacant Release Manager seat which the
team is agreed should be filled, and Andreas Barth has risen to this
challenge.  Please welcome Andreas as my new co-RM for etch -- anything
you would pester me about, you should now feel free to pester him about
instead. :)

Issues for the release notes

We would like to encourage people to submit content for the etch release
notes throughout the development cycle, so that upgrade concerns can be
documented when the changes are fresh in people's minds.  To help with
that, there is now a release-notes pseudopackage at
Please use it.

NMU policy
After lots of experimentation with NMU policies during the sarge release
process, it's pretty clear that permissive NMU policies had a HUGE,
positive impact on our ability as a project to cope with outstanding
release-critical issues.  We don't want that to stop now just because
the sarge release is behind us; NMUs don't just speed up the release,
they're also great for helping the quality of Debian!  For this reason,
we would like to continue the 0-day NMU policy from sarge throughout the
etch release cycle.  But first, we'd like to hear from you, the
developers, about what *you* thought did and didn't work with NMUs for

So after a brief respite following the sarge release, we're ready to
move etch into full swing.  Look forward to more of these emails from
the release team periodically from here on out, chock-full of release-y

Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian Release Team


Description: Digital signature

Re: ethique Debian

2002-12-11 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 01:46:50PM +0100, Benjamin Drieu wrote:

  Pour la propagande raciste, il y a un point dans les DFSG
  ( qui dit :

  pas de discrimination contre une personne ou un groupe de personnes

 Attention, il s'agit de discrimination d'utilisation.  En clair, un
 soft qui restreint son utilisation à une ethnie, une nationalité ou
 une religion particulière n'est pas libre.  En revanche, un logiciel
 raciste mais libre satisfait ce point (c'est il me semble le cas de
 certaines bases de fortunes).

Exactement.  Les DFSG exigent seulement que tout le monde *puisse*
utiliser le logiciel, ne pas que le logiciel soit *attractif* a tous.

À propos du nom «pornview», nous avons déjà «bitchx», la langue
«brainfuck» (appelée «brainf***» ou «BF» dans les archives), et je ne
sais quoi d'autre.  Si on trouve que le nom d'un paquet est offensif, la
solution est très simple: ne l'installez pas.

Sans le nom, pornview est un lecteur d'image comme tout autre.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: qui a réussi a compiler samba3 pour woody ???

2003-08-13 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 10:02:19AM +, Eric Belhomme wrote:
 J'ai voulu créer des paquets de samba3 pour mettre sur mon serveur de 
 fichiers (une debian woody stock)

 Qu'est ce que je suis pas allé faire la !!! j'ai passé la journée complète 
 d'hier à backporter une 20aine de paquets de la testing vers la stable pour 
 satisfaire les dépendances de princesse samba3 (python2.2 tcl8.4, acl, 
 attr, debconf, ...)

 et quand enfin dpkg-buildpackage accpeté de lancer la compillation de 
 samba, ca a été pour m'informer 30 minutes plus tard d'un build error :((

 Du coup, je me pose des questions : les dépendances de samba3 vont (tres) 
 loin : glibc, openssl, python2.2 qui eux-meme entrainent d'autres 
 dépendances, etc...

 au final, je me retouve avec un systeme dont la plupart des paquets 
 critiques sont backportés, ce qui amha est pas terrible au niveau de la 
 stabilité (et evenutuellement de la sécurité) du systeme...

 Du coup, a-t-on une chance de voir un jour des paquets samba3 pour woody 
 stable ? j'ai l'impression que non ;-/

Simò Sorce (du Samba Team) a des paquets pour woody à experimental main.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: connexion ssh aux serveurs Debian

2004-01-05 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 08:00:46PM +0100, Nicolas Bertolissio wrote:
 Suite à la compromission, j'ai envoyé à l'adresse qui avait été indiquée
 ma clé ssh pour pouvoir me connecter avec cette méthode et je n'ai donc
 pas de mot de passe sur ces machines.

 Quand j'essaye de me connecter, sur gluck pas de problème il me demande
 bien ma phrase de passe pour ma clé rsa, mais j'ai essayé sur d'autres
 machines (auric et klecker) et là il me demande un mot de passe sur la
 machine, et forcément je n'en ai pas puisque je n'en ai pas demandé de

Auric et klecker ont été fermés après la compromission, par question de
securité (ils sont et, bien

  Where can I login?

There's been a fair bit of talk post-compromise about restricting
access to machines running (core) services.  At the moment, the only
thing I'm (personally) doing is not enabling non-services accounts on
auric (ftp-master) and klecker (security, non-US, qa, nm, www-master)
immediately.  Obviously, it's useful for random developers to have
access to e.g. the postgres database of the archive, so the current
plan if the restricted nature of auric becomes permanent is to mirror
the system daily to another box that would be unrestricted.  [This
would have the added bonus of giving us a hot spare for
disasters/arson attacks etc.]

Basically the whole issue of what, if anything, to restrict is still
up in the air.  I'm looking for input/opinions/discussion on this.  If
you need access to the machines running the archives, please tell me
(or probably better yet, start a thread on debian-devel) why.

On a similar note some of our boxes are currently overloaded and
services are generally inelegantly distributed; there's certainly
going to be some juggling of them coming up.  It's not decided
what/when/where/how yet though, more details before it happens.
Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: non respect de build-essential

2004-01-16 Thread Steve Langasek
On Fri, Jan 16, 2004 at 09:38:13PM +0100, Alexandre Pineau wrote:
 Je suis en train d'essayer de proposer un patch  pour un bug critique 
 touchant le paquet fireflier-client-gtk et j'ai observé un truc curieux 
 dans la ligne build-depends. Le paquet déclare une dépendance sur g++-3.2,
 dépendance qui fait partie de build-essential, et qui plus est avec une 

Mais, g++-3.2 ne fait pas partie de build-essential; c'est g++ qui
apparait dans la liste, et si on a besoin d'un autre compilateur(?), ça
n'implique pas un bogue.

S'il n'y avait aucun paquet g++-3.2 dans l'archive, ça serait vraiment
un bogue.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: non respect de build-essential

2004-01-17 Thread Steve Langasek
On Fri, Jan 16, 2004 at 10:22:06PM +0100, Alexandre Pineau wrote:
 On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 14:34:42 -0600
 Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Mais, g++-3.2 ne fait pas partie de build-essential; c'est g++ qui
  apparait dans la liste, et si on a besoin d'un autre compilateur(?), ça
  n'implique pas un bogue.

 Certes, mais il apparait un versionning strict  (= 3:3.3), ce qui m'a enduit

  S'il n'y avait aucun paquet g++-3.2 dans l'archive, ça serait vraiment
  un bogue.

 Donc on pourrait utiliser build depend pour indiquer une version de gcc
 2.95? Tous les paquets ayant des problèmes de compilations avec
 un gcc récent pourraient donc etre corrrigés en idiquant un build depend
 sur gcc 2.95? 

Il y a autres considérations: si le paquet dépend d'une bibliothèque
C++, il faut utiliser le même compilateur que cette bibliothèque.  
Puisque la grande plupart des paquets C++ dans la distro dépendent de
telles bibliothèques, c'est assez important.

Si vous avez une programme simple sans dépendences de bibliothèques
C++, il est bien possible d'utiliser n'import quel des compilateurs.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: Digital signature

Re: RFA: le-dico-de-rene-cougnenc -- Le Dico par René Cougnenc

2004-03-13 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 11:35:16PM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
  Il faut mettre une description en anglais, donc j'ai besoin d'un peu

 conjugaisons ?

conjugations. :)

 Cela donne pour l'instant avec mon anglais de cuisine:

  More than 100.000 french elements including nouns, verbs, adjectives,
  CONJUGAISONS et complex plural forms as well as major postal codes.
  This list has been carefully elaborated by a team of french BBS users
  and put in the public domain in accented ASCII format either using the
  IBM MS/DOS charset or the ISO-8859-1 charset for other systems.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: Digital signature

Re: Clavier français et RC3 de l'installateur (noyau 2.6)

2005-04-06 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 07:40:44PM +0200, Cyril Olivier MARTIN wrote:

 From: Christian Perrier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Un correctif dans kbd-chooser implique de reconstruire tous les
 initrds, de les valider, puis de reconstruire toutes les images.
 Puis les phases de test correspondantes...
 Pour mémoire, cela a pris environ 4 semaines pour la RC3.
 Difficile de convaincre Joey de se lancer là dedans avec comme
 argument Broken 2.6 french install on i386.

 Plus d'un an à attendre la sarge...
  Troisième Release Candidate...
 Quatre semaines de test...
 Et ça marche pas !

 Franchement, ça va faire du bruit, et l'image de Debian n'en ressortira 
 pas grandi.
 Enfin, tout ceci n'est pas très grave si la prochaine sortie de Debian n'a 
 pas lieu dans deux ans.
 Je suis un peu amère.

Merci de votre aide en éprouvant la version RC3 de l'installateur avant son
lancement.  Votre contribution à la prochaine edition de Debian ne passera
pas inaperçue.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: Digital signature

Re: Clavier français et RC3 de l'installateur (noyau 2.6)

2005-04-08 Thread Steve Langasek
Allô Laurent,

On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 07:43:55PM +0200, Laurent COOPER wrote:
 Lisant la liste depuis un moment, mais ne participant pas, je peux néanmoins 
 apporter une information.

 Le bug existe sans doute, puisqu'il se produit avec la release-candidate de 
 kubuntu (basé comme le dit très bien C. Perrier sur l'installeur debian)

 J'ai installé trois machines en me servant de ce CD comme cd d'install, et 
 j'ai eu le problème du clavier anglais au lieu de français.

 Par contre, il n'est pas apparu sur une quatrième, me laissant plus que 

Y'a-t-il quelque différence entre les deux groupes de machines?  P.e.,
est-ce que les trois premières machines ont des claviers USB, et la
quatrième un clavier PS/2?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: Digital signature

Re: Passage en UTF-8 par d éfaut

2005-09-04 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 07:38:35PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
 Le dimanche 04 septembre 2005 à 14:23 +0200, Christian Perrier a écrit :
  Cela n'a pas posé de problème grave (en fait, ça n'en pose apparamment
  aucun). Suffisamment pour que j'envisage désormais de basculer la
  locale par défaut des installations françaises sur une locale
  UTF-8. Le passage en UTF-8 est un des objectifs d'etch, pour mémoire.

 À vrai dire, je ne comprends pas pourquoi ça n'a pas été fait pour

Parce que zsh manquait de support pour UTF-8 ;)

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Encore une question sur les transitions de libs

2006-01-23 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Jan 22, 2006 at 08:56:50PM +0100, Pierre THIERRY wrote:
 Avant de comprendre puis de me tenir au courant des transitions, je ne
 captais jamais pourquoi apparaissaient des paquets avec un c102 ou ce
 genre de suffixe.

 Étant donné que ce sera également le cas de 99,99% des utilisateurs qui
 tomberont sur un upgrade qui foire, je ne comprends pas pourquoi ces
 paquets de transition de mentionnent pas qu'ils le soient dans la
 description du paquet...

Dans quelle sense sont-ils paquets de transition?  Ils sont paquets de
bibliothèques; qu'il y *ait* une transition n'implique pas que les paquets
soient transitionels.  Et il est déjà assez difficile de réaliser une telle
transition sans faire des corrections aux descriptions de paquet au même

Tenez compte que pour ceux qui installent etch, la transition n'a rien à
voir; ils sont simplement les versions courrants des bibliothèques...

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Gestion des licences dans le format .deb

2008-08-16 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 02:43:53PM +0200, Romain Beauxis wrote:
 Le Friday 15 August 2008 09:38:21 Charles Plessy, vous avez écrit :
  Je suppose que ce que voulait dire le journaliste, c'est qu'il y a un
  champ « License » dans le fichier « spec » des paquets RPM, alors qu'il
  n'y en a pas dans le ficher « control » des paquets Debian.

 Ce que je pense surtout c'est que la décision relève très probablement de 
 critères internes à Intel et qu'Intel, puis le journaliste essaient de se 
 rattraper aux branches pour justifier cela.

 Il est vrai qu'ubuntu ne respecte pas forcément très clairement la séparation 
 entre logiciel open source et logiciel non libre. Probablement aussi qu'ils 
 sont moins regardant sur les licences.

D'où vient ce FUD-ci?  Ce n'est pas vrai qu'Ubuntu manque d'une séparation
entre logiciel libre (main, universe) et logiciel non-libre
(restricted, multiverse).  La seule différence à Debian (en ignorant
certaines très petites différences de la définition de logiciel libre de
chacun), c'est que les CDs d'Ubuntu contiennent des pilotes non-libres pour
qu'on puisse utiliser les périphériques correspondants sans media extra,
lequel est un compromis pragmatique qui donne à l'utilisateur le choix
d'utiliser ces pilotes ou non.

De temps en temps Ubuntu prend des décisions différentes à Debian, mais ça
ne veut pas dire que les licences propres ne soient pas importantes pour

Mais ce dont nous manquons, tant Debian comme Ubuntu, c'est une manière de
voir automatiquement la compatibilité (ou pas) de licence entre deux

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: petsc_2.3.0-1_i386.changes REJECTED

2005-11-14 Thread Steve Langasek
[redirecting this to -devel; discussions of ftp team NEW queue policies are
 off-topic for -release.]

On Mon, Nov 14, 2005 at 05:13:47PM -0500, Adam C Powell IV wrote:

  And thats what I asked for, yes. Drop the version from -dev|-dbg|-doc,
  use the shlib system for the rest (which makes packages built against it
  depending on the right version) and have fun.

 I understand that, and the whole proposal.  And it will break a lot of
 things for many of my users, who need to use old versions of the -dev
 packages at the same time -- which is why I do the versioned -dev
 packages and the alternatives system.

*Why* do users need to use old versions of -dev packages at the same time?
How can it be so important to maintain parallel installable versions of
devel packages for a library package that has only *one* reverse-dependency
in Debian?

For that matter, why is it important that Debian provide support for
coinstallability with older packages that are, evidently, not important
enough themselves to be supported by Debian?

Anyway, the empty petsc-dev package is completely pointless.  It can't be
used sanely as a dependency or build-dependency, because it does *not*
guarantee a constant interface thanks to petsc's FHS-incompatible layout.
I think it would be better if there *were* a single petsc-dev package
containing the header files and library links in FHS locations, making
libpetsc2.2.0-dev unnecessary; but if this is not to be the case for
whatever reason, then petsc-dev ought to be dropped.  In any case, I agree
with Joerg that there ought to only be one -dev package here...

 So now the needs/requests of the users are less important to Debian than
 removing two empty packages?

