Re: IO stats per process

2006-12-27 Thread Danny Lieberman


That is a great answer for network connections. Thanks - I am familiar 
with netstat -p
My question regards DISK IO,  (remember when processes were said to be 
io-bound or cpu-bound?)

I have a simply question, namely How many disk block reads and writes 
is a process doing over a given period of time, and what is the minimum, 
maximum and average stats
This seemingly trivial question (which can easily be answered in a 
Windows operating system using the system performance monitor) appears 
to be a gray area at best.

I know there is work on io-accounting in the new versions of the kernel 
-- but a) I dont have the luxury of updating the kernel and b) these are 
stats I would expect to see in user space

like vmstat or top in any version of the kernel.

Still waiting for an answer.

I am sure one of the people on the list will know the answer.


Amos Shapira wrote:
On 22/12/06, *Beni Cherniavsky* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 20/12/06, Danny Lieberman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do I get the real IO (block reads/writes per second, not
cached) of
 each process on a running Linux system?
 vmstat and iostat dont provide process level detail

Same question about sockets - how do I find out which process hogs my
network bandwidth?
My current best solution is to use iftop to find the offending
connection and then grep for the endpoint in lsof -i, which kind of
works but feels silly.

First - to map network connections to processes all you have to do is 
add -p to netstat (as root, otherwise it'll list only your own 

Secondly - I asked a similar question (how to count Skype traffic) a 
few months ago and was made aware of iptable's owner module, 
something like:

iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner skype --out-interface eth0 
--protocol tcp -m recent --rdest --set --name Skype -j CONNMARK 
--set-mark 1

with my skype binary having a setgid bit set allows me to mark any new 
connection created by skype for later matching by rules like:

iptables -A OUTPUT -m connmark --mark 1 -m comment --comment 

And then I retrieve the packet/byte counter on that rule.

You can match by UID, PID and command name.

Similar rules match incoming connections as well as UDP and ICMP.

In general - you can learn a lot from printing and reading the 
iptables manual cover-to-cover, you'll get some pretty cheeky ideas on 
the way ( e.g. maybe dynamically add rules to mark new connection 
to/from programs so the packets can be traced back).



Danny Lieberman

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Re: Keyboard shortcuts with Hebrew letters

2006-12-27 Thread Dotan Cohen

On 27/12/06, Amos Shapira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 27/12/06, Ori Idan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This seems to me an X issue, however it is strange that on my system I can
not reproduce this bug.
 I use debian unstable with, with gnome 2.14.2 the bug does not
appear nither in firefox nor openoffice.

Did you try this with Firefox? I'm on similar system (testing (etch) instead
of unstable, but otherwise identical) and it doesn't work for me with

To explain what I test:

1. Open gedit window (a classic GNOME/GTK application).
2. type some text in English.
3. mark and ctrl-c some text.
4. ctrl-v and you'll get the text.
5. switch to Hebrew keyboard
6. press ctrl-v and you'll still get another copy of the text ( i.e. paste
will work)
7. switch to firefox (e.g. gmail message compose)
8. type ctrl-v (remember - still on Hebrew keyboard) - NO reaction.
9. switch to English keyboard
10. type ctrl-v - WILL get a copy of the text in firefox.

Here is the Bugzilla entry for Firefox link:
please vote for it.


That's exactly the reason that I want to solve this problem in X and
not at the application level. And what happens when I install a new
app? I must spend hours remaking my shortcuts?

There is a lot of good info in that bug, I'll read it more though later. Thanks.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: Keyboard shortcuts with Hebrew letters

2006-12-27 Thread Chaim Keren Tzion
On Monday 18 December 2006 19:51, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 I've STFW and cannot find how to do what I need. I want that
 CTRL-[HebrewLetter] give the same functionality that
 CTRL-[EnglishLetter] gives. For instance, CTRL-ב should be copy,
 because ב shares a key with C. I use the KDE desktop, ...

