Re: [IMail Forum] [Fwd: IPSWITCH Email Client] (Out of OfficeReply)

2006-01-12 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] **FIXED WITH WORKAROUND ON CLIENT** Eudora6.x and 7.x on Imail 2006.01 vs 8.22 - (Out of Office Reply)

2006-01-10 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] List Server rebuilt (Out of Office Reply)

2005-12-28 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: Re[2]: [IMail Forum] An update on SPF (Out of OfficeReply)

2005-12-21 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] forwarding problem (Out of Office Reply)

2005-12-14 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] wheres the calendar link ? (Out of OfficeReply)

2005-12-12 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] WAY OT - Urchin 3 License/Install Wanted(Out of Office Reply)

2005-11-28 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Declude phrase format (Out of Office Reply)

2005-11-07 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] 8.21 / maximum recipients (Out of Office Reply)

2005-09-16 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Block Nigerian IP addresess from accessing ImaiL ? (Out of Office Reply)

2005-08-30 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] IMail ignores EHLO message size limits??? Bad... (Out of Office Reply)

2005-08-11 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] 8.21 (Out of Office Reply)

2005-07-28 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Ports Used by ICS (Out of Office Reply)

2005-07-16 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] (Out of Office Reply)

2005-06-22 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Blackberry (Out of Office Reply)

2005-06-13 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Unknown file types in spool folder (Out ofOffice Reply)

2005-06-08 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] What the future holds for some of us (Out ofOffice Reply)

2005-05-25 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] exchange2aliases (Out of Office Reply)

2005-04-29 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] Account Harvesting (Out of Office Reply)

2005-04-07 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Ipswitch Collaboration Suite IMAP EXAMINEBuffer Overflow Vulnerability (Out of Office Reply)

2005-03-10 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Forcing the period and comma on forwardingfields (Out of Office Reply)

2005-03-02 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] Delete messages by date automatically? (Outof Office Reply)

2005-02-24 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] OT: How to specify outgoing IP in MS SMTP(Out of Office Reply)

2005-01-07 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] PTR record for web servers (Out of OfficeReply)

2004-12-16 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: Re[2]: [IMail Forum] plain text only? (Out of OfficeReply)

2004-12-16 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Migration path. (Out of Office Reply)

2004-11-18 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] Blacklisted by SBL (Out of Office Reply)

2004-09-01 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Problems with delivery mail to hotmail (Outof Office Reply)

2004-05-25 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] Service Agreement Discount (Out of OfficeReply)

2004-04-07 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] dropping virus report e-mails (Out of OfficeReply)

2004-03-26 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] kiwi syslogd + imail [newbie] (Out of OfficeReply)

2004-03-22 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] kiwi syslogd + imail [newbie] (Out ofOfficeReply) (Out of Office Reply)

2004-03-22 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] Relay Options (Out of Office Reply)

2003-11-25 Thread Chris Bone
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RE: [IMail Forum] Vitual Domains (Out of Office Reply)

2003-11-07 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Reseller needed (Out of Office Reply)

2003-10-21 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Imail issues information gathering (Out of Office Reply)

2003-10-03 Thread Chris Bone
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[IMail Forum] Q: How do I delete 6000 email accounts

2003-09-29 Thread Chris Bone

We are discontinuing our free webmail service

There are about 6000 users

We use SQL server for holding the account information

Can I just delete the rows from SQL server, and then have the IMail
adminitrator program look for orphans?

Would 6000 orphans be too many to handle?

thanks in advance


Christopher Bone
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Chartway Federal Credit Union
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[IMail Forum] How do I discontinue my webmail service?

2003-09-11 Thread Chris Bone

I am looking for any issues that I may come across 

We currently have a web-based email product that we offer to our

Members access it solely via

ie No SMTP/POP access for them (published)

We are going to discontinue this web service

I need however to maintain my IMail server for doing other processing
tasks via POP/SMTP etc.

Is it as simple as stopping the IMail Web Service?

How can I quickly/easily delete 8000 user accounts, but not others?

thanks for any advice / guidance you can provide, thanks

Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
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Re: [IMail Forum] Undeliverable Email (Out of Office Reply)

2003-08-27 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Licensing - And Mirroring (Out of OfficeReply)

2003-03-24 Thread Chris Bone
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Re: [IMail Forum] Licensing - And Mirroring (Out of OfficeReply)

2003-03-24 Thread Chris Bone
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[IMail Forum] Disable Attach feature for some machines - Possible???

2003-01-10 Thread Chris Bone

I am running the latest version of IMail together with the Killer

The templates allow users to attach files (usual behavior for email

Is it possible to disable the feature/capability for ONLY certain

I am asking because we are planning to rollout a browser based kiosk

The kiosk (PC) will enable access to webmail

The user could currently Attach and be presented with a dialog
showing the filesystem

A malicious user could delete files from this dialog

The PC itself will be locked down

Does anyone have any ideas on how to lock this down?  

thanks, regards

Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
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[IMail Forum] Can IMail / Declude scan my mail and pass it on?

2002-12-12 Thread Chris Bone

We are looking into scanning our corporate email for SPAM

We have the following: (IMail/Declude) for free email for our customers (GroupWise) corporate email for employees

The Imail setup has Declude and is working very nicely at SPAM/virus

My question is this:

Can we have the IMail/Declude box scan our email and pass
it on to GroupWise for processing?

That would allow us not to buy a separate product for GroupWise to
accomplish this

thanks in advance


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[IMail Forum] Issue: Maintenance for Humankind products under Ipswitch

2002-10-07 Thread Chris Bone

I am preparing my budget for 2003

I understand that I now get maintenance TECH SUPPORT from Ipswitch for
my Humankind products

I was just told by Ipswitch customer service that UPGRADES to Killer
templates and EZSignup are NOT included with my Ipswitch support

Ipswitch, can you come out with a maintenance for the add-on products
so I can purchase that and be covered for all upgrades to Killer
templates and EZSignup?


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[IMail Forum] Problem with Outlook Express

2002-09-25 Thread Chris Bone

I have a user who is experiencing the following error in Outlook Express 
when receiving an attachment:

OE Version 6.00.2800.1106

OE removed access to the following unsafe attachments in your mail: 

I am using IMail 7.13 and all the Declude products

Can anyone advise me on what the problem may be with OE?

