[PHP-DB] Re: Dreamweaver as PHP editor

2003-12-02 Thread Philippe Saladin
you could name your files *.inc.php
- DW would see them as php files
- and it can be safer (look if an internaut asks for the url
www.yoursite.com/config.inc : he will see the source code...)



Susi Sloan [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
 I'm just getting into PHP, and have found that as a PHP code editor,
 Dreamweaver works pretty well (with the extension I installed). My
 is this, whenever I save an include file with the .inc extension, all of
 color coding goes away, as does the PHP tab on the tool bar. Is there any
 way to make Dreamweaver see a .inc file as a PHP file? I looked on all the
 menus and in the preferences, but I couldn't find an obvious way to do

 Susi Sloan
 350 Crown Point Circle, Suite 225
 Grass Valley, CA 95945

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[PHP-DB] Re: Help connecting with oracle

2003-09-17 Thread Philippe Saladin

Sergio Barreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message
   I have a Oracle 7.3.3 on Unix, but in my computer (client) Windows
 2000 i have a php source code that try to connect with this database.
   I test with TNSPING and SQLPLUS commands line, and connect with both
 susseffuly, but when i try to connect with php can't.
   I have a Apache server with php 4.2.2

   i'm trying the follow code:

 if ($conn=Ora_Logon( [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ,
 webmaster)) {
 echo BSUCCESS ! Connected to databaseB\n;
 } else {
 echo BFailed :-( Could not connect to databaseB\n;


 And the error is:

 Warning: Oracle: Connection Failed: in C:\FoxServ\www\conectar.php on line
 Failed :-( Could not connect to database
 Warning: ora_logoff(): supplied argument is not a valid Oracle-Connection
 resource in C:\FoxServ\www\conectar.php on line 7

Have you tried the newer oci8 extension, instead of the oracle one ? you
need the oracle client installed onto you php server (I think it is already
there, as you said your SQLPLUS is working correctly, but I'm not an oracle
guru ;-( ), and uncomment php_oci8.dll instead of php_oracle. After that,
you would be able to connect to your remote oracle db using ocilogon instead
of ora_logon.
Hope this helps.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Connect to Oracle DB

2003-09-17 Thread Philippe Saladin

Roy A Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
I just wanted to add my two cents ...

I have compiled php with BOTH --with-oracle  and --with-oci8.  It is
usually preferred to have your architectures/systems separate to prevent
some performance issues.  As a test/demo system then having them on the
same box is perfectly acceptable and removes some of the setup issues. The
standard oracle (--with-oracle) extension provides basic oracle
connectivity for versions 7, 8, and 9.  The oci8 (--with-oci8) allows for
Oracle 8i (and up) specific functions (LOBs and others).  Just a note ...

Your experience is interesting, thanks for the info

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[PHP-DB] Re: Connect to Oracle DB

2003-09-15 Thread Philippe Saladin

Frederico Madeia [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message

 How i connect one server running PHP(linux) to other server running
 Oracle(linux) ??
 when i tryed to connect with ora_logon, the server return me: Call to
 undefined function: ora_logon().

1) the oracle extension is not loaded. You need to compile php with it. BUT,
you should use --with-oci8 and not --with-oracle. The oracle extension
(ora_logon function and friends) is an old one, it can only connect to an
oracle 7 database. With the oci extension (ocilogon function and friends),
you can connect an oracle 7, 8 or 9 database (see
May be http://www.enderunix.org/documents/eng/php_oracle_en.html could help
you too.

2) php compiled with oci extension is not enough. You need the oracle
client. Unfortunately, for Linux, you can't download it alone. You need to
download the entire oracle database : see
http://otn.oracle.com/software/content.html or ask your DBA : he should be
able to give you this oracle client for linux.

 In php.net describe some functions to connect to oracle,. but how i make
 to do work ???
 I must install oracle on same server that runing php ??

no, you can have two servers.



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[PHP-DB] Re: Oracle and PHP

2003-08-26 Thread Philippe Saladin

Roger Spears [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:

 I was wondering if there are any PHP people out there that are really
 into using Oracle databases?  I've always used mysql but now I find
 myself in a situation that requires the use of an Oracle database.