 As much as I will be flamed, I must note that MS products work this
 way. For instance, in Word on Windows CTRL-נ makes the text bold,
 because נ shares a key with B.

Works fine for me everywhere except Firefox. I have no problem using:
CTRL-א (gives me a new tab in Konqueror)
CTRL-ש (Select All, works where it also works in English, such as in 
Konqueror and OOo)
CTRL-נ (Bold)
CTRL-ן (Italics)
CTRL-ו (Underline)
etc. etc. etc...

I didn't test all of them but I would guess that all the Application Shortcuts 
defined in the Keyboard Shortcuts section of the KDE Control Center work with 
the il keyboard when Hebrew is active.

I used CTRL-ז to the copy and paste the CTRL- above. They work in OOo and 
AbiWord too. But not in Firefox.

I'm using KDE 3.5.5 from debian (amd64) testing.
I never had to define them. I have only the Israel-il keyboard layout active 
and it is defined as:
setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us,il -variant ,lyx
in KDE alone and I didn't touch the xorg.conf. It remains:

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Keyboard
Driver  kbd
Option  CoreKeyboard
Option  XkbRules  xorg
Option  XkbModel  pc104
Option  XkbLayout us

Yours is probably just a keyboard configuration problem.

 Thanks from the head.

You are welcome, from the heart.


 Dotan Cohen

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Re: IO stats per process

2006-12-27 Thread Gilad Ben-Yossef

Danny Lieberman wrote:

I have a simply question, namely How many disk block reads and writes 
is a process doing over a given period of time, and what is the minimum, 
maximum and average stats

This seemingly trivial question (which can easily be answered in a 
Windows operating system using the system performance monitor) appears 
to be a gray area at best.

I know there is work on io-accounting in the new versions of the kernel 
-- but a) I dont have the luxury of updating the kernel and b) these are 
stats I would expect to see in user space

like vmstat or top in any version of the kernel.

Still waiting for an answer.

I am sure one of the people on the list will know the answer.

The reason there is no good answer to your question is because it seems on it's face to be very well defined, but it 
really isn't. I'll try to explain why:

In Linux processes do not talk to block devices directly (unless using direct IO calls, which is rare). Processes make 
system calls that call on the file system drivers that call on the buffer cache which in turn uses the block device 
drivers to write/read from actual disk hardware.

The problem is, that all this does not happen in a synchronious manner - the process can make a write system call that 
will put data in the buffer cache and the kernel will decide to flush those buffer to disk 3.5 seconds later (perhaps 
even after the proccess has ended!), along with half a dozen other buffers from other processes. Do you charge the 
proccess for this IO activity and how?

In a similar manner: it is possible that a write will go to cache, a second write (from same or different proccess) will 
update the buffer in the cace and only the end buffer will be written to disk. When the buffer will written to disk at 
the end - who do you charge for the IO - the first proccess, the second proccess, both?

Since the correct answer to these and similar question is completly situation dependendant, a general tool that does 
what you want does not exist. If you will describe in detail your need we can advise on a good way to acheive it.

Hope this helps,

Gilad Ben-Yossef [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Codefidence. A name you can trust(tm)
IL: +972.3.7515563 ext. 201  | Fax:+972.3.7515503
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Resistance was futile.
-- Danny Getz, 2004.

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Re: IO stats per process

2006-12-27 Thread Peter

I think that the gprof output and equivalent is the furthest one can go 
to appreciate IO stats. I simply measured disk system throughput (using 
hdparm etc) and then tuned my programs until they ran almost that fast, 
then stopped worrying. For other types of IO the maximum bandwidth can 
be appreciated using hardware data and then interpreted as above.