The attachment is FINE when using web messaging into IMail

many thanks

RE: [IMail Forum] Problem with Outlook Express

2002-09-25 Thread Chris Bone

thanks to all who responded

this fixed the problem

many regards

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/25/02 12:02PM 
Take a look at this: 
Outlook and Outlook Express do not allow .exe extensions.  As a matter
of fact with Declude we block all .exe's from even being received.
We suggest to our users that they should Zip it and then send Zip files
if they really have to send an executable.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 11:54 AM
Subject: RE: [IMail Forum] Problem with Outlook Express

I believe that is an OE security feature.


Search MS KB.


John Tolmachoff

IT Manager, Network Engineer

RelianceSoft, Inc.

Fullerton, CA  92835 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Chris Bone
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 8:42 AM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Problem with Outlook Express




I have a user who is experiencing the following error in Outlook Express
when receiving an attachment:


OE Version 6.00.2800.1106


OE removed access to the following unsafe attachments in your mail:



I am using IMail 7.13 and all the Declude products




Can anyone advise me on what the problem may be with OE?


The attachment is FINE when using web messaging into IMail





many thanks




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RE: [IMail Forum] WEbMail Maxes CPU

2002-09-23 Thread Chris Bone

I once had this problem

Turned out to be the Windows Index Service being switched on

It was trying to index every file written to disk

That killed the performance

The other thing that I know can be the problem is an On-Access virus scanner (every 

... rather than one called from say Declude as needed

hope this helps!


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/23/02 01:01PM 
Just a thought.. you might try setting the w2k performance options to
background.  Also check to make sure you have enough paging file size.  You
could try an initial size of 1536 min and 4092 max.. but it might also help
just to set both min/max to same size.  The background services, I believe,
will let all the treads/process share an equal amount of the cpu.  I haven't
had any issues/problems by setting/adjusting these mentioned items.. but of
course the standard disclosure is Do so at your own risk.

Good Luck,


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Edgar
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 11:28 AM - MGMT
Subject: [IMail Forum] WEbMail Maxes CPU

We upgraded from Imail 6 to 7.07, running dual PII 550s, with 512 MB RAM. OS
is Win 2000 Server. The webmail (iweb.exe) very quickly maxes out the cpus,
doing so consistently. Since about 15% of our customers use the web mail
exclusively, we're in a rough way. So far we've done everything in the
knowledge base, and made sure we didn't have the NIC card that Imail has a
problem with, but to no avail.

Virus Scanned and Filtered by E-Mail System.

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RE: [IMail Forum] SQL SVR licensing with IMail

2002-06-24 Thread Chris Bone

Thanks to all who replied

Looks like I need to purchase processor licenses for my two SQL servers

I am currently CALed

Does this mean I can have unlimited Enterprise Manager users with a processor license?

OK, who had some advice for me on which way to go?

Anyone found a great price on SQL server processor licenses?

Is Windows 2000 server licensing now the same way? Processor license?

thanks again


Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/22/02 03:00PM 
The SQL Processor licensing is part of Microsoft's new transition to a new
licensing program.  The cost per license is approximately $3,500.00 per

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[IMail Forum] SQL SVR licencing with IMail

2002-06-21 Thread Chris Bone

Our Microsoft rep just told us that we have to have the per processor license for 
SQL server to run it for IMail

Is this correct?

We currently have the $1000 SQL server 2000 version, bought with 10 CALs

I was under the impression that the IUSR user would be one of the CALs, and I could 
run any number of web mail clients

They say I have to have the processor license for SQL server 2000 to do this

Are they right?  If so, then I am looking a around $14,000 of cost !

thanks in advance

Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
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Re: [IMail Forum] Web Messaging Hangs every 10 or more times aday.

2002-06-14 Thread Chris Bone

We had this a while ago, but it cleared up with the latest version of Imail

Have you upgraded?

We also have all the latest Windows 2000 Server hotfixes if that makes any difference

hope this helps!


Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/14/02 10:43AM 
Running imail on Dell PowerEdge 2550 with dual intel nics.

The web messaging component will stop responding with no load on the system. Also have 
noticed that now and again there is no ping response from the server for about 1 
minute. We have other servers on the network with significantly more traffic on them 
with no problem (not running imail however.)

Has anyone any ideas or even experienced a similar problem ? 



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Re: [IMail Forum] Web Messaging Hangs every 10 or more timesaday.

2002-06-14 Thread Chris Bone

We were fine with the HF2 version of 7.07 and now with 7.10

running rock solid

before that we were crashing as you describe

Another thing we found was that our Windows 2000 server has the Indexing service 

Guess it was default within the OS install

Basically it was trying to index everything written to disk - not needed for this (and 
NOT wanted)

Every time an email would come in we could see the indexing service get elevated up in 
the task manager

We removed this service (set it to Manual start) and that helped too 

That took away some of the server load

hope this helps

Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/14/02 12:28PM 

We are using version 7.07 and also have 2000 fully patched since it is a new 

When you say the latest version of imail do you mean ver 7.10 ?



-- Original Message --
From: Chris Bone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  Fri, 14 Jun 2002 11:08:59 -0400

We had this a while ago, but it cleared up with the latest version of Imail

Have you upgraded?

We also have all the latest Windows 2000 Server hotfixes if that makes any difference

hope this helps!


Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/14/02 10:43AM 
Running imail on Dell PowerEdge 2550 with dual intel nics.

The web messaging component will stop responding with no load on the system. Also 
have noticed that now and again there is no ping response from the server for about 1 
minute. We have other servers on the network with significantly more traffic on them 
with no problem (not running imail however.)

Has anyone any ideas or even experienced a similar problem ? 