Sure, most of our developments are under Oracle/php

 I've printed out the information posted by Thies C. Arntzen titled
 Making Efficient use of Oracle8i thru Apache and PHP 4 but I was
 wondering if I may see some other code examples.  Very basic examples

In my case, I don't use directly the oci functions, but I use ADODB, which
is a wrapper, an abstraction layer. Thus, I code the same things, under
Oracle or MySQL. See http://php.weblogs.com/adodb_manual
Other abstraction layers exist : adodb, pear-db, metabase, etc.

 dealing with connections, queries and the such.  Also, is there an
 application for Oracle databases that is similar to PHPMyAdmin for mysql

yes, you would try http:///phporacleadmin.org/



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[PHP-DB] Re: OCIExecute very slow when Updating rows

2003-07-08 Thread Philippe Saladin

Philipp Krueger [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message

 but it still wouldn't work - when i comment OCIExecute out the script
 again - which is out of question of course since i need the damn script to
 when i take the query and paste it in sqlplus to execute it manually
 everything goes as planned. i'm beginning to get desperate here... any
 why it won't work?

Sorry, I don't have an idea for you, but may be you would find help in the
document Making efficient use of Oracle8i thru Apache and PHP 4 :


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[PHP-DB] Re: Buenos dias - Pregunta Oracle

2003-07-07 Thread Philippe Saladin

Quique Notelodigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
 Buenos dias

 Estoy empezando a trabajar con Oracle y php. Ya he trabajado con Postgres
 PHP. Solo tengo una pregunta, muy concreta:

 Tengo Oracle en una máquina distinta al servidor Linux con Apache+PHP
 desde PHP acceder a Oracle?

Yes, you can connect to a remote oracle. But you need the oracle client
installed onto your servidor Linux con Apache+PHP.

 He leido en php.net que hay que compilar PHP para tener acceso a oracle,
   --with-oracle[=DIR] donde DIR es ORACLE_HOME
 pero no se que poner ya que el Oracle esta en otra maquina, en la red

ORACLE_HOME will refer to your oracle client.

 ¿Puede ayudarme?

may be this link would help you : http://dehaese.free.fr/

 Muchas gracias


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[PHP-DB] Re: I looking for OCI8 client library files.

2003-06-10 Thread Philippe Saladin
Soony [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
 Hi, phpers..
 I looking for OCI8 client library files for using OCI function in PHP to
 control Oracle DB.

 I like any information about that.

Ask your dba (database administrator). If you have oracle, he would be able
to give you this oci8 client (located on the oracle cd).
Or, you can download from http://otn.oracle.com/software/content.html the
entire oracle 8 db (500 Mb!!). The oci8 client is inside of it. AFAIK, it is
impossible to find only the client.


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[PHP-DB] Help with oci dll in PHP

2003-06-04 Thread Philippe Saladin
A guy, Filippov Evgeny, mails directly to me with the following question.
I answer in this group, to share the problem and the solution.
Philippe S.

From:  evgeny


Excuse please, I have seen your answers and has decided(solved) that can be
you to me will help.

Server DB - serverORACLE 9.2.
Web-server - Win XP, IIS 5.1,
PHP 4.3.2, client ORACLE 9.2.
environment variables

load php_oci8.dll
OCI8 Support enableds
Revision $Revision:$s

(HOST = (PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME=test1))) ;

con=OCILogon (test, test, $db);

Gives out a mistake

Warning: ocilogon
(): _oci_open_server: Error while trying to retrieve
text for error ORA-12538 in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\index.php on line 15

How to establish oci connection?

Filippov Evgeny

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[PHP-DB] Re: Help with oci dll in PHP

2003-06-04 Thread Philippe Saladin

 Warning: ocilogon
 (): _oci_open_server: Error while trying to retrieve
 text for error ORA-12538 in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\index.php on line 15

ORA-12538 means TNS : no such protocol

- you have a problem in your TCP protocol ?
- or there is a typo error in your line :
 (HOST = (PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME=test1))) ;

Here is what I use in my case :
  (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
  (Host = ip_address)
  (Port = 1521)
  (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
  (Host = ip_address)
  (Port = 1526)

Note the difference in CONNECT_DATA. Would it come from that ?

Hope it will help.


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[PHP-DB] Re: Oracle 8?

2003-03-16 Thread Philippe Saladin

Heilo [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
 Hi there everybody!