Users often make requests that would be bad for the system as a whole if we
honored them unconditionally.  Package indices that grow without bounds are
one way that choices that may be good for a subset of users come with a cost
for the rest of our users.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Licenses for DebConf6

2005-11-15 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sat, Nov 12, 2005 at 11:11:47PM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 I do stand behind my words; here are, chastizing the GFDL for
  not being free, standing on the verge of the rowing GNU
  documentation out of Debian, and yet, we blithely, though the
  instrumentation of an annual Debian Developer conference, accept any
  non-free license there is, as long as it makes our conference a
 I leave it to the readers to determine if this is, or is not,
  hypocrisy . 

Whether or not anyone in Debian is taking a hypocritical position on this
issue[0], I think it would be very inappropriate to *chastize* anyone for
the fact that the GFDL does not meet the DFSG.  The FSF have indeed never
claimed that the GFDL was a Free Software license, and they don't claim that
the same freedoms that are required for programs are required for
documentation, either -- a position that you may recall is shared by a
significant number of developers within Debian.

We may have decided that extending the same freedoms to documentation and
data as to programs is important enough for us to take a stand on, but by no
means does that justify haughtiness towards our fellows in the Free Software

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

[0] Wwhen an open organization such as Debian has individual members who
hold *different* positions, one usually describes that as schizophrenic,
not hypocritical

Description: Digital signature

Re: library renaming due to changed libstdc++ configuration

2005-11-15 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, Nov 14, 2005 at 07:34:58PM +0100, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
 Matthias Klose a écrit :
  * Once dependencies are fulfilled for all architectures, request
binNMU's for all other packages depending on a library package with
a changed package name.
If a source upload is necessary for other fixes, wait as well until
dependencies are fulfilled for all architectures.

 I don't know who will handle those binNMU, but would it be possible to 
 have, during the period of the transition, a list of the packages that 
 have been currently binNMUed? That would help the unofficial ports to 
 follow the transition. This is true at least for kfreebsd-i386, but I 
 think that is also the case for amd64, armeb, m32r, hurd-i386 (even if 
 it is in the archive, the w-b database is not hosted by Debian).

 I propose a list on, but maybe there is a better solution.

Given that anyone with wanna-build access for an arch can fire off a binNMU,
I don't know if it's feasible to provide a comprehensive list; but I've
already been asked about keeping the amd64 maintainers in the loop, so I can
commit to putting the information I have somewhere public.  Let's make it rather than
the wiki, a wiki would be overkill.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: master's mail backlog and upgrade time

2005-11-15 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 12:18:45PM +, Ian Jackson wrote:
 Ryan Murray writes (master's mail backlog and upgrade time):
  Also, I've investigated the mail backlog on master and found the main
  problem.  The mail queue is currently full of email that will never be
  able to be delivered, all for one particular user.  This mail is being
  removed from the queue, and the setup changed to not deliver to the
  problem address.  Once this is finished (a few days), mail latency for
  mail moving through master should be greatly improved.

 I have now discovered that the `one user' referred to is at least two
 of the users of my colo system,

Based on specifics (well... more-specific vaguenesses) mentioned by Ryan
elsewhere, I don't believe this is the case.  Chiark appears to be on the
wrong continent to be attached to the user in question, and reducing one to
two seems like a rather incredible off-by-one error to make in this case.

  * I now discover by reading master's exim4.conf that all mail
to the _mail domain_ has been arranged to
bounce on master.  This is contrary to what is stated in the
announcement, which says that the setup was changed `to not deliver
to the problem _address_' (emph. mine).

Well, I certainly see a line in that file relating to chiark, but I have no
exim-fu to understand the precise semantics -- and certainly no idea why
it's there, sorry.

 Regarding the problem and how to solve it:

  * The mail backlog that `will never be able to be delivered' was
(as far as I can tell) all spam that chiark has been properly

No: there is nothing proper about rejecting mail from a host that you have
configured to forward mail for you.

  * It is unfortunate that (a) master has such a lax spam policy and
that (b) Debian developers cannot choose to make their
address unuseable other than by the Debian system administrators.

... procmail?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Testing-watch emails

2005-11-15 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sat, Nov 05, 2005 at 12:17:29AM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote:
 Scripsit Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  If you're interested in making this happen I'll be happy to give
  you any info I can;

  2) Any advice on how to test patches to ftp-master code before
 submitting them? My own scripts I can dry-run by substituting a
 dummy command for sendmail and run them in the very place where
 they will eventually function. In contrast, construcing a test
 mock-up of the ftp-master environment to do test runs of a patched
 britney appears to be highly nontrivial.  Does some automation for
 this purpose exist? Or what do ftpmaster/release gurus do when you
 change code?

Heh, so I guess the only info I can offer you is to say that no, there's no
particularly useful automation for this...   creating a copy of the
ftp-master env is non-trivial, yes, but it's also the only real option,

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: petsc_2.3.0-1_i386.changes REJECTED

2005-11-15 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 05:15:28PM -0500, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
 On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 23:59 -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:

   I understand that, and the whole proposal.  And it will break a lot of
   things for many of my users, who need to use old versions of the -dev
   packages at the same time -- which is why I do the versioned -dev
   packages and the alternatives system.

  *Why* do users need to use old versions of -dev packages at the same time?
  How can it be so important to maintain parallel installable versions of
  devel packages for a library package that has only *one* reverse-dependency
  in Debian?

 Users of PETSc are developers, almost always of some local code of their
 own, most of the time which links with third-party libs, such as libmesh
 (not yet in Debian), dolfin (from what I hear may soon be in Debian),
 etc.  Because PETSc upstream changes its API with every point release, a
 user's local code -- and these various third-party libs -- often lag
 behind, such that upgrading a single libpetsc-dev package would break
 all of those builds.

 On the other hand, upgrading my petsc-dev package requires only a simple
 update-alternatives --config to reinstate the older version as the
 default, since the newer one doesn't conflict with or replace the older

Ah, I didn't notice the alternatives there.  That's definitely an
interesting approach to dev packages; though given that only root can run
update-alternatives, I don't know that this is really much of an advantage
over just keeping two .debs around and switching between them.

  For that matter, why is it important that Debian provide support for
  coinstallability with older packages that are, evidently, not important
  enough themselves to be supported by Debian?

 In contrast, libxml-dev has 731 users and at least one major reverse
 dependency (gnucash), making it much more valuable.  Not to mention just
 one large API change, vs. PETSc's, um, 10 or so since I first uploaded

Right; it's the API changes that make the idea of an unversioned petsc-dev
package of questionable utility...

 Why is coinstallability worth supporting?  The package is worth much
 more to those few users with this feature than without it, as described
 above.  I've had a number of users contact me about old versions, which
 are available at a URL in README.Debian, and which might be necessary
 for an old version of one of the packages mentioned above, or even some
 old code written by a former grad student in a research group.

Ok, that's fair.

  Anyway, the empty petsc-dev package is completely pointless.  It can't be
  used sanely as a dependency or build-dependency, because it does *not*
  guarantee a constant interface thanks to petsc's FHS-incompatible layout.
  I think it would be better if there *were* a single petsc-dev package
  containing the header files and library links in FHS locations, making
  libpetsc2.2.0-dev unnecessary; but if this is not to be the case for
  whatever reason, then petsc-dev ought to be dropped.  In any case, I agree
  with Joerg that there ought to only be one -dev package here...

 So then, we don't need python-dev?

python-dev provides an interface that packages can build-depend on which
gives them both /usr/bin/python, and a set of development tools from the
corresponding version of python.  This is not analogous to petsc-dev, which
only depends on the versioned -dev package.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: petsc_2.3.0-1_i386.changes REJECTED

2005-11-16 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 01:46:04AM -0600, Peter Samuelson wrote:

 [Steve Langasek]
  python-dev provides an interface that packages can build-depend on
  which gives them both /usr/bin/python, and a set of development tools
  from the corresponding version of python.  This is not analogous to
  petsc-dev, which only depends on the versioned -dev package.

 The only point of python-dev seems to be to pull in the development
 package for Debian's default python version.  That it also pulls in
 'python' (another near-empty package) is pretty incidental to that.

No, it is *not* incidental to that.

Package: python-dev
Depends: python (= 2.3), python ( 2.4), python2.3-dev (= 2.3.4-18)

If the python dependency were incidental, there would be no reason for the
versioned dependency.  This is specifically there to ensure that you get a
consistent devel environment for the version of python that's installed as

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Packages still shipping schemas in /etc

2005-11-16 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 11:02:40AM +0100, Josselin Mouette wrote:

 Thanks to the introduction of dh_gconf, the list of packages shipping
 their GConf schemas in /etc has dramatically reduced. I think it's time
 to file bugs against the remaining packages. These packages should use
 dh_gconf, build-depend on debhelper = 4.2.13 and depend on
 ${misc:Depends}. Packages using cdbs just have to use the
 template to benefit of it.

Except that cdbs depends on debhelper (= 4.1.0); an additional
build-dependency on the correct version of debhelper is also still required
in the cdbs case.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: master's mail backlog and upgrade time

2005-11-16 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 04:01:10PM +, Ian Jackson wrote:
 If a domain was set up to be treated this way for an unrelated reasons
 without an announcement anywhere, surely that is even worse !

Well, it's no longer DSA is making misleading statements about the nature
of the problem; the fact that you weren't notified when this was done is
bad, but it could be that they tried to contact you and failed for whatever
reason, so I certainly reserve any judgement until both sides have

  On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 12:18:45PM +, Ian Jackson wrote:
* The mail backlog that `will never be able to be delivered' was
  (as far as I can tell) all spam that chiark has been properly

  No: there is nothing proper about rejecting mail from a host that you have
  configured to forward mail for you.

 Nearly all of this mail flow is invalid in one way or another.

Of course it is.  That doesn't make it proper to reject such mail when
you've told some other host to forward it to you in the first place; I'm
sure it's a pretty common misconfiguration in the context of Debian mail
forwarding, but that doesn't make it right...

 What is happening is that master provides a mail forwarding facility
 with a lax input policy, but I forward my mail to chiark which does
 stricter checks and has a stricter policy.

 This has the effect of turning the rejected messages into bounced
 bounces on master.  This would be an unfriendly thing to do if the
 sysadmins on master actually cared about reliable mail delivery and
 took a policy of reviewing bounced bounces and dealing with their
 causes (as I do on chiark).

It's an unfriendly thing to do *anyway*.  Performance of Debian mail service
has sucked for a while, and based on my own experiences running such
systems, I have no doubt that bounced forwards account for a lot of this
sluggishness, not even counting the one particular user who was clogging the
system with gigs of mail.

Ryan now seems to be making quite a bit of progress on fixing these problems
with the mail setup -- not just with eliminating antisocial mail forwarding
configs, but also with making improvements on the input side so master
doesn't *have* to store and forward so much garbage email.  Like many
others, my first reaction is Finally!  Thank GOD!, but obviously DSA is
comprised of volunteers like everything in Debian, and kudos are certainly
due for his work on this - even if some of the changes may have been
implemented in a suboptimal fashion.

Anyway, the line in question is still in master's exim4 config; you may want
to try sending a mail to debian-admin, let them know what you've done on
your end, and ask if there's anything still preventing its removal...

 But, there is another important point: I don't really want a address.  It's technically necessary for me to have one for
 (eg) cronmail from debian systems, and additionally I feel that there
 is an (unwritten) rule that I should have one.  But it is simply
 untenable to suggest that I ought to accept all of this junkmail and
 actually read it !

So accept it and auto-discard it instead, if you prefer; but don't throw it
back at master after telling master to send it to you.

  ... procmail?

 How would that help ?  I could arrange for procmail to try to detect
 whether (eg) the mail had ever been through any host
 and if so construct a bounce.  But this is no better and no worse than
 me having chiark rejecting the mails at SMTP time.  It would still
 lead to master having to deal with lots of undeliverable bounces.

Why would you need to bounce instead of discarding?  If it's not a valid
contact address for you, I don't see why you would be so concerned about
sending notifications to people trying to use it.  That was relevant 5-10
years ago; today it's a waste of resources.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

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Re: master's mail backlog and upgrade time

2005-11-17 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Nov 17, 2005 at 01:41:31PM +0100, Frank Küster wrote:
 Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   No: there is nothing proper about rejecting mail from a host that you 
   configured to forward mail for you.

  Nearly all of this mail flow is invalid in one way or another.

  Of course it is.  That doesn't make it proper to reject such mail when
  you've told some other host to forward it to you in the first place; I'm
  sure it's a pretty common misconfiguration in the context of Debian mail
  forwarding, but that doesn't make it right...

 How can I avoid such a problem if I do not have the power to influence
 the mail server configuration of the machine that hosts the account I
 forward my Debian mail to?

 I currently forward Debian mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and although the
 domain is mine, the MX is not.  I have no way to control the spam or any
 other policy of this server.  Fortunately (or rather unfortunately
 except in this case) this server is really lax in accepting spam (they
 only offer to mark it in the subject).  But if it was strict, what
 should I do?  Not forward Debian mail and instead get it from master
 with POP3?

Grabbing your mail off of master is one option.  For that matter, continuing
to forward it is an option, too... just, y'know, don't try to claim that
sending SMTP rejects back to master is a *good* thing...

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

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Re: Automated testing - design and interfaces

2005-11-17 Thread Steve Langasek
[let's get this over to a technical list like it was supposed to be ;)]

On Thu, Nov 17, 2005 at 10:43:34PM +0100, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 17, 2005 at 06:43:32PM +, Ian Jackson wrote:
This means execute debian/tests/fred, debian/tests/bill, etc.,
each with no arguments, expecting exit status 0 and no stderr. The

 Having been involved in various unit testing packages I found the above
 expectations too much constraining.  The first thing you will need after
 requiring all tests not to fail is to be able to distinguish: test that
 need to suceed vs test that need to fail. Only the misbehaviour of
 tests wrt their expected result should be reported as test failures. I
 thus propose to add 

 Following your exit status based approach you could add to stanzas
 something like:

   Expected-Status: 0

 I found the above requirement the very minimum for a test interface.
 What follows is optional (IMHO).

FWIW, I don't see that there's a clear advantage to having the test harness
*expect* non-zero exit values (or non-empty output as you also suggested).
It may make it easier to write tests by putting more of the logic in the
test harness, but in exchange it makes it harder to debug a test failure
because the debugger has to figure out how correct and incorrect are
defined for each test, instead of just getting into the meat of seeing why
the test returned non-zero.  Likewise, expecting successful tests to be
silent means that you can rely on any output being error output that can be
used for debugging a test failure.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Getting rid of circular dependencies, stage 2

2005-11-18 Thread Steve Langasek
On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 06:08:52PM +0100, Bill Allombert wrote:
 Probably I should do a massive bug report ?

Sounds like a good idea to me.  Thanks for working on this!