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Re: [IMail Forum] Klez worm

2002-05-17 Thread Chris Bone

I catch about 100 Klez every day with Declude

Some of the notification messages Declude sends out bounce back, but I just delete 


Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/17/02 10:21AM 
How has everyone been doing with Klez lately?  We got hit hard a couple
weeks ago, but I put in rules based on the subject lines that Klez uses
to kill the infected messages.  We've got a resurgence of Klez now, and
I'm wondering what the best way to stop it is (Imail 7.07).  Does
Declude stop it, and if so w/ what AV scanner?  Any suggestions would be
Thanks a lot,

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Re: [IMail Forum] Klez worm

2002-05-17 Thread Chris Bone

Could you post a how-to on getting a KLEZ virus notification not to go to the forged 

thanks so much

Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/17/02 10:51AM 

Does Declude stop it, and if so w/ what AV scanner?  Any suggestions would 
be appreciated.

Yes, Declude Virus stops Klez (you can use just about any virus scanner 
with Declude, except for Norton that doesn't allow you to).  Most of our 
customers are using F-Prot or McAfee with Declude.

Note that the latest release of Declude Virus lets you to skip the 
notification to the senders of the Klez virus (while still alerting the 
senders of other viruses).  This is a useful feature, since the Klez virus 
uses forged return addresses (most/all other AV programs will send a You 
have a virus message to someone who doesn't have a virus).

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RE: [IMail Forum] Problem with webmail and forwarding msgs

2002-05-14 Thread Chris Bone

I am on v7.1 of IMail

KWM was on 2.0.8 which I upgrded to 2.0.9 today

I will test again


Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
Fax: (757) 493-8909
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/14/02 10:52AM 
 If a user on web messaging forwards an email, the recipient
 seems to get a
 random mail from the inbox, instead of the mail that was forwarded.

That's an old problem from early v7 days. What version of IMail are you
running, and are you using the latest web templates? It was supposedly
fixed a few months ago, just just make sure you're current.

Ron Hornbaker

 Humankind Systems, Inc. - Ipswitch Premier Partner
 - - 2,964 customers
 - - eCRM email tracking  routing
 - - the name says it all
 - 1-888-952-4888 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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[IMail Forum] Forwarding attachments

2002-05-14 Thread Chris Bone

I am still having a problem with forwarding emails with attachments

I am on KWM 2.0.9 and IMail 7.1

In web messaging I can forward an email with an attachment 

It appears to go normally

but the recipient does not get the attachment

I do have the option set in Preferences to forward attachments

anyone else seeing this?

thanks in advance

I can provide a test account if any one would like to try

Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
Fax: (757) 493-8909
Visit us at

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Re: [IMail Forum] Problems forwarding attachments in v7.1 withKWM

2002-05-13 Thread Chris Bone

This happens using KWM web messaging, have not tried the stock templates

Any attachment will fail to be sent when forwarding

I have the forward attachments set as well in the options


Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
Fax: (757) 493-8909
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/10/02 04:59PM 
What file type are the files, what are you using for a mail client, Web Msg?

- Original Message -
From: Chris Bone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 3:19 PM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Problems forwarding attachments in v7.1 with KWM

We have upgraded to v7.1 and are now having users report problems forwarding

I have confirmed this to be a problem

The attachment is either garbled, or does not go through

Has anyone else experienced this?


Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
Fax: (757) 493-8909
Visit us at 

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[IMail Forum] Problems forwarding attachments in v7.1 with KWM

2002-05-10 Thread Chris Bone

We have upgraded to v7.1 and are now having users report problems forwarding 

I have confirmed this to be a problem

The attachment is either garbled, or does not go through

Has anyone else experienced this?


Christopher Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union
Phone: (757) 552-1000 Extension 3902
Fax: (757) 493-8909
Visit us at

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[IMail Forum] 7.07 Success

2002-04-16 Thread Chris Bone

Just installed 7.07 without issue

It did a full install and changed LOADS of files instead of just a few

It wanted to update the templates, but I kept my KWM templates

No problems here ;)


Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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Re: [IMail Forum] Bounce mails

2002-04-10 Thread Chris Bone

I am having similar issues

My IMail is set so that the check mark is NOT there on Refuse NULL  Senders

I send an email to:


and I DON'T get a bounce back

Could it be that Hotmail does not send bounces???


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/10/02 10:59AM 

We have built a webmail application, built on Ipswitch Imail server and
EasyMail mail components, the problem is that whenever a user sends a
mail to a mail address that doesn not exist, he/she doesnt get a
bounce-mail back saying xxx was undeliverable

anyone know how you set it up?

You don't have to set it up; IMail automatically will send and receive 
bounce messages.

I'm guessing that you checked the Refuse NULL  Senders option (in the 
SMTP Security settings), which Ipswitch still has set up so that you don't 
realize you are breaking your mail server.  Checking that box will prevent 
bounce messages from being received from other servers.

If you are talking about bounce messages not being generated for incoming 
E-mail (IE someone on the Internet sends an E-mail to a nonexistent user on 
your domain), then you probably have a nobody alias set up to receive all 
misaddressed mail.

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Re: [IMail Forum] Bounce mails

2002-04-10 Thread Chris Bone

Hotmail gives me a 250

No bounce comes back

I guess there is no way round this

So they have the equivalent of a nobody user set up?


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/10/02 11:54AM 

I send an email to:


and I DON'T get a bounce back

Could it be that Hotmail does not send bounces???

Normally, IMail should generate the bounce message.  If you check your 
logs, you should see a RCPT TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED] line, and 
then a 550 No such user or similar message on the next line.  If you see 
the 550, then IMail should generate the bounce message.  If you see an 
250 OK or similar message, then Hotmail accepted the E-mail (and is 
responsible for generating a bounce, if necessary).

Note that there is a good chance that even [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
does exist.  There are some people out there that come up with weird 
account names, or just want stray mail.

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RE: [IMail Forum] Problem since I set No Relay option

2002-04-02 Thread Chris Bone

Unfortunately MailWasher will not do SMTP AUTH

If I set my Imail to Relay for Addresses will that help?

Does anyone know of another bounce utility that I can offer up to my users?

It is VERY nice to be able to bounce email ;)

thanks in advance


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/01/02 12:16PM 
Mailwasher is acting as a mail client and must either do SMTP AUTH or be a
whitelisted address.  Since you have set no relay (which is good), you
must require that all client connections do SMTP AUTH, including mailwasher.