 I'm running Win2000 an Oracle 8 server and PHP. Now - just a simple
 question: does anybody know any good FAQs or resources/references for
 specally this topic??

a simple connection to oracle tutorial :
a webbased Oracle Object Manager :  http://phporacleadmin.org/
a course Making efficient use of Oracle8i thru Apache and PHP 4 :


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[PHP-DB] Re: question in ADODB

2003-02-21 Thread Philippe Saladin
 yes, but can you tell me how? I have read the manual, but they didn't tell
 how to do so!

Look at testdatabases.inc.php in the adodb release.
Basically, you would have to write something like :

$conn = NewADOConnection('ado_access');
$conn-debug = TRUE; // useful for test
$access = '\path\to\mydatabase.mdb';
$myDSN =  PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=$access;USER
$conn-PConnect($myDSN, '', '', '');
$recordSet = $conn-Execute('select * from products');
if (!$recordSet) { echo  $conn-ErrorMsg();}


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[PHP-DB] Re: question in ADODB

2003-02-19 Thread Philippe Saladin
 I found the following code on the internet. I'd like to know that what I
 need to do, if I want to use the actually Access file with out the DSN,
 to use the Microsoft Jet?

 -- code 
  $db = NewADOConnection('mysql');

Look at the adodb manual : http://php.weblogs.com/adodb_manual
$db = NewADOConnection('access');
(Microsoft Access/Jet. You need to create an ODBC DSN)
$db = NewADOConnection('ado_access');
(Microsoft Access/Jet using ADO. Allows DSN-less connections. For best
performance, use an OLEDB provider.)


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[PHP-DB] Re: PHP - Oracle 7.3.4 - ORA-12154

2003-02-07 Thread Philippe Saladin
 I set up PHP on a Sun Solaris box a week ago (see phpinfo output below).
It has oracle 7.3.4 and php 4.0.4pl1 so I'm using the --with-oracle
 configure option.  Due to a special module we're using we're stuck with
 using that php version (4.0.4pl1).

Couldn't you use --with-oci, even with that php version ? it's the newer and
better module for oracle (both oracle 7 and 8). Look at ocilogon() function
and friends.

 At first I was getting the ORA-12154 TNS:could not resolve service name
 error almost every time.  I then followed the instructions to set the
 ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN environment variables in apaches http.conf.
 I've also tried using the putenv function to set the variables.

I had also trouble with ora12154. I use now a workaround :
when I use : $connection = OCILogon($user, $pass, $tns) or die(No
for the third parameter ($tns), I don't use the name found in tnsnames.ora,
but directly the entire syntax
something like :
  (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
  (Host = ip address)
  (Port = 1521)
  (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
  (Host = ip address)
  (Port = 1526)


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[PHP-DB] Re: Oracle 9.2 + IIS 5.0 + Win2k server + PHP 4.3 + ADODB 3.10

2003-02-07 Thread Philippe Saladin
 $conn-NConnect('', 'usr', 'usr_pwd', 'TNSName');
 # select machines from machinetable
NConnect exists in adodb since version 2.43. Have you tried with PConnect()
or Connect() instead of NConnect() ? they are older (october 2002), and may
be they are more robust ?

 Is this a bug? Should I try ADODB 2.5 instead since it's listed as being
 more stable on the site?
I use without any problem adodb 3.10, but with oracle 7.3. IMHO, I don't
think adodb 2.5 would help you.

Have you posted a message in
http://phplens.com/lens/lensforum/topics.php?id=4  ?


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[PHP-DB] Re: How to connect and select data from Oracle 8 Database

2002-12-30 Thread Philippe Saladin
 I also followed a guide showed on PHP website about ora_do functions. But
 when I tried that guide it did work.

php_oracle.dll (deprecated) : for the ora_* function, like ora_logon for
php_oci.dll : for the oci* functions, like ocilogon and friends.

the oci functions are newest, and better than the older ora functions. I
suggest you to avoid using php_oracle.dll. With php_oci.dll, you can access
both oracle 7 and oracle 8 databases.

 It had error Unable to load dynamic libaray -
 'C:\php\extensions\php_oracle.dll' - The specified module could not be
 found. When I tried another DLL php_oci8.dll. I also met that erro.

 In fact those files DLL are already existed. I don't know why.

You have to uncomment php_oci.dll in php.ini if you are on windows

 Maybe it needs some configurations but I don't know how to configure.
the oracle client is needed : your dba should be able to help you to
install it. You can download it from www.oracle.com.

See http://www.thickbook.com/extra/php_oracle.phtml for a simple tutorial


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Re: [PHP-DB] Remote Oracle database questions...