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Re: IO stats per process

2006-12-27 Thread Danny Lieberman

As a general approach for tuning a complex, working system, the first 
step is to identify bottlenecks under real load, that includes both IO 
rates per process and CPU rate per process.
Your method is good for a static system where you have complete control 
of the applications - I am not sure it is applicable in most production 
environments - (see my reply to Gilad in a separate thread)


Peter wrote:

I think that the gprof output and equivalent is the furthest one can 
go to appreciate IO stats. I simply measured disk system throughput 
(using hdparm etc) and then tuned my programs until they ran almost 
that fast, then stopped worrying. For other types of IO the maximum 
bandwidth can be appreciated using hardware data and then interpreted 
as above.


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Danny Lieberman

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Re: IO stats per process

2006-12-27 Thread Danny Lieberman


I disagree that this is a situation dependent issue;
I am aware of Linux o/s architecture, and I realize that caching is 
problematic. The topic appears in a note Andrew Morton wrote on his 
latest version of io-acccounting in kernel 2.6.something.

Let's say (for the sake of argument, we do it the io-accounting way - 
i.e. count cache io) - the numbers will be skewed, but they will be 
skewed for everyone.

I would settle for a io stats per process (similar to sar, perhaps)   
for a sampling period (to be defined):  current, moving average, 
maximum, minimum.,

For chrissake - my road bike speedometer can do that - surely we can 
figure out a way to do it in Linux ;-)


Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:

Danny Lieberman wrote:

I have a simply question, namely How many disk block reads and 
writes is a process doing over a given period of time, and what is 
the minimum, maximum and average stats

This seemingly trivial question (which can easily be answered in a 
Windows operating system using the system performance monitor) 
appears to be a gray area at best.

I know there is work on io-accounting in the new versions of the 
kernel -- but a) I dont have the luxury of updating the kernel and b) 
these are stats I would expect to see in user space

like vmstat or top in any version of the kernel.

Still waiting for an answer.

I am sure one of the people on the list will know the answer.

The reason there is no good answer to your question is because it 
seems on it's face to be very well defined, but it really isn't. I'll 
try to explain why:

In Linux processes do not talk to block devices directly (unless using 
direct IO calls, which is rare). Processes make system calls that call 
on the file system drivers that call on the buffer cache which in turn 
uses the block device drivers to write/read from actual disk hardware.

The problem is, that all this does not happen in a synchronious manner 
- the process can make a write system call that will put data in the 
buffer cache and the kernel will decide to flush those buffer to disk 
3.5 seconds later (perhaps even after the proccess has ended!), along 
with half a dozen other buffers from other processes. Do you charge 
the proccess for this IO activity and how?

In a similar manner: it is possible that a write will go to cache, a 
second write (from same or different proccess) will update the buffer 
in the cace and only the end buffer will be written to disk. When the 
buffer will written to disk at the end - who do you charge for the IO 
- the first proccess, the second proccess, both?

Since the correct answer to these and similar question is completly 
situation dependendant, a general tool that does what you want does 
not exist. If you will describe in detail your need we can advise on a 
good way to acheive it.

Hope this helps,

Danny Lieberman

Call us today! - Deliver secure software to your customers - Reduce operational risk of information security - Stop data theft - Download a free copy of the PTA-Practical threat 
analysis tool

Tel Aviv   + 972  3 610-9750
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Re: IO stats per process

2006-12-27 Thread Peter

On Wed, 27 Dec 2006, Danny Lieberman wrote:

As a general approach for tuning a complex, working system, the first step is 
to identify bottlenecks under real load, that includes both IO rates per 
process and CPU rate per process.
Your method is good for a static system where you have complete control of 
the applications - I am not sure it is applicable in most production 
environments - (see my reply to Gilad in a separate thread)

Well, complex systems can be broken down into parts, but you are right.


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Re: IO stats per process

2006-12-27 Thread Danny Lieberman

One more input, which is important (imho) -  this is a performance 
measurement / system tuning objective, not a system accounting 
application - i.e.we are not trying to charge someone
for io usage ( i think they used to do that once upon a time).  


Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:

Danny Lieberman wrote:

I have a simply question, namely How many disk block reads and 
writes is a process doing over a given period of time, and what is 
the minimum, maximum and average stats

This seemingly trivial question (which can easily be answered in a 
Windows operating system using the system performance monitor) 
appears to be a gray area at best.