Though I think we have at least some false-positives to weed out first:

* libxtst6 libxtrap6 libxrender1 libxrandr2 libxpm4 libxp6 libxt6
libxmu6 libxi6 libsm6 xlibs

Given that I can remove xlibs from my system and not take any of these other
libs along, this looks like a false positive (probably as a result of the
many or'ed deps on xlibs).

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: petsc_2.3.0-1_i386.changes REJECTED

2005-11-19 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 10:53:57AM -0500, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
For that matter, why is it important that Debian provide support for
coinstallability with older packages that are, evidently, not important
enough themselves to be supported by Debian?

   In contrast, libxml-dev has 731 users and at least one major reverse
   dependency (gnucash), making it much more valuable.  Not to mention just
   one large API change, vs. PETSc's, um, 10 or so since I first uploaded

  Right; it's the API changes that make the idea of an unversioned petsc-dev
  package of questionable utility...

 Fair enough.  It's a convenience, but one which forces a user/developer
 to upgrade his/her code -- or point to the old version (likely still
 there because there are no conflicts) until such time becomes available.

 Hmm.  Perhaps the analogy to linux-image-2.6-SUBARCH is better.  The
 kernel API changes enough to suggest or require some new utilities,
 and obsolete others.  This *usually* doesn't require users to change
 things, as there's a big effort to be backward compatible (e.g. ALSA
 provides an OSS-compatible interface), but not always.

Well, I think the factor there is that we usually want users to upgrade to
the latest kernel automatically, whereas users of petsc usually can't
auto-upgrade to the new API.

 But what about the empty linux-image upgrade convenience packages
 mentioned above?  If the answer is Such packages are all bad and should
 go away, I'm fine with that.

No, I certainly think that packages like linux-image-2.6-686 should be kept
around.  And you've also made a case for why it may be useful to keep
petsc-dev around.  In any case, it's ultimately the ftp team's decision to
make; it sounds to me like all the arguments have been made at this point.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: How to deal with dependencies/conflics on third party packages

2005-11-20 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 10:23:58AM +, Joerg Sommer wrote:

 I've got a bug report (#336527) my package bootchart-view do not work
 with j2re1.3. But j2re1.3 is not in Debian. Can I set a conflict upon a
 packages that is not in Debian? But if it do not work with j2re1.3 it
 should more than ever not work with older version. But I would assume
 older version have different packages names. So I must add a list of
 packages names (j2re1.3 j2re1.2 j2re1.1), because I can not use the
 version clause (j2re1.3 ( 1.3)). So what should I do?

Does not work with j2re1.3 means you should be depending on what it *does*
work with, not trying to conflict with (unrelated) packages that don't
satisfy the dependency.

The problem here is that bootchart-view depends on '| java-virtual-machine',
which does not satisfy its runtime needs.  Depend on something more
appropriate; possibly even j2re1.4.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Spliting packages between pkg and pkg-data

2005-11-20 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 12:03:33PM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote:
 On 20-Nov-05, 05:13 (CST), Bill Allombert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  When doing research about circular-deps, I looked at a lot of packages
  that are split between a binary package and a data package. This is a
  good thing since this reduce the total siez of the archive, however
  there are simple rules that should be followed:
  [*snip* good rules}
  5) Of course move /usr/share/pkg to pkg-data.

 Why? If I install foo, I really expect it's shared data to be in

I think he means the contents of /usr/share/pkg should be shipped in package
pkg-data.  (I misread this the first time, too. :)

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
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Re: Man page owner

2005-11-20 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 08:40:17PM +, Rich Walker wrote:

 This is probably a question with an obvious answer, but I couldn't find
 the answer.

 Why are man pages installed with owner and group  root rather than
 owner and group man?

Why would man need write access to the man pages?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: How to deal with dependencies/conflics on third party packages

2005-11-20 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 11:50:55PM +, Joerg Sommer wrote:
 Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 10:23:58AM +, Joerg Sommer wrote:

  I've got a bug report (#336527) my package bootchart-view do not work
  with j2re1.3. But j2re1.3 is not in Debian. Can I set a conflict upon a
  packages that is not in Debian? But if it do not work with j2re1.3 it
  should more than ever not work with older version. But I would assume
  older version have different packages names. So I must add a list of
  packages names (j2re1.3 j2re1.2 j2re1.1), because I can not use the
  version clause (j2re1.3 ( 1.3)). So what should I do?

  Does not work with j2re1.3 means you should be depending on what it *does*
  work with, not trying to conflict with (unrelated) packages that don't
  satisfy the dependency.

 All packages in Debian they provide java-virtual-machine work with

That includes jamvm and gij-3.3?

 But all alternative JVMs do only work with svg output and only Sun's JVM
 support png. This is the reason, why I don't want restrict the
 dependencies upon the JVMs in Debian.

I don't understand this explanation at all.  The bug report is about a
failure due to class version mismatches; what does this have to do with svg
vs. png?

  The problem here is that bootchart-view depends on '| java-virtual-machine',
  which does not satisfy its runtime needs.  Depend on something more
  appropriate; possibly even j2re1.4.

 I can not find this package

The implication was that j2re1.4 would be a virtual package, provided by
those packages which implement the 1.4 spec.  But of course, there's also a
*real* j2re1.4 package, not available in Debian but buildable using

The main point is not that j2re1.4 is the correct name to include in this
list (it may be, but I don't know that for sure); the point is that
java-virtual-machine is *incorrect*, because j-v-m only ensures you a lowest
common denominator feature set, and that's obviously not sufficient in this

 Can I depend on packages they are not in Debian? This would be new to me.

In a list of alternatives, sure.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: petsc_2.3.0-1_i386.changes REJECTED

2005-11-20 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 06:57:36PM -0500, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
  Well, I think the factor there is that we usually want users to upgrade to
  the latest kernel automatically, whereas users of petsc usually can't
  auto-upgrade to the new API.

 Okay, then what about octave, another empty package which forced an
 incompatible auto-upgrade from octave2.0 to octave2.1, and now to 2.9?

Probably depends on how incompatible the upgrades are.

BTW, the other big reason for linux-image-2.6-$flavor metapackages is that
they provide a hook for debian-installer, so the installer doesn't have to
be futzed with in 5 places every time there's a kernel update.

 And come to think of it, the python-dev python version consistency
 argument doesn't really apply to anyone running a single distribution,
 because the python version in that distribution is automatically
 identical to the python-dev version.  The only way this guarantee of
 the same pythonx.y-dev and python - pythonx.y actually does anything is
 if an admin somehow attempts to shoehorn the woody python with the sarge
 python-dev onto the same system, and how likely is that?

So you're suggesting that people who package python tools should be ok with
having to update their build-dependencies as part of every python
transition, even when nothing else in their package needs to change?  (This
also has implications for backports and cross-ports, mind you...)

 Again, the point is that these are all over Debian, and it's
 inconsistent to accept all but one.

I don't think anyone has been proposing an inconsistent guideline, here.
I'll grant you that these guidelines probably haven't been *applied*
consistently in the past, but that's not the same thing.

 Joerg, the ball is in your court:

   * There is broad consensus for versioned -dev packages (e.g.
 Thomas Viehmann's precedent, Junichi's libpkg-guide),

No, actually, there are vocal *proponents* of versioned -dev packages.
That's not the same thing as broad consensus.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

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Re: status of vore?

2005-11-21 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 10:10:38AM +0100, Peter Van Eynde wrote:

 I would need to have access to a sid chroot on sparc to build sbcl by hand, 
 but vore seems to be unreachable by me. The machine page [1]  shows no 
 indication of problems, it is outdated?

The db.d.o page doesn't get status updates all that frequently, I'm afraid.
Yes, vore has been down for a while now -- about three weeks, actually.
This leaves us without a porter machine for sparc at present; there's been
talk of putting user chroots on auric, but this may be dependent on another
sparc buildd being brought on-line (and one is in the works) so that auric
isn't doing double-duty as a porter machine and buildd.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
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Re: Uploading amd64 packages

2005-11-22 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Nov 22, 2005 at 08:13:23AM -0600, Ken Bloom wrote:
 Why not accept the AMD64 binaries, then dump the AMD64 binaries because
 you don't know what to do with them, but accept the arch:all debs from
 that upload?

Why would ftp-master want to work on special-casing amd64 for this instead
of just working on getting amd64 into the archive?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

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Re: dpkg-sig support wanted?

2005-11-23 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 10:52:52PM +0100, Marc Haber wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Nov 2005 12:09:34 -0600 (CST), Adam Heath
 There's been no push.  No default.  No message saying that it's acceptable 
 wanted to sign debs.

 So Debian doesn't care about security. If we did, we would have an
 official message saying so. Why do we have the reputation of being so

It's an elaborate hoax we put together in order to see how you would react
when you found out it wasn't true.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

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Re: ssl/crypto

2005-11-23 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 11:43:27PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:

 libgnutls-dev is a suitable substitute for libssl-dev when one wants

 However, libssl-dev provides *two* libraries; the other is libcrypto.
 Is there a GPL-compatible replacement for the latter?

libgcrypt -- separate source package.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: possible freetype transition; improved library handling needed for all C/C++ packages

2005-11-24 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 01:25:07AM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote:
 Scripsit Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  * Don't use other *-config tools.

  While many libraries these days use pkg-config, there are also other
  libs which ship their own tools for querying library and header include
  paths, libs needed for linking, etc.  The problem is that all of these
  tools I've seen are incapable of distinguishing between what's needed
  for static linking, and what's needed for dynamic linking.

 Would you recommend against *shipping* such a script when upstream
 provides it (in addition to a .pc file)?

If upstream ships both a .pc file (either correct, or fixable as described)
and a -config script that does the wrong thing, then yeah, I would recommend
to not ship the -config script unless there is a compelling reason why you
need to keep it...

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: possible freetype transition; improved library handling needed for all C/C++ packages

2005-11-24 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 03:12:46PM +0100, Daniel Schepler wrote:
 Le Jeudi 24 Novembre 2005 14:43, Peter Eisentraut a écrit :
  Steve Langasek wrote:
   * Use Debian's libtool.

  I took one affected package (kmldonkey) from your list, relibtoolized
  it as described, and rebuilt it, which failed spectacularly.  Then, I
  took another one (rekall), relibtoolized it, rebuilt it, and that
  failed with a strikingly similar pattern.

  kmldonkey links with the following libraries: -lkdeui -lkio.  As shipped,
  libtool expands that to every library under the sun.  The new libtool
  indeed reduces this to /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ and a few
  system libraries/objects, which is then greeted by ld with hundreds of
  error messages of the kind:

  /usr/share/qt3/include/qstring.h:847: undefined reference to
  `QString::shared_null' /usr/share/qt3/include/qstring.h:848: undefined
  reference to `QStringData::deleteSelf()'

  Both libkdeui and libkio reference (as shown by ldd) libqt-mt (which
  I suppose is where these symbols should be).

  The error messages in the rekall build are of the sort

  .../rekall-2.2.3-2/db/mysql/kb_mysql.cpp:595: undefined reference to
  `i18n(char const*)'

  In this case -lqt-mt is actually on the libtool command line.

  So what is wrong here?  Have other maintainers of Qt/KDE-related packages
  perhaps experienced this?

 Try debian/patches/common/07_disable_no_undefined.diff from any of the core 
 KDE packages.

Er... that doesn't sound like a good thing, why would you want to allow
undefined references?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: dpkg-sig support wanted?

2005-11-25 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 07:17:06PM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

  That's easy: you trust the Packages file to be correct when using apt,
  and it's not verified at all by per-package signatures.

 In what way trust and how does that change anything?

 At best you can prevent a newer version of a package to appear in the
 Packages file by compromising it. You can't subvert a package itself.
 But you can already ship yesterdays Release.gpg, Release and Packages
 file to a user and thereby prevent any updates.

 On the other hand, without package signatures ftp-master adds a
 vulnerability. You can hack into it, replace debs, recreate the
 Packages, Release and Release.gpg file and thereby infect users. With
 signed debs that could still be detected by every user in apt-get.

Only if every user is in a position to verify signatures from each Debian
developer individually, which is completely unrealistic.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Bug#340428: octave2.9 - lists mailing list as uploader in changelog

2005-11-25 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 10:36:41PM +0100, Thiemo Seufer wrote:
  I can see arguments against it, but none that make
  it an RC bug.

 Policy violations are RC by definition.

Actually, no; policy violations are RC by *default*, but the definition of
what's release-critical for a release is set by the release team with input
from the developer community.

I'm fairly certain that we're shipping packages in sarge that have
maintainer fields pointing at people who have orphaned the packages in
question; if it wasn't true at the time of the sarge release, it will
certainly be true of sarge by the time etch releases.  If we can survive
this, I don't think that putting a mailing list address in a changelog
(wrong though I think it is) would be grounds for delaying the release or
removing the package from the release (the definition of RC).

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: dpkg-sig support wanted?

2005-11-25 Thread Steve Langasek
On Fri, Nov 25, 2005 at 02:57:36PM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
 Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 07:17:06PM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

   That's easy: you trust the Packages file to be correct when using apt,
   and it's not verified at all by per-package signatures.

  In what way trust and how does that change anything?

  At best you can prevent a newer version of a package to appear in the
  Packages file by compromising it. You can't subvert a package itself.
  But you can already ship yesterdays Release.gpg, Release and Packages
  file to a user and thereby prevent any updates.

  On the other hand, without package signatures ftp-master adds a
  vulnerability. You can hack into it, replace debs, recreate the
  Packages, Release and Release.gpg file and thereby infect users. With
  signed debs that could still be detected by every user in apt-get.

  Only if every user is in a position to verify signatures from each Debian
  developer individually, which is completely unrealistic.

 Up to a point you can trust the keyring. As much as you can trust any
 DD signature. You try to argue that signatures are not absolutely
 trustworthy but that is nothing new.

I'm arguing that a 5-hop-long signature chain to establish the validity of a
Debian package is as good as useless, and worse if the user doesn't
understand this.

And a 5-hop-long signature chain does *not* mean that anyone in that chain
trusts the person holding the key on the end to upload packages to Debian.
The only thing we have that establishes *that* is the presence of the user's
key in the Debian keyring, so then you have the logistical problem of how
arbitrary users are supposed to verify whether a given key is in the
keyring.  The debian-keyring package doesn't get updated every time there's
a key added or removed, and the web interface to doesn't
provide any cryptographic assurances.  Oh, and BTW, check the IPs of and

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Bug#340934: lintian check for unneeded/transitive shlibs dependencies

2005-11-27 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Nov 27, 2005 at 06:05:52PM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote:
   I have written a Lintian check which attempts to flag instances of
   this problem. It looks for ELF objects that flag shared libraries in
   the default search path as NEEDED without actually importing symbols
   that the library exports.