2002-12-12 Thread Philippe Saladin
 DOH!!!  I am seriously hoping that I do not need to have the Oracle
 client installed on the webserver running the PHP queries.  I have no idea
 about the client licensing, and if it involves money in any way it is
 much out of the question.  Oh well...  Hopefully I can find out about this
 stuff from one of our DBAs.

You definitively need the oracle client installed onto your webserver. Don't
worry, you should find it for free, AFAIK. Ask your dba, he would be able to
help you. Otherwise, you should download it from www.oracle.com (download /
archived products / oracle8). you can't download just the client, you have
to get the entire oracle (500 Mb!!).

 database to perform my query?  I notice that there is a Oracle function in
 PHP called ora_logon.  This function description mentions something about

about Ora_logon  : this comes from the old oracle extension
(php_oracle.dll). You would rather use Ocilogon and friends, from the newer
php_oci.dll. It's much better. oci* functions can be used against a Oracle7
or an Oracle8 database. ora$ functions are limited to Oracle 7, and with
less features.

Finally, try this simple tutorial
http://www.thickbook.com/extra/php_oracle.phtml to connect to Oracle. An
other one at http://www.phpworld.com/articles/2000.03/oracle_000.html.
See also http://phporacleadmin.org/ to manage a remote oracle database.

hope this helps !

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[PHP-DB] Re: How do I list Oracle table names

2002-11-07 Thread Philippe Saladin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
 I'm very new at this.  Is there a way I can list all table names in an
Oracle database?

I thinl you know how to connect to Oracle via php (simple tutorial :
To obtain a list of the tables, just execute this query :

select table_name from sys.all_tables
where owner = 'MYOWNER';


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Re: [PHP-DB] Abstraction layer or not?

2002-11-06 Thread Philippe Saladin
  I'm working on a new site, and I'm wondering whether to use an
  abstraction layer or not.  I don't have any plans to switch DB system,
  but you never know what the future holds.  I figure that there's no
  reason not to, but are there any down sides?  Which abstraction layers
  are good?

well, any down side ? may be slower for example. So, if you don't plan to
switch db system, the speed of the layer could be your criteria.

 ADOdb is a good one. PEAR also has an abstraction class. Once you get
 used to using them, they make things easier over all. I've never
 actually switched databases with them, so I don't know how much easier
 it makes that. I find them ideal for error catching and reporting.

I agreed. ADOdb (http://php.weblogs.com/ADODB) is quite nice, fast, (the
fatest ?) and very helpful even if you don't change db.
See benchmark at http://phplens.com/lens/adodb/. Well, it's from adodb, may
be you would find an other one written by those using pear_db.


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[PHP-DB] Re: Calendar

2002-10-17 Thread Philippe Saladin

I want to put an event calendar on my site...

 Is there anyone her who happens to have a script like this??
 Anyone wants to make it??
 Or anyone got a link for one that maches my request??

Try http://sourceforge.net/search/?type=softexact=q=calendar+php, it will
give you hundreds of scripts.

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[PHP-DB] Re: timer

2002-06-12 Thread Philippe Saladin

 hi to all,
 how can I set up a timer that will tell me how long a query takes to run.
 for example, if I run the following query, I would like to know how long
 Thanks in advanced

I don't remember where I 've found this snippet, but it works well.

  $TIMER_START = explode( , microtime());

## Do some stuff here:

  $TIMER_END = explode( , microtime());
  echo br, $TIMER_END - $TIMER_START,  secs;



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[PHP-DB] Re: oracle-mysql

2002-03-20 Thread Philippe Saladin

How many tables ? do you have the script that generated the oracle tables
and their relationships ? what about the triggers, views, foreign keys, ...
Are theses functionalities exist on MySQL (I don't know MySQL) ?
You could have a look at Chyfo (http://www.ispirer.com/products/). Chyfo can
export data from any database accessible through the ODBC interface. It
exports data into text files (CSV, TAB delimited, fixed length, SQL INSERT
statements and XML are supported formats), generates native DDL (Data
Definition Language) and import/load scripts for various databases.
See also Genio (http://www.hummingbird.com/products/dirs/genio/index.html),
and http://www.quest.com/schema_manager/index.asp


Pedro M. S. Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message
news: 006c01c1d009$6fd83d10$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hi all, i need to migrate an oracle database (+-1gb) to a mysql one, but i
 don't have a clue how to do this.
 i'm thinking in dumping the whole content of the oracle database to a txt
 file but i don't know if there is a better way
 any ideias on this one.
 btw the oracle machine is running on windows 2000 server and the mysql one
 is running on linux
 i don't have php on either machines but the mysql i'll have a connection
 an apache running machine.
 the prob here is... what is the better way to migrate the data?

