Re: Request: Enhancement in Use of Account Codes

2008-12-25 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Geert Janssens wrote:
 Maybe it would be good to get an overview of typical accounting 
 issues/agreements in Europe to see if some more general improvements could be 
 made towards European users ?

Maybe you are looking for something like

My understanding for the reason of the current situation is that there 
is nobody fitting all of the following description.

1) can code
2) has time to contribute code
3) business user
4) lives in Europe

I fit 3 and 4.  I currently think that trying to get gnucash into shape 
for business users is unlikely to happen even in the medium term.  I use 
gnucash when it is the right tool and thank Phil for providing us with 
the SQL backend which then allows me to access the accounting data for 
reporting and manipulation from other SQL tools.  AFAICS, it currently 
is the only sane way to handle this.

- Rolf

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Request: Enhancement in Use of Account Codes

2008-12-25 Thread Mike or Penny Novack

My understanding for the reason of the current situation is that there 
is nobody fitting all of the following description.

1) can code
2) has time to contribute code
3) business user
4) lives in Europe

I fit 3 and 4.  I currently think that trying to get gnucash into shape 
for business users is unlikely to happen even in the medium term.  I use 
gnucash when it is the right tool and thank Phil for providing us with 
the SQL backend which then allows me to access the accounting data for 
reporting and manipulation from other SQL tools.  AFAICS, it currently 
is the only sane way to handle this.

IMHO you do not want a person who meets all those criteria. And the 
additional criteria can design (not the same as coding) and can 
test/has time to test. Those criteria define the TEAM you want to 
assemble. Some of the hats can be worn by the same person but it is 
actually a rather bad idea if one person is doing the whole thing.

Unless a program hangs or loops, if what it is SUPPOSED to do has not 
been properly specified, then it must be doing the right thing 
(whatever behavior it exhibits is what it does, there is no outside 
criteria of rightness.

The business USER in conjunction with a BUSINESS ANALYST constructs the 
requirements (definition of what is needed). Alone the USER is 
unlikely to consider all the rare situations since from an end user 
point of view, what a system usually does is what is in their mind.
The SYSTEM ANALYST in conjunction with the BUSINESS ANALYST designs the 
The PROGRAMMER in conjunction with the SYSTEM S ANALYST implements the 
The TESTERS in conjunction with the PROGRAMMER test the system according 
to the test plans devised by the BUSINESS ANALYST and SYSTEMS ANALYST 
and the USER usually is involved too (but in MY work, I would have been 
embarrassed if the user ever got to see something not working correctly; 
that final sign off should be a formality of the other pros have done 
their jobs).

I do not mean to imply it has to be formal titles or different people -- 
but these are hats, many of which I have worn, sometimes several on 
the same project but that's not easy or the safest thing to do. While 
wearing one hat must somehow keep from considering the problem too much 
from the other person's point of view (when designing, should NOT be 
thinking how am I going to code that?). Only to the extent necessary 
(when coding, always thinking what test data/process will be necessary 
to test every bit of logic -- perhaps building the test processes at the 
same time as the main program).

Michael D Novack, FLMI
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Request: Enhancement in Use of Account Codes

2008-12-25 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Mike or Penny Novack wrote:
 IMHO you do not want a person who meets all those criteria.

Mike, thank you for your reply.

While your theoretical description may be correct, I think I have 
accurately summed up why in reality gnucash is not moving forward for 
European business users.  That is, there is no person who can actually 
code with time on their hands, an interest and an understanding of where 
gnucash currently falls short.

A number of bugs were recently closed as wontfix with the idea of 
support for European/German business users is out of scope for 
gnucash.  That is because all people concerned are well aware that it 
won't happen anytime soon inside gnucash and thus it may be better to 
pursue solutions outside of gnucash bolted on to the gnucash data.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Request: Enhancement in Use of Account Codes

2008-12-25 Thread Mike or Penny Novack
Rolf Leggewie wrote:

Mike or Penny Novack wrote:

IMHO you do not want a person who meets all those criteria.

Mike, thank you for your reply.

While your theoretical description may be correct, I think I have 
accurately summed up why in reality gnucash is not moving forward for 
European business users.  That is, there is no person who can actually 
code with time on their hands, an interest and an understanding of where 
gnucash currently falls short.

A number of bugs were recently closed as wontfix with the idea of 
support for European/German business users is out of scope for 
gnucash.  That is because all people concerned are well aware that it 
won't happen anytime soon inside gnucash and thus it may be better to 
pursue solutions outside of gnucash bolted on to the gnucash data.