  This produces a lot of noise in a case where a package has multiple
  binaries or libraries (sometimes in multiple packages), and a Makefile
  that links everything to a common set of libs which not everything
  needs.  Your check flags this correctly, but it can be a real pain to
  fix, and doesn't usually cause practical problems - particularly the
  problem Steve writes about.  Remember, the granularity of testing
  migrations and library transitions is not the file or even the binary
  package, but the source package.

 This appears to be a fair point. I think I'll revise my proposal so it
 works per .deb rather than per object file.

 I'd like to see some broader debate, however. I am not conviced that
 the entire _source_ package is the right level to check this at. Steve
 mentioned two problems - one is painfullness of library transitions,
 the other is segfaults in case of partial upgrades. While the first
 problem indeed works on the source package level, the second is often
 a matter between binary packages with the same source.

I agree that we need better granularity than per-source.  I actually think
that having it per object file is ideal in the long run, though in the short
term doing it per binary package means less confusing noise.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: package name changes in atlas-cpp (was Re: library renaming due to changed libstdc++ configuration)

2005-11-29 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 10:09:00AM -0600, Ming Hua wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 06:28:05AM +0100, Matthias Klose wrote:

   * Rename and rebuild the libraries listed below. The new suffix for
 these packages should be in any case c2a (instead of c2). No
 new suffix is needed when the soname changes in a new upstream

 I noticed that atlas-cpp with renamed library packages has been
 uploaded, and it renames the binary packages as follows:
 libatlas-cpp-0.6-0 = libatlas-cpp-0.6-0c2
 libatlas-cpp-0.6-0-dbg = libatlas-cpp-0.6-0c2-dbg

 I have two questions for this:

 1. Should -dbg packages be renamed or not?

I don't see any reason to rename the -dbg packages, generally.

 2. Shouldn't the suffix be c2a in this case?

Yes, it should.  If the package was being renamed because of an soname
change, then there'd be no need for the c2a; but since the package is being
renamed *only* because of the C++ ABI change, being consistent is important
because there way be other packages in the wild named libatlas-cpp-0.6-0c2
which *aren't* using the final mt allocator ABI.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: package name changes in atlas-cpp (was Re: library renaming due to changed libstdc++ configuration)

2005-11-29 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 11:38:32AM +0100, Stephan Hermann wrote:
 Hi Ming, Steve, others,

 On Tuesday 29 November 2005 11:03, Steve Langasek wrote:
  On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 10:09:00AM -0600, Ming Hua wrote:
   On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 06:28:05AM +0100, Matthias Klose wrote:
 * Rename and rebuild the libraries listed below. The new suffix for
   these packages should be in any case c2a (instead of c2). No
   new suffix is needed when the soname changes in a new upstream

   I noticed that atlas-cpp with renamed library packages has been
   uploaded, and it renames the binary packages as follows:
   libatlas-cpp-0.6-0 = libatlas-cpp-0.6-0c2
   libatlas-cpp-0.6-0-dbg = libatlas-cpp-0.6-0c2-dbg

   I have two questions for this:

   1. Should -dbg packages be renamed or not?

  I don't see any reason to rename the -dbg packages, generally.

 For the first cxx transition during Breezy development, I renamed 
 libatlas-cpp-0.5 to libatlas-cpp-0.5c2 because this was our plan. Every 
 package without c102 (from old ABI changes) will get c2 and the other library 
 packages with a c102 suffix, the c102 will be removed.

 For Debian there was another decision, and it's in the responsibilty of the 
 Debian package maintainer, if he wants to rename or not. (If I recall the 
 mail correctly).

Absolutely not.  Renaming of library packages on ABI change is mandatory in
Debian, just as it was for Ubuntu.

Anyway, the fact that there was never a c102 version of libatlas-cpp-0.6 in
Debian or Ubuntu certainly cuts down on the chances of there being an
incompatible libatlas-cpp-0.6-0c2 package in the wild.  So it's not
*crucial* that this package be named -0.6-0c2a, but it would be nice to not
have gratuitous inter-distro incompatibilities when they can be avoided.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: package name changes in atlas-cpp (was Re: library renaming due to changed libstdc++ configuration)

2005-11-30 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 10:21:34PM +0100, Michael Koch wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 09:10:58PM +0100, Stephan Hermann wrote:

  Don't worry :) If new 0.6.0 upstream source will change the soname and the 
  package is named to libatlas-cpp-0.7 then you can just conflicts/replaces 
  libatlas-cpp-0.6, libatlas-cpp-0.6c2, libatlas-cpp-0.6c2a, so ubuntu can 
  it directly without any problems. we are then in sync again and avoid any 
  serious troubles during updates.

 It will be named libatlas-cpp-0.6-1. Just its interface version is

  Actually what you can also do is to follow Matthias Kloses post from 
  2005-11-14 about the libstdc++ new allocator transition. You actually need 
  rename libatlas-cpp-0.6c2 to c2a so we are in sync as well..
  If you want I can send you an accurate debdiff.

  Any objections?

 I dont mind what the solution of this problem is finally choosen. My
 Problem is that I made the same fault with wfmath and cal3d.

 I would like a vote from a RM about this. Steve ?

Well, if the soname will be changing again soon anyway then there's no
reason to reupload just to add the a to the package name.  If the lib
soname is going to be around for a while, though, for my part I think it's
worthwhile to get the package name consistent across distros where possible;
and in that case, the c2a name should be preferred since that's the name
specified in the published transition plan.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: texlive-basic_2005-1_i386.changes REJECTED

2005-12-01 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 09:51:34AM +0100, Frank Küster wrote:
 Peter Samuelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  [Frank Küster]
   Why do we need two packages containing the latex command, for example?

  Why do we need N packages that provide MTA functionality?

  That's not equivalent.  An equivalent question would be more like why
  do we need N packages all containing the source code for exim and
  building a binary called /usr/sbin/exim?  What I mean is, AFAICT, if
  you get past the packaging, tetex and texlive are the *same* source
  code and the *same* data - not just two different implementations of a
  similar interface.

 The source of teTeX is a *subset* of TeXLive's source, modulo versions.

Then we definitely shouldn't need two copies of it!

 It will serve our users to be able to install, as a Debian package, the
 parts of TeXLive that are not included in teTeX.  

Then why can't TeXLive build binary packages:

- tetex-bin, containing all the usual goodies it provides today
- tetex-extras-double-plus-good, containing the new TeXLive stuff


 It would not do our users any good if we dropped teTeX right now and
 switched everything to TeXLive (especially Debian developers would be
 quite angry about the numerous FTBFS bugs, and nonresponsive
 maintainers who are overworked).

They would be justifiably angry if you broke existing tetex
build-dependencies; but if TeXLive is indeed a superset of teTeX, there is
no reason at all why a switch to TeXLive should *require* breaking existing

 I also think that teTeX is a long-term alternative (e.g. for people who
 want a reasonably sized, reasonably recent TeX system without thinking
 much about details, or for buildds).  

Sure sounds to me like this could be provided by careful division of the
TeXLive contents between binary packages?

 Becaues of the internal dependencies of a TeX system, it is not trivial
 to take out the things from TeXLive that are already in teTeX, and only
 package the rest.

Does this also apply to the suggestion of having a core tetex package
built from TeXLive sources, plus a shell texlive package depending on it?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: [RFC] xulrunner, shlibs, and dependencies.

2005-12-03 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 08:58:45AM +0100, Mike Hommey wrote:
   So my idea is the following :
   - First, I want to provide the libs with a correct soname. It won't be
   compatible with upstream until some people use clue sticks, but i'll do
   my best for them to improve on that point. Having a correct soname will
   enable us to actually use the shlibs mecanism.

   - Now, the problem is that we can't really use the sonames correctly,
   because if we succeed in the clue stick batting, we'll have different
   sonames, which, in the long term, would be painful. So, I'd like to
   provide a dummy gecko-x.y-serial or such package, which would correctly
   depend on the libxul package (with strict version if necessary), and the
   .shlibs in the libxul-dev package would say to depend on the
   gecko-x.y-serial package.

  If you don't want to make up sonames (and I think having debian-specific
  sonames is fine, personally), I think that having libxul provide a virtual
  package to use in dependencies is the best option (whether that's
  gecko-x.y-serial, or libxul1debianX, makes no real difference).

 Will all the tools resolving the dependencies be fine with a dependency
 on a virtual package without one an a real package ? (like for
 zlib1g-dev | libz-dev)

Yes.  See apt's Provides for an example of this.

  There are two advantages to managing sonames even when upstream does not:
  it lets you interface better with un-packaged software (but *only* if that
  software is built against the Debian version!), and it allows
  co-installability of different library versions.  You need to decide whether
  these features are important enough for your application to warrant spinning
  your own sonames.  (My guess is no.)

 My concern is more about what it becomes when we hopefully get upstream
 to use sonames. Someone suggested me to use specific sonames like Does that really work ? Do shlibs work as well with that ?

 If this is the case, I think i have my solution...

Yes, sonames can be more or less arbitrary strings.  You can certainly use
sonames with debian in them with a fairly high degree of confidence that
upstream won't collide with them.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: [RFC] xulrunner, shlibs, and dependencies.

2005-12-03 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 10:16:38AM +0100, Mike Hommey wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 12:28:36AM -0800, Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 08:58:45AM +0100, Mike Hommey wrote:
 So my idea is the following :
 - First, I want to provide the libs with a correct soname. It won't be
 compatible with upstream until some people use clue sticks, but i'll 
 my best for them to improve on that point. Having a correct soname 
 enable us to actually use the shlibs mecanism.

 - Now, the problem is that we can't really use the sonames correctly,
 because if we succeed in the clue stick batting, we'll have different
 sonames, which, in the long term, would be painful. So, I'd like to
 provide a dummy gecko-x.y-serial or such package, which would 
 depend on the libxul package (with strict version if necessary), and 
 .shlibs in the libxul-dev package would say to depend on the
 gecko-x.y-serial package.

If you don't want to make up sonames (and I think having debian-specific
sonames is fine, personally), I think that having libxul provide a 
package to use in dependencies is the best option (whether that's
gecko-x.y-serial, or libxul1debianX, makes no real difference).

   Will all the tools resolving the dependencies be fine with a dependency
   on a virtual package without one an a real package ? (like for
   zlib1g-dev | libz-dev)

  Yes.  See apt's Provides for an example of this.

 So why do we keep providing transition packages, then ?

What transition packages do you mean?  If you mean, why don't we use
Provides: instead of transition packages?, the answer is that apt will
never automatically replace a real package with a virtual one on upgrades.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: SDL producing bogus dependencies or packages misusing SDL?

2005-12-05 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 10:32:00PM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
 I wanted to verify this.  I've been looking at a number of packages
 which have picked up dependencies on libartsc0, libasound2, libaudio2,
 libaudiofile0, libsed0, libjpeg62, libpng12-0, and many others, without
 actually build-depending on any of the corresponding dev packages.

 The common factor is that they depend on libsdl-image1.2, libsdl-mixer1.2,
 and/or libsdl1.2debian.  Clearly they're suffering from recursive library
 dependency disease.

 The question is this: is this due to some script in the SDL packages?  They're
 complex enough that I couldn't actually tell.  The alternative possibility
 is of course that each of these packages generated the bad recursive list
 on its own, which is just as likely.  I'm wondering where to file the bugs.

Try building the package from source, then grep the resulting build tree for
references to the libraries in question: both the -lartsc and the
libartsc\.(so|la) forms.  Then figure out where those references are
coming from.  If you have a, then the package needs to be
relibtoolized (for starters); if you have -lartsc in an auto-generated file,
it probably comes from SDL itself; if you have -lartsc hard-coded in the
non-auto-generated Makefile (or,, it's that
package's problem.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: StrongARM tactics

2005-12-06 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 09:02:23AM +0100, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
 Kurt Roeckx wrote:
 twinkle: requeue (probably libccrtp was stuck in NEW)
  The problem is that libccrtp1-1.3-0 is still linked to
  libcommoncpp2-1.3c2 instead of libcommoncpp2-1.3c2a.
 Hm. Sorry.

 wvstreams: Dep-Wait (libxplc0.3.13-dev) - dep in new queue, see #340696
 xchm: retry (needed libchm-dev)

  This can probably be requeued indeed.  But it would help if the
  maintainer uploaded xchm after libchm was in installed state
  on all arches, so buildd admins don't have to look at this.
 Yeah. That would help. But so there's a lot of packages that need
 attention by buildd-admins.

 xmms-openspc: arch specific (says maintainer in control)
 zinc-compiler: arch specific dependency (ghc6)

  So those should get added to P-a-s instead.
 Well, but that'd be something for the buildd-admin to collect.
 (Or maintainers of the packages, but that doesn't seem to fashionable

Um... no.  This is *porter* work; one does not have to be a buildd admin to
analyze a build failure to see whether the package belongs in P-a-s, and
there's no reason that the buildd admins alone should bear the
responsibility for figuring out whether a permanent build failure should be
fixed or ignored.  (Maintainers probably need to be involved in this
process, but usually maintainers don't have the requisite knowledge about
all our ports to make informed decisions on their own.)

Saying that's the buildd admin's job about tasks that don't *need* to be
done by the buildd admin is a pretty effective way of encouraging the
problems that the Vancouver proposal sought to address, where two or three
people end up carrying all the ports, and all their time is eaten up by
maintaining the buildds and giving back failed packages with no time for
following through on the permanent failures (which, even though they
sometimes represent a minority of Maybe-Failed packages usually account for
a majority of the actual work needing done).

 weechat: don't know, error on dh-strip on 5 archs, no bug filed

 That's 2 out of 7 which need actual debugging, both not arm-specific.

  And only 1/7 where some action of the buildd maintainer is needed
  at this time to get something build.
 The dep-wait is well inside the some action of the buildd maintainer is
 needed. The needed P-a-s entries could be handeled centrally if the
 problem description is pile of maybe-failed packages.

Wonderful.  Nice to see that you think P-a-s entries are somebody else's
problem that should be handled centrally.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: StrongARM tactics

2005-12-06 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 11:03:40AM +0100, Thiemo Seufer wrote:
 Steve Langasek wrote:
So those should get added to P-a-s instead.
   Well, but that'd be something for the buildd-admin to collect.
   (Or maintainers of the packages, but that doesn't seem to fashionable

  Um... no.  This is *porter* work; one does not have to be a buildd admin to
  analyze a build failure to see whether the package belongs in P-a-s, and
  there's no reason that the buildd admins alone should bear the
  responsibility for figuring out whether a permanent build failure should be
  fixed or ignored.  (Maintainers probably need to be involved in this
  process, but usually maintainers don't have the requisite knowledge about
  all our ports to make informed decisions on their own.)

 FWIW, I started to send mips patches for P-a-s, following the procedure
 outlined at the top of this file. There was neither a response nor any
 other discernable action.