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[PHP-DB] Re: Oracle... Beginner

2002-02-12 Thread Philippe Saladin

PHP has to be compiled with the oci8 extension. If you use the win32
binaries of PHP, just uncomment the line extension=php_oci8.dll in php.ini.
If your webserver and Oracle are on the same machine, that's all. In the
other case you have to install the oracle 8 client onto the machine
containing your webserver. This oracle 8 client is set up with the Oracle

To create databases, you can use the oracle tools (oracle navigator, server
manager, ...).

To access them from PHP, you would see
http://www.thickbook.com/extra/php_oracle.phtml for a simple tutorial. The
php function to log to oracle is OCILogon. Note that in my case, I've
trouble using OCILogon with its third argument, for example '@mydb'. I have
to use the complete syntax you found in the oracle file tnsnames.ora. Hope
you won't have this problem. Otherwise, search Googles for a lot of threads
about it.

One more thing. If you hear about oralogon function and friends, they refer
to the oracle extension of PHP. In your case, you should use the latest
one, i.e. oci8 extension (php_oci8.dll). Oracle extension (php_oracle.dll)
was used for Oracle 7 databases.

Hope it will help you !

Best regards,

Todd Williamsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
 I would like to try Oracle as a backend. I do have a copy of Oracle 8
 server, Oracle Application Server, Oracle Internet Commerce Server.

 I am running Windows 2000 server, so all these will and should run on

 I never used Oracle, so I would like to know:

 1. What is the procedure of logging into the DB

 2. creating databases

 3. Default username and password

 I don't necessarily need the info off the bat, but more like where to look
 for this information

 I looked all over Oracle's website and I tell you its crap, just like
 Microsoft's search engine...sucks!

 Anyways, any help would be much appreciated!


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[PHP-DB] Re: Oracle connection

2002-02-04 Thread Philippe Saladin

The oracle extension is not installed. This is why PHP doesn't recognize
So you have to install PHP with oracle extension. BTW, you would prefer
installing oci8 extension instead of oracle. oci8 is the newest extension to
connect to an oracle 7 or 8 database (see ocilogon() and friends).

Paulo Cesar [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
003201c1ad7c$4fe14d80$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm trying to connect to a Oracle database but i'm receiving the following
error message in the browser:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ora_logon() in
/home/httpd/html/restrito/testes/teste_bd.php on line 17

I'm starting to learn PHP now, so I don't know what does it means or what I
need to do to make it work

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[PHP-DB] Re: Help -- Oracle

2002-01-24 Thread Philippe Saladin

Have you tried to replace the tnsname with its exact definition  ? not the
best thing to do, but it could be a workaround.
Example : something like :

$oracletns = (DESCRIPTION =
  (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
  (Host =
  (Port = 1521)
  (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
  (Host =
  (Port = 1526)
// instead of $oracletns = mydb_tcp
$Conn=OCILogon($oracleusername, $oraclepassword,$oracletns) or
die(connexion impossible);


Yuwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
 Help, i'm trying to connect to a remote oracle database from
 win98/apache/php4 and win2k/iis/php4 but it always gives me tns error.
 apps however, works fine with the tns configuration. the php oracle module
 was loaded successfully on both platforms.
 I've tried all sorts of possibilities. path to tnsnames.ora is correct.
 I've even tried with ODBC but when i used it with php, i get server
 connection. However, ODBC test was successfull and other apps can work

 Thanks in advance.


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[PHP-DB] Re: PHP and Oracle

2001-12-13 Thread Philippe Saladin

Hi Georgina,
If projectID or moduleID is a number and not a varchar, you would remove the
' enclosing the values.
WHERE projectID=$projectID   vs WHERE projectID='$projectID'


Georgina Elaine Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
000801c18272$8189aa10$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can anybody help me! I've been getting a error message like this for the
last few days.