Contact them and ask if they can do SMTP AUTH.  Because they are acting as a
mail client on a client machine, they need to authenticate as a client.
They should not be incredibly surprised at this requirement.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris Bone
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 11:09 AM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Problem since I set No Relay option

Since I set the No Relay option a few days ago in IMail a few users are
reporting some problems with authentication

They are using a SPAM bounce program called MailWasher 

It had been working fine with the option set to Relay for Local Addresses

Now it throws an error when it tries to bounce a message saying that

Could not send - the SMTP server replied: not local host, not a gateway
(SMTP server error 550)

Any ideas on how I could resolve this and allow my users to bounce messages?


Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union 

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[IMail Forum] Problem since I set No Relay option

2002-04-01 Thread Chris Bone

Since I set the No Relay option a few days ago in IMail a few users are reporting 
some problems with authentication

They are using a SPAM bounce program called MailWasher 

It had been working fine with the option set to Relay for Local Addresses

Now it throws an error when it tries to bounce a message saying that 

Could not send - the SMTP server replied: not local host, not a gateway (SMTP server 
error 550)

Any ideas on how I could resolve this and allow my users to bounce messages?


Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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[IMail Forum] HOWTO: Dynamically create a mail list ?

2002-03-29 Thread Chris Bone

I appreciate any help I can get here

I have a need to send an email to certain members (credit union) every month

I can generate an SQL Server query to pull email addresses etc

My question is this

How can I get my SQL server email addresses into a format that I can use as a mailing 

This list will need to be regenerated before every mailing, as my members will be 
modifying their preferences through web screens into the SQL server

Say I get 20,000 signed up I assume that IMail can handle that?

thanks in advance for any pointers


Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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Re: [IMail Forum] HOWTO: Dynamically create a mail list ?

2002-03-29 Thread Chris Bone

thanks for answering

Where can I get the list kicker tool

I had a look on but didn't see it



Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/29/02 08:20AM 

How can I get my SQL server email addresses into a format that I can use 
as a mailing list?

the mailing format is dead simple and plain text

Can't DTS or export query results to a file?

If the export isn't exactly in the format you want, then you could use a 
scriptable editor or the Unix text processing tools for Win32 to reformat the SQL output into the 
correct  format.  sed, awk, tr, etc.

This list will need to be regenerated before every mailing, as my members 
will be modifying their preferences through web screens into the SQL server

Say I get 20,000 signed up I assume that IMail can handle that?

sometimes it will, sometimes it won't. I would suggest a real list server, 
or at least Scott's queue kicker tool to keep the messages moving.

20K isn't very many, it should take 30 or 40 minutes or so to send.

Len : ISC BIND for NT4  W2K  : Build free, hi-perf, anti-abuse mail gateways

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Re: [IMail Forum] HOWTO: Dynamically create a mail list ?

2002-03-29 Thread Chris Bone


An added benefit of my Declude investment

Thanks Scott

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/29/02 10:42AM 

Where can I get the list kicker tool

I had a look on but didn't see it

That's Declude Queue, which is built into all of the Declude products.  If 
you are already running Declude (1.36 or higher), Declude Queue will 
automatically be running.

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[IMail Forum] How come listserv emails from IMail go to Hotmail JunkMail ?

2002-03-29 Thread Chris Bone

I have an IMail list set up

users that have a Hotmail address get the email into their JunkMail folder!

Is there any way I can prevent this?

thanks in advance

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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Re: [IMail Forum] Declude please

2002-03-18 Thread Chris Bone

I get this:

You appear to be located in UNITED STATES , am I right

This is correct ;)

We are in Virginia Beach, VA using 2 T1s from COX


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/17/02 09:41AM 

Please consider including a filter for foreign mail.. especially from
Asia.. I'm getting swamped with spam from there.. need something asap

Interesting you should mention that -- we're working on something right 
now.  It's designed primarily to be used with weighting (so that you 
wouldn't reject all mail from specific countries outright), but could also 
be used to reject all mail from certain countries if necessary.

FYI, we have the initial IP-Country code in place, and if it works, we 
should be able to add it to Declude.

Hopefully, we can get a few people to go to and 
check the bottom of the page (You appear to be located in...) and let us 
know if the country detection isn't accurate.

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[IMail Forum] 7.06 install flawless

2002-03-01 Thread Chris Bone

I just installed 706 on my server

No reboot required for me

WOW - web messaging is QUICK!!!

Ipswitch,THANK YOU

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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Re: [IMail Forum] Accessing Mail from simple form

2002-02-27 Thread Chris Bone

You might have a better response rate if you were nicer in your postings

Just a suggestion


Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/26/02 06:46PM 
Is there a way that i can insert 2 fields (e-mail address  password) on my home page 
(kinda like hotmail or something) instead of having to go through the login page?  If 
so what are the fields required etc.. i noticed the login page was javascript... i 
just want them to be able to log in.. none of that remember me crap.. even though that 
would be nice too...

and no, i do NOT WANT TO LINK TO LOGIN page.  and NO i don't want to edit template.  
i'm pretty sure this has been done before!!
Thanks in advanced!!

Sebastian Nievas

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[IMail Forum] How can I get list subscription info into .asp pages?

2002-02-27 Thread Chris Bone

Picture it

I have several email lists including on for Interest Rate Change Notifications

Our members are able to sign up for this list in the normal way and everything is fine

I would like to do the following:

On my web pages I would like to lookup if an email address is subscribed to a list
then prompt them... You are currently subscribed or You are not yet subscribed

Can I access the list subscriptions through .asp ?

thanks in advance

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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RE: [IMail Forum] How can I get list subscription info into.asp pages?

2002-02-27 Thread Chris Bone

thank you loads!


Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/27/02 01:57PM 

Try this. I extracted the code from some routines I wrote to add and remove
email addresses from a list.