  Saying that's the buildd admin's job about tasks that don't *need* to be
  done by the buildd admin is a pretty effective way of encouraging the
  problems that the Vancouver proposal sought to address, where two or three
  people end up carrying all the ports, and all their time is eaten up by
  maintaining the buildds and giving back failed packages with no time for
  following through on the permanent failures (which, even though they
  sometimes represent a minority of Maybe-Failed packages usually account for
  a majority of the actual work needing done).

 A while later, and rather by accident, Ryan Murray told me on IRC
 (paraphrased) Of course they were ignored, you aren't a buildd admin.
 Send them to me. So I did. Ryan acknowledged to have received them with
 (again paraphrased) Well, it's not so urgent. This was about 6 weeks ago.

Well, a few comments:

- Ryan is not himself one of the people listed as contacts for P-a-s; he may
  consider it best to send such changes through the buildd admins, but that
  doesn't mean that's the only way for them to be accepted.
- I know for a fact that changes *have* been accepted from non-buildd folks
  (myself included).
- Even without it being a policy, there's some truth to the idea that
  changes are going to be accepted more readily from folks that are trusted
  to get it right, because there's less need for review on the part of the
  P-a-s maintainers.  And buildd folks are going to be at the top of the
  list wrt knowing what's going on with P-a-s; but feeding the changes to a
  very busy buildd admin instead of a very busy P-a-s maintainer isn't an
  obvious win. :)  Much better that the porters show themselves to be
  competent wrt P-a-s, so that over time their changes *will* be trusted
  without lengthy delays while someone finds time to review them.
- He's right, it's not urgent. :)  So don't sweat the delays too much.
- I just checked with Adam Conrad on IRC, who was recently added as a third
  P-a-s maintainer because three busy contacts are better than two.  He asks
  that you please forward your changes to him.

   weechat: don't know, error on dh-strip on 5 archs, no bug filed

   That's 2 out of 7 which need actual debugging, both not arm-specific.

And only 1/7 where some action of the buildd maintainer is needed
at this time to get something build.
   The dep-wait is well inside the some action of the buildd maintainer is
   needed. The needed P-a-s entries could be handeled centrally if the
   problem description is pile of maybe-failed packages.

  Wonderful.  Nice to see that you think P-a-s entries are somebody else's
  problem that should be handled centrally.

 It appears to be the idea of the people with write access to P-a-s.

Oh, well... appearances *can* be deceiving.  Never attribute to malice that
which can be adequately explained by people wearing a whole buncha hats. :)

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: StrongARM tactics

2005-12-06 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 11:51:00AM +0100, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
  Um... no.  This is *porter* work; one does not have to be a buildd admin to
  analyze a build failure to see whether the package belongs in P-a-s, and
  there's no reason that the buildd admins alone should bear the
  responsibility for figuring out whether a permanent build failure should be
  fixed or ignored.  (Maintainers probably need to be involved in this
  process, but usually maintainers don't have the requisite knowledge about
  all our ports to make informed decisions on their own.)

 Sorry, then I must have misunderstood the nature of the P-a-s file.
 But then, I always thought of it as a relict that probably should be
 gotten rid of once one believes that porters and maintainers can sort it
 out by themselves.

It's the file that controls whether wanna-build feeds a given package to the
buildds for that architecture, and it's also used in calculating the
statistics on how an architecture is keeping up -- so figures directly into
whether an arch is a release candidate.

 As for somebody else: Attached is a patch for the build stuff that I
 think I have figured out.

Ok.  Here's some feedback on some that I either disagree with, or don't see
enough rationale for.  (This is why, ideally, the process should involve the
porters and the maintainers...)

 +dfsbuild: i386 alpha powerpc amd64 # [ANAIS] 
 debian from scratch installer

Seems like it should be portable without too much trouble to other
architectures, if there was porter interest?

 -grub2: !hppa !ia64 m68k# 
 +grub2: !hppa !ia64 !m68k !alpha !mips !mipsel !s390 !sparc # 
 bootloader for i386/powerpc [?]

The medium-term goal is for grub2 to be portable to a range of platforms,
AIUI; I wouldn't close the door on this yet...

 +%helix-player: i386 powerpc sparc  # [ANAIS]

Seems like this is a candidate for porting.

 +ree: i386 amd64 ia64 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386   # reads 
 ROM from /dev/mem, i386/amd64/ia64-specific

The description says this package can also extract font data from video
card ROMs.  Are we certain this is specific to i386/amd64/ia64?

 +rootskel-gtk: alpha amd64 i386 powerpc sparc   # [ANAIS] 
 udeb for graphical debian-installer

Just because it's only built for these archs now doesn't mean this has to be
true long-term.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: StrongARM tactics

2005-12-07 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 05:21:46PM -0800, Blars Blarson wrote:
 Um... no.  This is *porter* work; one does not have to be a buildd admin to
 analyze a build failure to see whether the package belongs in P-a-s, and
 there's no reason that the buildd admins alone should bear the
 responsibility for figuring out whether a permanent build failure should be
 fixed or ignored.  (Maintainers probably need to be involved in this
 process, but usually maintainers don't have the requisite knowledge about
 all our ports to make informed decisions on their own.)

 I can do the analyzing, but what should I do with the results?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to be a black hole.  You'll need to find
 someone willing to communicate with access to the buildd queues before
 the porters can do anything.

I said that deciding which packages should belong in P-a-s is porter work;
as is filing bugs on failed packages that shouldn't, providing patches, and
doing porter NMUs if necessary.

If the porters do this effectively, there's really not much need at all for
telling the buildd maintainers about transient build failures, because
they'll be pretty obvious (and account for the majority of failures, as it
should be).

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: StrongARM tactics

2005-12-07 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 02:33:34PM +0100, Thiemo Seufer wrote:
 Steve Langasek wrote:
   -grub2: !hppa !ia64 m68k# 
   +grub2: !hppa !ia64 !m68k !alpha !mips !mipsel !s390 !sparc # 
   bootloader for i386/powerpc [?]

 Is a P-a-s entry some sort of a final verdict?

No, but it's a fairly long-term one; when people are concerned about
response time of the folks managing P-a-s, increasing churn certainly isn't
advisable, and having a package in P-a-s that shouldn't be has much more of
an impact than not having one listed that should be. :)

 I don't think it makes sense to attempt builds of a package for some years
 when it is known to fail. (Years might not be true for grub2, an example
 which comes to mind is gwydion-dylan.)

Agreed.  I think grub2 is a bit different, because upstream is (AIUI)
explicitly working on porting it to other architectures, so it bears
checking with the porters first.

   +ree: i386 amd64 ia64 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386   # 
   reads ROM from /dev/mem, i386/amd64/ia64-specific

  The description says this package can also extract font data from video
  card ROMs.  Are we certain this is specific to i386/amd64/ia64?

 At least for mips/mipsel reading /dev/mem with a PC-like hardcoded
 offset won't yield anything useful.

Sure; but the root of this thread is a post talking about arm boards with
VGA BIOS emulation, so... :)  Again, worth checking with porters on.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: StrongARM tactics

2005-12-08 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 04:48:24PM -0600, Bill Allombert wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 01:14:00AM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
  Saying that's the buildd admin's job about tasks that don't *need* to be
  done by the buildd admin is a pretty effective way of encouraging the
  problems that the Vancouver proposal sought to address, where two or three
  people end up carrying all the ports, and all their time is eaten up by
  maintaining the buildds and giving back failed packages with no time for
  following through on the permanent failures (which, even though they
  sometimes represent a minority of Maybe-Failed packages usually account for
  a majority of the actual work needing done).

 This go against the two basic rules for a volunteer organisation.

 1) Volunteers doing the job should be people interested in doing it.
 2) Responsibility should go to people that are going to do the job.

 Which translates here to:
 1) Buildd admin should be people interested in supporting the port.
 2) People that are going to support the port must get the responsibility.

Which is great as a statement of principle, but it doesn't seem to offer
much as a practical recommendation; you don't get to be a buildd maintainer
by telling the current folks you aren't taking the right amount of pleasure
in this -- better let me do it, you get there by working with the current
folks and building a relationship with them and showing that you know what
you're doing.  Sorry, with a project that's a thousand strong, if they *do*
care about the task, not too many people are going to turn it over to
someone they don't know without first assuring themselves that they can
handle it; and note that I never suggested the current buildd maintainers
don't *care* about the ports they're helping with, they just don't have
unlimited amounts of time to spend on single-handedly ensuring that ports
keep up.

BTW, I have no reason to believe that buildd maintenance in general is any
more exciting or intrinsically rewarding than filing bugs on failed
packages (and providing fixes for the same); so if people are going to balk
at the latter task even though this is an area of porting that definitely
(in some cases desperately) needs attention, what reason is there to think
they're well-suited to being buildd maintainers either?

 Making buildd admin a purely administrative task while porters are
 not even trusted to do a binary upload is not going to work because you
 will never find volunteers accepting to work under theses terms.

It seems like you're assuming that buildd admins and porters are two
non-overlapping sets.  On 6 of 11 architectures, at least one buildd admin
is also a porter for that arch under the release requalification guidelines;
on 7 of 11 architectures, at least one of the porters has wanna-build access
for that arch.

So it's certainly not the case that no porters are trusted to do binNMUs.
If what you're arguing is that *all* porters should have wanna-build/buildd
access (which is the best way to do binNMUs so that we get log files and
consistent build envs), then I disagree.  There's a heck of a lot of other
work that porters would be better off spending their time on -- like, for
instance, the unresolved build failures of perl on arm.  I mean, it's
possible you're right that porters are going to feel slighted if they don't
have buildd access; but shouldn't porters' primary motivation be to make
sure etch releases with a kick-ass Debian port for their architecture of
choice?  Should this really be about who holds the keys to the buildds?
Isn't being a Debian porter already something to take pride in?

 If the Vancouver proposal is the constatation that the old model did not
 work the solution is to change the model, not to expect that people will
 suddenly accept it. Unless you are just looking at an excuse to remove 
 ports, obviously. Fortunately there are no external organisations forcing
 the old model upon us, so there is no reason not to change it.

All I really see here is that you've asserted that other (unspecified)
porters should be given access to buildds that they don't necessarily want
or need.  Is this the new model you're referring to, or have I missed
something?  To be honest, it doesn't seem like much of a new model to me,
just new people in the same roles.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: StrongARM tactics

2005-12-08 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 10:41:51AM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aaron M. Ucko) writes:

  Thomas Viehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  +pcsx: i386 # 
  i386 assembly

  AFAICT, this is only because its Linux/Makefile forces CPU to ix86

 Write patch. At a minimum the package should be i386 amd64. In
 general anything with Arch: i386 should add amd64.

And is that certain to give a working 64-bit binary on amd64, or are you
suggesting that we ship extra copies of 32-bit binaries for both i386 and

 Also pcsx should not be in P-A-S (and isn't on cvs.d.o) because:

 /mnt/mirror/debian/dists/sid/contrib/source/Sources.gz| grep-dctrl
 Package: pcsx
 Binary: pcsx
 Version: 1.6df-1
 Priority: optional
 Section: contrib/games
 Maintainer: Ryan Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Build-Depends: debhelper (= 4.0.0), x11proto-core-dev | x-dev,
 libgtk2.0-dev, zlib1g-dev | libz-dev
 Architecture: i386
 Standards-Version: 3.6.2
 Format: 1.0
 Directory: pool/contrib/p/pcsx
  972b029160bdc0a1c6316d27280fe7ec 619 pcsx_1.6df-1.dsc
  c688e5da5ee3aa6a1b2377545d97a4e1 317340 pcsx_1.6df.orig.tar.gz
  006f2f71b0dcc24ec2c76821504f03ec 2540 pcsx_1.6df-1.diff.gz

 wanna-build already filters the Architecture field of sources.

No, it does not.  It goes to the buildds with every sourceful upload, and
fails when sbuild checks the architecture list.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: buildd administration [was Re: StrongARM tactics]

2005-12-08 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 11:40:17AM +0100, Josselin Mouette wrote:
 As a result, no one can help with buildd maintenance as the current
 buildd admins won't let anyone help them, however overloaded they can
 be. They refuse to delegate any part of their powers because people
 aren't skilled enough,

How do you know this is true? (Hint: I know it's not.)

 and people aren't skilled enough because they aren't allowed to help.

Er, did you even *read* this thread?  We got on the topic of buildds because
*someone refused to help diagnose build failures because they consider it the
buildd admin's job*.  This is a concrete and specific task which needs
attention, which doesn't require special access in order to work on, and by
means of which developers can demonstrate their trustworthiness to buildd
maintainers.  Instead, people are telling me this is the buildd maintainer's
job, and that no one is going to volunteer to do any porting work unless
they are given the keys to the buildds in the process.

The buildd maintainers are stopping people from helping?  Like, WTF?

 I started my implication in the project four years ago. For four years,
 there have been problems with keyring maintenance and buildd

What problems are there today with buildd administration, please?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: StrongARM tactics

2005-12-08 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 01:52:51PM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
 Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 10:41:51AM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aaron M. Ucko) writes:

   Thomas Viehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   +pcsx: i386  # 
   i386 assembly

   AFAICT, this is only because its Linux/Makefile forces CPU to ix86

  Write patch. At a minimum the package should be i386 amd64. In
  general anything with Arch: i386 should add amd64.

  And is that certain to give a working 64-bit binary on amd64, or are you
  suggesting that we ship extra copies of 32-bit binaries for both i386 and

 The later if the former is not working. Since we have no multiarch yet
 and acceptance of patches leading up to it is going very slowly it
 looks like etch will remain without multiarch. So we need the extra
 copy to have something working.

And for this you want to add hackish patches to console emulator packages?
I think the amd64 port can live for a while without a Playstation emulator
while we sort out how to cope with cross-installing of i386 packages.

  Also pcsx should not be in P-A-S (and isn't on cvs.d.o) because:
  wanna-build already filters the Architecture field of sources.

 Small correction, quinn-diff does the actual filtering (here).

  No, it does not.  It goes to the buildds with every sourceful upload, and
  fails when sbuild checks the architecture list.

 Hmm, must be just me then. Here quinn-diff already filters it out so
 it doesn't reaches wanna-build itself. But that might just be one of
 the several small differences to the official buildd suite.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/t% quinn-diff 21 | grep pcsx
 [quinn-diff]: ignoring: pcsx has an architecture field of i386 which
 doesn't include amd64.

Right; it is quinn-diff that does the filtering; and the quinn-diff on
buildd.d.o does not filter on the package-provided Architecture: list.

 Makes no sense to include a source not for this arch.