I know there is work on io-accounting in the new versions of the 
kernel -- but a) I dont have the luxury of updating the kernel and b) 
these are stats I would expect to see in user space

like vmstat or top in any version of the kernel.

Still waiting for an answer.

I am sure one of the people on the list will know the answer.

The reason there is no good answer to your question is because it 
seems on it's face to be very well defined, but it really isn't. I'll 
try to explain why:

In Linux processes do not talk to block devices directly (unless using 
direct IO calls, which is rare). Processes make system calls that call 
on the file system drivers that call on the buffer cache which in turn 
uses the block device drivers to write/read from actual disk hardware.

The problem is, that all this does not happen in a synchronious manner 
- the process can make a write system call that will put data in the 
buffer cache and the kernel will decide to flush those buffer to disk 
3.5 seconds later (perhaps even after the proccess has ended!), along 
with half a dozen other buffers from other processes. Do you charge 
the proccess for this IO activity and how?

In a similar manner: it is possible that a write will go to cache, a 
second write (from same or different proccess) will update the buffer 
in the cace and only the end buffer will be written to disk. When the 
buffer will written to disk at the end - who do you charge for the IO 
- the first proccess, the second proccess, both?

Since the correct answer to these and similar question is completly 
situation dependendant, a general tool that does what you want does 
not exist. If you will describe in detail your need we can advise on a 
good way to acheive it.

Hope this helps,

Danny Lieberman

Call us today! - Deliver secure software to your customers - Reduce operational risk of information security - Stop data theft - Download a free copy of the PTA-Practical threat 
analysis tool

Tel Aviv   + 972  3 610-9750
Bethesda   + 1-301-841-7122
Cell   + 972 54 447-1114

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Re: IO stats per process

2006-12-27 Thread Peter

I think that you should take a good look at the gperf etc output. (even 
time(bash)) gives some hints (e.g. system time of a program ~= IO load 
it produces, if IO is a major part of the runtime).


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Re: Keyboard shortcuts with Hebrew letters

2006-12-27 Thread Beni Cherniavsky

On 12/26/06, Dotan Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 26/12/06, Ori Idan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This seems to me an X issue, however it is strange that on my system I can
 not reproduce this bug.
 I use debian unstable with, with gnome 2.14.2 the bug does not appear
 nither in firefox nor openoffice.

Do you mean that on your system you can type Ctrl-ה and it pastes? Do
you use KDE, Gnome, or something else?

I'm also running debian unstable, xorg 7.1.0, gnome 2.14.3, openoffice 2.0.4.
_XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = xorg, pc104, us,il, ,lyx,

When I press Ctrl+V in Hebrew layout:
+ xev shows Ctrl-V!
+ GTK: gedit pastes.
  + menu accelerators work, even without Alt!
+ KDE kate pastes
  - menu accelerators don't work, even with Alt.
+ openoffice pastes
  + menu accelerators seem to work too, even without Alt!
  ? Ctrl-q doesn't exit, although Ctrl-W does close.  Go figure...
- emacs-snapshot and emacs-snapshot-gtk both show Ctrl-ה.
- gvim doesn't recognize it.
 - Naturally command mode doesn't work.
- iceweasel (firefox :) doesn't paste.

It appears that this is already partially fixed by the toolkits, most
notably GTK.
xev surprises me.  Perhaps it was never updated for xkv and uses the old API?

I also would like to solve this at the X level.

This would be better of course.  However note that keys without Ctrl
or Alt (vi commands,  menu and dialog accelerators in some cases) can
only work with support from the application.  That's why vi must have
an internal keymap system (see :help keymap), which only affects
insert mode and optionally colon commands (for things like search,
defaulting to english at start of every colon command).

Ideally, X would provide both the physical key and translated key and
the application would choose according to context.