Function IsListMember( cListPath, cEmailAddress )
'Author: Gary Jorgenson, RN | Robin Technologies
'cListPath: Physical Path to users.lst
'cEmailAddrress: Users email address to search for

Dim objFSO, Item
Dim objTextStream
Dim lFound

Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(cListPath  users.lst, 1)
lFound = False
Do While objTextStream.AtEndOfStream = False
  Item = objTextStream.ReadLine
  If LCase(Item) = LCase(cEmailAddress) Then
lFound = True
Exit Do
  End If
Set objTextStream = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing

IsListMember = lFound
End Function

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris Bone
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:26 AM
Subject: [IMail Forum] How can I get list subscription info into .asp

Picture it

I have several email lists including on for Interest Rate Change

Our members are able to sign up for this list in the normal way and
everything is fine

I would like to do the following:

On my web pages I would like to lookup if an email address is subscribed
to a list
then prompt them... You are currently subscribed or You are not yet

Can I access the list subscriptions through .asp ?

thanks in advance

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union 

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Re: [IMail Forum] List Owners

2002-02-21 Thread Chris Bone

Can I remotely administer without an additional IMail 


Chris BoneWeb EngineerChartway Federal Credit Union 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/21/02 12:35PM Or, if you are 
running v 7.x you can connect remotely to the IMailadministrator from your 
local machine. To do this you need IAdmin.exe,imailsec.dll,and mailbox.dll 
on the machine you want to control the serverfrom.Eric S- 
Original Message -From: "T. Bradley Dean" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 6:10 
PMSubject: RE: [IMail Forum] List Owners Just tried it. 
Using the web site it gives an error, using the iMail appon the 
server it works fine. If you don't have physical access to the 
server you could also set up an account ("listowner") and forward all 
emails it gets to your real account 
("real.emailaddress"). ~Brad -Original 
Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On 
Behalf Of Ted Sorrells Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 2:49 
PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [IMail Forum] List 
Owners OK, I guess I've made a boo-boo already. 
All of our existing accounts use a format of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... and it looks like the list 
administrator field doesn't like usernames with a "." Any suggestions 
or workarounds? Ted Sorrells Richland Hills 
Church of Christ 6300 NE Loop 820 Ft. Worth, TX 76180 
(817) 281-0773 Please visit 
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Re: [IMail Forum] List Owners

2002-02-21 Thread Chris Bone

Thanks - I eagerly await your reply

I wanted to set this up but from what I read I thought I 
needed another IMail license


Chris BoneWeb EngineerChartway Federal Credit Union 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/21/02 01:30PM 
I think it wouldn't be an issue as you aren't 
installing another copy of the server. I would need to check with sales to be 
sure though.

Eric S

  - Original Message - 
  Chris Bone 
  Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 1:00 
  Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] List 
  Can I remotely administer without an additional IMail 
  Chris BoneWeb EngineerChartway Federal Credit Union 
  02/21/02 12:35PM Or, if you are running v 7.x you can connect 
  remotely to the IMailadministrator from your local machine. To do this you 
  need IAdmin.exe,imailsec.dll,and mailbox.dll on the machine you want to 
  control the serverfrom.Eric S- Original Message 
  -From: "T. Bradley Dean" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 
  6:10 PMSubject: RE: [IMail Forum] List Owners Just tried 
  it. Using the web site it gives an error, using the iMail appon 
  the server it works fine. If you don't have physical access to 
  the server you could also set up an account ("listowner") and forward 
  all emails it gets to your real account 
  ("real.emailaddress"). ~Brad -Original 
  Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On 
  Behalf Of Ted Sorrells Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 2:49 
  PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [IMail Forum] 
  List Owners OK, I guess I've made a boo-boo 
  already. All of our existing accounts use a format of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... and it looks like the list 
  administrator field doesn't like usernames with a "." Any suggestions 
  or workarounds? Ted Sorrells Richland Hills 
  Church of Christ 6300 NE Loop 820 Ft. Worth, TX 76180 
  (817) 281-0773 Please visit 
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Re: [IMail Forum] Confirmation of subscribe?

2002-02-19 Thread Chris Bone

Check out Declude Confirm

a free product from their site 

under Free Web Tools


Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/19/02 04:00PM 
Hi there,

I have just setup a Imail List Server 7.0 and everything is working perfectly, but 
currently if somebody subscribes via email there is NO msg saying To confirm this is 
you, please reply to this message like the IPswitch Imail Discussion..

Can Imail Listserver do this, if so how??

I didn't want somebody subscribing bogus email addresses, I wanted this function as a 
kind of security measure so that the subscriber has to confirm his subscription via 

Any ideas?'



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Re: [IMail Forum] 100% CPU usage problem

2002-02-06 Thread Chris Bone

My problem cleared by running the standard templates

I think that my server was overloaded and the KWM tipped it over the edge


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/06/02 11:22AM 
Are people still seeing this problem? I have a few servers running 7.05
HF2 and only one has the problem of 100% CPU usage caused by web
messaging. It dies 4-5 times a day. All previous posts about this were
related to redirection causing the problem.

Calling IPSwitch now, hopefully they will have an answer.


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Re: [IMail Forum] Imail is down more than it is up!

2002-02-05 Thread Chris Bone

I had exactly the same thing - server resources

I removed my Killer Templates and now the server is rock solid

I am looking into purchasing another server to run my SQL Server on - to remove the 
load from the IMail machine

Then I can have my KWM templates back ;)

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/04/02 09:33PM 

We are having major problems with our Imail server. Our web messaging is 
down all the time. It seems to happen 20 to 30 times/day and it also 
reboots our server sometimes. This is ruining our business! We have over 
200, 000 email accounts. Could it be because we have too many?

I know one other Imail system (Jeff Madison [EMAIL PROTECTED]) with 180K 
users on a quad xeon / 2 gb RAM.  His machine is eaten up with iwebmsg and 
pop3d.  But he didn't say he had stopping problems.

  Are others experiencing this problem with just a few users?

yep, but I suspect that iwebmsg and SMTP AUTH are unstable under heavy 
load, from scattered reports here.

Is there a maximum number of mailboxes that imail can support?

I haven't heard of a limit.

  We are getting very impatient because we have been having this problem 
 for a long time and it has been getting worse with each neew version or 
 hot fix that we have been installing. Imail says that the problem is 
 fixed but it never is!

All I can suggest is to lighten the load on the Imail machine by adding 
IMGate out front

fewer SMTP and SMTPD processes,

existing in memory for shorter times,

absence of DNS lookups,

reduction abuse and spam (maybe 20 to 40% messages rejected before they 
arrive at IMail)

moving all outgoing queuing from Imail

protection from DoS attacks such as harvesting and mail bombs


This would leave a less busy machine, more available for iwebmsg.  But I 
cannot guarantee it would fix the problem, but it would certainly move you 
in the right direction of reducing the load on the Imail machine.