On the contrary, I think it's a bad idea for quinn-diff to look at package
Architecture: fields directly, just like it would be a bad idea for dak to
let maintainers change Section: values directly.  You want porter oversight
of the list of packages that are being excluded on an arch, and having these
show up as build failures gives you that oversight.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Sparc build failure analysis (was Re: StrongARM tactics)

2005-12-11 Thread Steve Langasek
 without worrying about the Failed state, yes?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Sparc build failure analysis (was Re: StrongARM tactics)

2005-12-11 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 at 02:38:35PM +0100, Jeroen van Wolffelaar wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 at 12:35:26AM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 10, 2005 at 06:53:47AM -0800, Blars Blarson wrote:

  But FAILED is an advisory state anyway; it doesn't directly benefit the
  port, at all, to have the package listed as Failed, this is just a
  convenience for folks sifting through the build failures (like the rarely
  used confirmed BTS tag is for maintainers).  In the long-term, one of two
  things needs to happen with each of these build failures: the package needs
  to be added to P-a-s so the arch no longer tries to build it, or the package
  needs to be fixed -- via porter NMU if necessary.

  So as you have the list of these packages, as a porter you can proceed with
  figuring out which of the two categories each falls into, and take the
  necessary action without worrying about the Failed state, yes?

 Indeed, for practical buildd maintainance purposes, the distinction is
 not that important -- though 'Failed' is known to not benefit of a
 requeue, while 'Building:Maybe-Failed' might or might not, it's unkown,
 most archs should have enough surplus buildd power that retrying
 everything once in a while doesn't hurt.

 The major benefit is though to make it apparant for porters what to look
 into, without all the 'noise' in between of maybe-transient failures.
 One could also make sure that the FTBFS bugs are tagged (user-tagged)
 with [EMAIL PROTECTED] (etc) for example (or [EMAIL PROTECTED] There
 doesn't exist a [EMAIL PROTECTED] for example...), so that one can get a
 nice overview of all the porting bugs. It'd make sense to synchronise
 this across all architectures, so that it is consistent.

Our porters can beat up your porters.


Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Packages-arch-specific (was: Sparc build failure analysis)

2005-12-12 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 at 08:52:04AM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Sat, Dec 10, 2005 at 06:53:47AM -0800, Blars Blarson wrote:

  Again: what can I do with such a list?  See the list below.

  Changes to the P-a-s list should be sent to the contacts listed at the top
  of this file (

 So I followed the instructions at the top of that file and requested a
 P-a-s entry, after asking people here what to do.  No response.  Hm.  I
 wasn't sure what to make of that -- maybe this request is too trivial to
 bother with, it's fine for the builds to fail, and I should just ignore
 it?  Or maybe my e-mail wasn't received?  Or maybe I misunderstood
 something and this was the wrong channel or the wrong thing to do?

Right, well, as noted, it's generally a fairly low priority to get packages
added to P-a-s -- even though it's an eventual goal, the waste just really
isn't so much (in the usual case) to warrant a rush job.  So from that
standpoint, as long as there is quite such the backlog on P-a-s that there
is (from what I can see), it seems like something maintainers should also
give a pretty low priority to.

Anyway, you could always try throwing this in Adam's direction as well now
that he's listed as a co-maintainer of the file.

 I waited a while (my saved mail says two months) and asked my AM about it.
 He said that mailing them again was probably the right thing to do.  So I
 went ahead and did that, providing the specific entry that I think should
 be used.  No response (that was in August).  However, I notice in the
 build report that m68k is now marking openafs as not for us (but the
 other arches aren't).  Is this because of my mail?  Because the buildd
 administrator noticed the error message?

That would be noticing the error message...

 This is a really minor issue in the grand scheme of things.  It's not RC,
 it doesn't break anything, it's really mostly cosmetic plus a minor
 resource waste.  Now I'm feeling kind of guilty about bothering clearly
 busy people with a trivial request, and I probably really shouldn't send
 this message to debian-devel either, since certainly it's not any kind of
 serious problem that this hasn't been done.

Eh, well, don't get all guilted up over it. :)

 Maybe the right thing to do would be to work out a way for package
 maintainers to provide input to their own P-a-s entries in some sort of
 automated fashion?  It does seem like a package maintainer is generally
 going to know this sort of thing, and I hate to bother busy buildd
 maintainers with this kind of thing if I could do it myself.

Well, except between the time you wrote this message and the time I'm
drafting a reply to it, I've filed/upgraded at least three bugs about
packages wrongly limiting themselves to Architecture: i386; and I'm sure
there are plenty more out there in the packages I haven't looked at yet.
Skills do vary among maintainers, and especially among novice maintainers
there's certainly a tendency to mark packages as arch-specific when they
shouldn't be.  If P-a-s were being updated automatically based on whatever
the maintainer thinks should be there, it would've been substantially harder
to find these bugs.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: question towards freetype transition; improved library handling needed for all C/C++ packages

2005-12-13 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 at 11:17:51AM -0500, Benjamin Mesing wrote:

 today I've tried to address the issue raised by Steve Langasek regarding
 inherited dependencies [1]. 
 As I am unexperienced with the whole linking and dependency process I
 was not able to deduce the consequences of this announcement for my
 As far as I have understood the email, whatever is added to the linker
 on the command line (using -l...) is also added to the package as a
 dependency. Is this correct (the depends line of my package is: 
 Depends: apt, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}

 I believe my package is affected by the issues stated by Steve,
 depending on libraries which I do not directly use. Most of them are
 probably pulled in through the QT library I am depending on. My package,
 packagesearch, uses qmake as a build tool. The linking command line
 contains loads of other libraries including freetype (collected by
 In this scenario how should I proceed? Steve's hints seem to apply
 mostly to library packages, and due to using qmake are not applicable
 for me anyways. Should I go with his last hint to use -Wl,--as-needed?

These recommendations are not specific to library packages; they apply
equally well to libraries and applications.  You're right that packagesearch
is pulling in lots of dependencies that it doesn't need.  I wasn't aware
there were any qmake-specific bugs in this area, but I'll take a look and
see what I can find out.  In general, though, qmake seems to suffer from
heavy NIH, so I don't hold out much hope for an easy fix.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: question towards freetype transition; improved library handling needed for all C/C++ packages

2005-12-13 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 at 11:17:51AM -0500, Benjamin Mesing wrote:

 today I've tried to address the issue raised by Steve Langasek regarding
 inherited dependencies [1]. 
 As I am unexperienced with the whole linking and dependency process I
 was not able to deduce the consequences of this announcement for my
 As far as I have understood the email, whatever is added to the linker
 on the command line (using -l...) is also added to the package as a
 dependency. Is this correct (the depends line of my package is: 
 Depends: apt, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}

 I believe my package is affected by the issues stated by Steve,
 depending on libraries which I do not directly use. Most of them are
 probably pulled in through the QT library I am depending on. My package,
 packagesearch, uses qmake as a build tool. The linking command line
 contains loads of other libraries including freetype (collected by

This bug appears to be specific to the QT4 version of qmake; the QT3 version
doesn't add the extraneous libs to the $(LIBS) variable.

A bug report is probably in order.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: buildd administration

2005-12-13 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 at 03:46:12PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
 Anthony Towns writes:

  On Sat, Dec 10, 2005 at 03:51:36PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
  Anthony Towns writes:
 (a) seeing if the FTBFS can be fixed immediately, and finding it can't
 (b) documenting (this is the transparent bit, so pay attention) that
 fact by not having s390 incorrectly listed as a supported arch in
 the source and ensuring it does not incorrectly indicate a known
 broken build is successful as it did in the past
 (c) informing ftpmaster that the build currently in the archive is
 broken by filing a bug requesting the broken build be removed
 (you know, communicating with people)
 (d) downgrading the bug so that it is not incorrectly listed as
 a RC issue that the RM and QA teams have to attend to
 (e) as maintainer, work with upstream and porters to fix the
 downgraded but still open bug we were just talking about
  I disagree with this.  

  Then you're not maintaining your packages properly, and you're making
  life more difficult for the rest of the project out of spite.

 You are incorrect.  I disagree with your approach to fixing this
 particular problem.  I think it is better to keep the package out of
 testing until the problem is resolved one way or the other.

 You have failed to detail any particular difficulty that this causes,

I'm pretty sure I saw him do this already, by noting that it increases the
number of packages that the release and QA teams have to keep track of.
It's great that you're concerned about the portability of the package, but
there are 500+ open RC bugs known to be relevant to the next release, and
1300+ RC bugs all up that affect packages in unstable.  Packages with bugs
in the first category add to the release team's workload of
downgrading bugs/NMUing/pestering maintainers/removing packages; packages
with bugs in the second category add to the QA team's workload of figuring
out if maintainers are MIA, whether packages should be removed from the
archive, and so on.  Bugs in both categories make it harder for would-be
bugsquashers to sift through the bug lists to find packages that they can
usefully NMU.

Also, after a certain point 1300 RC bugs * n binary packages per source
package * 12 architectures starts to look kinda wasteful on the mirrors.
There are 9450 source packages in unstable/main today; assuming
(optimistically?) that half of these RC bugs map uniquely to source packages
that we should consider removing, that's still about 6% mirror overhead from
packages we should be getting rid of, and as much as another 6% of packages
that complicate the process of figuring out which 6% ought to go...

 nor have you given any reason why the package should be added to
 testing in advance of my judgment that it's ready, nor have you given
 any explanation of why you think it's ready now.

If we suddenly decided to release etch next month, what would you do with
this package -- keep the RC bug open because you think s390 support is more
important, or ask for the removal of the old s390 binaries because the
package is worth something to users of other architectures?

How long is it reasonable to postpone taking this action, then, knowing that
such bugs clutter the various tracking lists to the point of making them
unusable for some purposes today?  How long is it reasonable if 50
maintainers are sitting on bugs like this?  If 100 maintainers are?

 You have not pointed at any documentation of maintainer policies that
 indicates that one must clear an RC bug as soon as possible, for
 unreleased packages, to push them into testing before the maintainer
 thinks they are ready.

Rather, it seems much more likely that we would want to push such packages
*out* of unstable.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: /run vs /var/run (was: Please test new sysvinit)

2005-12-17 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 06:09:05PM -0600, Peter Samuelson wrote:

 [Thomas Hood]
  After installation you should have a tmpfs mounted on /run.  This has
  been created for the use of that handful of packages that need a
  place to store run time state files independently of networking.

 Given the need, and now the reality, of /run, is there any need for a
 separate /var/run?  I vote we migrate to /var/run - /run, at least in
 the default install.  Whether packages should continue to refer to
 /var/run is a matter of FHS touchy feely, and perhaps compatibility
 with other FHS distributions is more important than the ability to
 eliminate the /var/run symlink in the long run.

Given the reality of /lib, is there any need for a separate /usr/lib?

The principle is the same: /lib is used only for the minimal system required
for booting, and everything else should go in /usr/lib.  /run should be used
only for junk that needs to be stored early in the boot sequence, and
everything else should go in /var/run.

We should *not* be moving all of /var/run into /run; symlinking the former
to the latter should be left as a touchy feely exercise for the local admin.

(We also shouldn't need to specify a policy for mounting any particular
filesystem on /run, but merely mount /run early iff it's present in
/etc/fstab and leave the implementation details to the local admin.)

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: /run vs /var/run (was: Please test new sysvinit)

2005-12-17 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 03:57:35AM +, Matthew Garrett wrote:
 Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The principle is the same: /lib is used only for the minimal system required
  for booting, and everything else should go in /usr/lib.  /run should be used
  only for junk that needs to be stored early in the boot sequence, and
  everything else should go in /var/run.

 Under Linux, can't all of this be done with mount --move anyway? I'm not
 convinced that we actually need a /run any more.

So you would have these files stored in /var/run from the beginning, and use
mount --move to shuffle them around if /var is a separate mount point?  I'm
pretty sure --move is a 2.6-only feature, too, and we haven't yet gotten rid
of 2.4 for etch; and is there an equivalent solution for non-Linux ports?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: /run vs /var/run (was: Please test new sysvinit)

2005-12-18 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 04:50:33AM +, Matthew Garrett wrote:
 Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 03:57:35AM +, Matthew Garrett wrote:
  Under Linux, can't all of this be done with mount --move anyway? I'm not
  convinced that we actually need a /run any more.

  So you would have these files stored in /var/run from the beginning, and use
  mount --move to shuffle them around if /var is a separate mount point?  I'm
  pretty sure --move is a 2.6-only feature, too, and we haven't yet gotten rid
  of 2.4 for etch; and is there an equivalent solution for non-Linux ports?

 Yeah, it's 2.6 only. Are we seriously expecting to ship etch with 2.4
 kernels? Is anyone still doing active security support for it?

I'm eager to be able to drop 2.4 for etch, but I don't think it's completely
clear yet whether the hardware support in 2.6 will be broad enough to meet
users' needs.  I expect we'll need to work with porters over the next months
to begin pruning architectures from the 2.4 tree, and evaluate what's left
at the end.

Yes, lack of active security support for 2.4 is a concern.

Also, bear in mind that even if 2.4 isn't shipped with etch, we still have
to provide an upgrade path for users of sarge, so some thought would need to
go into what that would look like.

 The linux-onlyness of it is a bit more awkward, but non-Linux OSs tend
 to be lacking things like decent ram filesystems anyway, so the
 semantics are going to vary in any case. But I guess if it's difficult,
 sticking with /run might be easier. Has anyone talked to the FHS guys
 about this? (I haven't actually checked whether it's in there, so the
 answer may well be yes :) )

I'm not sure if anyone has talked to the FHS folks lately about this, no.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian Installer team monthly meeting minutes (20051214 meeting)

2005-12-18 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 04:14:19PM +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
 On Sunday 18 December 2005 15:34, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
   I hope this will be solved soon!

  use nameif.

 This has been suggested before but AIUI nameif has problems/limitations 
 renaming eth0.

 The correct solution seems to be to use udev rewriting rules to make sure 
 interfaces keep their name.

 We will work on implementing this in Debian Installer before the next beta 
 release. Both Ubuntu and Marco d'Itri have offered to help with that.

 For existing users we should make sure this issue will be documented in 
 the Release Notes for Etch. I'm filing a bug against release-notes as a 

Is there some reason we should be unable to provide a smooth upgrade path
for users of sarge?  Having your network devices scramble themselves on
reboot is a Big Deal, whether or not it's in the release notes.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian Installer team monthly meeting minutes (20051214 meeting)

2005-12-19 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, Dec 19, 2005 at 09:13:01AM +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
 On Dec 19, Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is there some reason we should be unable to provide a smooth upgrade path
  for users of sarge?  Having your network devices scramble themselves on
  reboot is a Big Deal, whether or not it's in the release notes.
 This often happens anyway when switching between 2.4 and 2.6 kernels, so
 it's something users have always needed to be aware about.