Warning: OCIStmtExecute: ORA-01722: invalid number on line 49

Every time I try to enter a project using a HTML form

Line 49 in apparently the line that says:
$result = OCIExecute(ins_statement);

Below is the code I am trying to use:
//insert relevant values into the project table

$insert = insert into PROJECT values ('$projectID', '$moduleID', $keyID,
'$title', '$originator', '$softwareHardware', '$specialSkills', '$status',
'$externalAgreement', '$background',  '$tasks', '$steps', '$references');

 //formulate the query

$query = select projectID, moduleID, title, originator,
softwareHardware, specialSkills, status, externalAgreement,

background, tasks, steps, references from PROJECT WHERE

//parse the two statements

$ins_statement = OCIParse ($connection, $insert);

$qry_statement = OCIParse ($connection, $query);

//execute the first insert statement and print error message if
there is an error

$result = OCIExecute($ins_statement);

if (!$result)


echo OCIError($ins_statement).p;



  //execute the query statement


 //retrieve the results of the query statement and present them
in the following way

while (ocifetch($qry_statement))

{ etc.etc.

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[PHP-DB] Re: What software do I need in order to access Oracle database on an NT server from my unix machine?

2001-11-27 Thread Philippe Saladin

AFAIK, you need to install the oracle 8 client for linux onto your machine.
Unfortunately, it can't be downloaded alone. you need the entire Oracle 8
database release for Linux, available at www.oracle.com

Hope I'm not wrong. Please correct me there's an error

Lallous [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:

 I have a unix box which doesn't have anything related to Oracle installed

 Now I have another remote machine: NT w/ Oracle Server 8.

 What software/Libraries do i need to install on my linux box in order to
 access Oracle database on that NT machine?


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Re: [PHP-DB] Oracle via php under windows 2k

2001-11-15 Thread Philippe Saladin

See http://www.thickbook.com/extra/php_oracle.phtml for a simple tutorial.
Note that in my case, I've trouble using OCILogon with its third argument,
for example '@mydb'. I have to use the complete syntax you found in the
oracle file tnsnames.ora, something like
mydb.world =
  (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
  (Host = IP address)
  (Port = port 1)
  (COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
  (Host = IP address)
  (Port = port 1)
(CONNECT_DATA = (SID = oracle ID)

Hope this helps.
et bon courage !

Titanesk [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
 ok, that was already done, ive an Oracle server with database on a
 and on another i ve apache + php +oci8 and the oracle client installed,
 to do now for this work ?

 Philippe Saladin [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message de
   If you were using it in linux you would need at last the oracle client
   installed locally, I don't know in windows.
  Yes, the oracle 8 client has to be installed onto the server : it's the
  middleware between Oracle and the client. See your oracle dba.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Oracle via php under windows 2k

2001-11-14 Thread Philippe Saladin

 If you were using it in linux you would need at last the oracle client
 installed locally, I don't know in windows.

Yes, the oracle 8 client has to be installed onto the server : it's the
middleware between Oracle and the client. See your oracle dba.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Difference between OCI* functions and ORA_* functions

2001-10-05 Thread Philippe Saladin

FYI, You can use OCI8 on a Oracle 7 database, if the net8 client is

B. Perrine [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
ORA are for Oracle7
OCI8 for Oracle8

Read the manual on www.php.net

le jeu 04-10-2001 at 17:02 Sridhar Moparthy a écrit :
 Hi All,

 Does any one know the difference between OCI* functions from PHP_OCI8.DLL
 and ORA_* functions  from PHP_ORACLE.DLL?
 Which one is better in terms of speed and which one is better for future

 Thanks in advance
 Sridhar Moparthy.

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[PHP-DB] Re: [Q] PHP on Linux, Oracle on Win32

2001-08-02 Thread Philippe Saladin

ora_logon and friends are the old way to connect to Oracle. With Oracle 8,
we should use the OCI functions (ocilogon, ...)


Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:

 Donovan J. Edye [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  G'Day All,
  I need to establish connectivity between a Debain Linux box running PHP
  4.06 and Oracle 8i running on a Win32 box. Can someone point me at some
  FAQ's or other help. At present I have managed to get MS-SQL 2K going
  TDS (Tabular Data Stream). Could TDS also be used for Oracle?

 .. I'm not an expert on Oracle by any means, but what is wrong with

 ora_logon(user@tns, pwd);

 using the standard PHP Oracle drivers?