Beni Cherniavsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I read email only on weekends)

Re: IO stats per process

2006-12-27 Thread Muli Ben-Yehuda
On Wed, Dec 27, 2006 at 04:31:02PM +0200, Danny Lieberman wrote:

 Let's say (for the sake of argument, we do it the io-accounting way
 - i.e. count cache io) - the numbers will be skewed, but they will
 be skewed for everyone.
 I would settle for a io stats per process (similar to sar, perhaps)
 for a sampling period (to be defined): current, moving average,
 maximum, minimum.,
 For chrissake - my road bike speedometer can do that - surely we can
 figure out a way to do it in Linux ;-)

With the caeats Gilad mentioned and considering the fact that you're
running an ancient kernel, strace likely offenders and count number of
IO related syscalls.

Where do I send the bill?


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Re: Keyboard shortcuts with Hebrew letters

2006-12-27 Thread Ilya Konstantinov

On 12/27/06, Beni Cherniavsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It appears that this is already partially fixed by the toolkits, most
notably GTK.

As Havoc Pennington already noted in the Mozilla bug 69230, Gtk has special
code to handle it in the GtkKeyHash class:

xev surprises me.  Perhaps it was never updated for xkv and uses the old


xev shows you the events as they are. This is what it should do. This only
goes to show you that GTK (and others) have a special layer of logic to
handle this, i.e. this is not solved on the X11 level by toggling some X11

I also would like to solve this at the X level.

I think you could create a new XKB il mapping where holding Ctrl or Alt is
a modifier that activates the 1st shift group. It shouldn't be too hard.
It's funny how I never got to it.

Ideally, X would provide both the physical key and translated key and

the application would choose according to context.

X keyboard event structs are not going to change any time soon.

X11 does not provide you a standardized physical key (unlike, say,
WM_KEYDOWN with its VKs): it gives you either the keycode as it's received
from the underlying input driver (non-standardized) or the keysym (the key
after going thru the full XKB pipeline). The keycodes are tied to your
keyboard driver (keyboard, evdev...) and keyboard model (that's why you
specify microsoft104 etc. in your XKB config), so you shouldn't be tempted
to use them. There's another kind of code, key names; the XKB keyboard
model does the key code - key name translation. Key names are universal but
are not supplied in the X11 key event structs :(

I have already researched into it during my rdesktop keyboard handling work.
In rdesktop, we need to map whatever we receive from X11 into Windows VKs
(which are MS defines covering the AT2 standard keyboard).
If you wish to resolve a key without the XKB translation layer, you can:
1. Be like VMWare; require root, hook up to the physical keyboard (switch
console into raw mode / use evdev). The Linux console guarantees standard
AT2 scancodes and performs the necessary translations.
2. Force resolving the key in the Nth group, regardless of the current
keyboard group (= language):

/* Change the bits (bit 13 to 16 -- see XkbGroupForCoreState)
  denoting the group. This way, we avoid using XkbKeycodeToKeysym
  which requires emulation Xkb shift level logics. */
keyevent-state = ~(0x3  13);
keyevent-state |= (g_force_xkb_group  0x3)  13;
XLookupString(keyevent, str, sizeof(str), keysym, NULL);

3. Programatically request the XKB layout from the X server to get the
keycode-keyname () mapping. (e.g. Run xkbcomp :0 - to see what I'm
talking about).

In any case, physical keys is not something you want *in this case*. Think
of Dvorak keyboard layouts.

Re: Keyboard shortcuts with Hebrew letters

2006-12-27 Thread Dotan Cohen

On 27/12/06, Ilya Konstantinov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 12/27/06, Beni Cherniavsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It appears that this is already partially fixed by the toolkits, most
 notably GTK.

As Havoc Pennington already noted in the Mozilla bug 69230, Gtk has special
code to handle it in the GtkKeyHash class:

 xev surprises me.  Perhaps it was never updated for xkv and uses the old

xev shows you the events as they are. This is what it should do. This only
goes to show you that GTK (and others) have a special layer of logic to
handle this, i.e. this is not solved on the X11 level by toggling some X11
  I also would like to solve this at the X level.