How wonderful then that udev now gives us the opportunity to make upgrades
completely seamless for users of 2.4 *and* 2.6 kernels!  Indeed, if that's
the case, why should we settle for anything less?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: /run vs /var/run (was: Please test new sysvinit)

2005-12-19 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 01:26:45PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Steve Langasek wrote:
  (We also shouldn't need to specify a policy for mounting any
  particular filesystem on /run, but merely mount /run early iff it's
  present in /etc/fstab and leave the implementation details to the 

 I think that packages Depending on initscripts = 2.86.ds1-7 should be
 entitled to assume that /run/* is a writable location available very 
 early after boot.

Yes, they should.

 Initscripts 2.86.ds1-7 includes /run and mountvirtfs mounts a tmpfs on it,
 thus causing this assumption to be true.  If the local admin wants
 something else then he or she can edit the script in such a way that
 the aforementioned assumption remains true.

No, having to edit init scripts sucks.  So does having mounts that aren't
controlled via /etc/fstab.

Are there really any init scripts that need to write out data prior to (the point at which /run would be writeable by default on the
rootfs)?  If not, why can't we mount /run using /etc/fstab as part of, and leave the details to the admin?  This optimizes for the
common case, and leaves the way open for solutions to uncommon requirements.

 If there is demand for an alternative standard operation mode that
 satisfies the assumption then that can be implemented, of course, but
 offhand I can't think of why anyone would need anything but the default

The two use cases that were raised when /run was first discussed were:

 - NFS-mounted /var filesystem
 - read-only / filesystem

Having a /run directory for early-boot volatile data addresses the needs of
both of these use cases (even simultaneously -- hurray!), but by
constraining the actual *implementation* of /run (barring ugly hacking of
the init scripts), you've made the system less suitable for a third use

 - memory is at a premium, disk is not

I'm not going to claim that I know of any particular users that are affected
by this change; files that are candidates for /run (or /lib/run) are
typically small enough that it's fairly unlikely for this alone to impact
what they can or can't do with Debian.  But that's also not the point:  the
point is that design-wise, there's simply no reason to make the choice for
the user of *what* is mounted on /run, only to specify that *something* must
be (and that it must be writable); given that the existing default is
perfectly suitable for the majority of users, I believe we're better off not
touching it.

If you really want to be clever though about supporting upgrades for users
that may already have read-only root, I guess you could do something like

if grep -q '[[:space:]]/run' /etc/fstab; then
mount $options /run
elif grep -q '[[:space:]]/[[:space:]].*\bro\b' /etc/fstab; then
mount $options -t tmpfs tmpfs /run

And then everyone can be happy. :)

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: /run vs /var/run (was: Please test new sysvinit)

2005-12-19 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 10:13:35PM -0600, Peter Samuelson wrote:

 [Steve Langasek]
  Given the reality of /lib, is there any need for a separate /usr/lib?

  The principle is the same: /lib is used only for the minimal system
  required for booting, and everything else should go in /usr/lib.
  /run should be used only for junk that needs to be stored early in
  the boot sequence, and everything else should go in /var/run.

 /var/run is *tiny*.  In fact on my system it's close to 4 orders of
 magnitude smaller than /usr/lib.  I know why /usr isn't assumed to be
 on the root filesystem, and it's not at all related to why a /run ramfs
 that has to exist anyway might be inappropriate for /var/run.

On the contrary; on some of my systems, I have at least /var/run/samba and
/var/run/screen, which aren't guaranteed to stay small at all.  On one
particular samba fileserver I checked, /var/run is less than two orders of
magnitude smaller than /usr/lib.  :)

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: /run vs /var/run (was: Please test new sysvinit)

2005-12-19 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, Dec 19, 2005 at 12:23:00PM +0100, Thomas Hood wrote:
 Steve Langasek wrote:
  Are there really any init scripts that need to write out data prior
  to (the point at which /run would be writeable by
  default on the rootfs)?

 Well, it would be nice if fsck logs could be stored in /run until
 /var/log/ is available for writing.  It would be nice if mtab could
 be kept in /run so that it could be written to as filesystems are
 being mounted.  Currently these sorts of things are delayed using
 one trick or another.

Ok, that's fair.

  by constraining the actual *implementation* of /run (barring ugly
  hacking of the init scripts), you've made the system less suitable
  for a third use case:
  - memory is at a premium, disk is not

 Tmpfs memory can be swapped out, so is this even a hypothetical problem?

Maybe it isn't on Linux.  I wasn't aware tmpfs could be swapped out.

That still leaves the question of just which features we want to require
from our non-Linux kernels for basic operation, I guess.

  [...] the point is that design-wise, there's simply no reason
  to make the choice for the user of *what* is mounted on /run, only
  to specify that *something* must be (and that it must be writable);

 One advantage to supporting only tmpfs on /run is that the assumption
 can then be made that the hierarchy is empty at boot; there are no
 stale files and no cleaning has to be done.

Seems to me that we have a handle on the process of cleaning directories by
now though, no? :)

 If there are reasons why some users would not want to put a tmpfs at
 /run (which there may well be, although I haven't heard them yet)
 then we can of course support this.  Then either initscripts will have
 to clean the directory or programs using it will have to contend with
 stale files.  Cleaning cannot occur until the filesystem underlying
 /run is mounted read-write and programs must not use /run before the
 cleaning has been completed; it would probably be easier to drop the
 cleanliness-at-boot guarantee and let programs clean out their own
 stale files.

Sounds to me like this will play havoc with idempotence of init scripts;
anyway, why would mount /run and clean it be anything less than an atomic
operation from the viewpoint of other init scripts?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

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Re: Thoughts on Debian quality, including automated testing

2005-12-21 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 02:07:30AM +0200, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
 Several ideas have been floating around for years on how to improve
 this situation, of which I'd like to mention three. While I've here
 used the number of bugs as the measure of a package's quality,
 the same ideas might help with other aspects, like getting new
 upstream versions packaged soon after they're released.

 * Team maintenance. If a package is maintained by a team, 
   there are more people sharing the work. When a team works 
   well, more people look at the package, and finding and 
   fixing problems is more effective. There is less work per 
   person, so things don't lag as much. A well-working team 
   is a good thing.

   As an example, the Debian GNOME team seems to work really 
   well. Transitions to the next upstream version happen 
   quite smoothly these days.

OTOH, sometimes team maintenance means no one takes responsibility for
the package.  I've dealt with release critical bugs on packages where the
Maintainer field pointed to a team mailing list, there were several
Uploaders listed for the package, and the bug sat unattended for well over a
month for no apparent reason.

I've also *been* part of maintainer teams where all the members of the team
were busy people, and bugs tended to linger because they were somebody
else's problem.

Anyway, I agree that team maintenance can be a force for good.

I also agree with the rest of your mail, including the call for a more
proactive QA team.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: kernel-package hooks transition

2005-12-25 Thread Steve Langasek
On Sun, Dec 25, 2005 at 03:34:43PM +, Colin Watson wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 25, 2005 at 01:51:00AM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 24, 2005 at 05:30:26PM +, Colin Watson wrote:
   On Sat, Dec 24, 2005 at 05:03:17PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
Notice that the debconf helper scripts provide stdout on 3, so any
scripts writing to stdout only need to redirect their output to 3, no

   My impression is that these days maintainer scripts are much better
   about not mixing up debconf interaction with normal use of stdout, and
   so it's still possible that the fd 3 hack will be removed some day.

  Ok, now i read it all, shouldn't really be replying to email after the
  christmas party ... :)

 Likewise, on Christmas Day I haven't really looked at this issue in any
 depth. :-)

  So, do you have any idea of what is going wrong here and how to fix it ? I
  mean having hosed powerpc kernels over christmas is really not the nicest
  thing to have happen, and i really don't understand the subtleties of what 
  going on here.

  k-p uses debconf (probably using the perl helpers you mentioned), and does a
  db_stop before calling the script hooks.

 The STOP command causes the debconf frontend to shut down; that would
 certainly break anything trying to talk to debconf after it. May be
 worth removing that and seeing if things start working.

 I haven't checked if kernel-package runs anything else that would
 require it to use STOP. It seems a little unlikely that it would be
 starting up any daemons, though. Note a common misconception: the STOP
 command does *not* put your file descriptors back the way they were
 before you started the debconf frontend.

Indeed, not only does STOP not restore your file descriptors, it also leaves
a sentinel value in the environment which prevents debconf-using children
from successfully restarting the frontend.  STOP should only be used when
you need to force-kill the frontend because of other processes that will
otherwise leave dangling file descriptors open to it after your scripts

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

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Re: Your Confirmation Required

2005-12-27 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Dec 27, 2005 at 05:35:33PM +0100, Simon Richter wrote:

 Wouter Verhelst wrote:

 What's the chance of someone owning a domain with the intended use of
 sending out Islamic preaches in eight different languages would be
 interested in subscribing to -devel with an email address in that

 Yet the proper response may be to tell them that someone has been 
 abusing their service and that it may be in their interest to implement 
 something so that it can be detected who did it.

I've actually already had one conversation with them about the fact that
their site was allowing subscriptions without confirmation.  Now the site
requires confirmations, and someone's apparently still confirming the damn
things.  It's been suggested that this may be happening wholly automatically
through link spiders, though, which I hadn't thought of initially; so yeah,
it'd be good to either have abuse headers to track, or (probably easier)
just blacklist the domain...

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

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bug tracking for non-RC architectures

2005-12-27 Thread Steve Langasek
Hi folks,

For architectures that are not release candidates, we are going to need
another way to track release critical bugs.  The whole point of having
architecture criteria is so the project can give higher priority to issues
affecting release architectures (or all architectures) than to issues that
are specific to an architecture that isn't meeting our standards for
releasability; and we're not doing that very effectively if we leave such
architecture-specific bugs at RC severity.  OTOH, we don't want to lose
sight of them by just downgrading the severities, as this would make it
awkward to reintroduce the architecture as a release candidate without also
silently reintroducing RC bugs.

Usertags to the rescue!

I've gone through the current list of release critical bugs at, identified the
bugs that I believe are specific to one or more of arm, m68k, s390, and
sparc, and have downgraded/usertagged them.

The results for all archs can be seen here:[EMAIL 

Per-architecture views are also available:[EMAIL 

This gives us convenient access to the bug lists relevant to each
architecture, so that they can be upgraded again if/when the architecture
meets the release criteria.  I strongly encourage you to use this same
usertag convention (rc-$arch usertag, under user when filing new bugs about breakage
specific to your architecture.  Please refer to Anthony Towns'
announcement[0] if you have questions about the use of usertags.

Oh, and this also gives porters a handy list of bugs affecting their
architecture that they can be working on in between getting things back in
line with the release arch standards.  As always, porter NMUs are encouraged
-- you don't need an RC bug as an excuse to fix a package for your
architecture!  Wouldn't it be great to have zero bugs on that page two
months from now? :)

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.


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Re: stable aliases for CD drives

2005-12-28 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 01:00:40AM +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
 As you can see, %e will go away soon so /etc/udev/cd-aliases.rules will
 not be supported anymore.
 Some component of debian will have to install a rules file with static
 aliases, and so far I think that this should be a task for d-i.
 Comments and other ideas are welcome.

What will provide this for systems upgraded from sarge?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: stable aliases for CD drives

2005-12-30 Thread Steve Langasek
On Fri, Dec 30, 2005 at 11:48:56AM +0100, Adrian von Bidder wrote:
 Network interfaces may be renamed after sarge to etch upgrades is 
 acceptable.  Network interfaces may completely lose any stable naming and 
 may be randomly named after every reboot after sarge to etch upgrades 
 unless you manually install some additional software is not.

Given the sort of solution that needs to be implemented here to address the
second, I don't see any reason why the first should be acceptable either.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

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Re: Experiment: poll on switching to vim-tiny for standard vi?

2006-01-02 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, Jan 02, 2006 at 11:47:05AM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote:
 On 23-Dec-05, 11:54 (CST), Anthony Towns wrote: 

  The size of base matters a little, but it's not an every byte is
  sacred situation.

  Cheers, aj (base maintainer, for those playing along at home)

 So, it seems that so far as Stefano (vim maintainer) and I (nvi
 maintainer) are concerned, you and Joey get to make the call on this. Since
 Joey initiated this thread, I think we can assume he's in favor of
 the change. How say you?

 If you agree with the change, do Stefano and I need to do anything
 other than swap vi alternative priorities and swap important-optional

Why swap the vi alternative priorities?

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

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Re: How to Increase Contributions from Volunteers

2006-01-02 Thread Steve Langasek
On Mon, Jan 02, 2006 at 10:29:30PM +0800, Enrico Zini wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 02, 2006 at 02:53:52PM +0200, Linas Zvirblis wrote:

  A hypothetical example: I decide to found a debian-geology team and I am 
  not a Debian Developer. So what now? Should I help debian-med to become 
  a DD? But I am not interested in medicine, I am interested in geology.

  1) Open a geology project on Alioth and do some work.
  2) Ask for someone to sponsor package uploads.

Hmm, I would actually hope that the Alioth admins would reject an
application from a non-DD in step 1) for a project that hasn't already had
step 2) happen.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Experiment: poll on switching to vim-tiny for standard vi?

2006-01-03 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 08:58:49AM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote:
 On 03-Jan-06, 00:46 (CST), Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  On Mon, Jan 02, 2006 at 11:47:05AM -0600, Steve Greenland wrote:
   If you agree with the change, do Stefano and I need to do anything
   other than swap vi alternative priorities and swap important-optional

  Why swap the vi alternative priorities?

 Because if vim is the default, and someone deliberately installs nvi,
 the presumption is that they prefer nvi, and thus it should grab the vi

I think that's a pretty bad presumption; to me, it indicates that *someone*
on the system prefers nvi and has requested its installation, but this
doesn't mean it's the preference of either the system administrator or of
the majority of the users.

 Such behaviour is pretty much standard alternative handling: the default
 install is the lowest priority, and the optional variants have higher

 For a single user system, this makes sense. For a multi-user system,
 where the admin might want all of (vim, nvi, vile, whatever) as options
 for the user, it's easy to pick whichever one you want for the default.

OTOH, the admin may not understand the alternatives system, or recognize its
relevance at the time of installing the package (worst case, some other
package pulls it in automatically), which makes for an inconsistent user

I think the single-user system is the last one that alternatives handling
should optimize for, since the *one* person who's going to know to type
nvi instead of vi, and the one person who can fix the alternatives if he
doesn't like them, is the admin...

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: bits from the release team

2006-01-03 Thread Steve Langasek
On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 11:27:25PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 11:01:03PM +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
  (forgot to CC d-kernel on this)

  On Tuesday 03 January 2006 22:02, Sven Luther wrote:
   We will have a kernel which is outdated by two versions at release time
   with this plan, since there are about 1 kernel upstream release every 2

  2.6.8 is not an optimal kernel, but largely due to timing (i.e. SATA just 
  starting to get implemented).