Well first of all, bolted on MIGHT be the appropriate solution. That 
is precisely the reason for my theoretical description of the 
development process.

A bug is a program not doing what it is SUPPOSED to do (doing 
something wrongly). Failure to do something that was never part of the 
specifications is not a bug, it's a user request for development work. 
But to have jumped ahead from the this is what I need to THIS 
application should be changed to provide that functionality is an 
error. First the end users and the business analysts decide what is 
needed. Then decisions are made how to best fill that need.

I faced this directly as I am both an end user and somebody quite 
capable of designing/coding --- all aspects of a project from inital 
user requirements analysis through final acceptance testing* -- though 
as I have already said, not great if wearing too many of the hats. In my 
case it was getting from the reports produced by GnuCash (income-expense 
statements, balance sheets, etc.) to the final form of the 
organizational financial statements as would be presented to the board 
of directors and filed with governmental agencies. I was advised NOT to 
try to add finished form, that no accountant would want that, that 
they would simply take the reports as generated to be the data they then 
used to fill in a proper GAAP format report. And that they normally do 
this by hand.

BUT -- let's say that I was going to do that. Would it end up as part 
of GnuCash? (part of the same executable). Probably not. It would 
probably be a stand alone application which accepted as input the 
reports as produced by GnuCash plus some fixed test files but functioned 
more or less as and editor allowing the accountant to insert the 
necessary notes and texts. That, by the way, was why I was told don't 
bother. Any accountant already has preferences as to which editor 
application he or she prefers to use and all of them allow the pasting 
in of the GnuCash reports and the fixed descriptive texts as a starting 

Point is, I don't have to live in Europe to design/code what you need. 
You assemble the European end users and agree on a specification of what 
you need done, what your business requirements are. Then we see 
whether what you need is for GnuCash to do this for you, some stand 
alone system that takes feeds from GnuCash (that can still be part of 
the GnuCash PROJECT), or something completely independent. Understand? 
Simply saying GnuCash doesn't do what we need done is not enough to 
get my attention. If I'm helping you with the requirements phase then 
I would probably rule myself out as a resource for later phases because 
wearing too many of those hats clouds judgement -- you need more 
distance from some of the decisions.

The business requirements phase is NOT a trival part of the process.

Michael D. Novack, FLMI

* I'm a retired very senior sort of analyst who used to do this stuff 
for one of the world's largest financials
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Request: Enhancement in Use of Account Codes

2008-12-25 Thread Rolf Leggewie

thank you for your mail.

I am sure you have great experience in developing software, I am not 
questioning that.  I am not sure your experiences, the analytical 
approach, division of labor (hats as you described them) which I would 
consider best practice in any kind of business project can easily be 
transferred to gnucash or any other FOSS project.

I've never seen you around before, but you seem to have valuable 
knowledge.  What is it that you are suggesting and what role do you see 
for yourself in that?  How long have you actually been following what is 
going on with gnucash development?



PS: My experience is that most FOSS projects are much more evolutionary, 
chaotic and nonlinear than what theory may prescribe.  It is not as the 
project manager requires but scratching greatest itch that determines 
what gets done, usually.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Request: Enhancement in Use of Account Codes

2008-12-25 Thread Mike or Penny Novack

  I am not sure your experiences, the analytical approach, division of labor 
 (hats as you described them) which I would consider best practice in any kind 
 of business project can easily be transferred to gnucash or any other FOSS 

  The only real difference is that it's voluntary. Nobody paying the 
bills and so nobody in a position to say do thus and so. I agree with 
you very much that I do not see standard software development process 
being used in FOSS. Could that the the reason for some of the problems?

  User expectations? My sense is that users do not seem to understand 
their role in the process. When I was PAID to do this sort of work, I 
might have had to tolerate a user who wasn't willing at first to do more 
than tell me it's broken, fix it. In other words, my job to help this 
user and so would devote as much time in as many meetings as necessary 
to tease out what the users ACTUALLY need till there was a clear 
understanding of what the darned thing was SUPPOSED to do. I certainly 
wouldn't bother to take a look at the code until that was out of the way.

   Unless there is a clear understanding of what the program is supposed 
to be doing DIFFERENTLY, it ain't broke. It's working perfectly well 
(doing whatever it does) right now. I'm an analyst, not a mind reader, 
can't guess what it is that the users really want/need (often NOT what 
they initially say that they want/need).

