Geert Janssens wrote:
> Maybe it would be good to get an overview of typical accounting 
> issues/agreements in Europe to see if some more general improvements could be 
> made towards European users ?

Maybe you are looking for something like

My understanding for the reason of the current situation is that there 
is nobody fitting all of the following description.

1) can code
2) has time to contribute code
3) business user
4) lives in Europe

I fit 3 and 4.  I currently think that trying to get gnucash into shape 
for business users is unlikely to happen even in the medium term.  I use 
gnucash when it is the right tool and thank Phil for providing us with 
the SQL backend which then allows me to access the accounting data for 
reporting and manipulation from other SQL tools.  AFAICS, it currently 
is the only sane way to handle this.

- Rolf

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