  I remember we did consider using 2.6.10 instead of 2.6.8 and decided not 
  to mainly because it was not really that much better than 2.6.8.
  As I remember it, this was a joint decision by the kernel team, release 
  managers and the d-i developers. Not something that the kernel team were 
  really pushing and was blocked by some assholes from the d-i team who did 
  not want to cooperate.

 Well, i remember joeyh vetoing it because it would take at least a month to
 get the change done, and i believe we didn't really push for it because the
 infrastructure was a mess back then. This has changed.

 The one point that put me up, is that we should have gotten that security
 update in, but this was also vetoed for the same month-long delay in the
 kernel/d-i upgrade process. The kernel team has reduced that delay to less
 than 24hours now for the release arches,

You have been harranguing the ftp team to approve new upstream kernels
through the NEW queue before they've even been uploaded -- for an amazing
false optimization that burns good will with your fellow developers.  Even
if udebs *were* being built from the same linux-2.6 source package, this
doesn't address the real reason why it's important to freeze the kernel
early:  *the kernel is a core component of everyone's system and detecting
regressions takes a long time*.  Anything that requires a reboot cycle or an
installation test in order for users to detect bugs is going to need a
longer testing period than other packages; the only way to ensure this
happens is by freezing it early, i.e., around the same time as the toolchain
packages for which we have the same problem of figuring out whether a new
version is better or worse.

The underlying assumption in your plea for a shorter kernel freeze is newer
is better.  But people who accept this assumption unconditionally don't
*run* Debian stable; so neither should we base our freeze timeline on an
unconditional acceptance of it.  Newer isn't necessarily better, but it is
necessarily *different*, which is the enemy of stability.

There is still room for targetted fixes to the kernel after the freeze date;
backports of new drivers, or backports of specific bugfixes, are certainly
fair game.  Taking a new version of whatever upstream happens to have
released would not be.

 My believe is that this kind of thing should be as much automated as possible,
 to let the few ressource we have be used where best it should, a little work
 at the start which will pay off forever after, this is what computers and
 programming is for, to make the task of the users and programmers easier, i
 think we all agree with that, or we would still be using boot-floppies :)

I'm all in favor of streamlining the integration of new kernel versions into
the installer, but I don't believe that the majority of the work involved
falls into the automatable category.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: bits from the release team

2006-01-03 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 12:23:31AM -0200, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) 

   Perhaps the idea of maintain a kernel with other distros is not bad,
 if Ubuntu shows up as a candidate, I would like to add Progeny, Linspire,
 Xandros, DCC Alliance Fan Club and also other Debian Derivatives. I really
 don't know if it is possible to mix RH, Debian, SuSE, Slackware and
 other distros to maintain the same kernel, but certainly should be possible
 to get all Debian (and Debian based/derivative) playing together. :-)

The biggest obstacle to this is that different distributions have different
and contradictory requirements for what ships in the kernel.  For Debian,
the obvious requirement is that everything we ship in main meets the DFSG;
this is a requirement that is not shared by Ubuntu, for instance, which
means any collaboration on kernels between those two distros has to allow
for different bits being stripped out at the time of source package

It would certainly be nice to see improvements in kernel collaboration, and
I believe it is possible, we just have to be honest with ourselves about the
difficulties involved.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian for desktop - gnome in usnstable/experimantal more stable than in testing ?

2006-01-04 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 01:22:57PM -0500, Benjamin Mesing wrote:
   So please disregard my statement against testing

  (In this case, xterm could have had a conflict with your package to
  avoid screwing users over unnoticed; and we could (in future) have added
  a note to the testing scripts to not allow upgrades of xterm until a
  fixed version of packagesearch is also included)
 It turned out that what I thought to be a deliberate change of how
 arguments are handled in xterm was actually considered to be a bug, and
 reported to the BTS [1]. Though xterm made the migration to testing,
 because the bug was only of severity normal. So it is nothing wrong with
 the testing mechanism, but more likely a wrongly set severity of the
 But here is what I started with: the features in packagesearch relying
 on xterm were broken in testing once the version entered it. I was able
 to work around this bug in unstable as soon as I realized it, but the
 migration of the fixed package to testing was delayed due to the QT
 library transition.

This same Qt library transition would have prevented some number of users of
unstable from installing a fixed version of packagesearch during that same

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Fwd: Bug#344758: init.d script should create /var/run/dirmngr

2006-01-04 Thread Steve Langasek
On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 10:43:57PM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 On Wed, 04 Jan 2006, Peter Samuelson wrote:
  [Peter Eisentraut]
   What do you think about this request?  It seems reasonable, but I

  This issue was mentioned in the /run discussion we just had on this
  list.  I'm in favor of forcing all init scripts to mkdir -p

 initscripts co-maintainer hat on

 Do it.  We are *heavly* considering support for ephemeral /var/run (which is
 orthogonal to /run or anything else in that topic), so you might as well do
 it now and make your user happy.  A lot of other packages already support
 ephemeral /var/run.

 BUT, if you do, don't ship /var/run inside the deb.


Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: APT public key updates?

2006-01-05 Thread Steve Langasek
On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 01:22:50AM +0100, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:

 [Michael Vogt]
  Sorry for the delay. I'm preparing a new upload that adds the 2006
  archive key to the default keyring. 

 Sounds good.  Will this automatically take care of the key update and
 make sure no manual intervention is needed to get packages upgraded?

 Isn't Ubuntu using the signed apt stuff?  How are they handling the
 new archive keys?

AIUI, Ubuntu isn't rotating their archive keys -- something else that their
centralized model more readily affords them.

I think they still have the same problem we do regarding how to cope with a
key compromise  revocation, though.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: APT public key updates?

2006-01-05 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 04:43:13PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
 Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  AIUI, Ubuntu isn't rotating their archive keys -- something else that their
  centralized model more readily affords them.

 I'm a little confused about why we do rotate the keys.  I'm not
 experienced in thinking through the subtle issues concerned, so I'm
 trying to learn, because I know that Debian has plenty of people who
 *do* have this experience, and I want to learn/understand.

 With a non-expiring key, there is the risk that the key will be

 However, with the expiring key, there is the risk that a fake key will
 be generated at the expected roll-over time.

 In other words, I needed to fetch the new key this week, from the web
 site, and tell my system yeah, that's the right key.  Of course, the
 new key is signed with the old key.  It's also signed with some sigs
 that I haven't checked, which I assume are the Debian ftpmasters.
 However, nothing about the apt-key procedure actually seems to have
 *checked* any of these signatures.

There are four main attack vectors that I can see:

- compromise of the user's local network connection
- compromise of the user's local mirror
- compromise of the PGP key, together with one of the preceding
- compromise of ftp-master itself

In the fourth case, either the compromise is detected by the admins, or it
isn't.  If it isn't, all bets are off:  we can only ever have cryptographic
assurance that the packages came from ftp-master, not that the packages that
came from ftp-master are *good*, so we focus instead on prevention and
detection of compromises instead and eliminate this case from consideration.

If the compromise *is* detected by the admins, the key is revoked, the
server is re-secured, and a new key is issued.  So we know that our system
has to deal with key revocations:  providing means of both broadcasting the
key revocation as widely as possible to users, and delivering a replacement
key to those same users as securely as possible.

In the third case, again the compromise is either detected, or it isn't.  If
it's detected, we're revoking the key again; if it's *not* detected (and it
seems to me that anyone able to compromise the pgp key without also having
to compromise ftp-master is likely good enough to go undetected), then this
is a case where scheduled key rotations help us.  It also shouldn't *hurt*
us, since we need to have a sound process in place for dealing with key
replacements regardless due to the possibility of compromise.

The first two cases provide us with a rationale for wanting cryptographic
assurances in the first place, and insight into what that assurance ought to
look like.

For a user with a compromised local mirror, just having the new key
available to grab from is sufficient.  (If it
isn't, the user falls into one of the other categories.)

For a user with a compromised local network, the only safe solution is to
validate the new key via some web of trust.  This is the feature that's
missing today, to give Joe User some reasonable method of checking keys
against the web of trust before importing them.

 Perhaps then we need to improve apt-key to implement a more careful

Yes, I think so.  I'm not sure that apt-key itself is what should be doing
the checking, or if we should be giving users some sort of recipe for
pre-verifying keys using gpg?

$ gpg --recv-keys 2D230C5F  gpg --update-trustdb \
   gpg --batch --edit-key 2D230C5F quit 21 | grep -q 'validity: full' \
   gpg --armor --export 2D230C5F | sudo apt-key add -

 If the key is compromised, which is the only way the non-expiring key
 method can be broken, then the expiring key doesn't seem to be
 offering all that much additional security.  

Indeed it doesn't.  Ideally, if the previous key has been compromised, users
would be verifying the integrity of the new key using other signatures; but
in the worst case, verifying using the signature from the previous key (if
they're disconnected from the web of trust) is no worse than not being able
to verify it at all.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Fwd: Bug#344758: init.d script should create /var/run/dirmngr

2006-01-05 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 09:07:58AM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 On Wed, 04 Jan 2006, Steve Langasek wrote:
  On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 10:43:57PM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
   initscripts co-maintainer hat on
   Do it.  We are *heavly* considering support for ephemeral /var/run (which 
   orthogonal to /run or anything else in that topic), so you might as well 
   it now and make your user happy.  A lot of other packages already support
   ephemeral /var/run.
   BUT, if you do, don't ship /var/run inside the deb.


  1. It will go away on reboot and if your service isn't enabled, it won't
 be re-created.  dpkg will still think it should be there, however.

And what does that break?  AFAIK, dpkg will ignore a missing directory on
package removal without incident.

  2. We may deploy some auto-create-stuff-in-/var/run solution, and it WILL
 clash with packages that ship /var/run and recreate it (not that I'd
 expect that clash to do anything other than mkdir -p be a waste of
 time -- but better safe than sorry).
The /var/run directory itself *must* always exist; it has to be on the
filesystem which holds /var.

 Also, it makes life easier for us to track down packages that need to be
 examined for lack of ephemeral /var/run support.

I think you're going to need a more reliable test than this.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: APT public key updates?

2006-01-06 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 11:15:08PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:

  If the key is compromised, which is the only way the non-expiring key
  method can be broken, then the expiring key doesn't seem to be
  offering all that much additional security.  

  Indeed it doesn't.  Ideally, if the previous key has been compromised, users
  would be verifying the integrity of the new key using other signatures; but
  in the worst case, verifying using the signature from the previous key (if
  they're disconnected from the web of trust) is no worse than not being able
  to verify it at all.

 I think I now understand better, and I can better express the
 uncertainty I was groping at.  A key is only as good as the keys that
 sign it.  The reason for rotating the key is that there is some
 non-zero risk that it will be compromised, and this limits exposure.
 But in order to validate the new key, which is only as good as its
 signatures, I must rely on whatever signs the new key.

 I trust AJ.  So I trust AJ to sign the new key correctly.  Surely, it
 seems to me, the risk of AJ allowing his own key to be compromised is
 just about the same as the risk of his allowing the archive key to be
 compromised.  What am I missing?

The exposure of the archive key is higher, because it sits on an
Internet-connected, ssh-accessible server.  Also, you don't have to trust
AJ's key; in contrast with Florian's assessment of the NM-suitability of the
three ftpmasters, one ftp assistant, and one RM who have signed this key so
far :), I would encourage you to log into merkel and verify, directly and
securely, the key at /org/; sign it; and
upload your signature to the public keyservers as well, if you are satisfied
that this is the key that is being used on to sign the

You should *only* do this if you're satisfied that the presence of this file
in the mirror on merkel is adequate evidence that it's the same key in use
on ftp-master.  So trusting that the ssh host key of merkel is authentic,
trusting that someone hasn't compromised both merkel and your network
(pushing matching, invalid keys to you via merkel and a MITM of, and trusting that the propagation from
ftp-master to merkel is secure.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Fwd: Bug#344758: init.d script should create /var/run/dirmngr

2006-01-06 Thread Steve Langasek
On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 09:44:35AM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 On Thu, 05 Jan 2006, Steve Langasek wrote:
 BUT, if you do, don't ship /var/run inside the deb.


1. It will go away on reboot and if your service isn't enabled, it won't
   be re-created.  dpkg will still think it should be there, however.

  And what does that break?  AFAIK, dpkg will ignore a missing directory on
  package removal without incident.

 Well, it is not good form. If you want to ship it there, be my guest. But
 don't expect me to tell others to ship it _unless_ there is a real reason to
 do so, and so far there isn't (there might be one in the future).

That's fine; I'm just saying that there's not much point in telling people
to *not* ship /var/run (or subdirectories thereof) in their package.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: APT public key updates?

2006-01-06 Thread Steve Langasek
On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 02:04:49PM +0100, Florian Weimer wrote:
 * Steve Langasek:

  I would encourage you to log into merkel and verify, directly and
  securely, the key at /org/; sign it; and
  upload your signature to the public keyservers as well, if you are satisfied
  that this is the key that is being used on to sign the

 Or publish a statement, maybe signed with your OpenPGP key, that the key
 1024D/2D230C5F, fingerprint 084750FC01A6D388A643D869010908312D230C5F
 is the 2006 Debian archive key.

 This conveys more information than a certifying signature, and avoids
 the problem how you got physical ID for Debian Archive Automatic
 Signing Key (2006) [EMAIL PROTECTED], or a verification that the
 keyholder actually reads the mailbox mentioned in the user ID. 8-)

Yes, that's also reasonable, although the downside is a lack of good
distribution channel for such a signed statement -- key signatures you can
throw at any keyserver and they'll stick. :)

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Advices, comments? Bug#345651: passwd package should be essential?

2006-01-06 Thread Steve Langasek
On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 06:38:47PM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
 I tend to agree with Kurt opinions below and thus, I'm tempted to make
 passwd Essential: yes. The opinions in the shadow package
 maintenance team slightly vary.

 However, given that this is an important decision, I think it is a
 good idea to get the advice of fellow developers. So, please

It's not just a good idea, it's the Policy (3.8).

For my part, I think this sounds like a bad idea.  We should be very sparing
in our use of the Essential: yes flag; I think we really should not be using
it *except* for packages that we require to be functional when in an
unconfigured state.  The passwd package certainly doesn't qualify in this
regard.  Making the package Essential just to cover other packages' failure
to depend on it while it was virtually-essential also seems dodgy; btw, it
wasn't virtually-essential in woody, so packages really shouldn't have had a
chance to get too buggily accustomed to having it around.

 So why do I think passwd needs to be essential?

 There are several things in the package that one might
 want to run from one of the maintainer scripts from
 debconf, like useradd, groupadd, userdel, ...

First, I can't see any reason why you would want to call these commands from
a *config* script; that smells of abuse to me.  Second, assuming there is a
reason to ever call one of these commands from the debconf script, standard
procedure for any non-essential .config dependency is to check for the
executable and defer configuration to the postinst if it's not yet unpacked.

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.

Description: Digital signature

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