Re: [Imports] Fwd: [osm-pl] Import adresów Gmina Wieprz

2014-02-21 Thread andrzej zaborowski
On 21 February 2014 01:48, Jason Remillard wrote:
 Could somebody recap this, if this one really one huge import across all of
 Poland, or a bunch of little imports. It seems like this is the primary
 issue to work through right now.

Sounds like a deeply philospohical question.

 One of the lessens I
 have taken away from lurking on the NY address import is that it is very
 likely that different areas with have specific issues. Spot checking a
 couple of places does not mean you are in the clear.

That's probably going to be true for any dataset though, unless it's
really small.  Most imports deal with data produced by human surveyors
and you'll have specific issues between areas and times of collection.
 (LIDAR-generated buildings would be an exception)

In this case, as well as probably the NY import or TIGER, it's data
collected over years by thousands of workers.  The common issues can
probably be grouped together and an importer processing many areas
will learn how to spot them.

(note this address data in Poland is not available for all of Poland,
only municialities that implemented the programme so far)


Imports mailing list

Re: [Imports] Fwd: [osm-pl] Import adresów Gmina Wieprz

2014-02-21 Thread Serge Wroclawski
On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Jason Remillard

 Hello Everybody,

 Each municipality is a different import. Part of the process needs to be
 to be validation, for example, which has already been brought up and not

 I have been trying to follow this thread, but I think I missed this part.
 Could somebody recap this, if this one really one huge import across all of
 Poland, or a bunch of little imports.

This is a bunch of little imports. This is not a single all of Poland
dataset, but rather a collection of little datasets by region.  The data is
similar, of course due to the nature of the data being addresses.

It seems like this is the primary issue to work through right now. If the
 process or source data comes from different places, then each one is its
 own import, with its own wiki, with its own discussion, 1+ week
 consultation, etc

The data is collected on a single site, but to my knowledge it's not a
single dataset. It's just listed on a single website.

- Serge
Imports mailing list

Re: [Imports] Fwd: Nuovo Import

2014-02-21 Thread Eduard Natale
The id of the stop is public: if you look at the table (at the bus stop),
this number is placed at the bottom of the name.

I'm going to write down the wiki. Thanks!

Il giorno 21 febbraio 2014 02:09, Jason Remillard
 ha scritto:

 Hi Eduard,

 One of the issues that always seems to cause difficulties on public
 transportation imports is the ID/ref. ref= is only used if it is visible on
 the stops. If the ID is really an SIRI id or GTFS id, then it should use
 a different tag. If the ID, is none of the above, then perhaps it should
 not be imported.

 Anyway, setup a project wiki, document your plan, and email us again when
 it is ready to be reviewed.


 2014-02-20 14:56 GMT-05:00 Eduard Natale

 Hi all,

 I'm Eduard and I'm planning the OpenStreetMap Hackathon session for the
 OpenDataDay in Naples (next saturday). The Public Transportation company
 decided to release information (with a Open Data License) on bus stops, so
 we can use this information. For this reason I decided to import the data
 in OpenStreetMap following the wiki at

 Attached there is the mail I sent to the italian group where I'm
 describing the work plan, waiting for their considerations and suggestions.

 1. The public transportation company will give us the data (position -
 epsg:4326), name and code of the bus stops
 2. I'm planning to export the data using a format compliant to JOSM (like
 osm in order to add the tags suggested by the OSM wiki, in this way I can overlap the
 newly created layer to a satellite map and evaluate errors (if any)
 3. upload on OpenStreetMap

 I'm going to insert an entry to the Import/catalogue table and cite the
 company that released the data.

 If you have any suggestion, please tell me.


 -- Messaggio inoltrato --
 Da: Eduard Natale
 Date: 20 febbraio 2014 16:49
 Oggetto: Nuovo Import

 Ciao a tutti,

 per l'OpenDataDay del prossimo sabato 22 febbraio a Napoli (, l'azienda dei trasporti
 pubblici locale rilascerà, per il gruppo che si occuperà del mapping su
 OpenStreetMap, la lista delle fermate (le paline) degli autobus e relativi

 L'import riguarderebbe l'area della città di Napoli, riassumo il mio work

 1. reperisco la lista delle fermate con relativa posizione GPS
 (EPSG:4326), nome e codice della fermata

 2. esporto questa lista (xml o json) in un formato compatibile con JOSM,
 ad esempio osm in cui è possibile anche aggiungere, fermata per fermata, i
 tag suggeriti dalla wiki di OpenStreetMap
   - highway=bus_stop
   - name=nome_fermata
   - operator=nome_azienda
   - ref=numero_fermata

 3. su JOSM aggiungo un layer con vista aerea in maniera tale da osservare
 eventuali inesattezze ed essere sicuri di non aver commesso errori durante
 le fasi precedenti

 4. upload su OpenStreetMap

 Avremo i permessi dell'azienda detentrice dei dati a poterli caricare su
 OSM (saranno OpenData). Come previsto dalle linee guida, provvederò a
 inserire una entry nella tabella Import/Catalogue e citerò chi ha
 rilasciato i dati.

 Sarebbe utile poter creare una wiki page per Napoli, come è stato fatto
 per Torino, Bologna, Milano e Roma.

 Io attendo qualunque vostro parere e suggerimenti sulla modalità esposta
 sopra. Se qualcuno vuole darmi una mano o si trova a Napoli e vuole
 partecipare Sabato all'ODDNA14 mi fa tantissimo piacere. Se avete anche
 suggerimenti sui tool da adottare (ad esempio per creare un file osm da
 importare in Josm) sono ben accetti.

 Grazie per la collaborazione!!



 Imports mailing list

Imports mailing list

Re: [Imports] Fwd: [osm-pl] Import adresów Gmina Wieprz

2014-02-21 Thread masti

On 02/21/2014 01:54 PM, Serge Wroclawski wrote:

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Jason Remillard wrote:

Hello Everybody,

Each municipality is a different import. Part of the process
needs to be to be validation, for example, which has already
been brought up and not answered.

I have been trying to follow this thread, but I think I missed this
part. Could somebody recap this, if this one really one huge import
across all of Poland, or a bunch of little imports.

This is a bunch of little imports. This is not a single all of Poland
dataset, but rather a collection of little datasets by region.  The data
is similar, of course due to the nature of the data being addresses.

this is true. Data comes form local governaments databases/GIS which are 
build according to common ministerial rules.


Imports mailing list

Re: [Imports] Fwd: [osm-pl] Import adresów Gmina Wieprz

2014-02-21 Thread Jason Remillard

 This is a bunch of little imports. This is not a single all of Poland
 dataset, but rather a collection of little datasets by region.  The data
 is similar, of course due to the nature of the data being addresses.

 this is true. Data comes form local governaments databases/GIS which are
 build according to common ministerial rules.

Are all of the local governments using an identical and rigorously defined
standard for the data, with enough standardization that it would allow
exactly the same process to be used over and over again?

Imports mailing list