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[PHP-DB] Oracle and adodb recordcount

2001-07-19 Thread Philippe Saladin

I've read that Oracle (oci8) doesn't support the adodb function RecordCount
: it returns -1. Is it true with adodb 1.20 ? is there a smart workaround?
thanks in advance,

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[PHP-DB] Re: Oracle and adodb recordcount

2001-07-19 Thread Philippe Saladin

EOF shoud do the trick for my purpose (just want to know if my select
returns a row or not).
If not EOF just after a select, this means that the select returns at least
one row. No more need to use recordcount.
Thanks Philippe. Well, you're welcome, Philippe
... Philippe

Philippe Saladin [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message
 I've read that Oracle (oci8) doesn't support the adodb function
 : it returns -1. Is it true with adodb 1.20 ? is there a smart workaround?
 thanks in advance,

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Re: [PHP-DB] Oracle-PHP (contd.)

2001-06-25 Thread Philippe Saladin

Are you sure you need an environment variable to store that?
if yes, this script should do the trick :
$tns = getenv(TNS_ADMIN);
echo $tns;


Vandana [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:

 With reference to my previous problem in connecting to the oracle
 database, I found out some additional information.
 I defined the TNS_ADMIN variable in the startup file and added
 this line to my php-script:

 and when I tried to echo this variable


 The value is not being printed, it is not defined.When I tried the
 same thing at the command prompt the value was defined.What is the reason
 that the value of TNS_ADMIN is not being available to the php-script.

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Re: [PHP-DB] php accessing oracle

2001-06-20 Thread Philippe Saladin

If you use PHP on Windows NT, you have to uncomment extension=php_oracle.dll
in your php.ini file, and copy php_oracle.dll to winnt\system32.
If you have installed Oracle8 client, you can also use php_oci8.dll (even
with a 7.3 database), with the OCILogon functions, etc...
I don't know what to do on another platform, sorry.
Best regards,

Martin Langlois [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
9go9fn$1e3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I want to make a query from a oracle database with php. That's what I do:

$query = select * from sales;
$cursor = ora_do($link,$query);
print $cursor;

I have an arror, it's doesn't recongnize ora_logon() function.

Do i have to include something special?

Martin Langlois
Inter.net Canada
5252, boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest
bureau 200
H4A 3S5


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Re: [PHP-DB] php accessing oracle

2001-06-20 Thread Philippe Saladin

If you use PHP on Windows NT, you have to uncomment extension=php_oracle.dll
in your php.ini file, and copy php_oracle.dll to winnt\system32.
If you have installed Oracle8 client, you can also use php_oci8.dll (even
with a 7.3 database), with the OCILogon functions, etc...
I don't know what to do on another platform, sorry.
Best regards,

Martin Langlois [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
9go9fn$1e3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I want to make a query from a oracle database with php. That's what I do:

$query = select * from sales;
$cursor = ora_do($link,$query);
print $cursor;

I have an arror, it's doesn't recongnize ora_logon() function.

Do i have to include something special?

Martin Langlois
Inter.net Canada
5252, boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest
bureau 200
H4A 3S5


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Re: [PHP-DB] Return Row count with OCI

2001-05-23 Thread Philippe Saladin

ocifetchstatement() should do the trick. It returns the number of rows.
See example at :

Best regards,

Worawisut Pinyoyang [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message news:
 To all PHP-db guruz!
 I'm novice on Oracle(OCI).In mysql has mysql_num_rows().
 When i try to find OCI function about num rows i see OCIRowCount().
 But in the manual told me that it cannot use with select statement.
 How can i know the number of selected row?

 Thanks in advance

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Re: [PHP-DB] connection to Oracle 7.3 with ora_logon()

2001-05-09 Thread Philippe Saladin

Thanks to Randall Barber, I've just to uncomment php_oci8.dll or
php_oracle.dll in the php.ini file. It works now. I hadn't read enough the


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[PHP-DB] session.save_path

2001-05-09 Thread Philippe Saladin

in my php.ini file, there is
save_path = /tmp

When I try to start a session, I have an error :
Warning: open(/tmp\sess_62626e8e61a06b3f22c4c1bb82a6c92d, O_RDWR) failed: m
(2) in {pathofmyphpfile} on line 31
Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the
current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp)

where is the tmp folder? do I have to create it?

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,


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[PHP-DB] connection to Oracle 7.3 with ora_logon()

2001-05-04 Thread Philippe Saladin


Newbie to PHP, I try to connect to an Oracle 7.3 database.
Is there something special to do to use the oracle functions, as ora_logon??
I obtain a message fatal error : Call to undefined function: ora_logon()
SqlNet Client is installed

Best regards


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