I guess you have all the latest MS service packs??


At this point we will be looking for a new mail solution if Imail does not 
fix these problems. Does anybody in here know of any other mail solutions 
that offer webmail that are more stable. We can't afford to run Imail any 


We talked to text support today and will be moving our external database 
to another machine to see if this will help. It doesn't make much sense to me



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RE: [IMail Forum] Imail is down more than it is up!

2002-02-05 Thread Chris Bone

Ron, thanks for the great follow up and perseverence!

1. I was running the monitor service. Ipswitch had me stop it to see if it made any 
difference. It didn't - same frequency of crashes

2. Keep Alives are off

3. Thread pooling - I tried it on and off - no effect on server hang frequency

I went through hell trying to diagnose it!  Try new setting, reboot, try for a few 
days, set back, reboot etc, try something else

My server is at

Ugly I know - but I am sleeping better now it doesn't crash every hour! ;)

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/05/02 10:39AM 

A few follow-up questions:

1. Were you running the Imail Monitor service? I remember Back in The Day
with IMail 6, that the Monitor service used to be the cause of some
iwebmsg crashes.

2. Did you have Keep-Alives enabled in web messaging settings? That
increases the load.

3. Did you have Thread Pooling enabled? That likewise is probably not a
good thing for iwebmsg stability on a heavily-loaded server.

Ron Hornbaker
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  w e  c o d e.  w e  c a r e.

  . - eCRM email tracking solution
  . - the name says it all
  . - EZSignUp, You'veGotIMail!, etc...
  . - 2,346 admins can't be wrong

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris Bone
 Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 7:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Imail is down more than it is up!

 I had exactly the same thing - server resources

 I removed my Killer Templates and now the server is rock solid

 I am looking into purchasing another server to run my SQL
 Server on - to remove the load from the IMail machine

 Then I can have my KWM templates back ;)

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Re: [IMail Forum] [imail] IWEBMSG HANGS

2002-02-05 Thread Chris Bone

I was working with Ron/Humankind on this - he was VERY helpful

We determined that the server was just overloaded and the extra overhead of the Killer 
Templates was pushing it over the edge

The templates use DHTML and lots of graphics. 

Ron suggested moving all the services OFF the IMail machine - such as serving all the 
KWM graphics from a different server

I did not have the resources to do this

My system has been rock solid for days and days when I used to get hourly crashes

My users hate the stock templates though!!!

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/05/02 11:18AM 
I was reading the Imail forum and a couple of postings claim that Imail is
not the problem with the IWEBMSG service hanging but that the KillerWebMail
templates are causing the problem.  When they removed the templates the
service runs rock solid.

Does anyone know if HumanKind has done any looking into this?  If it's their
templates that cause the problem, I think they certainly should be looking
into the problem.  There are a lot of organizations having this same problem
and everyone seems to be blaming IPswitch.  My 2 cents on the subject.

I have the same problem, but recently setup Enterprise Monitor which
monitors the service and restart it when it hangs.  It's better than
recycling the service 4 times a day.



Scott D Wilson EOC (Ret) 
NCF Enterprise Webmaster 
Mobile: 805.312.1864 
Fax: 805.982.2659 
DSN: 551 

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Re: [IMail Forum] interesting line in syslog file...

2002-02-01 Thread Chris Bone

I get the same thing

Cool :)

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/01/02 11:17AM 
I am getting a bunch of the following... any idea what they are?

12:30 21:00 ODBC(210013364) (Table: MailTVT) GetUser SQLExecDirect : (Error:
# HY000 : [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Connection is busy with results
for another hstmt)



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[IMail Forum] Removing KWM fixed my constant lockups in iwebmsg

2002-02-01 Thread Chris Bone

I don't know why, but removing KWM has fixed my constant server locks in iwebmsg 

I am now back on the ugly Ipswitch templates

I MUCH PREFER the Killer Templates, but I can't support my server freezing every hour

Has anyone else had this experience?

The server is a COMPAQ Proliant 1GHZ, Windows 2000, SQL Server 2000, 1GB RAM

Roughly IMail 5000 users

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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RE: [IMail Forum] 100% CPU Web Messaging (Still) HF2 1005310054

2002-01-31 Thread Chris Bone

I did an examination of my logs and found the following:

20020130 161025 Socket Error - Error while writing sockect due to error 
10053 or malicious connection type.
20020130 161025 Request processed with no referer and user agent
20020130 161026 Info - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) GET 
/print.25232.cgi?uid=IMANGELROSEauto=yes HTTP/1.0.
20020130 161027 Socket Error - Error while writing sockect due to error 
10053 or malicious connection type.
20020130 161027 Socket Error - Error while writing sockect due to error 
10054 or malicious connection type.
20020130 161033 Socket Error - Error while writing sockect due to error 
10054 or malicious connection type.
20020130 161038 Info - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) 

This happened at the exact moment my server froze

The Ipswitch Knowledge base is not much help

Can anyone offer any help / suggestions

This occurs roughly once every 2 hours and brings my server down. Restarting web 
messaging fixes the problem



 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/30/02 04:18PM 
 I am still getting web messaging problems with the new HF2
 Ipswitch put out yesterday
 My server web messaging has stopped twice today already!

 Could this have anything to do with it:

 I have a default.asp page set up at 

 that does a Response.Redirect over to 

 Could this be causing the issue with my Imail web messaging problem?
 I'm clutching at straws right now!
 I was so stable before the hotfixes

The IIS redirect shouldn't have anything to do with it, unless of course
you've got the nimda virus still hitting it on port 80 (check your IIS
logs). You should know, however, that it's more efficient to do the
redirect with IIS configuration, rather than with a default.asp page.

A close examination of your logs, from both IIS and iwebmsg, should be
done, particularly in the times immediately preceding crashes.

Ron Hornbaker
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  w e  c o d e.  w e  c a r e.