I think you could create a new XKB il mapping where holding Ctrl or Alt is
a modifier that activates the 1st shift group. It shouldn't be too hard.
It's funny how I never got to it.

 Ideally, X would provide both the physical key and translated key and
 the application would choose according to context.

X keyboard event structs are not going to change any time soon.

X11 does not provide you a standardized physical key (unlike, say,
WM_KEYDOWN with its VKs): it gives you either the keycode as it's received
from the underlying input driver (non-standardized) or the keysym (the key
after going thru the full XKB pipeline). The keycodes are tied to your
keyboard driver (keyboard, evdev...) and keyboard model (that's why you
specify microsoft104 etc. in your XKB config), so you shouldn't be tempted
to use them. There's another kind of code, key names; the XKB keyboard
model does the key code - key name translation. Key names are universal but
are not supplied in the X11 key event structs :(

I have already researched into it during my rdesktop keyboard handling work.
In rdesktop, we need to map whatever we receive from X11 into Windows VKs
(which are MS defines covering the AT2 standard keyboard).
 If you wish to resolve a key without the XKB translation layer, you can:
1. Be like VMWare; require root, hook up to the physical keyboard (switch
console into raw mode / use evdev). The Linux console guarantees standard
AT2 scancodes and performs the necessary translations.
2. Force resolving the key in the Nth group, regardless of the current
keyboard group (= language):

/* Change the bits (bit 13 to 16 -- see XkbGroupForCoreState)
   denoting the group. This way, we avoid using XkbKeycodeToKeysym
   which requires emulation Xkb shift level logics. */
keyevent-state = ~(0x3  13);
keyevent-state |= (g_force_xkb_group  0x3)  13;
XLookupString(keyevent, str, sizeof(str), keysym, NULL);

3. Programatically request the XKB layout from the X server to get the
keycode-keyname () mapping. (e.g. Run xkbcomp :0 - to see what I'm
talking about).

In any case, physical keys is not something you want *in this case*. Think
of Dvorak keyboard layouts.

I'm willing to forego the convinience of having the Dvorak layout
working like qwerty for modifier purposes, if I could just get Hebrew
layout working like qwerty for modifier purposes.  But that seems to
work for everybody but myself.

I wonder if this is not just another stupidity of Kubuntu. _Lots_ of
things are not as they should be in Kubuntu. I will reinstall Fedora
when I get the chance, and if this issue is not resolved in Fedora
then I'll pursue it further. Thanks.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: IO stats per process

2006-12-27 Thread Danny Lieberman

Thanks. YDM.

Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:

On Wed, Dec 27, 2006 at 04:31:02PM +0200, Danny Lieberman wrote:


Let's say (for the sake of argument, we do it the io-accounting way
- i.e. count cache io) - the numbers will be skewed, but they will
be skewed for everyone.

I would settle for a io stats per process (similar to sar, perhaps)
for a sampling period (to be defined): current, moving average,
maximum, minimum.,

For chrissake - my road bike speedometer can do that - surely we can
figure out a way to do it in Linux ;-)

With the caeats Gilad mentioned and considering the fact that you're
running an ancient kernel, strace likely offenders and count number of
IO related syscalls.

Where do I send the bill?


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Danny Lieberman

Call us today! - Deliver secure software to your customers - Reduce operational risk of information security - Stop data theft - Download a free copy of the PTA-Practical threat 
analysis tool

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Re: Keyboard shortcuts with Hebrew letters

2006-12-27 Thread Ilya Konstantinov

On 12/27/06, Dotan Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm willing to forego the convinience of having the Dvorak layout
working like qwerty for modifier purposes

Yeah, but we cannot fix a bug by introducing a bug for another user. To be
precise, you may implement it into your private build of Mozilla but it
won't be added to the official code.
There's a right way to solve this bug, and I've just noted the discussed way
was a wrong one.