I've never seen you around before, but you seem to have valuable 
knowledge.  What is it that you are suggesting and what role do you see 
for yourself in that?  How long have you actually been following what is 
going on with gnucash development?

Almost two years. Had a house fire November 2006 which took out the 
hardware and software on which the organizational books were kept. At 
the same time as reconstructing the books the old fashioned way on 
paper, began a parallel with GnuCash, and recommended adoption of this 
software instead of replacing the commercial package. In terms of 
standard bookkeeping (auto posting ledger) I've never had the slightest 
problem with GnuCash except for the annoyance of not being able to set 
up properly under all legal Windows* user names.

   I've been watching both the user and developer lists since, and 
consider that my professional expertise should be available to the 
project. I've done a few hundred thousand lines of code in my day, all 
in financial applications. Never worked in any of the languages 
GnuCash is in but that's not really relevant (not when you are fluent 
writing in half a dozen and can read most anything -- pretty fast to add 
one more).

   Anyway, I don't see the real bar to getting things done to be lack of 
programmer availability as much as the lack of user commitment to do 
their part of the process. I've seen lots of complaints doesn't do this 
or that but not one presentation of a business spec of what a group 
of users would want differently. Complaints that the the programming 
developers aren't doing their job misunderstands the problem. They 
aren't being given a clearly defined proposal.

   Thus --- asking please have GnuCash create the xyz report such that 
it meets county C's reporting requirements is NOT how you properly 
frame a request to a programmer. It's not the programmer's job to look 
up the regs of country CD and find sample reports meeting these regs, 
etc. That's the user's job, assisted by the business analyst (who 
might not initially know the answers but knows how to tease those out of 
the users). Very important to have all the loose ends defined, because 
in reality, perhaps 80% of the coding of any real life software project 
is dealing with the exceptional conditions the end user doesn't even 
think of as potentially existing (unitl the business analyst begins 
asking questons).

Michael D Novack, FLMI

* That I might be perfectly happy running under a 'nix OS besides the 
point. Only one other board member of one organization and none on the 
boards of any of the others would, so software caapble of running under 
Windows a must. Might not always be treasurer.
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Request: Enhancement in Use of Account Codes

2008-12-25 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Let's agree to disagree on the facts instead of wasting more time on 
trying to win an argument, OK?

You have your perspective, I think it does not apply.  I stated my 
perspective based on my experience over the last two years or so 
actually working on the kind of support that we are now theoretizing 

You did not mention which role you intend to take in this, I guess youI 
don't intend to take on a role.  I see the value in doing, not in 
theoretical arguments how things should be done.

Over and out.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Problems with dbi-connector and mysql

2008-12-25 Thread Phil Longstaff
Hi Oliver,

a few things:
1) Since this question involves software which has not been released yet, it 
should really be on gnucash-devel, not gnucash-user.
2) What are you running on?  Linux?  Windows?  What distribution?
3) Assuming you are on Linux, do you have a file /usr/lib/dbd/ 
(maybe /lib/dbd/


On December 25, 2008 03:11:59 pm Oliver Brandt wrote:

 thank you very much for gnucash. I've been using it for quite some time
 to do my personal finances and it works great. Now I'm trying to help a
 friend of mine, who needs to do accounting where multiple people can
 work on the same data. So I thought of a combination of gnucash and
 mysql. After researching for quite a while, I found out that the dbi
 connector seems to be the way to do it. I spent about 4 hours to get
 gnucash to build properly with the dbi-connector. But now I'm stuck
 getting it to connect to the mysql database. I've installed a clean
 version of mysql and executed the following mysql-command to have full
 access to the database:

 GRANT ALL ON *.* TO oli...@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'x' WITH GRANT

 Now I've tryed both the save and the load button in the database
 connection outions. I staid wit the default options:

 server: localhost
 database: gnucash
 user: oliver
 password: xxx

 I always get the message the following url could not be processed:
 mysql://localhost:gnucash:oliver:eis3Shia original german message: Die
 folgende URL konnte nicht verarbeitet werden.

 Same situation after I have created the database gnucash with CREATE
 DATABASE gnucash.

 I'm really stuck and I could not find any more information neither
 through google nore by reading the archives. I would really appreciate
 it if you could point me into the right direction or towards some howto
 or something similar.

 Thank you very much!

 Merry Christmas!


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