  . - eCRM email tracking solution
  . - the name says it all
  . - EZSignUp, You'veGotIMail!, etc...
  . - 2,317 admins can't be wrong

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Re: [IMail Forum] 100% CPU Web Messaging (Still) HF2

2002-01-31 Thread Chris Bone

The server freezes every hour or so

As usage goes up, then it freezes more frequently

Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/30/02 06:07PM 
that does a Response.Redirect over toCould this 
be causing the issue with my Imail web messaging problem?I don't think 
so...we have an identical setup with no (significant) problem...we're at 7.04 
with thelatest hf for that release. We haven't gone to 7.05 
yet. How often does web messaging shut 
down?cheersPeter Param Manager 
Operations Cyrus Technologies 
--"Tomorrow's Solution 
Today!"-- Ph: 
+612-9621-5333 Fx: 
+612-9621-1941www.cyrustech.comPlease visit 
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RE: [IMail Forum] 100% CPU Web Messaging (Still) HF2

2002-01-30 Thread Chris Bone

 as an fyi

I am still getting web messaging problems with the new HF2 Ipswitch put out yesterday
My server web messaging has stopped twice today already!

Could this have anything to do with it:

I have a default.asp page set up at 

that does a Response.Redirect over to

Could this be causing the issue with my Imail web messaging problem?

I'm clutching at straws right now!

I was so stable before the hotfixes


Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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RE: [IMail Forum] 100% CPU Web Messaging (Still) HF2

2002-01-30 Thread Chris Bone

I tried doing a Server.Redirect but this broke my Killer Templates 

the graphics were being served from my IIS installation and doing a Server.Redirect 
meant that the WHOLE site was transferring to the :8383 site

Hence the KWM graphics were not served

Is there a way around this?

I also have other stuff running on my :80 that I don't want over on :8383


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/30/02 04:18PM 
 I am still getting web messaging problems with the new HF2
 Ipswitch put out yesterday
 My server web messaging has stopped twice today already!

 Could this have anything to do with it:

 I have a default.asp page set up at 

 that does a Response.Redirect over to 

 Could this be causing the issue with my Imail web messaging problem?
 I'm clutching at straws right now!
 I was so stable before the hotfixes

The IIS redirect shouldn't have anything to do with it, unless of course
you've got the nimda virus still hitting it on port 80 (check your IIS
logs). You should know, however, that it's more efficient to do the
redirect with IIS configuration, rather than with a default.asp page.

A close examination of your logs, from both IIS and iwebmsg, should be
done, particularly in the times immediately preceding crashes.

Ron Hornbaker
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  w e  c o d e.  w e  c a r e.

  . - eCRM email tracking solution
  . - the name says it all
  . - EZSignUp, You'veGotIMail!, etc...
  . - 2,317 admins can't be wrong

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Re: [IMail Forum] iwebmsg + cpu: symptoms

2002-01-29 Thread Chris Bone

I will be happy to join in

How did you find the user with so many email messages?

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/29/02 07:35AM 

Hi list

NT 4.0, SP 6, all hotfixes, IMail 7.05 HF 1 with KWM (they rock!)

Since a long time, I checked my trashcan-mailbox again. 2000+
messages in it, and iwebmsg eating all cpu (we *never* had this
problem before) when I access this mailbox through the web.

So, I tried to check several things and found this, where I would
like to get your thoughts on:

While viewing this mailbox with 2000+ msgs via Web, Web Admin
Port, IMail console and IMAP, I get different message counts

- Web: can't check the message count (freezes...)
- IMAP: I can see/read all messages
I can delete messages, but the message count does *not*
decrease; after a re-login, I have the old count again
- Web / Admin Port: always the same message count; no matter how
much messages have been deleted via IMAP
- Web / Admin Port: reports uidlfile incorrect; even after
deleting all .uid-files
- IMail Admin Console: always the same message count

Please, can someone with the iwebmsg-cpu-problem verify this? I
remember having seen some threads about these uid-files on this
list before; do you think the iwebmsg-snafu is related to this?

Thank you

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[IMail Forum] Declude Junk Mail Options best practice

2002-01-29 Thread Chris Bone

I have installed the new Declude Junk Mail and it is working fine

I am using the standard WARN config file

Has anyone put together a config file that I could use?

I am looking to bounce bad SPAM, hold suspected files, and allow others through

Can anyone post their config file that I could use I have not had the time to 
learn all the new options


Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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Re: [IMail Forum] 100% CPU Web Messaging (Still)

2002-01-25 Thread Chris Bone

Me too - the web messaging service had been perfect before the 

I now have to restart it every 30 minutes

My users are pissed off

The IMail server monitor does not recognise when the service 
is not responding and cannot restart it

Ipswitch said that there are no problems - yeah 

Chris BoneWeb EngineerChartway Federal Credit Union 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/25/02 03:55PM I am using the latest 
IMail 7.05HF1 and I am now getting 100% CPUutilization by the iwebmsg 
service. I never had this problem before 7.04.Folks rarely use my web 
interface and in fact I don't think there is evermore than 3 or folks on it 
at any one time.As a temp fix, I have set a scheduled job to stop and 
restart it every 3hours, but that is unacceptable.Has IpSwitch ever 
resolved this? Is there anything that can be done?Brian 
AndrusMillenia Internet Services, Inc.Please visit 
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RE: OT RE: [IMail Forum] SSL Needs WebMail Restart Constantly

2002-01-24 Thread Chris Bone

I got a cert from GeoTrust in 20 minutes!

Their Rapid Response Team is awesome!

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/24/02 10:17AM 
OpenSRS will give you a cert in 1 day. They are so cool man.

Craig :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Don Schreiner
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 10:14 PM
Subject: OT RE: [IMail Forum] SSL Needs WebMail Restart Constantly

Sorry to be a little off topic.  Am I understanding
correctly after visiting their site. I must be reading incorrectly? Can
you generate your own SSL certificates not requiring Thawte (slower than
molasses and still waiting for SSL's I ordered 2 weeks ago or Verisign
(tired of paying $349 for each cert)?  What sucks about this entire SSL
deal is I recently learned Verisign owns Thawte. They just messed up the
great service we were getting with after the recent
acquisition, plus we have to pay $3 more per domain and go through an
administrative headache on the transfer of about 400 domains.  Anyone
know of anything besides Thawte and Verisgn for SSL's with decent
turn-around time?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of R. Scott Perry
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] SSL Needs WebMail Restart Constantly

This has happened with both the trial certificate AND our official 
certificate from VeriSign. It has also happened on both the default ssl

webmail port and port 443. I want to roll this out several dozen users
am at my wits end trying to get this to work.