I wonder if this is not just another stupidity of Kubuntu.

No, it's not. It's a Mozilla bug.

Re: Keyboard shortcuts with Hebrew letters

2006-12-27 Thread Dotan Cohen

On 27/12/06, Ilya Konstantinov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 12/27/06, Dotan Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm willing to forego the convinience of having the Dvorak layout
 working like qwerty for modifier purposes

Yeah, but we cannot fix a bug by introducing a bug for another user. To be
precise, you may implement it into your private build of Mozilla but it
won't be added to the official code.
There's a right way to solve this bug, and I've just noted the discussed way
was a wrong one.

 I wonder if this is not just another stupidity of Kubuntu.

No, it's not. It's a Mozilla bug.

I see that Mozilla has such a bug, but I'm not referring to Mozilla
behaviour. I don't have the Hebrew shortcuts in any application.

And yes, I'm looking to getting this working on my own box, not bug
hunting. I'd love to solve bugs, but as you say I'll not inconvieniece
others for my own sake.

If there was I file that I could modify that would say Hey X: when
you see Ctrl-ה please send Ctrl-V instead then I would be very happy.
I'd modify it 20+ times, once for each key, and I'd be done forever,
no matter what desktop or application I'm using.

Dotan Cohen

Re: Israel TV

2006-12-27 Thread Ira Abramov
Quoting Amos Shapira, from the post of Wed, 27 Dec:
 On 19/12/06, Cyril SCETBON [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi people,
 Anyone has links to see streaming from israel with mplayer ?
 Haven't tried all but I think it should work:

these also seem OK:

anyone got more illegal links to post to the list? :-)

E-Z Rider(tm)
Ira Abramov

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Re: Sign the Petition for a Better Internet!

2006-12-27 Thread Dan Armak

On Wednesday 27 December 2006 07:52, Amichai Rotman wrote:
 It would be nice to join forces and create a searchable database containing
 all Open Source / Free browsers non-friendly sites and companies, kind of
 an official black list to create pressure on said companies to make a
 change ASAP...

My initial reaction is that there are far too many unfriendly, high-profile 
sites. What good is a blacklist that covers a big part of the Israeli 
internet? Tens of percents, in my experience. (I count Flash-dependant sites 
as unfriendly.)

Dan Armak

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2006-12-27 Thread Alex Gontmakher
Hi guys,

I have recently been very pleased to notice that Bank Discount's online 
operations website (Telebank Discont) started to work with Firefox! This is a 
very welcome change, as it removes one of the last reasons to keep aroung 
Windows at all.

I encourage you all to start using that website from Firefox (to show that the 
Firefox users account for a significant percentage of bank clients). It can 
also be a good idea to leave them feedback (available on 
homepage) and thank about the change.

Who knows, maybe more Israeli websites will start supporting 
standards-compliant browsers (overall, the situation in .il sites is quite 
sad). The example of Discount bank can be used to convince webmasters of 
other offending sites - comes as a first example, but there are 
lots others - to convert.


P.S. Ah, and I have just recalled: has recently started working 
with Firefox too.
P.P.S. I'll be glad to notice of other websites that improved their browser 
support recently.

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Fwd: web site

2006-12-27 Thread Constantine Shulyupin

On 12/28/06, Alex Gontmakher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thursday 28 December 2006 03:18, you wrote:
 Let's collect  a list of FireFox friendly sites (white list). It could
 give good example and encourage the rest to support FF.
Good idea. Is there a relevant wiki that you know of?

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Re: Israel TV

2006-12-27 Thread Amos Shapira

On 28/12/06, Ira Abramov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

anyone got more illegal links to post to the list? :-)

Sorry, I wasn't aware that there is anything illegal about these links. I
got them from a Tapuz Forum post, where Tapuz is particularly touchy about
putting anything illegal (or even matters like criticizing commercial
companies by disappointed customers) on its forums.