You might instead want to use an SSL tunnelling program, such as .  It will let you use SSL without needing to
with IMail's implementation of it.  You just set up the SSL tunneling 
program to listen on port 443 with SSL, and after decrypting the data,
sends it to port 80 (or 8383 or whatever), and encrypts the data back to

port 443.

Declude: Anti-virus, Anti-spam and Anti-hijacking solutions for 

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus

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Re: [IMail Forum] Declude Virus product line change onFebruary 1, 2002

2002-01-17 Thread Chris Bone

The new Pro version of Declude Virus sound like it adds some Declude Hijack capability

Is this what is added in the Pro version of Virus?

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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RE: [IMail Forum] Declude Anti Spam

2001-12-24 Thread Chris Bone

I am looking for a way to process Declude caught mails in my \SPAM\ directory 

I want to be able to delete easily or move them to the spool directory for delivery

At the moment I'm doing this manually with Notepad!

Does anyone have such a system to share?

thanks in advance

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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[IMail Forum] Declude SPAM IMail folder ie NOT Quarantine?

2001-12-21 Thread Chris Bone

Can I set my Declude Junk Mail up to forward email to a folder in the user's account, 
say SPAM?

This will save me from having to check over all the smap in my \spam\ directory

thanks in advance

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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Re: [IMail Forum] Why does the allow web messaging checkmark disappear?

2001-12-06 Thread Chris Bone

I am using an external database - MS SQL SERVER 2000

any ideas?

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/05/01 04:07PM 
what user database are you using. IMail's internal or an External one. This
is where this setting is kept.

Eric S
- Original Message -
From: Chris Bone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 2:44 PM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Why does the allow web messaging check mark

I am using IMail 7.04 and Killer Templates

On occasion the check mark for allow web access is removed from their

How is this setting being removed?

This has happened several times to my users - they are unable to log in!

thanks in advance

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union 

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[IMail Forum] HELP - Cannot forward messages from KWM/IMail7 to anotheremail address

2001-12-06 Thread Chris Bone

I am using IMail 7 and KWM SQL SVR 2000

Users forwarding messages from KWM to another account are telling me that the message 
does not go through

The receiving email server is reporting a 500 error
It does not report the error when a NEW (non-forwarded) message is sent

Is the problem with KWM or with the receiving email system or with DNS?


Here is the log for the forward:
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) processing C:\IMail\spool\Q5b5f463.GSC
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) [E] Send direct is disabled and no gateway is specified!
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) sender [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) recip is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) [x] looking up CHARTWAY.COM in HOSTS and MX
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) [x] looking up CHARTWAY.COM in HOSTS and MX
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) recip is LUV_U_2X-Sent
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) local user [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) closed C:\IMail\spool\_5b5f463.~SC - 1
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) [x] ldelivery LUV_U_2X (Sent) from 
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) ldeliver LUV_U_2X-Sent (1) 
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) R[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 1
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) [x] doing direct send CHARTWAY.COM
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) Trying CHARTWAY.COM (0)
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) [x] delivery to host CHARTWAY.COM
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) Connect CHARTWAY.COM [] (1)
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) 220 GroupWise Internet Agent 
Ready (C)1993, 1999 Novell, Inc.
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) EHLO
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) 500 Syntax error

Here is the log for a new email (NON forwarded)
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) HELO
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) 250 Ok
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) 250 Ok
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) RCPT To:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) 250 Ok
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) DATA
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) 354 Enter mail, end with . on a line by itself
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) .
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) 250 Ok
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) rdeliver CHARTWAY.COM [EMAIL PROTECTED] (1) 
12:06 08:36 SMTP-(01E0) QUIT

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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[IMail Forum] Why does the allow web messaging check mark disappear?

2001-12-05 Thread Chris Bone

I am using IMail 7.04 and Killer Templates

On occasion the check mark for allow web access is removed from their account

How is this setting being removed?

This has happened several times to my users - they are unable to log in!

thanks in advance

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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Re: [IMail Forum] Dynamic Account Creation?

2001-11-29 Thread Chris Bone

Check out 

They have a product called EZSignup which does just this

we have it implemented at 

and it works great!


Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/28/01 07:04PM 
Anyone know how to allow website users to dynamically create their imail
accounts? Like hotmail.

Also, how do you include advertisements at the bottom of every email that
goes out?


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Re: [IMail Forum] Fw: IMail Server Anti-Virus is now here!

2001-11-28 Thread Chris Bone

Not me!

I am already very happy with Declude ;)

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/28/01 10:15AM 
Well, it's now official. Anyone brave enough to run the exe?

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Re: [IMail Forum] intergrating intranet and IMail

2001-11-21 Thread Chris Bone

we use the HumankindSystems You've Got IMail

Users have a single signon this way


Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/21/01 10:10AM 
Has anyone added IMail to their intranet.  If so, what procedure did you use
and do your users have to log in more than once.


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[IMail Forum] HowTo? Stop/Start Web Messaging from Command Line

2001-11-08 Thread Chris Bone

A big thank you to whomever posted the information about the Servers Alive tool

It IS able to detect each time my web messaging fails


for actions

Can I have a batch file that stops and restarts the web messaging service?

this would be awesome

I'm fed up with Web Messaging failing all the time!

thanks in advance

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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Re: [IMail Forum] Problem with 7.04 shutting down randomlywith TCP Error

2001-10-05 Thread Chris Bone

7.04 KWM

I have the same issue

My web messaging stops randomly

Ipswitch tech support will not take ownership of the issue

I was down again yesterday!

My 3000 users are NOT happy

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[IMail Forum] 7.04 web messaging stopped

2001-10-03 Thread Chris Bone

7.04 KWM

My web messaging service was unresponsive yesterday at 3:30pm

IMail Monitor showed the service as up and normal

The service was in fact dead and I could not log in via the web

Stopping and Restarting web messaging fixed the issue

What can I do to diagnose this problem?

thanks in advance

Chris Bone
Web Engineer
Chartway Federal Credit Union

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